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Waifu claiming thread. The rules are very simple: >claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 196
Thread images: 146
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Waifu claiming thread.

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>naps are a good idea
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content

>Most importantly: You'll be carded, so have your shitposting license out.
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>Fubuki claimed
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That's good
Hope everything goes well enough for you, friend!
I'm waiting for dinner to be ready~
Fran! Glad you agree with me here
As long as she's not killing me, it's all good~!
I'm fine, thanks for asking~
What about you? got anything going on?
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>Implying anyone would ever want to me
I'd you.
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Kotori (75).jpg
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Shiro claimed.

It's the only piece of clothing anyone actually ever needs.
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Amatsu as quick in creating as always huh?
>Claiming megu
wew lad
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>claiming yume
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one of those is mine....i know it!!
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C.C. Claimed

>shitposting license
I hope my dubs will suffice
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Oh its me sweet! It is going alright we found a place and now I just have to hope we get approved for it, how are you doing?

I feel like you are hiding something from me! But I know you arent, and youre the first and only Kagami I know

Bored? You should play some games or something friend! I am ust playing drums and some Overwatch

Why do you always gotta card me? You know I am legit. Thanks for the kind words friend, you guys are really helping me through this
charlie the is free sandwich in the break room
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Syndra (11).jpg
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Well that was easy to guess
Best type moon claimed
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Now all I want to do is snipe you in queue and kill ya with Tracer :(
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Nishikino Maki (1).png
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wew lads
With a real teamcomp we actually started winning games.
With 6 man communication and a squad, we'll be unstoppable.
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Sorry, I'll cover it up with some beard.
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milk 3.png
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Mobile a shit and I can't link back but I hope everyone is doing well and to Umi, day is good but I'm so ready to be off work right now
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Homura (37).jpg
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Kill me.
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Hey handsome

Cream soda is also great

Just chilling before I have to work tonight
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I'm sorry my pc crashed.
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So how are you guys spending the night?
>pic related
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ib4 nice feet
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3d fo life nigga
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Shit furry meme
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Nishikino Maki (4).png
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It's fine man, we were leaving anyway. That double support stuff is good we were kicking arse.
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Obligatory claim.

Just doing the same. Relaxing as usual.

Pfft, no you wouldn't.

Don't mention it, man.

No, not really. I'm just hanging out.

Heyo, Bones.
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I have some bad news for you, pal.

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They'll do
Getting tired of waiting for someone else to bake, that's why~
Anytime friend!
u wot m80?
See ya later?
You also speak the truth, friend
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face 13.jpg
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teef ecin
its 1pm
part 2 (1/3)
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Kyouko claimed.
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Claiming the purest idol.

I know all about not having a decent enough income. Don't worry, though, for you'll get there.

Lazy fucks that are making the hard workers do more work. I hope they'll get canned after the scheduled meeting in late June. We need some new blood around my job.

Probably final claim of the evening. Got to get some rest before that shift tomorrow...
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Nice ones

I cant play :(
I'm in Switzerland for the Army and I return the 1st :(

Just wait until I get home pls

I want some of that salt you're so good at creating
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>Cream soda
My nigger.
I totally would.
my turf...
get off
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Akiko claimed
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How is the suspense on your impending doom?

I knew there was a reason I liked you

Hey Kyouko!

I thought you might like a different kind of cream though
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Well, Getting rejected by the only one who loved you in the whole anime does leave you pure, right?
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Nigga you can't even get dubs
So you play more Overwatch than Uncharted I am assuming haha

Awww damn it! Only like a couple more days though, so not to much time left!

How late do you work at your job?
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Yui Waifu.png
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Yui claimed
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thread so fast today
I'm about to wake and bake pt 2!
>also my kittens are being kittenly
what shit needs to be gotten together?
you should be enthused!
>gets same dubs twice
can i call post predictor?

and i cant find my usb
if i had it i would of claimed first post
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I like both.
Stay away from the mother of my waifu
Where'd you find this?
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1 MB, 1240x1754
you did that twice in a rownow right? That's nice
You used to love this meme. Now, that they (most likely they) started taking your avatar to screw with you, you got all salty and bitter. Is that why you're being so immature now?
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Communism will prevail
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Kek, okay.

How's your day going?

Kek, going well so far. You?
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>not syncing your CC's to the cloud

>implying im the real Shinoa
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NekoMura (7).jpg
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I can upload the whole thing to mega if you want.

I'm not using NS but I assume you.
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Thank you friend, hope I'll get through next year quickly
I see
Tried Total War or Overwatch yet?
I use them for cooking, sorry :/
Thank you!
>I think
I am, haven't even finished the story yet D:
>I'll finish it this weekend tho
I know right?
I barely finish witting a reply and there's like 15 new posts
420 blazin' it, eh
You literally dont exist.
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Till 8pm, which is in about 4 hours. I start in about 30 minutes

Oh my, you dirty dog

Just getting ready to work, that's all really

You ruined the joke.
and your point is?
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2 MB, 2592x1936
I probably won't play Overwatch.

I've played Total War before though, fun game.

Ah, alright. Hope work goes smoothly, friendo.
is it on youtube? i can listen there first :p

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no boops.jpg
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Have you ever had your waifu impersonated ?

It is a bad thing and i have ever right to be immature GET OUT
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I have been here for 24 hours and I'm already growing crazy..

Hai Akiko

Wat u on about explo?

I was gonna say shit waifu but you rolled dubs..
>shit waifu
I don't think I fully understand the rules

Can I claim your girl?
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Communism is literally impossible.
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Laifu is Hard (1).jpg
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I'm not in the mood for jokes, sorry.
Good enough, not much going on like usual. Hows yours?
You know it.
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crying konata.jpg
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the old konata is gone ;-; i saw him once though :o when I used to lurk
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yes, it's me, Akiko-anon
How is your day going? Bet a lot of shit's happening there
This my waifu
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like how do i keep up
I'm trying to smoke a bowl and a blunt while watching bill nye.
too much fast in /waifu/
Shiro hey!
>trusting cloud
>name calling
you cant help but imply your a newfag can you.
though you could of been here one year longer than me. idk how long u been here

and its summer, and i havent seen you here before soo...... you might be a summer fag
idk though

never trust cloud man, its a trap
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About umi getting rejected after she confessed
Have you checked out the pastebin yet?
You miss typed Best Waifu
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That means you don't die for a while

It probably will

Anything else happening with you?
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I don't really know what pastebin you're talking about.
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That's good to hear, man. I'm just trying to relax right now, bored.

Nice, glad to hear it.
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Nishikino Maki (87).jpg
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I will <3

Fams we need to get a shortlist of players who wanna be in an OW team, I think if we make a proper 6 man team we could do good.
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Also o
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Checking these quads.

And these double dubs.
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2 MB, 1505x1859
WTF I'm sorry i've just mistaken umi for ayase. What is wrong with me
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Nice quads - true waifu confirmed.

Hey disgusting evangelion, how's it going?

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Glad to see you!

I'm sure he will enjoy it!

Broken blade best mecha though
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Pipe it up!.gif
757 KB, 500x281
Do ittttt its the best! I must know what you think!

Aw okay I thought it was like 1 AM like my work. Ugh glad it isnt so late for you hun

You can handle it! All of us are right behind you friend

I got the top score on Anarchy In The UK on Guitar Hero at work and put Mugi as the name. I love your cover.
dubs means shit in /waifu/
trips is law
quads is irrefutable law
Not really, just tired.
Ah good, at least you're relaxing now.
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Goddamn if this didn't take a long time

Yeah, I'd totally be in for that

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225 KB, 708x1000
I back it up on a flash drive every so often, I just use cloud to sync all of my new pictures between all of my devices so I'll have her wherever I go
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1 MB, 1000x1000
Which one now?
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1 MB, 2592x1936
Likewise, lovely.

Yeah, man. No kidding.
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Total is pretty cool. I really like the new one
How about no?
Right? How am I supposed to watch some youtube..
Please don't kill me..
>dat pic
I will!
I'm gonna play some tonight with some scotch on the side~
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>dubs means shit in /waifu/
I know.

What about quints tho? Second coming of *insert random god name here*?
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3 MB, 1280x720
But how?
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The communist society was the socialist utopia,of course it was impossible to reach

Captcha says select all traffic signs
The picture is of the back of a truck
What the fuck?
Nope, would appreciate if you could send it or something.
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A Quints.jpg
40 KB, 753x196
Quints are godlike.

Treat Rice well.

Think if we worked out proper roles and shotcalling we could do small online tournaments and stuff
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108 KB, 595x842

Thank you besto <3

I thought so. Was royally confused there

Help me hang myself in the closest tree
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i keep my usb on a necklace my grandad gave me 2 days before he died
i take it everywhere
its in my front room, on my coffee table rn, i would go get it but im off my face off bong hits
probably get it tomorrow

if u wanna join /waifu/ im open to it
just, stay off my turf man
ur pretty lucky im calm af rn
i'd be hyped up, calling u everyname under satan, and i wouldnt be welcoming you

so yea... wuu2?

you get moved up one wave, im in the first wave, have been in /waifu/ from the begining
each wave has power over all waves under it
though most people see others as equals here
(which is fuckin idiotic)
hand-kun is 1.5 if u wanted to know
tats is 1.5
tenryuu is wave 0 (he started the first thread)

you're so warm and welcoming~
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90 KB, 630x960
Man I'm getting all excited now!
The cute one.

I'm lazy, so I ain't getting around the spam filter.
i wrote fuck tons

this is why i was high all the way through college
I just work the dinner rush really, the down side is I only get 10 hours a week

If I can't get more hours, j might pick up a second part time job for the summer

Tired can be good


I would never dream of it! I meant that I would save you with Fran's expirimental procedures

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Syndra (101).jpg
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You're on 4chan, what did you expect?
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1 MB, 945x1337
*Holds up spork* ^_^
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HomuMad (53).jpg
2 MB, 1920x1080
Actually this link looks more useful than you pasting everything here, thanks.
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Rikka & Kumin.gif
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Oh hell yeah that sounds like an awesome night!

No problem at all qt!

Oh wow only 10 hours? Yeah if you could grab a second job that would be a great idea. But I mean if youre cool with the 10 hours, then more power to ya man
h4h4 you clearly are either mentally impaired or bad at taking hints

Milinda claim
>Prison Break: Hospital Edition part 2
>I have learned that driving stickshift with a broken arm sucks....
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There is always taking a nap or masturbation to help you relax.
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>Sturmie claimed
the most valuable piece of cutlery to a stoner
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Oh ok
I got scared, sorry~
It will be!

>gonna eat dinner now, see y'all soon
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2 MB, 2359x1895
Kek, you sure do write a bit. Nothing wrong with that, man.


Kek, yeah. Or vidya.
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Hamakaze 208.jpg
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Jesus you deserve a (you) for that level of faggotry
You mean the mega links or rbt?
i really do
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Well, it's not bad as a full time college student, and you are on the college meal plan

Just as disposable income really

Summer I will be paying for most all of my food

Why would I kill you? Killing is wrong!

Hey, if you need help relaxing, I learned how to do really good back rubs on anotomy class
File: Nishikino Maki (101).jpg (1 MB, 1200x1364) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (101).jpg
1 MB, 1200x1364
Me too! The wait will only make the games more fun~
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70 KB, 400x225
Alright see ya later!

Ohhh okay sorry I didn know you were in school! I am going back this fall so I might have to cut down my hours as well

Hey Milinda, holy crap that sounds like challenge how did you do it??
Your efforts lately have been mediocre, but I was physically cringing at that post, good job Mai.
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Slowly and painfully... kek
np man
anytime u wanna feel dead, just start on me
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Boys imma go to sleep
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Yeah I guess there is that too, its still raining so my internet is being slow, that's why its taking me a while to reply.
I'm in Biomedical engineering, what about you?

Good night!
If you wanna find albums do it like this:
>"album / genre / artist" + "mega / zippyshare (be specific, 'Zippy' won't work) / mediafire"

Uhh, that's it.
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94 KB, 934x420
i remember that one :o

im 6
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after surgery.png
231 KB, 290x785
Good bye!
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lets go waifu
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Well I am glad you are taking it slow and safe

Oh god I am majoring in History I am trying to become a US History teacher
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Good night worst idol

Thanks fam

Sure will! Hyped!

Also, will chill a bit with the posting now. Won't be as often rest of the night
Despite running into some deleted mega links it's a lot better than I expected, I still need a better tool to find soundtrack albums.
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No u
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Nishikino Maki (2).jpg
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I'm just going to make dinner, if we don't speak again have a wonderful night!
>Out of Diet Coke
your'e waifu a shit
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2 MB, 1200x1500
>claiming Faris
You may have to move a few pages deep before finding an alive link. Also check out sharethreads on /mu/, they're comfy.

>soundtrack albums
Rip them straight from Youtube and make bitrate conversions or, I don't know, buy them.
Are they even trying?
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I know, I'm sorry for thinking that ;-;
I'm back~
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236 KB, 960x519

>OP will get pissed and eventually stop posting
This guy is pissing in the wind

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>Zizzposting confirmed

Evening, all!
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I've got some stuff I need to do so I'm gonna go now, see you guys later.
Aw hell yeah how was your dinner friend? I still need to eat haha
What the fuck did you just say you Double Nigger?
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Noire (90).jpg
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>Gamindustri best cosplay girl late claim

Good evening my pretties! <3
come at me, bro, I aint scared of anyone with less than 250 confirmed kills
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See you later Holst.

Heyo Noire.
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Syndra (32).png
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Well done Shiro
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Tenryuu 162.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed
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Hey Noire, what's up? :)
I have 251 confirmed kills.
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See ya later
Good evening friend, what's up?
It was good! Got a glass of scotch while eating
Go eat friend, you need it
uhh, right this way
sorry to keep you waiting
Thanks for the tips, I'm leaving for a bit. I can find lots of anime / jap games OSTs in animebytes but that's all.
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Noire (80).jpg
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Ohayou Kyouko~

Hey Fubuki~
Just got back home, going to get dome drinks, you?
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Oh, the usual. Finally got my bank shit together. Gonna make dinner, finish up that art from last night, and then open up commissions.
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Nishikino Maki (55).jpg
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Welcome back senpai.
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Mmmmmmmmm I will as soon as I am done with the leasing office which I have to go to now, see you guys later
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Dunno what to do because it's pretty late (nearly 12pm). So I'm just sitting here doing nothing.. "^^
I think you'll like this, if you're still here.
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Hey lewds, how are you today?
I'm also drinking tonight kek
Hope you gets some good commissions friend~
>How much is it btw?
See ya later friend
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Well, I have to do everything by hand (2poor2tablet) and it's by the hour (about $7) , plus costs of materials. I'd probably charge $40-50 for full color + shading, depending on how long it takes.

I used to think about charging $80 but the time it's taken has actually decreased somewhat due to mad skillz yo and so the price has lowered. Thank you for your kind words though! <3
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Gonna start the drive up to the mother-unit's house, see you guys on Monday when I get back.
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