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956/rgv thread?

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Thread replies: 79
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956/rgv thread?
Make a general Texas thread bro
214 where yall at
where at?
214 here, getting shitfaced at The Goat.
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UNT slut
Ughhh I hate those fucking hipsters at UNT
956 we outchea
Hey Austin fags, fuck you.
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Ok?? Literally all you can see is tits
I know, just saying I hate them.

Hey how old is she. She kinda looks like an ex gf who goes to UNT
Ex GFs initials?
>not being able to tell from the weird glasses
The land of two summers
Lel name?
I just said hipsters because that's all UNT is, besides rednecks - or the Denton campus at least
texas tech for life
210 here
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anyone got any of Samantha from brownsville?
Are you shitting me kek? Omfg, tell me first name...jesus fucking christ that bitch cheated on me in high school a while back
210 reporting in
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Not her
Kek hipsters are usually better in bed than rednecks (but Rebecca are usually tighter)
She has the same stupid glasses and buck teeth
Hey Cowgirls fan, Fuck you.
The Goat in Lakewood?
Her intitials aren't A.D
Any flooding? Its a shit-storm in spring
214 reporting in, fapping to the sheer force of my lonelyness.
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210 slut
We still prefer you fucks to the freaks of Austin
-Big D
I know, just saying that's why I thought it was her. They look alike is all
Same rather be in Dallas than anywhere else. Besides Houston of course.
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Emily 210
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Any win of this 210 slut?
nah just storms but it passed like an hour ago the big ones were mostly next to 936
Austin is a shithole that no one wants to be in, until SXSW every year
Bump for 210 win shame I can't contribute
I got Rosie Ferg and Joyce Gomez if people from 956 start spillin some
That's good. Buddy of mine had water get in his house and then a tree fell through his roof.
Seattle is a hipster pig sty
Portland wants to be Seattle
Austin copies Portland
and Denton is Austin's bastard little brother
That and I forgot about C-Stat. C-Stat is alright. Good memories there.
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512 here. Big thunderstorms and none of the regards here know how to drive when it's wet
Also 512 slut bc we should all be contribooting
Dropped out last semester, can confirm it's full of goddamn hipsters.
anyone have any of shadyhaden? dallas
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214/972 m fuck
Which campus? I'm by Denton which is an Austin rip off
Texas music?
281 also signing in
Holy shit I know her
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713/832 slut
956 harlingen reporting in.

and of you faggots ever check out anon ib?
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713/832 same slut
903 bro checking in. Currently in Rockwall
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830 slut I fuck in new braunfels
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kik tbcivic

closet sissy fag from the 281
Does she go to TSU?
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If anyone's 832 hit me up on kik I have nudes of Chelsea bartlett

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heres some pearland girls
larissa cox
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Yeah you dumbass faggot
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Any wins from Alejandra? 956
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another pearland girl
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paula purdee

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Ut at dallas in Richardson anyone?
It's just called UT Dallas
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