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Waifu Claiming Thread Claim your waifu/husbando, post pictures,

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 162
Thread images: 147
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Smug Karen 21.jpg
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Waifu Claiming Thread

Claim your waifu/husbando, post pictures, discuss things and have fun!
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Akiko claimed
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Kyouko claimed.
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Nishikino Maki (1).png
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Britfag Maki claimed
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lurking intensifies.gif
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Distressed Karen 28.png
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>mfw fgts is kill
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Most awkward pic go.
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fake eyebrow 2.jpg
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we dont give a fuck about your world with all your global profits and all your jeweled pearls
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Claimed and loved
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Just gonna lurk for now, I suppose
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Overnight sleep study.
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Milinda claim

Thanks! Also, hello Sinon!

Thanks discount Megumin

They want to keep me longer but I'm a lot to handle... kek. I'm making them let me out as soon as possible.
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Peter Lorre 221.gif
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Mother is fine. Painting is coming along. The wave is receding.

You don't know me at all.
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large (3).gif
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Bedtime boys, I'll catch ya'll later

Also claimed
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Kek, you'll get them next time. Troll comps huh? What kind can you pull off in Overwatch?

>Keks were had all round, however
That's all that matters.

>Leave a like if Tony Hawk sent you here :^)))
That stuff is everywhere.

Another one to check out. Thanks Karen.

Yeah those stimulants have the worse drawbacks. Thanks, but just try to get some rest.

>Why do you think I'm trying so hard~

Same, there are much better rappers. It's so hype because you gotta pipe it up.

>Best idol claimed
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i hate this pic
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Vigil - 56.jpg
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>any progress with Mai?
What'd I miss?
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Faye from Cowboy Bebop
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Ha, yeah I've heard of the Skynet uprisings later in the game, not letting that shit happen.
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almost got backed into because people don't know how to use their FUCKING REAR VIEW MIRRORS APPARENTLY
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Nishikino Maki (195).jpg
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Shit like taking too many of one hero, like this autistic fuck Bastion who is a robot that turns into a sentry turret, took three of them two tanks and a healer defending and destroyed the other team.
Shit's fun fam
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>discount Megumin
1v1 me on rust knife only, scrub
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IDK Karen 6.png
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We don't give a fuck about your wooooooorld

You're a roflcopter pilot, yes?

Yes yes! If you like it, check out Serj Tankian's Harakiri and Elect the Dead. He's the singer/composer of soad

Ehm, if yuuko wants to answer that I think I'll leave it to him. Not sure what his attitude is about this.
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That's not important.
We got all the time in the world to develop a rapport

Goodnight beautiful
Although i don't recognize you.

SShhh hun
Don't worry about it.
I was actually able to greet him after his thread was over.
He was pissed Karen made another thread, not much else going on.
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a image list website

and a hoodie


...notintheanimestill <3~

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Miho claimed

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The joys of driving and having to trust other people not to fuck up in order to stay alive. I have a mortal fear of being hit by a speeding car from the side
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>sandworm a cute
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I'm not playing WoWs with you anymore
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Thanks but I'm sick of resting. I want to go home and back to work. I hate hospitals...
>Because they are finals?
>Can't be because of me, I'm not that important...

AWP only on dust 2 m8

Yup. Rescue helicopters.

What's up?
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Hello miho
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Peter Lorre 143.gif
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If by that you mean 33 years, then maybe we do. I doubt that we will though. You seem to offer nothing, so what reason would I want to build anything with you?
woah ok, how about i dont reply to myself accidentally


i know if i would recommend Mezmerize/Hypnotize first or Steal This Album first...
Mezmerize/Hypnotize are both still pretty good but imo theres a little decline in "soul" if you get what im saying
Steal This Album has some weird songs on it but they grew a ton on me

i like the thing he sings right after the second verse
i listened to Butterfly today and im not sure if i like it or not
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Hey sis!
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Nothing much just got home. Feeling better?

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A great and direct point.
You have little reason to.
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Nishikino Maki (144).jpg
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Okay boys I'm out. Goodnight
Have sweet waifu dreams fam
Roll safe mangs
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I'll destroy you m8
>jk, i never play cs:go
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Peter Lorre 250.gif
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I have no reason to.
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Goodnight, Kotori

I was very worried I bothered you with that action, glad we're good.

Hey miho, welcome back.

Good to hear, desu.
I was sad for a moment when I thought I wasn't worth remembering to you.

That's a little ironic, kek. I'll bring that up later though. Got some more stuff to talk to you about!

No worries, desu. I read all posts anyway.

It'll grow on you, it all will
Try Tyrant's Gratitude, I liked that one.

and nice picture.

night night

I'm going to get off for now, everyone. Need to catch up on some video games. Enjoy your night/day
Night brit tomato
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high quality candy.png
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Vigil - 170.jpg
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How fucking saddening. What is it that makes me an unsafe bet, Yukko? There's nothing mysterious about me, so it's not that.
Old news by now.
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>sandworm a cute
This is the waifu I'm the most conflicted about
Is it worth the sacrifice?
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Peter Lorre 2.jpg
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Why wouldn't I remember you? I remember most people in some form or another.
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Goodnight brit Maki.
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big titties anime girl
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Syndra (23).jpg
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This took me way too long.
And im not sure how back you wanted to go
(insert a troll thread with shizuru picture and text ''Looking for (inserttextbecausemymemoryisshit)'' too short to be saved in archive
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>also submarines are coming soon

Desu desu~ karen so nice desu~

>you mean my 41cm twin cannons?
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So like what happened to Mili two days ago? Yeah me too. And apparently Red's fiance died of a similar incident, which just multiplies my fears. Nobody checks blind spots, nobody uses indicators, nobody knows how double turns work(LEFT GOES INTO LEFT, RIGHT GOES INTO RIGHT, IT'S NOT THAT FUCKING HARD). Thankfully most people here at seem to at least be decent enough to not run reds.

Speak of the devil, how you doing?

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Goodnight maki

Which will make it the most rewarding.

I will most likely never have reason to hold grudges against people over the internet.
I don't even dislike mai.

I have nothing concrete
If i was 100% sure on something and could prove it you'd already know.
Chin up friend.
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>Full team of Bastions
Absolute madmen.

Writing all of this down.

Well that's a good attitude to have. Never been in the hospital like that but yeah it'd get overwhelming.

>It's a mixture of both~

Sleep tight Brit.

>knife only
>Not riot shields and flash bangs
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I am late
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>Shizuru thought I was /k/ anon
I have succeeded.
No, a lot worse. Hurts way more today.

Hey Shinoa.

>I win

kek and I was brought to the hospital I work at...

Heyo Sinon. Whats new friend?

Shitty. How are you friend?

Hospitals are depressing places. I cant stand them...
>Stahp your flattering meeeee

Top Kek
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Peter Lorre 283.gif
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What sort of reward could you offer to someone that desires only the impossible? Besides, you've never even told me about yourself.
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>Full team of Bastions
Was a ton of fun, I even felt for the enemy team because there was nothing they could've done kek
fite me
Already downloaded~

>pic not sponsored
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Hello painter, it's good to see you're still among us

Also remember Bastion on the lift
Those poor souls
So much salt
So much keks

I use public transport. I never went for my driver's license. My parents think I just never tried but thruth is I'm terrifed of how other people's incompetence can be the end of me so easily. I get around on foot or by public transport. Yes, I know busses and trains et accidents too but the huge ass white and yellow bus is way less likely to be hit really bad
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Hello blue bell. Hope you're feeling better than yesterday

>Old news by now.
God damn it.

Theories on his identity, I assume?

Why not just politely ask him his identity?
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Thats no good ask for more MEDs if the other guy is paying for it.

>More Hugs
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Peter Lorre 285.gif
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I have always been here, my child. Even when you didn't see me.
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I swear it wasn't!
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I did the first time we met.

>in college
>poor speech
>poor in general
>occasionally craps blood

You can find out the rest later <3
>enjoy shitposting here
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I'd like those to be my hand cannons, if you see what I'm saying.
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>brought to the hospital I work at
Hey maybe you'll get an employee discount on medical bills~ That was a shitty joke, I'm sorry. But it's okay because insurance and also you're alive so yeah. Doing at least better than yesterday I hope? And I'm okay, just sorta hanging out.

Huh, that's the same reason my bf gave for not wanting his license. He just lets me drive everywhere and uses public transit when I'm not available/before we got together, because he's terrified of other people and also he's worried that he might contribute to the problem because his depth perception is really bad.

The other guy is in hell, thank fuck. Fucking bastard got what he deserved, now he can't hurt anyone ever again.
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Habbakkuk 1;13.png
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Best waifu claimed, sorry
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the faces have eyes.jpg
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Peter Lorre 22.gif
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Come now, you'll have to do better than that. Let's go tit for tat.

>over a dozen sexual partners
>out of college
>strong digestive system

That must be a beautiful folder you have there
Argument dismissed.
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574 KB, 1511x1550

>Injured, sick, deathly residents
Yeah no kidding.

>I can't help it :^)

Kek, did you all get any salty messages?

>fite me
When and where m80.

Hey Shinoa, what's poppin?
File: intense lurk.gif (237 KB, 400x250) Image search: [Google]
intense lurk.gif
237 KB, 400x250

That's a nice picture.
The actual image was above 4MB, so I couldn't upload it, sorry.
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86 KB, 408x720
Well It's good to see you again my friend. I hope life has been going good or at least not shit

>occasionally craps blood
Dude, that could be cancer, parasites, internal bleeding. Get that shit checked out, seriously

It's just a scary thought and a stupid way to go
1/5 people dies in a traffic accident according to statistic, so my fear is not even that irrational. My distrust of other people doesn't help that either
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1 MB, 1920x1080
Well fuck. Get more MEDs and Sue his family if they don't pay for it.
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393 KB, 611x607
Nothing much. Chilling in bed a bit bored and no heads are popping or busting today lol. You?

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Vigil - 218.png
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Aha. This saves me a decent amount time. You have my gratitude.
Looks like i'm leading

>poor hearing
>mother was emotionally unstable during early childhood
>father lost job during recession
>home violence
>2 irl friends within lifetime

Oh i know what it is.
Thank you for your concern. I receive treatment every 6 weeks.
It's really not so bad now.
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254 KB, 1920x1080
kek how are you today?

Feeling worse today. At least no more surgeries

Other guy isn't paying. He didn't survive the crash. Plus i'm maxed on drugs...

kek that was funny. I needed that. Im doing worse pain wise, other than that im okay.

>Stahp it you...
>That pic, cute and sexy...
Use snipping tool it makes the file size smaller and still looks the same.
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Peter Lorre 51.gif
485 KB, 500x361
It will always be shit. It's just the level of shit we should be concerned with.
wew its getting warm in here

Could you post 'Peter Lorre 1'?
Claimed the best of the best
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Sucks your maxed our right now. Hope the pain goes away soon.

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>nice pic
Of course we did
One said that to play Bastion, you only need 1 hand. one on the mouse and the other on your dick masturbating to Widowmaker
I responded "tru" kek
Rust riot shield only m8
I'm alright!
What about you friend?
>nice twin 41cm cannons :^)
But I don't feel like playing D:
opps wrong way.
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Peter Lorre 1.jpg
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>hard of hearing
>mother, father, and stepmother were all emotionally unstable
>father almost killed himself when I was in elementary school
>no violence
>some friends, don't help the isolation

You mean this one?
File: Noire_V2.png (194 KB, 250x696) Image search: [Google]
194 KB, 250x696
Noire. No fucking question.
> tsundere
> goddess
> nice tits
> actually gives a damn about her duties
> based on PS3
It'd be shameful not to pick best CPU.
I feel bad for you.

Indeed, thank you.
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Billy Mays Claimed
A new anon?

I'm curious on the story of how your head was injured when you were a baby.

hello noire
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Peter Lorre 1.png
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What mean you by this?
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Ohayo 1B.png
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What are we at 5 now?
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Peter Lorre 1.gif
321 KB, 500x369
Car wreck. Guy fell asleep, ran a stop sign, and t-boned my family's vehicle.
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I was only curious about the first picture in your folder, simple as that.
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Thanks friend.

In pain, other than that, okay...
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Peter Lorre 1.gif
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I haven't posted the first image in my folder yet. I save it for very special occasions.
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witty file name.png
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Which part is getting warm?
If this one stayed yes, but other tomos are never here these days. Or i just never see them.

Hmm very easily could have happened to anyone.

I could complain more, but at this point i think i'd be pulling at straws. Many things were bad, but few things matter today in my current situation. I have no reason to return to them.

Do you feel the same?

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Hope you get better soon
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No pain killers?

Morning friend!

The boobs~
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Life is shit, that's just the way it is. It's how much shit you can take and keep moving forward that defines our strength

Some concern is the least I can show. It'd be a real bummer watching you go out because your intestines got ruptured. I hope the treatment is working well for you
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Idk dude you used it fairly often in gfur. Either that or I just so happened to be there most of the time when it happened.
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>Destructive sadist that exists for the sole purpose of causing pain and misery
>Gloats over defeated enemies to hurt them
>Smug about her OP abilities that she got from an item built by people wiser and smarter than herself
Would gladly murder if given the chance/10

Also claimed
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Thanks Galko. How are you? Besides the sleep and all.

Kek, taking it easy huh? Same old same old, wish there weren't sudden thunderstorms and shit happening but all is good.

Haha, if that's what you wish.

Got something to distract you?

Thanks m8.

Kek, he's just pointing out the obvious. You're going down.
Hiya person I've not yet met!
Hiya Smuggles, how's the head feelin?
>which part is getting warm


>dunno what size cannons amatsukaze has... looks like 12cm
I'm surprised that you've shown interest.
You have a good life don't worry about me.
Thank you though.

Treatment is eternal.

hello fran, how are ya?

What do i call you?
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Peter Lorre 231.gif
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I make my home in the past. It is very difficult for me to exist where I am now. It is only through my painting that I can connect with the world as it is.

The special occasion is usually Snuggles shows up or I make some sort of cheeky comment.

If that's the case then I'd be the strongest man alive, but I'm not. I'm a weak, fragile little child. I'm hurt too easily and scare too readily.
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stares cutely.gif
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Maybe the region down there? You know you want it babe.
Oh great, my eyes are failing again.

>First reply.
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Confused Karen 9.jpg
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>undercity huckster into pit lord
>why do we bleed
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Thanks friend.

Already maxed out. Doc says I cant take more.

>Secretly wishes for more...
Yeah. I actually have a scan now so I will be back soon.

Be back soon everyone. Gotta get another scan.
>>occasionally craps blood
>Dude, that could be cancer, parasites, internal bleeding. Get that shit checked out, seriously

This happens to me on a daily basis by now.
Shinku miku
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If I had to imagine what Fran's average day would be like, I'd say it was busy, filled with either constant number crunching or meetings with world leaders both legal and illegal.

Hence, ideal waifu for me since I'm not very good with constant contact.
I once lived with a GF and I insisted that we slept in separate rooms.
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See you soon.
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Well that makes sense considering there's no shortage of situations to make cheeky comments in that cesspool.

Could just be fissures. I get them fairly regularly because shitty diet.
It's good that you have an outlet and your personality matches what i would expect from a great artist. Though i wouldn't know for sure without seeing.

You can call me yuuko, i have a few nicknames, but this is the standard.

it is nice to met you.

That probably worked in your favor.
Women love insane men from what i can tell.
Did that end well?
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You read last night's story?

Dude thunderstorms is perfect night night weather

Sounds like you Gotta rub one out now ;) take care okay?
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Peter Lorre 52.gif
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Yes, well, there certainly are much worse places to be than there though.

"Great artist." I'm a hack, a fraud. I'm not a painter, I'm nothing.
All your waifus are mine now.
Trips only
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>Could just be fissures. I get them fairly regularly because shitty diet.

That makes sense, but I've been drinking tea for lunch for the past week since I can't even digest a goddamn cheese sandwich
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That's exactly what all the greats think of themselves

The pleasure is all mine!

Well of course, you know... well, maybe not. I'm almost always around at night times! Still can't believe they wouldn't let you take a picture, and then sat you out of the rest of the game anyways.
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Peter Lorre 280.gif
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But they were all invariably wrong. I'm not wrong.
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>That probably worked in your favor.
It did. We never got sick of each other
>Women love insane men from what i can tell.
Very true
>Did that end well?
Yep, she had to move away for a job, so we broke up. She comes into town occasionally to visit her friends and have sex.
I believe that if you can watch "Game of Thrones" with your ex after sex then that was a good breakup.
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