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Post your e-mail. Dubs get invitation. Only if the post with

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Thread replies: 90
Thread images: 18
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Post your e-mail. Dubs get invitation. Only if the post with dubs has the mail on it will it count. Not rolling and then (if dubs) claiming.
why so many rules
so many? it's 1 rule, post your mail, if dubs you get invitation. I just don't want people rolling and then claiming dubs off another guy.
yea i guess. rolling
[email protected]
why not [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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It's getting deep in here anon...
[email protected]

Kek, PS4.
No one forces you to believe or roll. I just signed up for the beta with so many means and got all this shit. I tried trading it for stuff in smite but can't find anything so...instead of keeping them and seeing them getting wasted when paladins leave beta...
I don't even own one, i just did it for the Odin skin in Smite
Bumpity bump
I guess... [email protected]
sending it now
why not, [email protected]
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check your mail and tell me
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wat do?
Lol [email protected] roll
Reroll [email protected]
3rd time's a charm? [email protected]
Stop Trying
create a hire account i guess. Probably further down on the e-mail there is a key starting with PB (and a sequence of number and letters). Download the launcher for paladins and enter that key
Kek nope
kk thx
Last roll maybe
Always one off
OP here, i'll allow you 1 last roll
Last roll abandon thread after
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no code?
check yer mail
nvm dumbfag here found it
>[email protected]
let me send it manually then...
[email protected] roll
No dubs here
[email protected]
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4 more to go, c'mon guys
Also call >>686169627
A massive faggot, OP will always deliver
[email protected]
Never gonna get dubs only one off trips
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Kek nigger
Nice, OP here, you sure your mail starts with a capital?
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
Yeah its [email protected]
What is this for?
LOL nigglet
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[email protected]
>[email protected]
Paladins: Champions of the realm
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[email protected]
I wasted.
No dubs for me
I meant with a capital*
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected] me hard
I see a lot of "" And i'm concerned. Is it a fake email and someone is just trying to waste them?
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It's real. Just a mail forwarding service.
Off by one
>New rule: faggots won't get shit since it's probably the same person rolling over and over again, fuck off.
Nothing for me today
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Why people post their real addresses on here is beyond me..
Livin in a BotNet paradise
If i could hack their emails or shit i wouldn't be here giving out paladins codes...
>Only if the post with dubs has the mail on it will it count. Not rolling and then (if dubs) claiming.


>Only if the post with dubs has the mail on it will it count. Not rolling and then (if dubs) claiming.

it's the same as posting your same real email over and over. changing the rules in the middle of the game is retardedly dickish.
Do I get something?
Well, this thread will serve brilliantly when I want to register new porn accounts. So many nice fresh email adresses!

[email protected]
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Well it's not so much to prevent haxxoring as random spam from /b/tards.
[email protected]
rollin cuz why not
Something please
Sent and 2 more to go
didn't think of that
didn't notice you imma send it now which will bring us to 1 last
>let's see that last lucky anon in here
Shameless self bump, i wanna get over with it and call it a night
Aaaand i get dubs on myself
Grats faggot
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Guess i'll be keeping it for myself
Anyone before thread 404's?
Thread replies: 90
Thread images: 18

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