If this game wasn't made by Blizzard you wouldn't be playing it.
Bump, So niggas can see this shit.
This is my first blizzard game
Then again I just joined the pc master race so that may be y
Shit is gonna be a rehash of ts2...
Just like every other tongue n cheek fps coming out this year.
to be fair even though it's a mediocre game blizzard is grossly over marketing it so it makes sense a lot of casual players are buying it
It's actually pretty good
I didn't even know it was made by blizzard I just played it and had fun.
It's a copy & paste of TF2 right down to the character tiers.
doesnt matter
nobody will remember this game in like 1 year
I'm not playing it. Can't even be bothered
I'm not playing it anyways, it's a shitty tf2 copy made by a shitty overrated company.
You're probably right. Blizzard's games generally have an incredible amount of polish on them most other developers don't get near.
I'm not playing this shit, I don't care who made it
mine too, all their other shit seemed too fucking nerdy and shit, world of warcraft and that other space one, fucking nerd shit lol, rpg is just boring to me...
I can play a good shooter anytime tho.
Same genre =/= copy
still a copy
First blizzard game, long time PS fan
False. I'm not playing it regardless.
Are you retarded or you are purposely talking like a nigger
Wrong. I've hated everything else Blizzard has made in the past decade. No matter the developer, I'd still play it for my waifu.
Also fuck Team Fortress 2. It's about time we got something that's actually visually appealing.
No. Not really. Unless you're trying to make a case for it being a copy of Doom, as well.
OK so cod isn't a battlefield clone or vice versa don't feel like looking up whether the egg or the other egg came first
to nerdy? its a fucking game you could be playing call of duty and still get called a nerd. you play a game to immerse yourself and get away from the real world for awhile. you should go and give diablo or warcraft 3 a try sometime.
I probably wouldn't know about it, but if I did I would still give it a try most likely. Can't say for sure since it was made by Blizzard.
Newbies only play this shit for DAT TRACER ASS.
Tf2 has very basic, generic sterotypical characters. Overwatch has very different charcaters to Tf2 and all of them are pretty varied. Just a copy m9
Since when did doom have several different yet eerily similar classes
Tbh I don't give a shit about it being a copy cuz it's not like valve was putting out anytime soon, just personally think the game is overrated
You don't belong here you CoD loving faggot.
the game has so many differences from regular ole tf2 perhaps if you guys that think its just a copy gave it a play you might realize that your hat store is shit tier.
>guy said "I don't like rpgs"
>you tell him to try rpg #1 or rpg #2
You might actually be retarded. At least the other guy is just pretending he's a nigger.
It's a much, MUCH better version, so I guess copy works.
The only other Blizzard game I played was Diablo 3. That shit was a bore to get through.
Overwatch is pretty fun though!
Overwatch came out way too late for its level of "innovation" if you even want to call it that.
They looked at TF2 and League of Legends/MOBAs and were like
>"hey those make money, lets mush them together in a half-hearted attempted at sucking in both FPS customers and skin-buying tart customers."
Yeah, okay, cool blizz, but maybe do that 5 years ago.
The first two cod games were good that's it the rest are shite
classes? You mean weapons. Boom. Same game.
>installs battle.net
>thumbs through diablo, hots, wow, hearthstone
>what it's made by blizzard i didn't know
Porn is there for that. No need to get your ass kicked for some plump latex.
But I am not playing it.
How do people relate mobas to overwatch? I don't see any similarities that aren't just part of the Tf2 genre already
Are you fucking retarded?
>thinking war3 is RPG
You know the drill.
Playing it because it isn't p2w like tf2 and has better balancing than tf2. Also, game mechanics are pretty good.
Truth is Blizzard has never made anything original, they just put their own polish on ideas that have been around for a while. Like it or don't, it's pointless to argue what's a clone of what.
But I'm not playing it
I'm not playing it
Man she looks bored as fuck.
thats what got me playing it.
"Pretty varied." That gameplay is gonna be really diverse without loadouts huh
You wouldn't be shitposting about it if it weren't
That's exactly my point.
Games usually don't last longer than a few months regardless of the company
You must be new here.
>Games usually don't last longer than a few months
Have you seen the terraria community
he says, not knowing I've no idea as to what game that it
Do you have a disability or something?
>ITT: A bunch of mad kids whose moms won't buy them overwatch right after they spent their good boy points on shitty Doom
You don't need load outs to have varied gameplay. The characters have such different weapon sets and strategy choices they don't need load outs.
It would overcomplicate it so the entire strategy side of the game, which overwatch has over most games like this, would be useless now.
Stop being stupid
Big fucking bump right here. I'm still hoping that the game will fall flat on it's ass along with that peice of shit movie they're pumping up. Maybe then blizzard would go back to making quality games instead of looking for the easiest way to make a buck. Or just go bankrupt. Either way
I don't even know that game. Looks like a fucking cartoon so won't be playing it probs.
If this game were made by anyone but Blizzard I'd be playing. Sick of this overrated shit being everywhere. It might be playable if the battles weren't just massive clusterfucks of weapon spamming. Worst multiplayer game I've ever played. The only good stuff is the r34. And most of of is the fat bitch.
Oh I'm fully aware. They've never had an original idea in their life.
However, my point was that the stuff they're "innovating" on has been out for so long now it just comes across as silly to use.
There are plenty of new and exciting thought-outside-of-the-box games in the last X amount of years they could have put their own spin on instead, but instead of coming up with ways to moneitize/micro-transaction the ever-loving fuck out of those, they just went ahead and took the safe TF2/MOBAesque route.
I mean, it's just plain sad when they can't even innovate on their ways to suck money out of us. Like c'mon, at least try.
I guess Titan absolutely falling to shit (That is a great interview to watch btw, really brings out the infallible god complex in Metzen) scared them into an impenetrable safety zone.
I don't really have a pic for this response, have a Taric gettin' dank bans.
How is TF2 p2w? Are you retarded?
Have never played a Blizzard game before Overwatch.
Never gave a single shit about The company or their games.
Didnt even think about it being made by blizzard until after I decided to buy it.
Have been excited for the game for a long time and didnt even know it was a blizzard game until recently.
still dont give a shit about blizzard.
But I love overwatch.
it is a fucking good game though, best blizzard game out there right now.
Or Minecraft, WoW, Diablo, League, DoTA, Total War, CoD, Halo, even fucking Mariokart U.
C'mon people.
I hate Blizzard. I played the Beta because it was fun, but I'm not still playing it because it wasn't amazing. I might pick it up later.
Also the writing is fucking garbage (like all blizzard products)
Bull fucking horse shit lol
>implying a website has any bearing on me
>implying it's any less fact than it already is
>implying ppl are playing it
game sux breh
What strategy choices? You could argue that every game has that. And how does garbage watch have better strategy and teamwork? People barely ever see their team from what I hear.
btw i wasn't the other anon, just wanted to point that out
Just because mommy didn't buy it for you doesn't mean people aren't playing it
oh look its the new team fortress 3 game.
Ah, fair enough man
If Blizzard didn't make it I'd only have to pay 20$ for it like any other game worth playing.
I would still play it, but I admit I feel more comfortable putting time and money (loot boxes for cosmetics) into it knowing it's made by a big company.
I'll be perfectly honest, Hearthstone is *really* good. I don't even like card games. It is hard to find a fault with that stupid game.
Heroes of the Storm isn't bad either. Starcraft and WoW are stale, though. Diablo as well.
Are you fucking retarded? Is exactly the moba moneymaking scheme, just mashed into a fps setup. Specific characters that fit specific roles, and counter specific other characters... But then every month they release a new paid character that completely changes the meta of the game and forces many players to buy more characters to round out their roster... It's just a cheap bullshit way to continue making money off a full price game while avoiding the dlc/core game issue. Faggot.
awwww, is does someone not have enough gbp for their mother to buy them the game?
Pretty much.
Blizzard titles are usually 6/10 at worst, aside from the fact they never learn how to handle their day 1 launches.
It's fun, but it's gonna need some balancing.
>looking at Bastion having 600 HP as a fucking turret.
>game where roles are played as (select race/character here)
Regardless on how pedantic you want to be about it, he went ahead and said he doesn't like that starbullshit either, could you not fucking extrapolate that he doesn't like RTSs either?
Holy shit you're stupid.
lmfao alright lets lay down some facts
>HotS Sucks
>WoW Sucks
>Diablo 3 Sucks
>Hearthstone is a straight rip off of MTG
>No one plays StarCraft2
you basically made a thread saying "lol i'm too poor to buy it so lets troll le 3+1 chen hehehe xdxdxdxd
Actually its the fact that its made by Blizzard that i'm not playing it
Well I play with my friends most of the time, so we are constantly talking about where we are and the status of things to strategize. It's a massive part of the game.
A lot of the characters can be played in different ways. You have to be ready to change how you're playing depending on the status of the match. Instead of w+m1 in tf2
Except for the fact that all characters and maps, future and present, are free you autist
Less typing, more Tracer porn, faggets!!!
I'll just sit here and laugh at you filthy casuals
Lol, another newfag going to the grinder. You'll realize, years after that fact, just how hard they're reaming you.
because u are stupid.
Hope u understand this.
>>No one plays StarCraft2
Why did they kill it. Why. ;_;
Kinda like valve...
Bastion is annoying buy Genji's reflect rapes him, and everyone knows that now so nobody will play him except new players.
All characters and maps are free. Forever. It's a buy once game. Fuck off, at least know what you're talking about first you fucking faggot
I'm sorry guys, it's op here.
My mom finally got me the game and it's so fun omg haha xdddddd.
And i'm still playing gta online
I don't know :(
sure, m8
A well polished turd is still a turd
Yeah but their rip offs are generally good though. And innovative enough that people go
>Oh this is like X, now that I'm playing this, I wish X had done this
Hearthstone is more accessible and not nearly as in-depth as MTG. Not even scratching the surface. They're both card games; the similarities end there
I haven't played that since they took away my christmas event clothing, made me salty as fuck.
Sodium levels are OFF THE CHARTS!
>made by activision and they held up blizzard's >rotting corpse and told everyone it made it.
Bastion is literally a sitting duck. He's easy to kill
Hearthstone is a TCG, but is a far stretch from a straight rip on MTG.
Cool man (not samefag)
Alright I'm defending Overwatch and even I find that bullshit. I play both games and TF2 is FAR from pay to win. I mean wtf do you mean "if i buy a taunt i win trololo"
To be fair, I'm also only lv 7 or so.
Lots of Dvas, Roadhogs, and McCrees.
Junkrat is pretty GOAT though.
ikr, op is freaking out, he must be having so much fun.
He also has a double damage point that is literally glowing blue on his back too. Just sneak behind him and he dies easy (or just jump behind as tracer and he's dead.
Also pharaoh can blast him before she dies if you're good enough
Junkrat was my favorite before launch, even after the McCree nerf from beta I still play him a lot. Roadhog is from what I've seen the best tank, he can heal and hook+one shot, and Dva is just bae.
>forgets runescape
What is a console lol
I am. Laughing at your summerfag asses.
Exactly, a couple well placed blinks can put you behind him and then boom, dead
There is a giant ass blizzard logo when you load up the game
The teamwork in TF2 is undeniably better than in Overwatch, and I'm talking no communication, just playing with randoms. Even with communication, nothing beats the competitive TF2 scene either. TF2's classes have many playstyles as well, just look at the diversity in Dermoman alone. W+M1 applies only to Pyro as well, it doesn't describe the game as a whole.
>12 year olds
What is me and what is bastion.
So shall I get Overwatch or Doom?
Bastion is pretty average. Just because you're bad doesn't mean he is good.
level 13, haven't had a lot of time to play after launch but check em.
Not OP, but Bastion is fucking easy to kill. Git gud and play other characters
Overwatch for Multiplayer
DOOM for Singleplayer (It's online is shit)
>overwatch or a $60 piece of shit
Widowmaker rapes bastion with a blood splattered strap on.
why did you mention overwatch twice?
I guess Quake is shit too.
>found the retard that bought doom
If it wasen't made be blizzard it wouldent be any good.
Oh no I love quake
But DOOM's online is just stupidly unfair and unbalanced as far as weapons go. It's really just run around and see who gets the stronger gun first, the game. Single player DOOM is good tho
i saw an opportunity for a joke so i made it, i have no interest in buying doom
me >>686168182
Overwatch costs 40 tho doesn't it? Origins is 60.
How's le BFG xD fucking faggot
Fair enough. It's just what I heard.
Anyone else buy origins?
there's good porn about the well designed characters.....but the game is basically Team fortress 2 with a extra characters and dota style Q ultimate skills
ya i bought it by accident aint worth it
That's the only version for ps4 so yeah
I did, because I love cosmetics
>tfw I bought Origins edition
>they didn't even bother changing Reaper's/76's voice for their other skins.
The thing that pisses me off the most about Overwatch is that it's a blatant ripoff of Battleborn. Except it has
>less characters
>less maps
>1 gayme type
>NO story AT ALL
>completely unbalanced
>micro transactions on a fucking paid game
>CoD shoot first 1 sec firefight gameplay
Marketing does wonders for games these days. I swear Blizzard can sell a refrigerator to Eskimos.
Kek it's still a great fukn game m8
Only 13 minutes as d.va? You haven't lived, anon!
So, that's a good reason to invest into a game.
To use an obvious example, if it was made by E.A then it would be obvious that the game wouldn't be maintained as well as we would expect from other developers.
Your posts isn't insightful or interesting for anyone over the age of 13.
Except for the fact that each character can revamp a match and mix up way more than any tf2 class ever could.
I'm no playing it regardless.
You do know Overwatch was announced the middle of last year and had a beta out for months right? That means they have been working on it for well over 1 year in advance. And Battleborne was announced much later than Overwatch, so chill out fangirl.
Saved image
honestly the only good thing that came out of overwatch is d.va rule 34. the game itself seems stale imo
I spy with my little eye, a newfag!
Saved image
...Battleborn was announced years ago. Back when TITAN was still a thing. I know, I was in the CTE. Battleborn came way before Overwatch.
Blizzard fanboys are retarded af.
>less characters
Implying that can be a bad thing.
>less maps
More are being added. You make it sound like we've got everythng already.
>1 gametype
KoTH and Payload
>no story
It's in comics and shorts, you sperg.
What are patches? And it is pretty balanced. Bastion is a hot point of debate, but he has obvious counters and weaknesses.
Battleborn has a Season Pass. It's just as guilty. At least OW will have free heroes/maps. BB has you paying for early access.
>Cod gameplay
Poor babby hasn't developed reflexes yet?
yes i bought origins though
No... no it wasn't It was made by Gearbox Software, the creators of Borderlands... So that alone kinda proves you're full of shit dumbo
we set up a server (well, running off a laptop but a server) for the apartment last year so everyone could log in anytime to make progress in the world.
Preach it
>no it wasn't It was made by Gearbox Software
When did I say it wasn't?
That alone proves you're a retard, or a troll. Pick one. Oh wait you're a Blizztard, we already know the answer.
Tracer is bae
congrats on getting baited you dipshit
I'm just gonna post porn for a bit. Don't mind me.
I'm playing it for one reason, that reason is the sexualised characters.
This is from August 2014.
Issue 256.
Battleborn came before Overwatch was even in development.
It's funny watching retards lie.
I'm not playing this shit anyway because it was developed by a bunch of retards who suck SJW dick!
I actually agree with this anon, however what he says doesn't mean much, considering TF2 went to shit a long time ago.
you must be a virgin. :D
hi pls no shoot up schooll
I am, not sure what that has to do with the fact that Overwatch is a ripoff.
Oh, you're a Blizztard. Nevermind. You poor poor thing.
good taste in waifus, m8
>4mb size limit
So much for like 70% of my gifs.
>ITT edgekids trying to score edgepoints by hating on something that is extremely popular
Overwatch is a ripoff of battleborne as much as dota 2 is a ripoff of league
>oh shit, they found out im a virgin
>oh no how do i fire back?
>they wil find me age
>lol you play a single game from blizard or shuud i sey bluztard trololo
fuck outta here with that.
BattleBorn was marketed like shit. Shit trailers. No animated shorts.
Overwatch had great trailers and animated shorts.
Overwatch has more porn too.
Overwatch > BattleBorn
Yes, you fucking basic moron.
If x movie wasn't made by y director I wouldn't be watching it either.
They suck so much SJW dick that they made the sexy ass pose into an even sexier parody of a pinup!
You're retarded.
The only remotely SJW thing in game is Zarya.
And she's pretty neat in terms of gameplay.
Yea because other companies would make it shit.
That butt post thing was, as far as a pose 3d or 2d, a bad design in almost all aspects. Why don't you get into game development before you cry.
12 year old comfirmed
Nah I'm calling 15
WoW, Diablo, Starcraft, and Hearthstone are all shit tier, you only like them because of nostalgia/autism.
This is blizzard's only chance to make a decent game, and it's working, nobody gives a shit about any other blizzard game or they'd be top developer right now.
actually $40 you console pleb
Gotta love all the autists who sit around trying to bash Overwatch while everyone else is enjoying it.
I have friends and they have ps4s. It looks the same on PC and consoles
Haha haven't actually thought of it like this. Pretty funny really isn't it?
Someone's gotta... drop the beat!
why not? i played tf2 and it wasn't made by blizzard
albo blizz actually sucks, considering the state of d3
tot kek battlenet didnt tip you off? you must be extra autist
To be fair, Starcraft and WoW both had times where they were basically the biggest game on the planet. Blizzard knows how to make massively popular games.
What happened to D3 that fucked it up?
lack of build variety.
it's WoW basically. one set to rule them all (per class).
At least blizzard makes games. Unlike valve.
Everything pre-Reaper of Souls, more or less.
RoS made it amazing.
Well, weren't we saying that since the start? D2 have more variety.
All the tanks excel at different things. RH is the best pusher, D.Va and Winston are the best backline disrupters, Zar is a support hybrid, and roadhog is probably the strongest tank independently as far as just killing goes. But he services his team less than the other tanks.
Who gives a fuck if its a TF2 look alike? TF2 has been fucking trash since they added hats and its just valve fags butthurt about this game not being legit cancer.
This game will be death in a month anyways
i once had a musle chick do that for me, was an interesting experience. It was better than a handjob but not as good as just getting laid.
>cost me all my good boy points
>tfw when no chicken tendies for me
You fucking retard.
yes, but they're increasing the variety with almost every patch. the problem is, those sets. if you have sets that suddenly give you 1000000% damage, then how the fuck can anything else compare?
whoever thought of this should be kicked in the ass back to the WoW team.
these two cant be even compared u idiot
Haha, how many times do you have to tell people you don't care about blizzard/anything before they believe you?
Also, you've known about overwatch for a while, yet blizzard slaps their logo all over it. But you didn't know. Okay.
what the fuck do you expect with a budget like blizzard
they could make eating dog shit appealing to overly influential twats like you
mei is bae
kill yourself
I bet you're a cunt irl. Just a guess
> Overwatch ripoff of Battleborn
hahahahahaha, good one. time to F5F5F5F5F5 for those angry replies.
also Gearbucks is retarded.
Literally back to cataclysm grinding again? Damn that is sad.
First blizzard game in years i'm not really interested in. Maybe i'm getting old, or i smell shit.
the game has been out a couple of days fucktard
And if you don't get the newest set/gems right away, you're going to be severely underperforming.
It's part of why I rarely play now. I'm spending all my time playing catch-up and following a murderstorm without a moment to even help. Or I just get killed immediately because I can't 1-shot a 25 million+ HP mob.
They need to get back to the drawing board with that. They changed sc2 over dramatically, and right now are trying to find the balance. It isn't far off so I still enjoy playing it.
What is your point?
Eh it doesn't matter who made it
The game has insane amounts of polish and would have gotten popular incredibly quick anyways
Blizzard just inherently made it incredibly hyped because
>New Blizzard ip
If it wasn't made by Blizzard it wouldn't have had the resources to be this good.
>openly admits to be a peasant
Blizzards are cucks dont support them support Donal Trump.
Also pic related
Maury Povich wouldn't have anything good to say about this post
Not true, I wish it was on Steam for convenience.
>Convinience for me, I don't like having different profiles for different games, like a Battle/Net Account, a Steam Profile, an Origin whatthefuckever, and EA something, etc. etc.
That was dwango. I'm glad it's the same
Blizzard games don't die.
There are always some hardcore fans left behind
Battleborn has one extra maps
The main thing Battleborn has over Overwatch is that their game isn't run by politically correct weeaboos who are to pussy to bring the game above a 12
There are these cool new things called screenshots
im not playing it BECAUSE its by blizzard
what are you talking about? what you played 1 hour of the demo and got fucked up? you probably haven't even done that. i bet your the type of cunt who thinks Call of duty 12 is a good game.
The last game I played made by those jewlords was Warcraft 3. Shit nigger that was just so I could play DotA. Not even thier own game.
It's €40,- for a slightly better looking TF2, which is free.
Also, you play a hero, you play that hero. No little variations on the playstyle or whatever.
It's a game that lacks breadth and depth, and for €20,- I would've probably bought it, but I refuse to let myself get ripped off ever since my dumb ass spent 110 bucks on Battlefield 3.
They said all new maps and characters would be free tho
>top kek
Genji E + shift = kill less than 3 seconds
Saying Overwatch is just like TF2 is a great way to identify yourself as a retard.
>durr hurr dey both class basd shooterz, so dey identical!
I was pretty pissed when I first learned of Overwatch, but having read up on it and having watching some gameplay and reviews, I learned that it actually is different from TF2 on many levels.
That being said, while I might buy it, I think I'll still prefer TF2.
>Different classes
>Attack/Defend, Control Point, KOTH, Payload
>Cartoony style, as if that matters
Only real difference is Overwatch has character skills, but half of them aren't even that interesting.
>Saying Overwatch isn't just like TF2 is a great way to identify yourself as a retard.
You don't choose weapon loadouts in Overwatch so it's easyer to tell what your attacker is coming at you with because if you see a large metal man you know they've got a hammer whereas in tf2 you have to figure out what different items they're using based on their
health, damage output and resistance
TF2 is P2W? Since when? lol
You say that as if it's a good thing.
You can't actually surprise someone and do something unexpected. Great.
I can't wait for the E-Sports scene of this game, it's gonna have the stalest fucking meta.
Right, so your arguement is that Overwatch is an easier version of TF2?
>playing video games
Counter offer, if it wasn't made by blizzard, it would probably be cheaper or free to play, and I would be playing it.
Shit. You're right.
Dear Diary,
Today OP was not a faggot
Triples checked!!
You are the winrar sir xD
Since you can buy unusuals
I'm not playing it though because I actually get pussy
Shit game
And they all tell you how big and masculine your cock is, right?
Summer already huh?
It has to be at the end of the post # to be dubs, trips etc. fucking retard
Like >>686183899
That's dubs dipshit
looks the same, maybe.. but PC can manage higher framerates, wich means the game will run smoother..
>HotS isn't bad
Get a load of this guy.
I'm a blizzard fanboy all day every day, but the game costs 3 times more than what it's worth. Ain't touching that shit.
You're right, if it wasn't made by Blizzard there's a good chance it'd be complete garbage.
Thus, I am playing it because it was made by Blizzard.
Battleborn was announced in June, Overwatch was announced in November of the same year. It took literally thirty seconds to fact check that. So I guess Overwatch -did- rip off Battleborn. Fun.
come here for overwatch porn and..
>Less content.
Yes, that's a bad thing
>Less maps
And more will be added in whatever it's being compared to as well, Im sure.
>KoTH and Payload
Pretty sure there's Capture Points as well. But three game modes still do not make a really large fucking roster of a "finished" game
>Comics and shorts
Out of game
It's seeming like you just sank 40 bucks into a shitty TF2 clone, hoping it may not be shit one day
I'm sure that free content will be coming eventually too
>Defending that god awful unresponsive gameplay. Defending fucking COD of all fucking things
Good fucking god, the delusion is unreal
What the fuck. Why does her cunt look like tiny balls. Renderers pls.
You just admitted that you bought it due to marketing. Congratulations.
>While everyone else is enjoying it
>But still has time to defend a TF2 ripoff with a fancy name attached to it
Blizzard touched it
STRONK girl is the best girl
I'd rather have 12 balanced heroes than 30 unbalanced messing.
And out of game story is fine. I got to save $20 and be spared a shitty, tacked-on singleplayer story. The videos are amazing to look at and flesh out people very well.
>waaaah your game isn't perfect on release it must be shit waaaaaah
>BB's season pass
>implying CoD is shit and you're not a contrarian faggot
I fucking hate CoD as a franchise, but only retards will pretend it's not solid on a mechanical level.
>Been trash since they added hats
>Plays a game with cosmetic hats, and not even that many
>If this game wasn't made by Blizzard you wouldn't be playing it.
>muh muh $40
if you can't see why this game in particular is worth 40 dollars you probably shouldn't be playing anyway
i def like battleborn better.
>Hardcore Shills
>600 hp
nigger are you retarded.
ahhhh so much nostalgia for that movie
whats wrong with SC?
>subjective opinion
nigger I can agree or disagree with you, but dont present one as the other you fucking spastic.
Nigga I ain't even that guy, or talking about Battleborn.
>Your game isn't complete on release, despite being a clone, right down to the game modes
>COD is solid on a mechanical level
10/10 this b8 is fucking unbelievable.
>what are content patches?
fucking mongoloid
By the look of this thread. This game has been a great source of porn so far.
Oh hey its like tf2 and like Gotham City Impostors and like ghost in the shell
If this game wasn't made by Blizzard a lot more would be playing it. Lotta bitter blizz cucks out there.
>two games
>of a similar genre
>differing in a number of aspects
wew lad you sure proved it was a rip-off to me, great that you were able to so quickly establish such a strong claim
>neck yourself
holy shit you autistic fuckhead
>le maymay cod is shit to its core
nigger there is a good reason why it is being plugged as esport, and played by millions each year.
I hate the franchise as well, I hate the culture it has established and i hate the screamers on voice chat, but you literally cant deny its doing at least something right if it kept going for over a decade.
>Defies claim that Overwatch ripped off Battleborn
>Proceeds to claim Overwatch announced earlier, in development longer
>Gets proven wrong
>Proceeds to meme as if I fucking care about either game
>Neck yourself
Ah, that explains it. A kangaroo fucker.