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Let's get a feels thread going /b/ros.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 267
Thread images: 74
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Let's get a feels thread going /b/ros.
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What is feels treat?
Nice dubs
You too
You too
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checked em
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Keep it up /b/ros, let the feels wash over you.
Nice trips
You too
You too
ahhh fuck
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here's the whole image for ya, bud.
I feel shitty.
Single for over a year and a half, been out of school for 2 years (drop out), haven't done anything with those years, just leeching off of people who care about me, can't find a good reason try to move forward.
How about them feels
You too
You too
Holy fuck that's so much heavier
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You're becoming your own worst enemy annon, hows that for motivation? personality is a self-actualizing act. If you continue to act like a waste of space, that's what you'll become. If you start acting like productive human being, that' s who you'll be instead
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just thought i'd help out
is it even like this for girls?
that ones edited, the OP image is the whole one
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Dumping a comic, enjoy bros
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Keep on keepin' on brother, believe in yourself. Confidence is one of those things that is self-generated, you gotta act like you're confident long enough then you start to believe it. I've been there.
If only knowing this would change anything
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to some degree, maybe. but probably not. i wouldn't know.

oh. shit.
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I wish I could convince you how much you are cock-blocking your own head, but alas I'm just a talking block of text. Someone real will have to mindfuck you for me.
Don't think so. Women display their motions more outwardly but after the initial blast of sadness they move on relatively quickly. Guys on the other hand keep their emotional investment really buried down, so the pain is a lot more longterm as it dissipates slower.
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This. Happened to me a few weeks ago
A friend of mine almost suddendly stopped talking to me, and I don't know why
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Why would it be any different for vaginas? I'm sure the smart femanons among us (read, ones who don't self identify as female) feel it just as much.
I hope so.
In the meantime, thank you
And you
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nice trips!
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No worries /b/ro. You got this.
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Hey if you ever wanna come talk about how you feel or just wanna chat with people from these threads join here
I also send pics of Joosten
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thought that might be the case, sad thought.
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fucking.. checked...
There were studies done, women actually take 20-30% longer to get over partners.
Women also produce more oxytocin, and there was a study done showing that women are also more empathetic towards their partners and six times less likely to leave a seriously ill partner.
Ive become confident. Become friends with the hottest girl in work (honest 10/10). We went out for dinners, cofe, museums etc. Last week on her bday i told her I love her. She said thank you. Thats it. Confidence is shit. You need luck and lower your standards.
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Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Oh shit, thanks anon
dont base your confidence on one woman, talk to many woman all the time and dont expect anything
Nice to see you around anon.
Feeling better today?
I've yet to hear of such studies. Everything I've heard, both amateur and official has said that because women's emotions are more surface level and constantly being accessed, they are able to move on faster as said emotions are expelled quickly, albeit extremely. Whereas because men naturally suppress emotions by default so as to project strength, they take a much longer time to move on and often have deeper rooted feelings.
god no hahah, nearly killed myself the other night
work was shit too, had people making me fucking rage cause they were being cunts for no reason when i was already upset over nothing
thankfully i got a hug though
how d'you know?
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Why the fuck would you let that stop you? Failure is easy, so many different factors can go awry to cause it, but everything has to line up perfectly to succeed.

If you expect success just because you feel you deserve it you might be literally retarded. That said, keep at it anon!
This isnt even feels, gtfo with your emo shit
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Dude, rule number one is never say I Love You first. Wait for her to say it. You scared her off. Too soon bro.
> mfw emo stands for emotional which is what feels invoke. 2/10 troll.
I do, but they feel stupid. She felt more mature. I hate when girls cry because they act like kids then. But she cried like a man. A single tear droped, she looked absolutely calm and just said "oh look I'm crying". Then she just wiped the tear and we just talked it over. I know right now I have love glasses but I also know why I fell in love. Because I had enough of women shit, and she was different
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no u
The end

you gonna preach definitions now? 10/10 inbred dipshit
Fake or no?
doesn't matter. All that matters is its effect on you.
Because I still hurt most days. There are a few good ones, maybe one every two weeks if I'm lucky, where I'm okay. I don't sleep very well anymore, ever.
No i din't scare her. She has someone else. She told me that. I suspected it, because i heard her calls sometimes, but there were never "I love yous". I tought its fine. Instead of competing with whole world I have just one rival. But she chose him. I don't think I will give up. I told her we are still friends. I will still stay close. And I will become more than I am now. Next time she will say to me she loves me. I will show her what she just lost.
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really hot.webm
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That's pretty good man. Would Probly have me in tears if I didn't already feel dead inside lmao
check this feelslord
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... Serial killer 101 here, maybe better to just move on or something...
Depends on the girl.
>everyone in this thread
Typically I feel that these threads and the photos associated/stories are for bitches but I realized that I relate to this photo
Trips prove it, case closed

No, just one person itt.

^This person.
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It's ok she still loves u feelings are just a way of expressing thoughts and beliefs u gotta go after it dude it's right there and all for the taking
hang in there kitters
not a good friend
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Fuck off Normie
I found the perfect girl and when I as drunk I slept with my ex...
So now I've lost the best girl to ever walk into my life
I've been so patient with her and really put evrything aside to be with her, just to screw it all up
maybe I don't want myself to get happy
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maybe you're just a human bean who makes mistakes just like everyone else.
She was a virgin aswel, waited so long for a guy hat felt "right" and now she'll just think I used her...
>be me in middle school
>there is this girl that got bullied alot
>start to talk with girl, she had cut herself
>ask her about her life and show interest
>coach her, help her, fend off bullies
>one day she showed up at my doorstep
>watch meet the spartans together
>meet again the next day
>2 weeks later she is my gf
>make her quit cutting herself, un-emo her
>at this point she looked like a normal and cute girl
>have fun gaming with her and be happy
>fast forward 2 years
>I gave her a smartphone
>started to see her less and less
>emo stuff started to show up again, tells me she wants to dye her hair blue
>she wants to hang out with this nerd friend that was obviously up to no good
>tell her i feel worried about that guy
>she gets mad, since then things go down road
>some guy that bullied her makes a meme about her cutting herself and sent it to the whole school
>beat up that guy
>gf was trying to avoid me more and more
>eventually she dumped me
>was heartbroken
>started to do research
>around time gf became distant she joined a MLP RPG and had been an attentionwhore on there
>find out she drew MLP hentai while she was 14/15 years old
>2 months later she got in a relationship with nerdguy i was suspicious about
>be now, two years later
>they're still together and she wastes all her day drawing my lil ponies
>apparently she also started cutting again and became ungroomed with her betacuck bf
>still feel sad about having seen her in her brightest moments and seeing her talents for drawing being wasted on ponies
Way to go annon, you fucked it right up.

But once again, welcome to being a fucking human being.
>makes a meme about her cutting her self
I dont think you know what your talking about
Proof that women can be stupid betafags too.

>M-muh depression
>muh stupid porn
>muh internet fanbase

She's a bigger waste of space than you are, and you're posting on /b/ for fucks sake!
I meant it as in they took pictures of her and put funny quotes in het about her cutting herself
Rare happy feels
> 21, never had a gf, never been kissed, virgin, socially awkward
> lonely af, accepted I will die alone
> unexpectedly meet amazing woman online, she's on the other side of the world, and seems so far beyond reach
> we have many shared interests, but still I am surprised that she hasn't stopped talking to me yet
> we start talking on Skype
> several months later she comes to visit me while in the country visiting family
> amazing sex, although I have nothing to compare it to
> everything is wonderful
> fast forward to a year and a half from when we met (present day)
> I decided to move to be with her
> we are getting married

there is hope /b/

>inb4 she has major flaws in the eyes of an average person (fat, uggo, gold digger, SJW, daddy issues, etc). Nope
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Don't forget to keep bumping with your best feels pics guys, it is an image board
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Good for you /b/ro!
Not a femanon.

Women generally have beta orbiters lined up in case the guy they're with leaves them so that they can swing to the next most stable branch.

These are guys that are "just friends", but she knows very well that they want to get in her pants and she uses this to her advantage.
>highschoolers making funny joked with quotes
I dont think you know what you are talking about
different people handle their emotions differently, whether they're female or male isn't relevant.
I might have left out some details yes
Hope life gets brighter for you soon. Been in the same situation before, if I can get through it, you can too. :)
Yes, yes it very much is. If you had any basic knowledge of human psychology you'd know that the minds of men and women, and how they process emotion, are radically different. That's one of the most well established elements of human psychology.
You should spread that info in rl as well, that way everyone can identify you as a butthurt betafag, who has long since been jaded by a system he believes to be slanted against him.

If you really view women this way and still can't see why they don't seem to respond to you, maybe it's time to take a serious look inward.

Better yet, present these ideas to a female relative (mom, cousin, what have you) and see how quickly their expression changes from pity to horrified understanding.
b today i need you help but this time not for me
it's for a friend
the only person in this world i would call a friend
she is very drunk and have a much more problems at this moment than me
she wants to kill herself
im now at the point where she stops drinkin and hear what i have to say
any help ?
i think if she suicide i would do the same
And I'm not saying I'm not a super betafag too, but I had the good fortune to actually befriend some girls in highschool and onward, and guess what? They aren't all manipulating slut queens with hordes of desperate males in their friendzone waiting to take their place on the throne. They're actually people who are scared and cautious just like you are. Seriously, your mindset is the greatest roadblock towards finding a legitimate romantic connection with a member of the opposite sex. Maybe try being a faggot?
First ask yourself if she is serious, i work with people like this and most of them do this for attention/ testing you.
>i think if she suicide i would do the same

start there, and continue on the conversational route of "there are people who care about you, and if you make this decision you will be taking all of them down with you."

People in this fragile state don't often consider how incredibly selfish an act like that is. "The world would be better off" is usually more than a passing thought, along with "nobody will even notice, so I should just sneak away into the void." You just have to convince her that it's a silly idea. Try jokes, or laughing at the absurdity of it.
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I like you
Good luck making someone else responsible for your happiness/mental stability.
yeah i know her alot and we talked about it alot in the past

did this already
she laughes about a joke already
do you think its good if i tell her i would "die for her"
she knows i d ont love her and she dont love me
thanks /b/ro
telling her that you want to die for her is kinda beta and probably exactly what she wants to hear. Try to practically say you would die for her but in a less obvious way
will try it
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Years of depression and loneliness is starting to get to me.

I want out.
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What the fuck? Is this like, deliberately done to make people feel?
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an hero
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One of my fav from the feels threads. Gets me every time.
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i fucking hate this because evertime i see this i think of my dog

ich fucking love this because i know my dog is in a better place

i know its corny but he was a true friend for me and helped me a lot
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yeah its great
As soon as my mom passes away.
Hope you find a better place than this god forsaken world
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Dogs are fucking great man
That made me fucking shed a few tears man
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I am an opiate addict. I am raising my kid by myself. I own my cars and a trailer but I'm 5k in debt.

I am coming off the shit right now and I just want to end it all.

I know I can't. I know I won't. It's just a chemical imbalance and I will make it through. I love you guys.
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Yeah, i cri evry thyme

Damn, I wish this would happen to me, I'd love to have a blind girlfriend
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Keep going, bro
Not the guy you're talking to, but the message isn't necessarily "women are evil", it's just human nature applied to those privileges and penalties.
You'll expect shitty behavior from guys who have power and options as well, just branching out in a different way.
And of course no one's going to respond well to hearing this.
Do you think you'd respond well to the thought that you aren't really in control, that it's just the laws of physics controlling the matter in your body?
This is just biology played out at the social level.
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I heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Life seems harsh, and cruel. Says he feels all alone in threatening world. Doctor says: "Treatment is simple. The great clown - Pagliacci - is in town. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. "But doctor..." he says "I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.
Congrats, hope everything turns out well
You're gonna carry that weight...
God Tier Comics/movie.
Do it for your kids man
muh biotroofs
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It's not the sadness that concerns me the most,it's the monotonicity.You get over sadness but living a monotoneous life slowly eats you away
>be me, together with bf for 2 years, everything perfect.
>Have a horse riding accident, jaw broken, in hospital for a week.
>He never visits once, doesn't ask me if I'm okay.
>cheated on me with his ex while I was in hospital.
>mfw I wasted two years of my life with this asshole
I dont get why would people cheat on someone if everything is perfect
Besides, nothing is perfect.
No, emo is now a subculture filled with apathetic melodramatic melancholic attention-seeking teens with a fraudulent personality that listen to desolating music that makes the most exhilarated dog depressed and suicidal. Fuck your life style.
because I was in hospital. Said that was too long for him to wait. ONE WEEK. ffs
yeah have both
Real question is who took those screens?
I just fucking cried for 15 minutes fuck you
i realy cant say if i would do the same because i never had a girlfriend
but evertime i hear this i dont get it
Had the opposite problem.
>ex loved horse
>got into riding accident
>was the only one who visited her in the hospital
>brought her stuff, etc
>ends up cheating on me with some idiot from her school who thought she was too ugly to see because of accident
>Dated her for 3 years
Maybe horses are the problem.
sorry to hear that, sometimes people don't make sense.
dont know if you are here anymore
but it think it helped
thank you a lot /b/ro
you saved two lives
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fuck you i laughed
People never have made sense to me.
nice quints
It seems to be the case. Date two girls with horses. Both failed.
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One week being too long...for real?
i think today is a good day
bye and thanks for all
love you guys
I am still here haha, glad it worked
Bitches with horses be crazy. I'm not even kidding. Every crazy chick I've ever dated had a horse.
>Dating 8/10 girl
>Has a horse "Cesar". Fucker bites everybody who gets close to him
>She's with the horse 7 days a week
>one day horse bites somebody
>girl gets sued.
>mfw she tries to get me to beat them up and
>put dead rats on their doorstep

>bitches be cray
In hindsight, horse probably had a bigger dick than me
We only have this one life so live it to the fullest. What's the point working every day to earn enough to live in a house and pay taxes to stay where you are? Once you die what will you leave? Your house to your children? A sum of money? I'm not one to preach or sound like a hippie but honestly too many people do what they're told and live life as a slave working through life to buy a better life. It won't happen in your lifetime unless you love your job and/ or you get lucky.

My friends, let me say this now. The real wealth in life is Experience. Live to Experience the world around you and tell the tale to anyone willing to listen.
his words, not mine. One week without getting you dick wet must feel like an eternity.
Put him/her up for adoption.
He's probably having a shit life.
Let some wealthier stable parents take him/her
to live with them. He will have a house, games, consoles, and a better life than in your trailer.
The girl i was talking about also had a horse...
I will /b/ros. I will. I am.

I had a great childhood and alot of friends. There isn't any good reason she shouldn't.

I don't have anyone else to talk to anymore. Especially about my addictions and faggot insecurities. Whenever I am with old friends, even non junkies, they are not on the same level. I am fed up and disgusted with most women. Jaded as fuck. I don't even want to put another human through what is me.
And you wonder why he cheated on you?!
Well you cant suck dick with a broken jaw.
I'm starting to think there's something about those fucking horses.
Just go with the flow~
Have a story if anyone cares to read. I'll post the first part here and continue if anyone cares. I suck at green texting so bear with me.

>Be me 24
>Be my final year at university
>Got out of a horrible relationship
>Ex cheated on me multiple times, abused me physically/mentally, lied to me, faked pregnancy, threatened to steal my dog when I was away
>Eventually got rid of her under threat of police involvement
>Have always been depressed and bipolar since I was a boy
>Parents would never let me get treatment and after all my shitty relationships and getting rejected left and right, my spirit was finally broken
>Decided to take a break from dating for a few years to try and finish school, get a better job, and just move away from town
>Summer came and I had just one semester left in school
>One of my friends and his girlfriend go down to Florida for our friend's wedding
>I didn't go because I wasn't that close with them at the time
>One of the girls there had to make a speech for the wedding
>Everyone sort of felt bad for her because she was absolutely gorgeous and the most loving person ever
>She had the most beautiful fiery red hair and these deep blue oceans for eyes
>Everyone kept asking her why she was still single
>Her ex boyfriend was some inbred muslim asshole who cheated on her repeatedly, would never go out in public with her, and just did horrible shit to her through college in general
>Out of the blue while I was still at home, my friend texts me from the wedding
>"Hey man, I'm going to send you a picture of this girl. You tell me if you like her or not. She likes brown guys like you, she knows you love weightlifting, she does it too, and she thinks your hair is gorgeous."
>When I got the picture for the first time, my jaw literally dropped and I instantly fell in love

Fuck you nigger. I work my fucking ass off to ensure my angel is happy and well adjusted. Family and friends never shut the fuck up about how well I am doing and how sweet she is and what a pleasure to be around she is.

The problem is I'm sad and alone.
>give the one reason you're still alive up for adoption.

Fuck you nigger. Nigger. Fuck. You.
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now we know whats wrong in this world
>abused me physically
care to elaborate?
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a relationship lays with the person who cares the least.
Does he know he's about to walk into a pond?
At least she knows how life works, if she stays of the drugs and looks after herself she will bloom the brightest when she's older.
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fuck horses
I like how this thread came to the conclusion that horses are jerks
A lot of the time i go to bed and certain memories or certain things people say to me come to the surface and it feels like it's on constant repeat.

When I feel depressed and alone i feel distant to myself kind of like third person i guess, almost like i don't exist.

Is this normal???
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I got your back.webm
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You cry u lose
This was when they went on holiday.
The mother died after her head was split open

>Text him back, "Dude I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie."
>She accidentally sees that and couldn't stop laughing
>That is where it all started
>We end up text, talking, doing skype dates for a month straight
>Never connected so easily and so well with someone
>She literally completed me in every way shape and form
>Always got dressed up really nicely for me and would send me pictures of her outfit and her without the outfit on occassion
>Decide, fuck it, I'm going to fly down there, and make this girl mine forever
>She was literally as excited as little school girl when I told her
>We both decided that since we make decent money and I can move wherever I want for work, the long distance thing until I finish school wouldn't be that bad because we could fly out every other week
>Had a good job at the time and money to burn so I booked a swanky hotel and a flight
>All this just for a first date
>The whole plane ride over the only thing I could think about was how I was the luckiest guy on the planet
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and it's not the craziest on b
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This is most like one of saddest/longest reads you will ever see, it is definitely worth the read and will make you cry your eyes out.
not normal but i have the same
I lived my life for years with the "good things come to those who wait" mindset. Started a new job. Noticed a beautiful women working there. I never had the courage to try anything. She introduced herself to me. She asked to spend time together. I was in a dream like state the whole time. It turned flirtatious within a day or two; day three and four we had already fell for each other. Saw the sunset. Kissed. I didn't even try for any of this; it all found it's way to me.

She waited until the morning after to tell me she just wasn't ready for a relationship with anyone. She said she knew I'd hate her for this. I sorta do; almost wish we didn't meet. Now we don't speak at all. Who knows how she feels..

Alls it took was less than a week for my life to be turned upside down.
good luck bro
holy fuck im shitting bricks
Nobody I know can ever really relate or know how to respond to it, but since you potentially can.

I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.
fukken this
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and this
This started out gross as fuck, but when he stuck his dick in, I got instahard... What does this mean?!?
Sorry if you weren't the same anon I am raging at.
lol, i wasnt, i am the guy that said keep going bro hahaha

>nice satan trips btw
Stay strong /b/ro...good tides bad tides :D
What happened
i know
i always see myself
just laying there
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This is just cancerous
>When I landed and got into the terminal, I snuck up on her and surprised her
>Thought that she was gorgeous in her pictures
>In real life she was an 12/10 easily
>We didn't even care that there were 100000 people around
>She screamed at how excited she was and then we barely made it back to the elevator before making out furiously
>Three months of texting back and forth
>Drove to the hotel same thing, kept grabbing at each other and just couldn't control ourselves
>Did everything within the first 2 hours of meeting each other for the first time
>The first night we went to a swanky paella place and watched a flamenco band
>She couldn't stop kissing, biting, and grabbing for even a second
>We got really hammered and fucked until 6 am
>Next day we went to famous amusement park and restaurant
>The weekend came and it got really sad
>She woke up one morning crying that I eventually had to go back
>We both sat there and cried for a few hours and promised to come back as often as possible
>We both went out again the last night I was there and CashCash started playing on the radio
>We both loved edm and Surrender made both of us Baww for an hour in the car before we even got to the restaurant
>We had both been through so much shit our whole lives we thought that everything was finally over
>For the first time in the 24 years I was alive I was legitimately happy
death happened
cried a little
just read this from another thread...hit me right in the feels
top kek
grats bro, good to hear something good from these threads every now and then
>The next day was the quietest we had been all weekend
>We checked out, got coffee, and headed off to the airport
>They called the final boarding and we both broke the silence and started crying
>She grabbed my hand and we kissed for what seemed like an eternity for the last time and I told her that I would let her know the second I got home

The story is really long and painful near the end Don't feel like typing unless someone really wants to see it.
i'm really interested in it
I really do want to hear it, go on anon, we're here to support you if needed
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we really don't you prepubescent faggot go cry somewhere else.

this isn't a fucking pity chamber.
This hurts so much because I finally found someone that admitted I make them feel that way. And I let it slip away.
Cont. anon, please
Shut the fuck up faggot
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What the fuck?
A grill will not solve your problems.
if this is not real i will find you and will kill you
>wah i can't get the pity and attention i desperately crave

go fuck yourself you cry baby. Blog post somewhere else.
Please go on
What the fuck?
no, mostly not. girls are the one cheating nowadays
guess i'm gonna tell my history

>be me, 16
>totally a 6/10, quite fat but pretty funny
>English school meet a girl
>14,blonde, not tall,seems to have a lot of money
>she came and sits right next to me
>panic,hands are sweating,
>palms are sweaty
>After 20 minutes she talks to me
>she says "Hey, you know how to make exercise 2?
> Dont know what to do, say "sure, let me help you"
>she thanks me and say if we can change phone numbers
>First fucking time some pretty girl tell me this
>we do it
>Later that night se sends me a message
>Start to talk all the night
>She is so nice
>So funny
>so.. me
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wut small.gif
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What the hell?

What is the story behind this gif?
so much this. imagine realizing this after you've treated her like shit and broke up with her. but too late. fml
cont anon,

check em
My girlfriend keeps cheating on me we've been together 5 years have a kid together known each other for 10 years idk wtf to do I work all over the USA so I'm not home a whole hell of alot
Kid died from long illness, father carries it out of the house
What would you consider worse? Letting that opportunity slip away or actually having someone say it but then in the end, they just make it look like a lie to you and abandon you?

I'll try to keep it short. I'll skip a lot of details about the in between and final trip. Thank you all. I'm in a lot of physical/emotional pain and I need some rest.

>So nothing really changed over the next few months
>We kept skype dating all summer
>I went down the see her for the last time a few months later.
>Everything was fine until I got home from the last trip
>When I landed and skyped her as was customary, she was crying
>This time it wasn't because she missed me
>It was because she was breaking up with me
>This had nothing to do with me or her
>It was how terribly her ex boyfriend treated her
>She convinced herself that she didn't deserve me
>For the hour we were talking she was balling her eyes telling me how I was the best she will ever have but that she is too broken for anyone to date
>I tried my hardest to talk her out of it and that I would sit with her and work it out even if took until the end of time
>I remember the last night of the first time I saw her, I quoted Carl Sagan's wife, "That pure chance could be so generous and so kind, that we could find each other in the Cosmos, in the vastness of space and the immensity of time..."
>I reminded her of that and the song which still makes me instantly loose my shit and start balling
>Unfortunately I was unsuccessful and we had to part ways
>The summer and winter that followed were the worst of my entire life
>I descended into alcoholism, heroine abuse, self harm, I failed my last semester, I abused my dog because I was convinced she only loved me for food, I stopped seeing my friends and family, I quit my job
>My friends and family watched me become this husk of a man
>I recovered from everything after a year of grieving
>I got my job back, my dog still loves me, I lost some friends but made new ones, I have 1 semester left in college, I even got a new girlfriend
>But there was some residue from all this that will probably never leave me
Interested too

Be strong /b/ro
cont. please
thanks for the story and good luck in your future /b/ro
if its done with meme generator im pretty sure its a meme,
Thanks for sharing /b/ro, glad this shows kind of a good ending.
good luck for the future man
you should just slowly back off you creep.
so much this
>Everyone around me can tell that I've given up hope and I'm just trudging along waiting to die
>My girlfriend thinks I'm a cold, emotionless asshole
>My parents can see it in my eyes that even though I'm doing well for myself I just want to die
>I was already depressed and in despair before because I thought the people who don't care for me want to hurt me. When I learned that the ones who cared for me most wanted the same thing, I saw no reason to continue living. The person who was perfect for me is gone now. The odds of it ever happening again are so infinitesimally small that pursuing on is just logically pointless. My life up until this point was shit. The chances of it getting any better are equally bleak.
>So with that I decided last year to commit suicide when I finish school
>I've arranged for my dog to go to a good home, paid off all my bills, and sold most of my stuff, and arranged for cremation
>My friends already know it's coming and that it's just a matter of time
>I'm mentally ready for it and have the combination of medications I need to get it done
>I just have to wait until the end of the year and I can sleep forever and all the physical and emotional pain will stop

Thank you everyone for reading and if this ever makes it back to her, I love you Jess. Our time was short but it was the best I ever had. For a brief time I really believe that I could be happy.
Couldn't tell you anon. I'm not sure which one happened to me.. :/

This is the ending guys >>686162683
Someone green text please. I'm on my phone and I'd like to have this. Reminds me of the shit I went through. Thanks for the story anon.
I'm not pussy slave.
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please dont do it anon, there is another girl like Jess out there waiting for you.
Have you not tried speaking with her since? Has she blocked you or cut you off in some way?
I did try talking to her again a few months after but she acts like we never even dated and that I don't exist.
I'm a theoretical maths major. My friend actually did a statistical experiment on the chances of something like that happening again. The odds are literally so unfavorable, that there is no point. The fact that it has happened twice in my life is a miracle. My first girlfriend committed suicide.
How I feel every damn day.
that cat didnt make it btw, smoke destroyed too much in its lungs
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