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This is sad and humiliating for her and this is enabling cyberb bullying.
Telling everyone about her overactive bladder AND diapers is awful!
What do you have to gain? Why keep doing this to her? Why keep trying to push her over the edge? Please just let it go and quit doing it
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shes a cutie huh?
She would be if this place didn't ruin her
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Her name is tainted by this place. I hate you all
life goes on man, people will forget soon enough

Seriously though OP, are you that faggot of an ex of hers? Cause I know your name too if so. Would that be so funny?
Fuck diapers, I'd follow her around just so she could periodically piss in my mouth.
Post background story please
Is "special" the buzzword for retarded?
From the video desc:
This girl Ivy Hernandez fell for the 4Chan prank #pissforequality. Made this video of her urinating on herself. Video was instantly spread everywhere. She tried to commit suicide because of "cyber bullying" and failed. She spent some time in the hospital where she developed incontinence. Now she has to wear a diaper.
After she was hospitalized from her attention whoring suicide attempt, she got used to wearing a hospital diaper and shitting/pissing herself. Which lead to further depression and her feminist urethra muscles to forget their job. It was at the point were Ivy was urinating herself in front of a nurse she realized she was suffering from stress incontinence due to the internet
would bang.....anyone?
fucking ROFLMAO!
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Pic related
O wow, so she actually pissed on herself. Wow. I knew you guys were good, but this takes the cake. Letting a feminist pissing on herself
I'm not her ex, someone that cares for her more and is tired of trying to fix this problem. I'm tired of people laughing at her! I'm tired of getting asked about her 'special condition' now! And I'm tired most of all at seeing her sad
Holyshit, kek
Did you watch the first vid in OP?
She clearly urinated in her jeans
You can actually see her piss start to come out at 12 seconds
Fuck off. She belongs to us now. Soon she'll learn to love the attention, and like being dominated.
Fuck you she doesn't belong to anybody but herself
You could draw attention away from her by pissing yourself and youtube it.
Nobody cares, not even you. You think you do, but you dont. Besides nobody here is ever going to feel bad but you keep trying troll.
This isn't funny. I don't want to see her inthis pitiful state she is in. I'm trying to get her out of this piss and diaper thing.
Wet yourself on camera, then.
Wut? Who the fuck are you? I am let her soak, for feminism.
>Wet yourself on camera, then.
this, she'd be less ashamed if someone else dit it too
Nope didn't watch it
I DO care! You don't know what its lime knowing her. Having to answer questions about it.
I got asked IRL at work about her because they watched those videos and heard I knew her. Now everyone knows she wears diapers and has piss problems. This is gettingoutt of hand
I saw her the other day. And it crushed my heart
/b/ in a nutshell
what physically caused her to wear diapers? did she shove bleach up her ass and pussy?
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Dude she was the one who posted #piss

-> Also a video

If this was a guy, nothing would have been done.

Just keep that shit off the internet if you don't want the world to piss on you're world.
She got nervous, it seems.
Well is chest pounding here going to do anything. Let's say the video get taken down, you think someone else would npt post it? Or meme it? And even still is taking the video down going to stop her peeing? the damage is done and you if you get mauled by a bear the bear doesn't care... work on helping her but right now you are doing great jack shit by coming here.
She was in the hospital for a while after her suicide attempt. She developed an overactive bladder and semi incontinence in the hospital. Mainly due to stress and depression.They made her wear a hospital diaper because she refused a catheter
>bla bla background story no one gives a fuck about
Did you wet yourself on camera yet?
Seems like pissing herself would be the opposite reaction to trauma involving pissing yourself.
I dont see the problem, wearing a diaper is cool, being able to shit and piss into your pants without it leaking is cool. Not having to rush to the toilet is cool. Wearing diapers is cool .
Fuck you I'm not pissing myself! I don't want any more to do with that! That would NOT even help her!
She can't fucking help it now. It just happens
Fuck yeah eat nachos make bean dip and never leave your seat!!
How are you helping her at all? Come on, don't understand sell yourself.
If she kills herself it will be your fault, now.
Wouldn't piss to save her life.. heartless bro..
I'm doing everything in my power to help her.>>685958043
Pissing myself would not help her situation! She is embarrassed to go through this. Not to mention her family's reaction. I know her and she doesn't want anyone to go through what she's going through, not piss in pants or nothing.
Piss yourself of she dies.
That sounds like hell! Forget any kind of social life because she can't go out in public wearing one. Even getting a job is difficult. Not being in control of your bladder is a nightmare
She pissed for equality and u dont piss for her? I can see u r white male
Everything in your power? What have you accomplished?
Fucking CIS male probably only wants to fuck her.. she is a person man. Have a heart
Even if I did piss in my pants its not going to take the videos down or cure her bladder!
I have tried everything I can think of to get everything about her removed from the internet and that didn't work. Looked into one of those search result manipulate sites so people wouldn't search for her. I have helped her and her family out in tough times. Fucking shot, I have had yo got put and buy her god damn diapers one time. I've done a lot for her
>Fucking cis white whale
Holyshitlol why did I read that?
Yeah, this thread is done.
I dunno man.. yours may be more accurate
Fucking disgusting. He better check his privileges and wet himself before she goes an hero for real
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mfw I have a stoma and it is much better then diapers.
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Forced to wear diapers you say?
>that's actually my fetish
Please don't make these threads again OP. They trigger me.
Dubs never lie
Please guys I just want my friend back and all this to go away. I don't want this to go any further
It clearly can't your go any further... I mean you can't do anything, just let it fade. But you'll make a new bait thread in a couple hours..
Why was your friend stupid enough to do this anyway? Actually serious.
This isn't bait. I am good friends with her.
She was very gullible when she did it. She realized quickly it was a mistake
Lol what a dumb cunt. Do her parents change them for her or have her parents killed themselves like they should have by now?
Rock-dweller here. How did she try to kill herself that would cause bladder problems? Bleach or..?
And then commit suicide about such a detrimental thing. Guess what, she prolly was going to kill herself over a boyfriend or not making the cheerleader team or something.
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Yes her mom changes her from time to time because she is her mom
Sleeping pills
She has a fragile state of mind because her dad left early
Lol you are funny. If you really wanted people to stop talking about it then you wouldnt say anything

11/10 would troll again

Captcha airplanes did 9/11
>femanon here
Men disgust me.

I’m a lesbian and am sick to death of you ignorant bastards. For starters, no, I will not show you my tits. I don’t see how any of you have the right to tell another woman to get naked, you dogs might see women as flesh for your pleasure but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a woman just because you believe that you’re ‘stronger’ or ‘better’. You describe women as ‘cumdumpsters’, quite frankly I’m enraged by this, if I ever heard you say this word in real life I would punch you so hard you’d be in a comma for the next month.

What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do? I will never be ordered around by a man. Actually I’m so passionate about this I managed to get this ******* guy suspended from my work for making sexist comments about me and ordering me to get him a ****ing coffee every minute. Now he’s learnt his lesson and is making ME the coffee.

I weep for a world without men, a paradise. Without men there would be no crime, no wars and everyone would be treated equally.

Unfortunately I can’t see my utopia happening anytime soon but I warn you, women’s rights groups are still fighting for equality and in the future society might not be quite so lenient on you misogynist bastards.

>TL;DR you misogynist bastards will have your privileges taken down soon
People have sexy tapes, are pedos, and countless other shit and she goes nuts over volunteering to pee.. yeah she is worth saving... and stop with the hospital pic nobody cares
I am sorry.. I was just fun'n
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TFW "male tears" mug purchases are benefiting male support groups
TL;DR, get back in the fucking kitchen
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Obvious troll is obvious
Obvious faggot is obvious
Kill yourself.
Just Darwin at work. Let me leave it at that.
Also Keep sucking that trap of a dick OP, shows how much of a faggot you are as well.
Fat bitch is going to put me in a comma... great copypasta
Don't worry anon. She's compensating her stupid and useless woman-opinions with her extra chromosome.
That's homemade
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hey /b/, femanon here...

just letting you boys know that big dicks do matter. girls who say that average is satisfying enough are just slut shaming bitches just trying to make you little boys feel more like a man.

sorry to break it to you, but no girl actually wants something average, they want something that will actually fill them up and make them cum. ;D
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