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Flipino fag here. Ask me anything about our dumb country.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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Flipino fag here.
Ask me anything about our dumb country.
Why did you guys elect a fucking psychopath?
I didn't vote for the election though.
Well, mostly herd mentality. But I think he has potential.
send me a wife in the post
Not worth it
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Disgusting as fuck.
Hindi, bakla! Sarap! Chupain mo ako.
Is it true that Filipino girls pussy's have horizontal slits and have cock munching teeth inside ???
Dubs demand an answer!
Filipino here, yes it's true, I got my dick eaten by one
Filipino are all traps
why are philipina chicks such gigantic sluts?
Siquijor is my favourite place. I really like the Philippines and the people.
not all
shitty country want foreign dick because gold diggers
Im also a filipino fag.

I fucking hate this shitty 3rd world country.
>3rd world country
But it's literally an american colony.
I cringe every time I hear casual tagalog for some reason. It's something about the language.
Are you Spics, Chinks, or Nigs?
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we are the Spics of Asia, I think India or Thailand is the Nigs
It's still a 3'rd world country
And our tv shows are cringy as fuck.
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What is the average size ass of your women?

How many prostitutes can I find per square mile?

I have a BBC. How far could I get into your political system if I were to move there?

Do you guys pop in the loo??

Genetically speaking, East Asian + Polynesian.

So it's chink/pacific islander. Less than 2% from Iberia (where the Spain belongs).
Kalyeserye or the nobela stuff
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Literally first world.
How is it that your women are both super religious yet raging whores at the same time?
Serious question here:

Why are Filipinos so grossly obsessed with family? I dated a Filipino girl and I swear she was a hivemind with her family, to the point where she didn't really have freedom of choice but she didn't even notice or care.

>I don't do this type of thing, anon.
Family does it
>I love this thing, anon!
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And also are you a strong believer of a flat earth over a spherical one?
How easy is to get sex from underage girls? Is it true I can buy a girl for several hundred dollars?
>What is the average size ass of your women?
>How many prostitutes can I find per square mile?
you from Europe or America?
>I have a BBC. How far could I get into your political system if I were to move there?
>Do you guys pop in the loo??
Your filename says cold war alliances 1975. Moron.
It still has the economy of a 3rd world country. So it's a 3rd world.
I like flips but fuck me you people love drama, I every time I out right call a flip out for it, they act like I just murdered their family
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united nations flag.png
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If the earth were flat (it isn't) it would look like pic related.
Why do some of you fuckers use hispanic first/last names?
Not OP, other filipino fag here.

How do I escape from this shitty country permanently.
We were colonized by the Spanish for 300 years till America took over.
Spanish not hispanic
Suck a foreigner's dick and get pregnant
1st/2nd/3rd world are cold war designations.

Outdated designations are outdated for a reason.
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smug santa girl.png
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>Spanish not hispanic
Are there any major gangs over there?
Spanish colony- then American possession, then suddenly just.a military base and airport, then suddenly just the airport then suddenly they were left alone to fend for themselves.

Subic Bay Naval petty officer. I whitened the children of several women accidentally. Zero fucks were paid- these were good catholic mini girls giving up head And tail for free- until curiosity killed the cat and they wanted to try Real sex in the pussy.

Pilifino Spanish catolick girls are the best at sucking cock, eager but over-tight anal participants you Won't be able to penetrate unless you're a bastard and just Break them on the first try (get them a standard 7" 2xAA battery vibrating dildo and by the next time you see them they'll have broken themselves in for you), and generally timid or fearfully afraid of vaginal sex because they want to save that for marriage or their future fiancé as an one-tíme engagement treat tease interrupted by coitus interruptus or even sooner than that.

I reverted to anal after getting the pussy the one time but damn if fingering themselves doesn't sometimes cause little mullato spic/chink/nigra Pilifinos.

Good times

Mindanao, Cebu, and dozens of others. Negritos are like the little mini Angela-Davis-Afro-headed niggers of the Philippines. You gotta see them- or catch them all.
Name 3 notable things the Philippines has produced.
Why is your country's economic disparity so bad? I've been to the Philippines before on business and was met with two extremes with no middle ground.

Where I stayed at in Makati City, everything was pricey--even for someone like me who has accumulated some financial success in his life.

However, a short drive away and one is met with slum city: hundreds of shacks built on top of each with countless numbers of squatters and beggars, each individual looking as if he or she was barely clinging onto life. It was a sight to be seen.
Why not elect a psychopath? when America is electing a fucktard.
>generally timid or fearfully afraid of vaginal sex because they want to save that for marriage or their future fiancé as an one-tíme engagement treat tease interrupted by coitus interruptus or even sooner than that.
The girl with the selfie stick is Maine Mendoza if you wanna know.
I'm white. What 4 words can I say to any non-prostitute filipina to instantly get her on my dick?
we are posed as extremely religious, obsessed with western culture, noisy ass monkeys by media and unfortunately that is true for 60% of our population although our country isn't as bad as what most think
Poor people here don't work but complain that they don't have money while rich people work and work until their money gives out money.
And this is why they don't like american military bases in japan and korea.
No offense, but you guys are literally sharks.
I am very rich
Such is rampant capitalism left unchecked. Give it a dozen of years and you'll see the USA in the same state.
>non-prostitute filipina
sorry anon but they're all sloots
Are there women in the Philippines or do you only have ladyboys?

Also are you looking forward to sinking into the sea?
Underrated post
Our lands, roads. and establishment was sold to other countries during the term of shitty presidents. So basically we live in a country that we don't own, its quite something
>Are there women in the Philippines or do you only have ladyboys?
there are
>Also are you looking forward to sinking into the sea?
How slutty are the women?
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I used to work remotely with an office full of filipinas. A few were pretty sweet and generally good company, but a couple were completely transparent about wanting to get wifed and green carded to the US.

I used to flirt with those ones and give them hope, only to tell them that the only way I could marry them is if they denounced their God and accepted Satan as their Lord. Shit was keks
Why are there so many varied appearances to Filipino women?

Some are comparable to Chinese/Japanese/Korean women in skin complexion and facial features but generally have more consistency in big tits and asses while some look like goddam porch monkeys.

It's off putting.

every filipino ever describes themselves as "mixed spanish and chinese."
We like to cross breed. The half white filipina girls usually look better than their purebred counter parts anyways, misa campo is half, look her up
What's up w all the gaycentric comedy in the 80's? Also, why are the most pangek mfrs be hams on live TV breh?
u made me laugh
I always described them as "melty Asians" because they seemed to have something strange about their appearing, like they were left in the sun for a little too long.
this guys is gay
Rum, mail order brides, and rampant gossip
ladyboys? I rarely see any since you can easily distinguish a man and a woman anyway. maybe if you dig deeper through cheap bars and clubs you might see some quality traps
Lots if flips where I live, nice people, like them better than my own kind. Flip birches can be hot but no ass most of the time.
I used to think all Filipinas are fucking disgusting looking, because the ones I saw in the US married to white guys are all fucking 0/10 porch monkeys.

Then some filipinofag here showed me the high-grade Filipinas and holy fuck, they're not bad at all.

1. Plz post any hot Filipinas (no darkies plz)

2. White guy going to Manila (theoretically), possible to meet such girls online? Any angle to work?
no pic
no, there's a lot of catfish here
also, why do filipinos have ABSOLUTELY NO CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY? i mean fucking ZERO. you can tell them any bullshit and they'll believe it. they are possibly the most gullible people in the word.
story please

Any way to meet girls like that then?

I once went to another "poor" country and was able to meet a few upper-middle-class girls online, then met swarms of others through their friends. not bad tbh. wonder if can do same in flipland.
ITT: flips circlejerking

SEA countries are the 3rd worse asians
1st being the chinese 2nd are the mudslimes
Are they still planting bullets in people's bags at the airport?
when will you guys stop sucking uncle sam's dick?
A filipina friend of mine explained to me that only the "exotic" girls are looking for foreign dick. The normal ones don't really care.
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Hot Filipina

>filipino fag here
online parts probably facebook but catfish is high, high class places is a good start
ITT: flips pretending to be non flips

trust me i know because im a flip

too many. one simple example, check out all the miracle health cures filipina housewives are always selling each other.

that and filipinos i think expect other people to also have no critical thinking ability, and tell the fucking stupidest lies.

i once made the mistake of hiring a filipino dude (with no immigration papers, i'm pretty sure) for some house remodeling shit. holy fuck, the lies he'd tell just to avoid working. fuck man, if you don't want the job, then why did you offer to do it in the first place? and many similar experiences with filipinos.
wtf is up with your new president elect?

she ok. certainly better than the porch monkey look. looks a bit too latina for my taste though.

thankspo bropo
been there
slum like streets but india's worse but still
pls kys
Name some then faggot
and the ugly guys losers are ugly and try to look attrative but smell like dog poop and try to bother popular people
Is like to know this as well. The main reason I would never travel there
What the hell do you guys think a filipina looks like?

most girls that you see in your country lives in houses made of scraps

and those in porn are cheap ass prostitutes that you can bang for 10 dollars
Pinoys are lazy, I've seen it
urpo welcomepo, o and don't fuck 14 year old girls there
Akyat bahay gang
What's the name of those breakfast sausages that are kind of sweet and garlicy in flavour? They're pretty good.
I dated a magazine model while I was there who apparently had money, by their standards. She lived with her parents and her house still looked like a chicken shack, complete with chickens. Didn't seem too worried about money though. Dad was a cop, so that was neat.
and they smell like shit and bother people
Mga ulol mga tao dito. Shit.

the thing is though,

non-filipino: "nah, i don't wanna work"

filipino: "my cousin's landlord was kidnapped by space aliens and my roommate developed cancer so i had to travel to the moon but my spaceship got a flat tire so that's why i didn't come to work yesterday."

maybe it has something to do with catholic confession?
and the ugly guys losers are unattrative and smell like dog shit and thats why there embarssing

tng ina mo, uwi ka na sa bahay gago
one of the reasons why i hate being a filipino
and there ugly and smell like shit and have no friends like the ugly guys losers
nah they're just lazy, you should see the roads here
Less if you know where to look
you can get them for free anon
Why did you all come to winnipeg?
kidz pls
kindly read the global rule 2 then go and stay go
>tinatawag ka na ni Aling Maria, Jose uwi ka na sa bahay
should have done it like this
get in here >>685772355
Tell me about daisy destruction
oooooh edgy

i get the feeling that you're one of the my fellow peenoise that brags on fb that they've been to deepweb and considers 4chan a part of it
and the ugly guys losers dont want people to know there ugly and get rejected by women or dont want awesome people to think there ugly but its all the signs in the horoscope besides the aquarius that smell like dog poop and is too ugly to get picked by awesome people thats why killed john lennon so thats why the ugly guys losers smell like dog poop and is ugly
lel so rundom xD lololol XD xD!!!!!11!!11!
Classic penguin of doom, Right here
Dude. This is a delicacy in most Asian countries. This is good shit dude.
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Actual lyrics from a Flip song
How many tanks do you have in malls?
I was trolling. I've Never been to the phillippines . Once I had a schoolmate girl in kindergarten, she was a pinay- and was sucking cocks for two dime bags of pot in 7th grade. she now owns three dry cleaners in different parts of the county, both subway restaraunts in town, and the motel 6.

The motel 6 was run down before she bought it, now it's better than the la Quinta Or the Super Eight.

She removed and sold the dry cleaning equipment from the two smaller cleaners, and has the larger one do all the cleaning, saving tons of money on inspections and licensing regulations etc, and is 52 and probably a millionaire.

Mfw I don't have anyone to trade with anymore.

She's a sweet lady and a wonderful member of the community. It's Hilarious hearing her yell about Mexican illegals sneaking in etc.
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