i don't want an asshole like trump to be president, fuck me right?
yeah, fuck you
better than Hillary
who says Trumps an asshole? oh yeah that's right loser millennials say he is.
pick two
move to Canada, you can be pussy little sjw and suck all the tranny cock your little heart desires
GTFO newfag. Bernie is out. CAIN'T STUMP THAT TRUMP!!! AMERICA!!!!
Yeah OP. Do your countrymen a favor and off yourself.
probably a nigger
b-but I'm a millennial and voting Trump, so...
Trump's a pussy.
same, i just wanna be able to pay off my student loans tbh
also i understand the racist cucks and what not but honestly trumps entire plan revolves around a wall he wont be able to get the mexicans to build. hes gone bankrupt 7 times and a lot of companies refuse to do business with him because hes a general dumbass. i just dont think that someone should be able to go from tv to the white house without anyone batting an eye.
but hey im hispanic so what the fuck do i know
Yeah but youre fooled by bernie. You look at him like hes some sweet old man. Hes gonna tax the FUCK out of us and goddamnit I need money to fucking live. Im broke as fuck as it is I cant afford a tax hike.
Sure he claims (and maybe he will) use the funds more toward our nation building rather then fucking it off on bullets and bombs but for fucks sake Id rather he just cut the funds down to a minimum. I already owe back taxes and am scared about it. Im not some rich guy either Im in poverty dude.
The IRS and the federal government have the guns and use them if you dont pay your taxes. Im SCARED OF BERNIE SANDERS
You're the reason that I'm voting for trump
McAfee is mildly better
Look, he's in a t-shirt so he must be just like one of us normal people.
You want socialism headed by this geriatric jew, so yes fuck you
> Hes gonna tax the FUCK out of us and goddamnit I need money to fucking live. Im broke as fuck as it is I cant afford a tax hike.
Those taxes go directly to making sure broke as fuck people have a safety net, so you're an idiot. You will directly benefit from said higher taxes.
bernies only taxing the people who can afford it. eventually you dumbasses will realize that taxes are needed to get shit done.
Just gut yourself alive you worthless sack of dog shit SJW commie bastard.
Johnson has a great political record
mcafee has a record full of high risk and borderline insanity
mcafee makes trump look like santa clause
you're so naive it's almost cute
the government does not care about you
I know, the advantages of Trump and johnson
That t-shirt is $58 bro, that's like a month pay in your shitty country.
i know right. it sucks.
i'm a republican and that's just not good enough. sorry.
newflash: neither does trump
He's so naive he presumes what happens across the entirety of the rest of the Western world could happen in America? Maybe the reason the government doesn't seem like it cares about you is because morons like you don't make it worth their while.
Newsflash: I'm not broke as fuck so I'm not wishing for a handout from Bernie
stay salty
>vote for donald trump, get called a racist
>vote for bernie sanders,get called a cuck
you can't win either way but for the love of god do not vote for hillary clinton she is a sociopath!
trump voter confirmed
he's an asshole but at least he's lucid. Hillary is just fucking insane and willfully ignorant to her own evil. Bernie is competent and knows what he's doing, people just don't agree with him.
I made 20k last year doing freelance
500 bucks went to state taxes which pays for the local municipals
4k our of my pathetic yearly income goes to the federal government
700 bucks goes to obama care(affordable health insurance)
I surely could do without alot of the bullshit the federal government has its hands in.
Now go look up Gary Johnsons Ideas on taxation. Its still there and will still pay for things like roads, water and grandmas food healthcare. It WOULD do away with A LOT OF THE WASTE and BUILLSHIT.
Im in need dude so obviously its not a safety net.
good sounds like you already have a job that isn't being threated by low-rent mexicans. you just lost 75% of the reason to vote for trump.
We dont want a sneaky jew who favors the lazy niggers, fuck us right?
And the majority of people are going to be trump voters. What's your point?
I almost feel like just giving up and going on welfare.
Why work when bernie sanders will just safety net everyone.
This. I don't really want Trump in office, but I'd take him aannyy time over that cunt.
And then there's how many people who literally never work in their whole life and are given a standard of living for free that's higher than most middle class people who earn.
Everything needs to change
>what is 15% of 20,000?
>hint not 4,000
plus you're dumb because if you're doing freelance there are a ton of tax benefits that salaried workers just don't have.
And tax the fuck out of the youths when they get jobs.
Taxation is scary as fuck. I don't know how people back taxation up like they do. Well unless you work for the government.
My father made about 100k last year. payed 20k in taxes. Thats more then I made in my entire year of working gone so the .3% of the population can piss in special snowflake bathstalls.
The idiocy that is the Trump voter does not understand that Trump will be the worst jobs president in the history of history. Trump is all about deregulation. Deregulation means letting big business milk society for what it's worth. That means less jobs, lower pay, greater inequality. It's so fucking simple. If you are not a large business owner and you are voting Trump, just kill yourself. It's literally less humiliating.
i can see why people would vote for trump and i can see why people would vote for bernie but i can't see how anyone would vote for clinton, because she got dirty cunt? well thats not good enough!
spoken like a true cuck
agreed. he's not anti-establishment he's just actually for corporations. if he coudl figure out a way to do it he would get rid of minimum wage completely. he'd get rid of unions, of course. guns is a big corporate entity and so he supports them.
Fuck you fags
Not votin pal. Just ain't worth my time. Dumb bastard.
people who complain abuot taxation simply don't understand how economics work. it's the only explantation.
what do you think would happen if your father and the millions of people like him were suddenly awarded 20,000 more dollars a year?
Definitely know that feel bro. He's a bastard who wouldn't be able to pull any of the shit he talks about off. But this board is over run with Trumpfags, who are just on the trump train because he hates everyone else almost as much as they do. Bernie is definitely the best candidate when it comes to improving the standard of living in this country. Trump is just good at yelling at people and giving the angry and uneducated scapegoats. That dipshit is still better than Hillary though.
Lets all vote for bionicle
He is the way
Savage nation
if you're still wondering think about the differences in living in the middle of kentucky versus living in New York City. People in NYC make probably a bit more than that compared to people in Kentucky but close enough.
Ill show you my goddamn tax papers dink. Im not lying to you.
Also I used every damn deduction I could possibly do. I saved about 8k in deductions.
>MFW Liberalism and Libertarian are two totally different things and the fact people are too stupid too understand this still are allowed to vote.
what year was this?
Get on board faggots.
23% will be more than it is now for a lot of people. it's not as simple as it sounds.
Support the Comunity
i know i'm just posting memes anon clam down
Last years, I just handed it in like a month or so ago. Im fucked, I cant live on 16k and afford driving to every job. I cant afford gas, tools, Rent, car payments, insurance, car parts(two new axles need to be installed plus breaksplus the engines acting up, plus this goddamn tax and then next years tax. If it goes up Im fucking toast. Ill be so upset i dont know what the fuck im gonna do. I already owe 40k in school loans plus taxes.
Government is a fucking joke and everyone of you supporting this shit is sick in the head.
yes Comrade
You fucking faggot, you don't vote for Bernie because you want a handout, you vote for Bernie because you think the election process is bullshit and someday you want to be able to vote for someone who wasn't presented to you by CityGroup. All you're doing is defending big corporation's right to keep making you their bitch.
i just think trump has no political experience
this is just an outsiders views
ha ha this is a good one
I do. I want to see the crybullies and the cucks both get what they have wrought.
Our country has been Inflitraited and and perverted over 3 generations of commie bullshit.
Bernie Fags your gonna learn What it means to BE GREAT AGAIN!
No please, we have enough of those gay faggots here already. Send him to the land of the beans that he loves so much so he can get murdered by Los Zetas for being a giant fucking sjw cuck
A vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump. A socialist is too far left to win a national election, so Bernie is just taking votes from Hilary's left and distracting her from concentrating on Trump now.
bernie is a socialist jew. trump is a person.
well it's 3500 not 4000
>have capitalism
>get hostile takeover of democracy
>end up with economic-political ruling class of assholes
Pretty simple stuff, anon
why do you get paid so little for freelance work? wtf ar eyou making?
i am a freelancer and with 15 hours a week i pay rent ($1700 a month) and expenses, another couple hundred.
what are you doing?
First post best post
>3 generations of commie bullshit
Yeah, everyone remembers the Cold War where the United States fought for communism all over the world, right?
Except how srsly ever major poll puts Bernie beating trump in a general election. If by some miracle he gets the nomination he has a pretty damn good shot at becoming president. But the DNC is so stacked in Hillary's favor he'll never make it.
he looks like geography teacher that every student walks all over during class. gum on his shoes, shit like that.
there is also another group that seems to be interfering with bernie sanders getting the democrat nominations and no one on his team ever mentions it: an overwhelming number of democrat voters.
Trump and Hilary look like overcooked squash, what's your point?
good point.
>3 generations of commie bullshit.
The fuck are you talking about? Less than a generation ago you could have gone to jail in someone even accused you of being a communist. Faggots like you are why nobody takes trump supporters seriously.
ha ha among the many reasons.
but you want a fucking idiot who lies and burns money for president? shut the fuck up, faggot.
if i had to vote for one or the other? definitely bernie. but neither of them are getting my vote.
*shakes head* you guys are so dumb, trump would ruin america
Make America Grate Again?
isnt this when republicans say "well worker harder and you will be able to live better"
*scoffs* you're an idiot if you think he's gonna do anything good *glares at you*
Keep it up and you'll live to see your grandchildren become slaves.
Clinton will be just as disastrous as Trump - she's owned by people who are ready to finish liquidating the United States and move on. At least if Trump wins we won't have the uneducated retards blaming "liberal communism". At least we'll be able to unite the left against the atrocious economic policy of the plutocrats. At least we'll have a chance to build a new progressive / socialist movement that will drive out the corrupt dinner-party-liberal establishment.
I'm tired of trying to lose as slowly as possible with Democrats. It's time to build our own independent party and start winning against the right-wing two party system.
The issue is that even if Bernie did win the popular vote (very possible considering the elected delegate gap between the two is fairly slim with some of the biggest and most Bernie supportive states yet to vote) it wouldn't matter because Hillary Clinton has all of the superdelegates by the balls.
popular vote is irrelevant. the parties can choose anyway they want to choose their candidate. no one voted for gary johnson. they've both chosen delegates and superdelegates
Bernie is still a bigger fucking liar out of anyone in the polls, and it's been shown time and time again he doesn't know how to manage money.
Nobody in the polls is good, no matter what way you look at it.
>At least if Trump wins we won't have the uneducated retards blaming "liberal communism"
Strongest trump argument I've seen so far this election.
right wing. kek
I have a neighbor that supports Sanders. She's a great fuck, but can't vote yet, luckly.
No this is when I realize I need to work harder. I mean 20k isnt that much but im busting my ass off to make money. With that said id love to keep the fucking money Iv worked so hard to make.
I hav no issue paying local state tax. It was fair and I did pay it. But the federal tax and affrodable healthcare is insane.
AZGary johnsons tax policy seems absolutly brilliant its not even funny.
removing property, corprate, and income taxes would end corporations pandering to our politicians for tax deals (which is a huge portion of our complaints "they dont pay taxes"). It would bring more industry to our nation. People would love to start business here if it was affordable. Youll keep the money you make and the house you have worked your enitre live to build will stay yours for years to come becuase they wont be able to steal your home when property taxes ebcome to unaffordable.
The price of items would in theory drop because the price to live and create is alot more lower. So the hike in sales tax would in theory bring the price back to its current price leaving us with more money, more jobs and the price of shit stays the same.
Yeah he's a huge liar. Like how his politifact rating is super low. And when Colbert did that Bernie vs Sanders debate to show how he contradicts himself so much? Fucking hilarious. Wait, goddamnit, just kidding, those are both about trump.
The problem with this is its not simple like
"Build wall" or "female in office"
no thinking required
Not to mention his email scandals. Or that fiasco with the way he handled Benghazi. Damn, those are Clinton now that I think about it.
No, seriously - think about it. Obama pretty much continued the disastrous foreign policy of the Bush administration (despite tossing the base a few token victories). The only difference is that when it comes from a Democratic administration the "liberals" are actually willing to make excuses for drone strikes and stupid foreign intervention.
The oligarchs have taken over. They are making policy no matter who gets elected. Better that it comes from an oligarch so that we'll all know who the enemy is and get ready for the real fight.
he wants to take everyones money and give it to street rats, and he keeps claiming 'ill make college free lolololol its easy haha'
he's a huge fucking idiot in general, people keep voting for him because he says some pretty things, that's all he's got going for him
Today's Democratic party is to the right of the pre-Reagan Republican party. Clinton's "third way" is merely recapturing the center-right as the Republican base shifts far right. Just because you learned everything you know about politics and pre-marital sex from your southern baptist youth group doesn't mean that this is not an objective fact.
I agree completely, buy that same reason is actually why I'm a Bernie supporter. His socialism stuff is alright with me, but it's not the reason I like him. It's his campaign finance reform that sold me. I think he is the best chance to take back the democracy from the oligarchy that's been taking this country up the tailpipe.
Nice bump, junior
drones were just invented. presidents before obama could have been using them but i guarantee you they will all use them from now on.
I think you're right that the problem is money in politics, but there's really not going to be a way to fix that as long as there are powerful billionaires with an economic self-interest to protect. They will always undo any reforms you put into place. We already live in "fixed" capitalism, after all - it was supposed to be fixed by the New Deal. If you give a small group of individuals a tremendous amount of social and economic power compared to everyone else, then you will never, ever be able to keep them under control.
*could not have been using them
they may not call it drones in the future but it will be some form of automated targeting and destruction.
Good work you faggots. Bernie spends your money (182 million USD) to bitch about how the government is spending your money wrong. Love how you dumbasses want to trust this retard. He can't even take out killary, how do you expect him to beat trump. Keep giving this unsuccessful politician your hard earned money.
Are you kidding me?
Being this fucking stupid in 2016.
"White people don't know what it's like to be poor." -Bernie "Cuck" Sanders
You're a fucking dumbass if you support this guy.
>but muh wall guise
Thats literally what he's campaigned on. He has yet to say a single thing on foreign policy besides "America First*". Nothing domestic. Nothing economic besides the Chinese bluff.
Are you fucking retarded?
Watch the whole fucking thing you normie fucking cuck.
You just might have down syndrome.
Almost forgot
>America First until greatest ally needs help
Your reactionary tantrums at the loss of your economic privilege to global capitalism proves that he's right.
Almost forgot
>I'm a huge fucking idiot.
Did you watch the video? I have all day.
At least >>685695862 linked something. I don't trust someone who has done a complete 180 in the last year
>reactionary tantrums
>loss of your economic privilege
Where did I mention the fact that I've lost anything? I'm rich as fuck.
not yet. I'm still taxiing home. My data is limited to shitposting on /co/
Illuminati confirmed.
I live in Kansas. Kansas is run by a right-wing extremist, who's views are akin to Trump's policies.
Trust me, Trump will ruin the entire country. Just as badly as Sam Brownback has completely razed Kansas and its citizens.
Kansas is the laughing stock of the U.S. now. Imagine what it'll be like when the U.S.A. is the laughing stock of the entire world.
Vote for literally anyone but Donald Trump. If he makes it to the white house, we will face nuclear apocalypse or otherwise mass extinction.
You'd rather vote for a self-proclaimed Jew?
Yeah, you're an asshole.
I'll vote for the jew before the guy who sends his daughter to breed for jews.
He doesn't know the truth. He just doesn't know.
lol wut?
Hitler helped the zionazi banksters justify, normalize and distract from the hostile creation of Israel. Fuck Hitlers opinions and sabotage of the gentile ethnicies.
Hitler (the sephardi crypto jew infiltraitor) may have had many ethnic preJUdices, as do many Romani Gypo Egyptian cultists who worked as trade route hauling house niggers for the silk route manipulating and profiteering KHAZARIAN EMPIRE...
slavs... polish... even romani need to understand... you are shiksas, you are not gods chosen bird faces... not all jews are birdfaces either. Sometimes jews are born with red hair and round PIEfaces of proto indo european genetics. These "bastard jews" are considered inferior because of the phenotype their face structure exhibits. They are cucked by their Birthright Isreal ethnocratic hasbara training classmates and led into dangerous situations ...until they realize their own lower status.
I see lots of disinformation and intentional confusion, race baiting threads being put up by hasbara RAT FACED, KIKEL, MOBSTER, BANKSTER, KHAZAR, PHARACEES, IMPERIAL, ASHKENAZI, THOTH IBIS BIG SCHNOZED trained liars.
Are you the reason I couldn't buy any tinfoil today?
Even the kikes celebrated.
>Kansas is the laughing stock of the U.S. now. Imagine what it'll be like when the U.S.A. is the laughing stock of the entire world.
didn't have to imagine very hard
the thing that bugged me most about Trump is how people say that because he's self funded he cant be bought.
"those evil wall street cunts cant buy me because I'm already one of them and I already want everything they want"
it's the worst possible argument.
I don't want a spineless jew cuck like Bernie to be president, fuck me right?
Trump himself is no Jew though.
tfw jews are happy about a half jew baby.
>>685696699 here, I'm actually a trump supporter.
It's not about what you want faggot.
Cry moar.
johnson is gonna get what, 15000 votes total? less? It isnt even a protest vote if you vote for ol' dingaling. The election is decided already, clinton wins after trump purposefully tanks the election because clinton owes him and wall street enough already that when the shit hits the fan because of her policies that trump and wall street decided for her she'll go down in history as a shitty president and he wont have to take the hit.
Trump 4 prez
obviously he isnt, have you seen how bad he is with money? he's gone bankrupt like 10 times and over 50 years he's turned his dad's 4 billion dollars into 4.1 billion
Do you even understand how businesses work?
Sometimes ventures fail. Actually more often than not. Trump is VERY successful.
Maybe you should try to learn about shit before you talk about it.
Daily reminder for the liberal cucks in this thread.
>pic applies to all sorts of GIBSMEDATS "free shit"
>wanting to vote for Bernie, a self identified socialist
Vote Trump kids, this is our last chance. Seriously
>would have made more money putting his initial capital in an index fund
Yeah, no thanks.
I want to vote for Bernie! What could ever go wrong?
That's simply not true. From the cucks own politifact: http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/dec/09/occupy-democrats/occupy-democrats-say-simple-investment-trumps-fath/
once again learn the fuck what you are talking about.
>Get mad that Trump turned a small loan of $1m into $4b
>Point out you could do the same with a "small" loan of $1m (XD)
>Get madder when someone points out you managed to turn a small college loan of $60k into -$80k
>Get so mad you end up exaggerating to try and prove a factual point while using no facts
>Be a Bernout and still expect to be taken seriously
How long do you usually go without embarrassing yourself?
if he's so successful then why havent all his businesses massively increased his wealth? he has lots of businesses that dont lose him any money, but they arent doubling his net worth over the course of his life, they've increased it by a few percentage points. Over 50 years. That isnt SUCCESS. Imagine if your dad gave you a small loan of a million dollars and by working really hard your whole life you managed to accrue a net worth of 1.05 million dollars. That's what we're talking about here. He fails and fails and fails, and when he succeeds it's by such a small margin that it just about offsets the losses from his failures
I mean, he also got almost 4 billion dollars from his dad's death. I could make 4 billion dollars if someone gave me a small loan of a million dollars and then gave me 4 billion to keep.
Bernie isn't a communist. He's a social democrat. Huge difference.
Safety is not a right, it's a need...yadda yadda. Anarchist horseshit, passive aggressive libertarian faggotry.
Source? Examples? Articles?
Your own asshole is not a good source.
The man owns over 500 LLCs
This includes golf courses, buildings, skate rinks, etc.
You'd have to be dumb to believe he isn't successful.
Face it he's a leader and very successful.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Trump isn't a businessman, he's a TV Star, but good fucking luck teaching the TV watching mouth breathers the difference there.
>I mean, he also got almost 4 billion dollars from his dad's death. I could make 4 billion dollars if someone gave me a small loan of a million dollars and then gave me 4 billion to keep.
Again you are WRONG.
STOP posting bullshit.
Holy shit, the only limit to how many LLC's you want to own is how many pages of Schedule C and E you're willing to file on your tax return. Fucking financial illiteracy is electing Trump.
LOL, a true dumbass comes forward.
Lemme guess, Turbo Tax
>4 billion
Also, he's hiding the fact that his net worth is much lower than he's been telling everyone. That's the real reason why he's been delaying all financial disclosures as long as possible.
Get the fuck out with your social justice warrior agenda, you piece of shit.
Have fun retard.
Read it very carefully.
I find it funny that people who support a complete financial failure and political failure as bernie sanders want to see the level of success of Donald Trump.
These idiots are so delusional.
Click >Apply for Employee ID number on page 1
Congratulations, you have an LLC. Establishing a de facto trust is even simpler.
Muh Jewz
You're a good guy
Don't go to the mall tomorrow
>kys trump supporters
>you guys support a crusty fucking cheeto
>bernie is good guy like OP
No not really.
This time without logical fallacies
>people who support a complete financial failure and political failure
Do you really think that, you silly redneck? Maybe you should actually try interacting with people that live outside your genetic pool.
Nice SJW poster you have there faggot. Go back to riding your dragon dildo.
I actually am a minority and I live in a city. There's a SJW leftist for you.
Sanders is the poorest senator:
Sanders has the worst track record too:
Are you serious
That's your rebuttal?
That was ad hominem my brother
Well, I am former president William Jefferson Clinton and I object to your use of my photograph in one of those internet me-mes. I respectfully request that you delete this IM immediately.
Keep going with your "logical fallacies" bullshit. No one cares.
Technically in my neighbourhood I'm a minority
Literally 9 white people in my neighbourhood
Rest are black or Hispanic
>help me
Shut the fuck up brutha
Retards like this is why America is a joke haha.
Retards like this is why America is a joke haha ha.
I hope you cry yourself to sleep nightly. Who the fuck posts a picture of "logical fallacies?" The simple fact that you try to "outsmart" someone with this bullshit is the sole reason the world is falling apart. You have no balls. No passion no strength.
Keep convincing yourself that you are so above everyone else. Enjoy wasting your time listening to NPR hosts pronounce 'Chipotle' wrong.
Please kill yourself. pic related.
You mad brutha?
That's a big pussy!
Then you're a self serving cunt, no one cares about you.
You do know those two are not mutually exclusive right
Trump is literally Hitler
No you don't anon
Fuck Trump
Hillary is much more of a neocon than Trump. She is the true Hitler.
so you'd rather have someone like Trump in there who doesn't know wtf he's doing
that's better?
Trump's fer chumps. We don't need a reality-TV president, we need a real one.
yeah, not for trump
>lower taxes -> raise taxes
>increase military spending -> decrease size of military
>love abortion -> abortion bad
>i love mexicans -> keep them away from me
trump can do both you're right.
the ultimate flip flopper
Not at all. I voted Bernie.
Hilary and Trump are the same animal and i will never vote for either.
faggot shill detected
Bernie would win, it's been simulated over and over again, but the democrats are too proud to make their trained dog step down, that's why us republicans will win in the end.
Bernie still has a chance
we have California, New Jersey and the Convention
push for Sanders even though it looks like Clinton's winning
it ain't over yet
funny I'd trust both of those women over Drumpf
yeah keep telling yourself that. it isn't even like trump is republican. if he somehow manages to overcome a severe electoral deficit and gets in you still won't have a republican in the white house.
Stop buying into team politics. At this point it's embarrassing.
Don't care, and honestly Bernie would make a better president then either trump or Hilary, but since I can't side with a democratic lap dog its trump all the way
t a x a t i o n i s t h e f t y o u t h i e v i n g n i g g e r
taxation is theft you thieving nigger
>taxation is theft you thieving nigger
yfw Trump is beating Clinton in the polls
>that's why us republicans will win in the end.
you're all fucking hypocrites. it's a party of hypocrites.
your alternative?
it's one poll on fox news and if you think popular opinion matters in the general election you're a moron.
Agreed. I just donated today. #neverhillary
shill, paid by the post
where do you think they should put nuclear waste?
up your ass?
The dems have another whole in one but since he won't play ball with the other shills he's gonna have to head back to VT
>fox news
>everyone who disagrees with me must be paid
you're so dumb it's painful
If Hillary gets the nod i hope Trump wins the election just to show the DNC it is time to change their greedy corporate corrupt ways.
there is so much hatred out there for Clinton
the Democrats need to start shitting their pants to get the message
Sure probably, but we'll still win, you dems are too proud to just choose the candidate the people want, you guys are literally CHOOSING not to win and it's hilarious
>Kike somehow gets elected
>college becomes free
>Colleges lose massive amounts of income, layoff and loss of facilities inbound
>Healthcare becomes free through black magic niggertry
>healthcare facilities lose massive amounts of money
>massive layoffs, loss of facilities and equipment, longer wait time for treatment inbound
>minimum wage gets hiked to 15/hr
>anyplace that offers minimum wage automatizes, massive layoffs for those places, and those that don't go up so high in price they're driven out of business
>cue massive outsourcing for materials and goods due to retarded socialist kike
>small businesses die
>large businesses falter
>those who represent the 1% planned to be taxed to make up for all this just pack up their assets and either hide them overseas or leave country
>Societal collapse
Do you socialist niggers know what cause and effect even means?
simple minds have a simple grasp of economics, just like trump.
That's why he turned every dollar he was given into $10000, right? How he turned that million into billions?
Remember when obama ran for president promising change then he won and nothing changed well even if trump wins not much will change life will go on as usual
I stopped reading after "kike" actually
Please, I'm a republican and even I don't believe that, you just don't want a Jew in the White House, that's your thing so own it. There are plenty of great fully white nations with cheap or free education, it's the only way to keep dumb people from ruining this country. Of course you'll have to be a legal citizen...
>claims buzzwords
>later admits to not even reading
This is how bernie supports actually think
I'll write Bernie in if I have to. Fuck lesser evil voting.
Actually, I have no real problems with jews, seeing as my family is Jewish, and if I cared for religion much, it'd probably be the one I liked the best out of the bunch available. Bernie's just a fucking slagathor retard.
1st impressions are everything
sorry come back later faggot
People who are born weather never lose money, it's just impossible for them because they can always invest more and make it back, that's not how a country works, you can't just keep gambling daddy's money until you've gotten it back
Bernie might run Independent
the blood's going bad with him and Hillary
And those countries are? What, places like Sweden? Look how that turned out. Or how about Canada? Where the wait time in the ER surmounts to several hours. We're too big for socialism. Capitalism works fine, it just needs better regulation, and a smaller government.
two things idiot:
1) you think making a dollar into 10,000 is not a lot harder than making a million into a few more million? you're an idiot
2) macro economics on a global scale is not the same concept as hiring really good money managers and sound investors.
you're a dumb fuck tard
>born weather
man shit was so cloud
>cries about first impressions
>Supports bernie
Oh, the irony
Still would be pointless, the dems would rather go down burning then let that man win
that will never happen silly. but you're right it in wishing for it. it's trump's only hope
and that makes your cringing anti-semitic tinged platitudes suddenly true?
yeah but Sanders has shown demonstrated support across the political spectrum
that's some valuable shit
>not realizing how stocks and wall street work
>not realizing literally every waking moment of your life falls down to a gamble
you don't even english, You realize you can save money, right? Take personal responsibility. If you earn something, then blow it on non-necessities, that's through the fault of no one but yourself. Learn how to better invest.
Not if its implemented on a state by state basis
not if it makes liberals abandon the Democratic Party
yeah the united states is already great. we just need to adjust with the times and make things more transparent. once that happens people can't hide behind the shit they do. but in the end america is already pretty fucking great.
bitch on the right got biiiig hair.
Donald Trump and his supporters are some of the biggest retards on this planet other than niggers but I will be voting for the motherfucker over that whore skimp Hillary.
Fuck muslims.
>a few more million
Pro tip, billions are not 'a few more millions'
>hiring good money managers
>likes bernie
>the only jew who can't handle money worth a damn
>see >>685712098
Bernie is a reterded kike. Just because he's a kike doesn't mean I dislike jews, it just means I dislike that specific jew enough to call him a fucking kike.
>Hitler a socialist
>National Socialism
muuuccchhh different
What is your point even, beside that I'm on a phone and therefore I 'can't english' obviously
why don't you go ahead and tell me a quick way to make $1 into $10,000. you can't. i can tell you very easily how to make $100,000 with a cool million. it only gets easier the more money you're talking about.
My point is that to make money you have to know how and where to spend money. He didn't gamble it away like, say a slagathor retard like yourself might. He knew where, how, and when to distribute his money so as to earn it back ten thousand fold.
here dumb fuck. it takes no brains to do this
Selling frozen sharper image steaks, obviously
Hillary is magic. She made $1,000 into $100,000 in tens months selling influence I mean 'cattle futures'.
you can't even produce one with $1
i know that was a joke but it's worth pointing out.
That's not even a real insult, you should get out of the house more you lonely neckbeard fuck
Simple. You put that dollar toward something to make you one or more dollars to add onto it. Then you put those dollars into something else. It took me about $25 in total to build a forge in my backyard that now allows me to craft knives that I could hock online for upwards of $30 a piece. It's called working.
what did she have to buy forthe $1,000? You're a fuckign idiot and you half assed amateur memes don't even make sense
>unknown, arbitrary newssource
I'm ex military, ya bernout. I've been out of my house, and out of this country. You've probably never left your parents house to branch out into the world.
towards what? you have a dollar, how do you put it toward something. give me some example.
>piece of shit knife forge
fuck off cletus
ITT: delusional fucks who think any of the candidates are remotely qualified
I'm not too thrilled about Trump myself, but Hillary is a walking, corporate sponsored, nightmare. Also, Sanders still isn't getting the nomination because the Clinton's have already bought the remaining share of the Super Delegates.
You actually think he was the one calling those shots, completely alone despite his endless daddy money, and that he never payed anyone to advise him? Man you're dumber than I thought
how's fortune find you?
what's not to believe? the fucking data is public knuckle head
>durr hurr kike jew kike
Sadly she's the only one qualified.
If you have a dollar, and you can't find something to put it toward, you know what you do? You work to earn another dollar. And then another. Instead of crying and pleading for handouts, you earn your keep.
>> piece of shit knife forge
I don't see you doing a damn thing with yourself. I understand you've no concept of work, or how to create, but my capability to create doesn't make me some backwoods hick like your crybaby ass seems to want to
trump would have to be the dumbest person in that position if he chose this shit himself. of course he hired money people, why wouldn't you. fuck even i do that and i don't even have that much money to invest.
I've lived in Amsterdam, deli, and for the remainder of my life NYC, I think I'm doing pretty ok at 24
>macro economics
1 million can buy out the whole New York stock exchange right, fuck, excuse me federal reserve could i have a loan of a million to turn that into a few million, why isn't everyone doing this? You're just a lazy piece of shit working a minimum wage job and don't understand how hard it is to invest. A million doesn't get you shit with "macro economics" it probably isn't close to enough to hire an actual good investor.
you're a dumb shit. so now you're saying the way to raise the millions is to keep working? fuck you're a prime example of why trump is pandering to people like you. you don't know shit. you built a fucking knife forge in your backyard and now you you think you're on the same path as donald trump. he'd fucking laugh in your face faggot
lol spend trillions of dollars on pointless military equipment and pointless wars in countries that are extremely unstable, spend money to help homeless people in our own country go to school and have a house? pssh that's stupid
>Trump would be richer if
>Richer if
Oh no, he didn't make more money so you guys could complain more about him having more money. I bet you guys cry over the dangerous faggot, too.
If you don't understand someone, and you bring someone in to help you learn how to, or do it for you, it's apparently stupid now. Even though that just means he'd know who to bring on to help us earn money back
Oh, the left.
he was born rich you idiot
can't beat hillary because the dnc wants hillary to win. he's not against just hillary, he's against the whole dnc.
you know who else doesn't want him to win? a majority of democrat voters.
>thinking my money making hobby is an implication that I think I'll make millions off it
No, that's why I save my money from work, and bust my ass. Yes, I do think working to earn money is a pretty damn good way to make more money. But sure, I'm the retard here. Pot? Yes, this is kettle calling.
No he wasn't. No one is born rich. His family had money, but he didn't. And then he was given enough to do something with himself, and turned it around magnanimously. Why is it so hard for you Bernouts to think critically?
Kill yourself, Hitllary supporter. Fucking die. Die.
working hard will not get you anywhere. that's the lie you've been fed. it's what keeps you voting republican and what keeps you white trash. you need a marketable skill (hint knife making isn't) and some fucking drive. you can't be a useless cog in the wheel. people like you are what make other people able to be rich.
That wasn't me.
Educate yourself. Have good reasons for your political beliefs. Fight for your values. Unite to destroy the corrupt social, economic, and political institutions that put self-interest above the well-being of society as a whole. In practical terms, organize with like-minded people locally and fight the establishment in every single primary for every single office.
At least we can agree on #HillaryForPrisondent2016
i don't support bernie faggot. trump was born rich and he was given a shit load of money. more money than you'll ever see in your miserable life. then he did what's easy to do, he made more money with it.
I'm not republican, though. But I've earned money through working hard. It's not a lie if I've seen it in action. Drop your shitty entitlement, get some skills, and put them to use for once in your lazy ass life.
I already do that
that doesn't mean I should let Trump win the Presidency
reasons not to vote for trump:
>he flip flops more than any democrat
>he lies as much as clinton, maybe more
>he’s not said anything specific other than a dumb wall
>he has zero experience running a government
>he has zero experience as a politician
>he’s proven incompetent in picking key advisors
>he’s set up and run scams like Trump U and countless others
>he’s switched political parties a half dozen times in his life
>he has ties to organized crime
>he wants to devalue the dollar to increase exports
>he doesn’t understand how the US debt works
>he’s said he would raise taxes
>he thinks americans make too much money
>he will hurt our relationships with allies, already has in some ways
>he will disrupt trade with other countries
>he owns property in other countries
>he spouts propaganda and conspiracy theories like they’re real
>he has tiny hands and gets defensive about it
>he pretends to be someone else
>he has a hair trigger temper and emotionally unbalanced
>he’s prone to getting revenge like a teenager
>he’s impulsive to the point of recklessness
>his love of drama is dangerous on a global scale
>he’s pointedly uninformed about many things, including economics
yeah you earned some petty cash. i make more in a week than you do in a year probably. you don't know shit.
this pic makes no sense
>I'll never see $1 million
>I've managed to save well over 250k during my time in the military alone for my retirement later on in life, and that was before I even became a civilian again.
>Only 25 and I have 10k in my TSP for every year I've lived
Keep telling yourselves knowing how to save and live frugally won't get you somewhere in life. Enjoy always being miserable because you can't afford to treat yourself because you waste money on frivolous non-necessities.
Saving isn't hard, you chump. You'll never enjoy life if you don't put forth effort toward that joy.