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/b/ Tell me why you dont worship my niiga baphomet

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/b/ Tell me why you dont worship my niiga baphomet
jamey blaze spotted
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but moooooooom.jpg
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i dun wanna :P
cuz worshiping things is dumb, go make a sandwich cunt.
Satanam in aeternum
>Forsaking God and God's love.
Idiot, you'll regret it one day.
>Believing in god
Little old for fairytales arent we?
no fuck those cunts and their mudo bullshit. worshipping demons is a bad idea regardless and you're pants on head retarded if you think otherwise
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because it's a fucking goat

>inb4 beeeeehhh
>not realizing God and Satan are the same thing
I bet you also are still confused about the whole Clark Kent and Superman never being in the same room thing.
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Shit tier god
Lucifer loves you, an wants you to be happy
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That's not our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, heretic.
Amen to that.
Yes, praise the morning star
But they're not? God created the adversary which raises questions about his motives, but they're not the same being
Wew lad thought I was on /x/ for a second
I loved his cameo in Annabelle
This, they tell us angels don't have free will, wich means they can't do this "bad" things on there own
Dubs don't lie
This is the work of the devil
Bc your nigga baphomet has tits. Ol' transgender transdeity motherfucker.
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The devil is the accuser ..
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You must know that once you transcend through your physical body, you transcend gender nigger
2016 an still believing Jews propaganda
Ad majorem sathanas gloriam
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Mahn mord satmen satmen niketeh
Not sure he is yet.
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Hillary 2016.jpg
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seems legit
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As above so below
>because worshipping is for the weak
You "worship" more than enough by simply being alive

Baphomet isnt even a real depiction of anything dumb nigga it was meant as a way to thwart the growing number of people interested in joining the freemasons

>not payiny homage and reverence to the benevolent sect of anunnaki you newfags
We're destined to be one with The Almighty (like we once were). Baphoment/Lucifer leads us astray; promises us that we too can become gods, but doesn't deliver.
It's like God is our loving father and Lucifer is that creepy child molester down the block luring us with candy.
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He's not
I like lilth, sex drugs good times
Fuck paranormal activity
This libertad and freedom are all illusions to try and get away from the almighty order of things and connectivity that is all of us is sacrilage... Why be a catalyst for chaos when you can fight for order?
Things arent subjective in this universe
Everything is objective... Dynamic but objective

>Dont you listen to their words
>dont you ever BELIEVE
The bible says we are gods
"God is in us an we are of god", something like that
So how is it a lie if he says we are gods
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Because the Lord and Savior Raptor Jesus is the One True Path.
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Yeah I hated that movie too
Dubs= truth
Yeah but trips are more proof
>Eyes open when I sleep
>keep your eyes peeled too cause theyre coming to take you
>from the ones that you love
Dubs are the devils play thing
The piece of the divine that is in us all is meant to be only a piece. Giving us free will and the capacity to grow beyond animalistic determining factors.
Thus becoming god
Cause if hes that powerful a tiny bit would be more than enough
Dubs, again ?
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>that fallacy
Its alright
One day all shall be welcomed back into the light
Tis' true. It's our destiny to separate from this reality of materialism; to once again establish a spiritual connection with the All Mighty.
Obviously were not though. We are bound by the laws of the universe like being born and dying.
We are his children
So by birth right alone we are gods
When can become as gods, but never as powerful as the All Mighty. Other beings were once of lesser consciousness, but they have evolved throughout millennia. Yes, they are much more powerful than they once were, but not nearly as great as God.
Yea that's just the physical world, your light body is what is real
We are only grafted into his salvation by his grace. The Jews are grafted in by blood right.
k but you're not "light" until you die and meet your maker.
This is the thinking of man, plenty of children have surpassed there parents
I dont know
I see what you're doing here ...
They believed in a very powerful spiritual ancestor of some reptilain race who called himself el shadai
They are no better or worse than us in the eyes of the true master of the universe and everytjing beyond

The anunnaki actually despised the Jews because it reminded them of their own failing race on nabiru

Dont believe the hype
This is not true anymore, Jesus died for everyone
Didn't say it was easy
Im already a Buddhist.
But what about meditation
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You can try, but...
Does this mean the fall of man was on purpose
the anunnaki are pledians of a different dimension. they do not see things in a form of race and certainly do not hate any form of human
Its very likely
Are there any benefits to worshipping him? And do I have to make sacrifices every full moon? Give me some details nig.
This sub really likes to talk about atheism for some reason, haha.
Why pay to worship the son, when you could worship the farther for free
That's beautiful mang
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I dont know how to feel.
>why worship anyone?
Who says we are worshipping different gods
At Babel language was the only thing that changed, not god
different interpretations same entity. I feel you anon. I don't worship any interpretation because Im not sure which one I think is right. To be honest.
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