Rekt thread
the only person prepping for impact is the dude in the back. all the women are oblivious to impending crash
Dumped all i had boys.
More yo
Killed by nerve gas
only the fat one saw it coming, wtf.
Holy shit
I am pretty sure i read the story about that one before and he died later from internal damage.
That type of hit will fuck you up even if you don't get crushed, even more so in a Soviet PoS 50s safety standard car like that.
You monster!
What kind of machine is that
fuckkk look at her head/neck
Hydrolic press
I don't know man, seems like he was fine getting out of that car.
a big modern fingerbox
nerve gas dispenser
the reactions in this one always get me, the nonchalance, and the selfie commentary
It's Brazil, what can you expect?
it's my favourite part just because he couldn't care less
Adrenaline will keep you going pretty good after a major accident.
But i guess it is possible, he did not hit head on, but i can only imagine what type of damage it did to his neck.
Either way he is lucky to have survived that at all.
Or maybe he was drunk, it is Russia after all, drunks sometimes survive things that should kill people easily.
The relief.. ooh, nevermind
is a nuclear chinaman squisher
free ching chong breakfast
That was very disappointing
it looks like the cat's still alive, it squirms for a bit right after it stops sliding
Pneumatic hair cutter.
>Took too much off the top.
This is the only video i really can't watch.
I will never work out again (not that i ever did kek)
It's a cold chamber aluminum die casting machine. There a mould inside, hot aluminum goes in and then the two platens come together with a force between 200 to 1500 tons to create the aluminum part.
was she trying to kill herself?
That's it, im letting my hair grow!
I'm guessing since it's in Brazil.
we were having fun here... thanks
What did i learn from rekt
Dont put head in press
Truck is stronger than bike
Mods listen to weak stomach fags
Fuck this smartfag
from what i've been able to figure out from watching the video over and over again, plus how it starts from her danging off and shaking her hands to get them to let go, the answer's more than likely yeah
Anyone else think she looked a bit pregnant?
I appreciate you
More like:
Never go outside
Avoid all mechanical contraptions
Stay away from black people and arabs
All animals bigger than a cat will probably maul you if you piss it off
How dare you!?
looks like she's just fat to me
Maybe its just a fat bitch with a gut.
And this is why terrorists should set a secondary charge to detonate a minute after the first, to kill the medics and others that come to help.
Luckily most terrorists are retarded.
you will never take me alive imperialist pigs!!
Wouldn't the secound charge detonate from the impact of the first charge?
how the fuck would a small secondary charge detonate a second explosion without the initual explosion setting it off first... /b/tard
8 or 9 flights straight down. Yeah, I'm sure he's alive and it wasn't just muscle reactions. Lol That cat is fucking dead. Dead as fuck. Retard.
Honestly should've BIP'd it
There are cats that have fallen off of 15-20 story buildings and lived. It's entirely possible the cat lived.
someone post dog abuse
That's unfortunate, he was crushed by a huge faggot.
>chicken nuggets
He thought was fine, but out of nowhere a HUGE FAGGOT appeared!
And cats.... I can't stand cats.
I can only guess the sounds were like
Sauce? I wanna hear it scream
You don't place the secondary charge on top of the first one you fucking genius, modern explosives are surprisingly hard to set off outside of using an actual blasting cap inside the explosive.
Hell, it could be 50 meters away with a directed blast to send a bucket of ball bearings over the first detonation site.
The fuck is wrong with you
It's a telephone
this makes me happy
I think I made it pretty clear that I don't like cats....
>happy i live in the western world
Thats pretty efficient
That's prety efficient
It sorta made it sound sexual
It doesn't work
It's a blender
The fuck is wrong with you?
Well I do get some sort of satisfaction when I watch cats cry, seize, scream, etc.
post niggers
I agree if you like cats you gotta be a lonely neckbeard still living at home in the basement... they are disgusting little creatures. I wish I could put all the pressure of my weight on one's head right now.
The wrong is fuck with you?
edgy faggot
Whe tuck is frong yith wou?
I hope that person will have the most painful death I can imagine
Why? The world is over populated with these disgusting creatures. I'm sure he does this everyday and he is the true hero we deserve.
The world is also over populated with humans, why dont you just shoot yourself in the head as well :^)?
I think you are the real "special" kind of cat lover aren't you?
This is what happens when you have feminists. FYI those are all male chicks being killed.
That helped a lot, seeing how he swapped seats.
That's pretty efficient.
scoprion wins
Vegan since 1999. This kind of nasty shit is why.
nerve gas
>locks knees
>deserved it
A life is a life, faggot. Burn in hell
>not showing the dog maul it afterwards
Was that guy still alive?
Everyone who lived on a farm knows that sheep are dumb suicidal creatures.
This is confirmed legal in Germany
>mfw the grey hoodie guy fucking replicates during crash
Not today
samefag who sees nerve gas everywhere
that comment is old fucking faggot
nerve gas
I hate how they move the camera in the climax of the video, always happen. fucking faggots. if you can't handle what the fuck are you doin there
when the bass drops
Man crusher
she fell on nerve gas
It's obviously fake, but I lost at how shit it is.
When your girl can´t cum
Hydrogen peroxide?
Bless you
No it's obviously nerve gas.
did he dei?
Fucking faggot
kek dat pulse check
stop it you authistic non funny faggot
Jet fuel
I chuckled
I dont get it
Oh, you mean humans right?
what the hell was that!?!?!?!??!1
love it how the light springs on afterwards
look at his head
9/11 never forget
Not sure, not sure !!!
I love how the bitch just runs away just to come back later for her son
yeah he had eternal bleeding or some shit
I giggled a little cause I used to be a farmhand and I know the feeling of a rooster who has too big of balls to live
lol, Dude....
Anyone have the bid with the girl sawing off the dogs legs
Ooooh... thanks stranger! Le tip*
May be, may be... lol
It's weird, I will watch people die in a thousand ways, all of them hilarious, but I will NEVER watch this again.
fucking little siren light gets me every time
fucking retard, dege, no what ever, you already know youre lonely, how many chix are in to animal abuse? no? well then, edgy off ur self you ugly fuck