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General 420 thread. Let's see what /b/ is smoking tonight.

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General 420 thread. Let's see what /b/ is smoking tonight.
I'm not smoking anything because I am a productive member of society.
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ye right
So am I. But I still smoke.
Ireland here, gonna be getting about 4.5 grams for 50 euro tomorrow. Praise the Lord.
Nothing like payday/re-up. Lucky sob, anon
isn't that a bit too expensive? i get buy it for 7-8 euros/gram in hungary
That is super expensive. I usually get 7g for 50$
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In thailand at the moment . OG thai cush niggas
I can see tree bark in it, anon, I think someone sold you tree parts.
It's great here in Ireland atm
wats that??? ugly shit, wouldnt smoke
ye they should only sell the leafs dude that's arip off
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Op here, I think you got ripped off man
The only thing I'm smoking tonight is a pack of chicken flavour from a ramen pack.
Send me money /b
Nigger this shit is legit . You know nothing blacky
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Let me see your rigs, gents. Small beaker bong, but hits smooth and hard.
Looks legit man you got hooked up! I'd buy as much of that fine herb as I could before it runs dry if I were you.
Op here 100% legit stuff outdoor at its finest . Trust me im from amsterdam i know what i talk about .
There's a lot of stem in that though for sure.
I live in British Columbia, we have some of the best weed in the world.
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>og thai cush

looks dank
Prove it
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Best papers
Uhhh... okay... give me a minute
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Prove it niglet quik timestamp
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Fuck off nigger! That's practically /b/. Gtfo
>inb4 hurr durr ripped off
This is what weed looks like everywhere in thailand faggots, its shit quality but it comes in bricks.

>source: i live in thailand
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Niggaz got weetbix
I don't have a time stamp on it and am not going to bother making one, but I sincerely doubt a duplicate image of this exists.
The name of the image is a timestamp though.
>Top Kek
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Got some shit yesterday. Missouri weed rules
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Drop #2
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nice rigs.jpg
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roll on over to >685097410 for stonerbike thread bros get in here and get this bikethread litttt
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greetings from Finland.
non stoner fag here who is thinking about smoking some weed but can anyone say how long the high usually lasts?
If you have never injected a marijuana before it could last for days
well... it does now

than i'm a time traveller
2 hours or so. You might feel a bit hazy for a few hours after that though.
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few hours. The high peaks at about 30 minutes and after a couple of hours you should be able to function normally.
OP here. It usually depends what the quality of the bud is and how big of a dude you are. But for me, I'm usually set for a couple of hours. 5 maybe, give or take.
Oh noes.
depends if you roll it up as a cig or use a bong
if you roll it up you get a weeker high that lasts longer and if you use a bong it hits harder but fades quicker
i personally prefer the bong as it's easier for a starter
I don't smoke much, but when I do I don't like to get super stoned. I like it as a small adjustment, like a couple of drinks, change my perspective a bit. So, question for the seasoned smokers - how big is the difference between indica/sativa or all the mixes? I never hear anyone ask that when offered a hit. I suspect that I like one of them but unsure which one. Also, I see ppl bragging that their weed is 25% thc... why is this a good thing? the few times I smoke I just use some crumbs, more worried that I smoke too much and just haze out in a corner in my own head....
I don't understand why people always want to have the strongest weed ever. I enjoy my import thai/jamaican and Nepal hash. Born and raised in the Netherlands and have smoked everything I could get my hands on, but seriously, I don't even enjoy smoking "big booty fire og super golden diamond haze" anymore.
was thinking of trying to make a waterfall bong, you know if they are worth it?
Because higher = better
Currently not smoking but a buddy and I are buying 6 grams of wax. We live in Illinois so that shit is expensive
my bro made one once and it was all right i guess but buying one is waaay easier
i just went to my local mall and bought one for 19€ nad have been using that ever since
Alright sounds legit. I go for a quality high rather than going completly down syndrome though.
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I am an econ professor and I get baked with my students occasionally. I also have my own downtown apartment, two cars and I travel abroad every year. I smoked almost every night while getting my Ivy League PhD.
Toke it up fellas, just don't be a slave to it! It is just like every other vice, just do it in moderation and don't let it control your life.
What's a good price and amount for hash? I kinda wanna mix that shit with my bud. Is this possible?
Depends where you are, usually you can get a larger quantity of hash for cheaper than your usual bud. Of course uou can mix with you bud just make a hash noodle.
Want to bake hash brownies this weekend with a couple friends. none of us baked them before. how should we do it?
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Drop #3
reina del sur
Making your own oil? That's how I make some dank ass pot brownies that taste way better than just throwing that shit into the mix.
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Southern Texas, mane. And I have a Bong that hasn't let me down yet. Would I just break the bud and hash down and pack it all cool? Sorry for all the questions.
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chur bro

no weed tonight . got no money :<(
Ausfag deffo
Trips has blessed thee. you'll find some random ass cash some where
$10 a gram here in australia... is that good?
Fucking hell that looks bogan as fuck at least use a socket from a socket set for the bowl
We all start with this
Why not use an apple or some cheap papers
$10 a gram in Tx.
Oil or Butter? How much hash do i need?

haha didnt even realise

its a pic off google lol my bong is similar i use a socket set though
$10 in Perth /bro
25 a gram where im from. people under weigh them to fuck tho
m8 where in Perth were you getting $10 a g, i used to pay $25 for a stick
How do I find where to get weed?
ask your friends man
its everywhere dikhead! towns, citys, farms u name it! (look for the guy in the high viz gear)
Not anything. On my way to smoke less
can't smoke cuz on risperidrone. btw, if anyone knows, how long would I need to wait after quitting risperidrone to finally smoke some weed?
Well what does the recipe call for? I personally go with oil based. And I wouldn't really know. Try this
how do yall smoke your bud?
The few friends I do have, don't smoke.
Nothing, because I moved to a new country (Germany) and I don't have any connections. Any tips on how to find weed?
Where in germany?
ask your family
Look in your mind for the perfect high
With tabacco in a pape
With tobacco
But i'm Australian.
me too bro, nz

you must smoke ciggys too?
Damn you could have smoked with us :D but in general you will mostly find them in a big park or near the central station. Or look a bit around. If you find an ''alternative'' part of the city, chances are good.
I used to roll spliffs when I am low on weed but mostly just big ol 3 gram joints
No actually, got into a bad habit of using it. Makes it so good though.
sydney oz callin . Dat is getting me high just lookin atit
You mean the park behind the Schlossplatz? I don't want to walk around and ask people if they sell...
just wandering how much 4 3gr. in OZ around us65
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Then I guess you don't need weed that bad.
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bout to take a fat dab off this beast
I don't know, i find it to easy to find them. Don't how to describe it, though. But if you don't wanna ask i guess your best bet is it to find friends who smoke
Shit i wanted to reply to the other post
I replied to the wrong post but you will find the answer little green anon
Got me sum pikachu kush.
Hits hard and fast, leaves you alert/ tingly yet relaxed/ not drowsy, not craving food.
Hey /b/ just smoked some decent stuff, sticky, rich in tricombes, is $40 good for 4.5grams
Bought a Vapexhale Cloud Evo

Anyone have experience with these vapes? Picked it over a Volcano. Sitting on a zip of Northern Lights.
Wish I could smoke. But I'm probably getting tested today for a job, did it may 6th last time. How fucked am I?
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Reminds me of the anime Parasyte.
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This is what I have.
Try to drink a lot of water, intake Vitamin B, and creatine 24hrs before. 2 weeks normally is enough, but you're a bit short.
Well I have been drinking green tea, cranberry juice, and vinegar quite often lately, been paying a lot. and I'd ride my bike sometimes or lift for a good sweat
nice spoon
Dutchbro here.

Just stopped by my local coffeeshop and picked up a few prerolled White Widow joints.
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What I'm smoking tonight
enjoy bro!!
I get mine for 60 for an eighth. Sometimes 50
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Banana Kush, California.
im waiting for my delivery from the darknet.
50€ for 5g
just buy it from the darknet.
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