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You guys want to troll someone? I'm German-blooded, I

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 76
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You guys want to troll someone?

I'm German-blooded, I am DEFINITELY not a Nazi, and she offends the crap out of my.

I'm one of her worst nightmares, too, being a lesbian.

I don't normally come here, but I feel that you guys are my only hope to get this... Cancer off the internet, forever.

Her YouTube name is Evalion. She's a homophobic, racist neo-Nazi. In one of her videos, on 4/20, she celebrated HITLER'S. BIRTHDAY.

I'm not gonna go on. 4chan, you wanna troll her? Do it. Please. Pic related, it's her. Here's what info I have on her.

She's 18, I have no idea where she lives or what her number[s] are, I know you guys are great at that.

I mentioned her YouTube, but here's a link, aswell as to other shit:

Her YouTube:

Her Twitter:

Her Reddit name:

On Reddit, she moderates these:


tl;dr witchhunt this cunt you beautiful bastards.
No one gives a shit about your problems, OP.
I'd love to troll the fuck outta this bitch but I gotta sleep rn
There's always tomorrow.
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Evalion is Queen.
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>I'm one of her worst nightmares, too, being a lesbian.
What a snowflake you are.
Said no one with the brain capacity of anything more than a dead monkey ever.
Wow thanks for telling me about this bitch, dyke. Entertaining af
Is she really a nazi girl, homophobic, xenophobic and so on, or is she just an attention whore and stupid white trash?
No problemo, you dirty faggot.
If she's the latter, she personifies this line from Saints Row The Third:

"People can go a long way to be assholes."
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Hey OP, how does it feel to know that you're the cancer of society?
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We are not your personal army
your choice, don't do it if you don't want to
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She is legit. Leave her alone, pathetic race traitors.
I wouldn't know, faggot. I'm not Evalion.
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Refer to my post about mentalities of dead monkies, cockbreath.
thanks for turning me on to her, she is right!
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Enjoy your cancer, fucknut.
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Meanwhile, in nigger Africa...

Depending on "EVIL WHITEY" to survive. We WHITES are keeping these nigger baboons alive, with all the contributions, food donations, and peace keeping.

Stupid niggers. Brought it on themselves. Thank goodness they are dying from aids, poverty, famine and genocide. If a nation (or continent in this case) can't look after itself, then let it go. Its NOT our responsibility or obligation. We should pull out of Africa, cut off all relief and peace keeping efforts and let natural selection play its part.

As for niggers in America...

We still don't owe these stupid niggers anything. We give them so much, and they return the favor with crime and degeneracy. Murder, robbery, rape, and drug dealing are the only significant and noticeable things they've done to impact society. They don't contribute anything. American niggers need to shut the fuck up and be fucking thankful that whitey dragged his great-great-great-grandpa's ass here all the way from monkey nigger Africa. Here in the USA, the stupidest, laziest, most worthless niggers don't even have to work! They receive free first-world education (which they gladly throw away), healthcare, clean running water, electricity, food stamps, welfare, child support, nigger scholarships, the list goes on and on, but combine all that with booze, KFC, guns, dope and hoes, Its fucking nigger heaven! We've poured BILLIONS of dollars in supporting these ungrateful niggers. And yet they STILL have the audacity to demand for more, and fucking complain about unfairness and discrimination. Open your fucking eyes, people. Niggers are leeches, a parasite attached to white society. Taking in so much, but giving absolutely nothing positive in return.

We don't owe you filthy fucking niggers anything. You owe us.
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Stahp postin leafy

Fucking attention whore

Also i really dig her

8/8 for making me reply. Cmon guys how stupid are you, do you believe a human being going to a racist imageboard to have an adorable racist taken down?
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Agreed. Tits or GTFO. Pic related.
NYPA faggot, I can't believe people still do this on 4chan
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>racist imageboard
my sides
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boobs or gtfo op

we don't care about helping u why should we
this is not about helping OP, this is about making this racist lil bitch commit suicide from floods of hate
i want to get her pregnant.
>people like you for being a girl because they want to fuck you
that's a completely noncontradictory statement anon
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This is now a Nazi appreciation thread
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if you hate niggers and jews, listen to my new song
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Some may say that I'm a "Racist", but defining what or who a "Racist" is [to me] is a very subjective, relative and perceptive "thing" to "quantify", as the "scales" one or another may or may not use to measure and/or define who is or is not a "Racist" is determined by a number of variables:

* Location
* Experiences
* History
* Time/Situation
* Status
* Color [Race]
* Religion
* Political party
* Peers

Am I a "Racist" because:

* I like being "White"
* I believe "Minorities" cause [overall] more trouble than "Whites"?
* I feel the "scales" are becoming more unbalanced in favor of "Minorities"?
* I think "Racism" is becoming much more extreme/present against "Whites"?
* It is time for "Whites" to stand and not be "marginalized" or intimidated?
* I'm tired of being blamed for the "Minorities'" lot in life just because I'm "White"?
* I carry guns and will use them if necessary against "Minorities" who threaten me?
* I don't think it is unreasonable for "like minded Whites" to congregate in self preservation?

I do not:

* Think "English" should be treated as a "2nd language"
* Want to kill any "Minorities" [self defense excluded]
* Have respect for fools, cowards and the ignorant
* Feel I "owe" "Minorities" any more than my own "Kind"
* Want "Illegals" to have any "Rights" [except to leave]
* Feel guilty for being successful
* Want "Gangs" to be allowed to exist [I like "Militias" though]
* Accept Progressive/Liberal views/opinions on "Minorities"
* Believe I should have to pay to support "unsuccessful" "Minorities"
* Accept that I should "lay down" while "Minorities" "take over" America
* Believe "Whites" would be treated fairly by "Minorities" in "Majority" power

I do not believe that all of the above makes me a "Racist", but [rather] a sane, logical, fair and intelligent man. Now if all "this" makes me a "Racist", then this country is in much worse trouble than I fear it is now.
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I don't know why you fucking retarded faggots admire a looser as adolf hitler
He couldn't do a single thing right
You are just a fucking looser as he was
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Spain reporting
I mean, he did knock off 6 million of those dirty kikes, ridding us of a small part of the problem
/b/ is not your army
also half the people will now try to bread with this gal who believes in the Fuhrer's truth
Shill pls leave.
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Meanwhile, in Russia...
OP is right
OP is a /literal/ faggot
>being a lesbian.
tits or gtfo
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weirdest synchronized swimming i've ever seen.
Like a lot of people in /b/
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she's 5000% a plant or a troll.
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OP, while I aggree with you, you have sadly awoken the trolls of /b/
and I AM german and i dont give a damn about her stupid opinion...get triggered somewhere else...
Subscribed and followed, this cunt is hilarious. We should send her fan letters from like black girls and lesbians and stuff, really piss her off xD
Jews will get the whites to genocide themselves.
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Listen OP, we aren't gonna do it. Nobody on /b/ will ever attack anyone, especially a grill, who likes Hitler.
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she may actually be a plant, since she follows and is followed back by KKK's on social media, isn't it just a great time to be alive
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Fine. You fuckers want tits? Here. No face, you're lucky you're getting tits.
But he didn't finish the job
We have to deal with
The problem now days
Also he got his ass kicked
For a true great leader as Stalin was
Like a said you neo nazi are just a butch of disaffected frustrated and lame faggots
>being a lesbian
tits or gtfo
German blooded

lol what so you think does that mean? right nothing

prob amerifag on identity raid
Estupido gachupin
Para esos racistas
Come mierda ustedes
Los ibericos son solo
Eropeos de tercera clase
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well, you don't have to leave, but we're still not gonna do it
>fat porker
>no timestamp

ehhh i'm not crazy about the glossy finish
id give her a 5 out of 7
Nobody is going to help you here you fat fuck
Stop trying to falseflag yourself bitch. No one here is interested in making you look like the victim that you so wish were.
imagine russia would have like :,, so we are superior race lets start some wars instead of ending them...,, would be great time for europe i guess ...

and this
You disgusting pig bitch.

You desecrate the Fuhrer's good name and you're a disgusting narwhal? God damn the day you were born. Peasant dyke.
you single? i'm also a lesbian who browses b
Race war?
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obligatory; tits or gtfo
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wew lad
saddest thing i read so far
Fuck you left winged faggot, you're whats wronf with this world!
not your personal army, tits or gtfo,blah blah

This is some gay fucking shit. You're a faggot.
Stfu she's hòoooooooot
jeah something like this...
give us some tits without a timestamp? stupid pork you are. and by the way, welcome to /b/, just once when you leave, never fucking come back.
fuck off homoniggerjew
lol im subscribbed to her
you realized that everyone on this site is just as bad as her you fucking newfag
Fuck you fucking facha
>no time stamp
time for you to get the fuck out
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She's a nazi, she runs on hate like its diesel.
Anyway, 8/8 would suck on her unnaturally enlarged, swollen nazi clit.
>those tits

Well, at least we know why she's so angry all the time
Sorry I asked.

Still, timestamp. Thems the rules.
I can't tell if english is your second language or if trolling ..
This... Makes my slimy kike cock moist..
one sec lemme find a razor blade
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OP stop trying to get in the way of the superior race
yeah now we've got the greater of two evils rampaging all over the world. He really did solve all the worlds problems alright.
lol, I missed the opportunity to make fun of her cutting. Good one!
shall we talk about how much a snowflake OP is?
>I'm one of her worst nightmares, too, being a Lesbian.
>I'm german-blooded

I watched a few of her videos and I'm convinced it's an act. In time she'll admit to being the troll that she is.
That game sucks.
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lol that was me xD i was being for real
Heres a thought, go fuck yourself OP
+1 bruv

Now make arrows that point at the stretch marks.
Why should we? Let her say what she wants to say. I don't support it, but she sure as hell shouldn't be censored for it because "M-muh-muh feelings!" If we do, then we become no better than the SJW's who want the same thing.
Here's an idea, kill yourself op.
Put the date too, just for safe measure
fuck i aint got no stretch marks =/ those marks in the pic are scars
if niggers are so dumb how come they get free food
>Not realizing all the threads about Evalion tonight are actually her just whoring her youtube channel.
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Woah, you cut stretch marks into your body?
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For real though, i want to fuck that little nazi girl
are you from tumblr op? you sound special enough
>I'm one of her worst nightmares, too, being a lesbian.
>being this retarded
Pigeons get free food from the elderly too, they're still dumb as shit.
Good. Post some of your drafaggotry, the tits are getting old.
>being a lesbian
Idk circle my stretch marks in photoshop and i'll get back to ya and tell ya what they are. odds are theyre just scars =/ WAIT i think i do have actual stretch marks on my ass but you wouldnt be able to know that
Get on cam for us


If you're on a phone install puffin browser to cam
I like Evalion, at least she's trying to be redpilled.
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boy, you Germans never learn, will be necessary a third war for your people learn about what is freedom? democracy? freedom of speach?
Turn off the internet now, and go read Nietch and Kant go learn from your own fellows.
why apparently my nudes suck and my body is of no fap to yall
just subscribed to her channel
shit is so cash
op just die already
I think all of that makes you a paranoid xenophobe who will be forever tilting at windmills. You've swallowed too many red pills. Try a chill pill.
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And inside your arm, but those look like cutting scars.
Camera could be playing tricks on me though.
>asking the ass cancer of the interwebs to troll a pro-Hitler, pro-Nazi loli for being pro-Hitler and pro-Nazi.

Jesus fuck how new are you Op?
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>Op doesn't realize that /b/ is generally pro Nazi

Where the fuck do you think you are?
Not your personal army. Now go make me a sandwich, cunt

Jesus Christ, if you guys are examples of our superior white race, we're fucking doomed

Taken in by the most obvious sperg-bait ever, she's gamergirl 2.0.

The majority of her subscribers are only there because she's a 7.5 girl instead of her poorly researched videos

sorry niggerjew... i replied to the wrong niggerjew... meant opniggerjew
Lol I'm a homophobic racist too
>trust me I'm not baiting
Don't worry, there's always some desperate faggot that thinks you're attractive.
Remember to upvote this video made my by greatest ally
t. OP
yup those are just scars, i hate my tits so i useto cut them a lot, part of it says my old girlfriends names and the arm is where most of my scars are, i got one little one on my stomach also like right below your circle
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hitler still alive
You realize 90% of /b worships Hitler? HEIL
Hrm, probably rape victim and or abusive mom etc?
Fuck you're hot.
try cutting deeper and around arteries or veins also rusty blades rubbed in pidgeon shit work best.
Race Civil War! Whites and everybody else versus Nazis.
YES =D howd you know? xD my stepdad fucked me and my mom hid the entire thing! made sure i didnt go to the cops and everything. Shit sucked
thank you, i believe i will actually try that, i've never actually had an infection
got ugly tits
how can I make them look better
cover them in scar tissue
>truly blessed when it comes to stupidity,please don't breed
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someone can have completely different opinions than me and I don't give a shit. I'm weird like that.
It's psych 101. Oh and I've had a lot of shitty gfs, so think of this as my revenge.

Kill yourself.
Thank you, i swear will never breed =D not like any man on earth would wanna fuck me anyways lol
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Thank you, i'll keep trying =)
I would. Stop self hating.
Your stepdad and some fucktards on /b/, but no one worth a damn wants to fuck you.
>has never seen cutter scars before
everyone else hates me, i just wanna be on the winning side for once xD
Try harder.
tits or gtfo!!!
Of course you're not a racist.

You're just stupid.

Now go brush your tooth and wash the shit stains out of your t shirt.

You sound like a complete fucking trainwreck of a human being and I'd rather support anyone you hate than you because they likely aren't completely worthless to society in general.
>has never seen a joke before
I would fuck you straight op. But I would fuck anything
>called someone out for something stupid
>looked stupid, better damage control
>hurr hurr it was just a joke you're the stupid one
thank you, this is helping =) more please?
>I'm German-blooded

Faggot, my grandfather was born in a German community in Zap, North Dakota in 1918 and he spoke German throughout most of his youth and even I don't go around telling people I'm "German blooded".

Fuck off.
i love big nipples and small areolas

what' up with all of the scratches?
Calimed waifu
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>traitor to your race
>sexual degenerate
You should probbly kill yourself.
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>you cut stretch marks into your body
>cut stretch marks

if you didn't see that as a joke, and thought I was serious, fucking kill yourself.

Fucking kids these days.
i absolutely do not understand this impulse
I'd be willing to bet she's not German, she's (((German))).
About as Aryan as Rabbi Herschel Lieberman-Bergblattstein tbh
Ample proof that homosexuals are severely, mentally fucked.

Being gay is a mental illness? WHO KNEW!?
sometimes you want to just feel somthing
but then whoever it was went on to actually circle what he thought were stretch marks in the photo lel
And she cuts herself.
Prime oven material in this thread.
why do you want attention from guys if you're lesbian
I had a girlfriend who would cut herself. Like, I'll be sympathetic up to a point, but can you fucking stop?
all i see is more damage control
Because in the potato quality photo they look like stretch marks in a common stretch mark area.

Have you ever seen non animated tits you little faggot?
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this little nazi girl?
there was allegedly another lesbian in the thread and it began when she posted her tits, then i replied my tits and asked if she was single- now im just tryin to get some hate from yall so i can muster up some courage to end it =)
Here's an idea, don't watch her videos. Pretty simple to ignore
I guess I don't understand what part of this is supposed to convince me that you were just joking about them being stretch marks
I pretty much agree with everything except I don't hate Jews but blacks basically do nothing but commit crime and cry racism when they get shot I live in Philly and its fucking awful here
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Which explains why you couldn't see the joke.

Get lasik or something, faggot.

Why the fuck would you willingly seek out shit that you know is going to trigger you and then sit there and WATCH IT?

God, gay people are so fucking stupid.
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Fick dich du kleine Schwuchtel
She sounds like a lovely person, I would enjoy discussing how much the jews suck and attempt to control us through the media. It's not Hitler's fault he's blamed for the Jews killing each other and covering it up. He did nothing wrong, I'm glad to see others preaching the true message.
my room mate does that, all he does all day is look up christian youtube vids who try to disprove air planes and something called "inverted hollow earth theory" he just sits there and rages. all. day.
I'm sorry that you are showing signs of fetal alcohol syndrome, but u do u, special ed faggot
>implying your army grade
there are many ways to feel something
>listen to music
>talk to a friend
>flirt with someone you don't know
>shout from your window
>read a good book
shall i go on?
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Fuck off newfag
HAHAHAHA! Salad. Every fucking time.
one of a dying breed of people not afraid to piss off cry baby niggers and cucks. love this girl
>muh safe space
This is such a bullshit excuse for what is literally nothing more than a cry for attention.

Why not punch yourself in the face until you break your nose? Or skin yourself while you're at it.
You seem to be unfamiliar with my work. But those are called "performance pieces" and are equally for attention.
dude knowone knows about my cutting because i dont cut my arms or anywhere that cant be easly coverd up.
but i have broken my nose by headbutting a wall and fucking up
Would still fuck
Fuck outta here you sissy fucking faggot ass, lesbian "woe is me" shit. Coming to 4chan for help. Go to tumblr you ransid cunt.
I once sold out a 30 person room to have them watch me drill a screw through my arm with an electric drill.
Lurk moar. This isn't really a PA request. Her videos are showing up on YouTube. This isn't some random girl that cucked op. She's about to get more attention from the Internet.
You did not you lying sack of shit.
People like you need to be institutionalized, not pandered to.
There aren't enough beds in all the hospitals in all the world to tend to all the mental and cutters
OP is a SHILL.

OP is helping Evalion to make more money and gain more viewing stats by referring you to her YouTube page.

This creates a paradox for us.

We are supposed to punish people for that kind of blatant whoring, but Evalion is so fucking cool it would be a shame to do it.
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transexual black jew detected
>disenfranchised youth being susceptible to extremist ideals
>only acceptable if you're a nigger
im not gonna be locked up for that.
now if i cut others then i would agree with you
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I kek'd
this is hilarious!
Jesus Christ all those quotes
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>red laces
It's just like green room
Lace color determines many aspects of the Skinhead sect.
You don't know much yet friend. But the truth is out there, do you wanna know? Mild racism is first, red-pill on the Jewish power monopoly is second, red-pill on Nazism, is third. The full red-pill is when you connect the dots. I can't teach you this. You've gotta find it on your own.
Not your personal army

>sees first leafy video
>gets triggered
>posts b of all places
>simultaneously claims cancer

the irony
>Muh brand of pure propaganda is truer than your pure propaganda.

You're the kid of faggot that would call a communist an idiot despite the fact that you're basically the same kind of critter.

That's all nazism is. Extremist right wing propaganda.
not your personal army. besides this chick is based AF. she's fighting the good fight against the media shekels. meanwhile op votes Bernie is triggered by any non PC liberal ideals, and jerks it to cuck porn like the good Goy he is. when did /b start getting so easily get baited by such cuck-posting.
I say let them go to the bathroom if they wish. It's inhumane to make them wait like that.
If its sincere it's not bait, but you wouldn't know that, you just like using buzz words like bait and cuck

Op is a fag but you're a bigger one
cuck detected
You're the kind of fag that doesn't realize that Adolf Hitler had literally nothing against niggers and actually found muslim society/culture admirable.

If you're going to go around pretending to be a national socialist, you might want to do some research first.
Fuck you, dumb nazi nigger cunt. Go tell someone else about your problems.
I saw this thread 5 hours ago earlier today, either you are a whiny cunt or you are Evalion and trying to get views, eat a bowl of dicks you kike.
Der zeitenstamp ist nicht hier. Du kann fich aus!
being a Nazi ≠ not liking Jewish influence in the media/politics/world
They do kinda go hand in hand though.
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I wanna tie her up and rape her. if /b/ finds her. I'll do it, live streaming that shit. IDC, as long as shes within US/Canada/Mexico. I'll fucking drive there. I'll also have a brand made up of pic related. and brand her before I leave.
I think you're looking for tumblr, faggot
Evalion for the new queen of /b/

Figures the lesbian who can't handle the bantz cuts herself.

You're a goldmine for lulz. You're everything /pol/ said you hypersensitive LGBT people would be like.
Did OP screw off? It's hard searching for her posts without IDs.
Anyone want her city? I know where she lives.
why not just post address, why you gotta be such a fag and ask us. just do it.
she lives in pickering, ontario. she is a canadian whore with rotten teeth, and I want to violently rape her and bash her fucking skull in. Want to, not will.
Samecunt detected
This is what happens when tumblr learns who the 4chan is
you gotta admit, shes a downy looking mother fucker, who will apply logic to dirt, if it got her attention enough. shes the kind of cancer /b/ doesn't really need. we have enough, pools closed.
go back to tumblr you self hating dyke bitch, maybe hang yourself on the way.
More tits op
further proof she's right and leftists are all scum
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that time wen someone posts a youtuber to raid but u end up subbing them. also im pretty sure op is evalion.
Cuz /b/ takes racism super serious...
It's hard to find a good woman, that ain't slept with a greasy niggggggerrrr
Nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Fuck off race traitor...14/88
the fuck is that smiley face for? your not happy, your fucking miserable and are looking for strangers' approval to "end" it.

fucking grow a pair and do it.
Tits and timestamp or gtfo
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Not your personal army, faggot! Get a fucking life, loser
im not angry
just disappointed.
I find it sad that I had to scroll this far to find tits or gtfo. 4chan is getting full of reddit/tumblrfags
This bitch thinks /b/ disagrees with any of that shit, that's funny
Be quite and obey you new queen
kill yourself
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p.s. I wanna dump 10 gallons of my hard earned sperm on her mouth, tits, pussy and asshole.
If anything your helping her gain subs she's fucking halarious pah.
>Itt Leafy fans
I want to see them but I don't want the media and normies to have them if she goes mainstream

I just realized I am in love with this girl
Checked. Based anon is right.
technically all religion needs to be dismantled and banned, science gave us our way of life, if it were up to the religious we would still be in caves bashing each others skulls in.
can't even visit this chicks channel. banned in germany tho

there is no other way my friend, to see nudes one must learn to compromise.
the neck beard says as he posts his degenerate anime crap, as crumbs of doritos fall to ground.
Help me Anon you're my only hope
Underrated post
for the love of God, stop giving this girl hits. who fucking caarrrres.

>inb4 I do/You do
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What a classic beauty
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pretty much the poster girl of /pol/
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Fuck you lesbian kike
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