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HOOOI. IM TWIXIE will timestamp. 666 will get rituals and

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 223
Thread images: 37
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will timestamp.
666 will get rituals and offerings from gods.
Timestamp then, with your tits visible. Or get the France out
I think i've fallen in love with you. Could I get you phone number? Your the most beautiful thing i've seen all year.
Timestamp, until then
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Saggy tits.
good girl. now lets see that anus
I love seeing your posts. You are so perfect Emily. I am so in love with you...
You now have my attention. What are these offerings from the Gods?
what do if trips or dubs? btw check em
heya Em, welcome back
Allright, this aint no shitposting. Satin, if you hear me, gimme da powah
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I offer them food and my body. And they offer what they will.
Fuck you mother fucker. Lucky I don't knock your ass out
You fuckin serious bro
Fuck off
back again Twixie ;--)
ass pic please
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>lol look how random i am
Have you been a good girl?
can't we just have some pussy pics anyway?
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Show us your feets
dubs for that puss
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satanic rawl
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Nasty ass bitch wanting attention ayyyyy lmao
Would love to see the pussy, satan, give me some strength
Morpheus drinkin a 40 in a death basket
Pussy plz
without socks silly
Show me the butthole
Its been 777 and 888, how about 666 instead, nigger?
I'd hit it anytime
put sharpie in pooper then sniff, tell me what you smell like.
666 for the lonely cucks
first pic looked bad, this is better
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I'm trying to eat my knee
>lonely cucks

i dont think you know what that word means
You can eat my dick
I would eat your shit.
Rolling for that
Show some pussy already wtf
Now try elbow
Give me godly strength
Rerawl for anus and goat heads
rerolling for tits and goathead
final reroll
one last
Santa trips dur hur hur hur
where u live sweet girl? :3
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hopefully nowhere near seem creepy
pussy roll
With those tits you must be underage
why would anyone creepy be here on /b/?
666 get
Dubs for butthole!
roll for anus?
Creepy even for /b/
yes I'll roll for that
May adolf bless this roll
Twixie, you have beautiful eyes..
Twixie ben je nederlands?
666 get!!!
well, let's try. 666 git?
Are you even trying?
The unholy post
oh please 666 get.

I want anus, tits, and some blood!
Now take those socks off and show us your sexy soles
Satan trips
Satan commands it
last rawl for anus
666 git!
Wishing for some great ass and pussy
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Rollin for spread pussy
omg I've seen u before lol

post more nudes twix
Time stamp
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Here's both of OP's holes.

Posting because OP is a teasewho gets off on us begging for pussy shots.
Guess 10 if I shave?
Pls post soles op
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Who the fuck is this anyway. This isn't me. I don't have snap.
Don't have it. It's not me fgt, it's OP.

It's a very nice pussy. Yeah, I'd say 9/10 if shaven, just shy of perfect.
I`m a boy and my tits are bigger than your ha !
Ew put it back on
You fat cunt
My dog has better looking tits
U a fat chicken nigger boi
do you have any vids
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ah yes so proud of yourself you fat stupid fuck
Get snapchat OP and post it in the thread.
Loose some fucking weight then fat ass
More ass pics? Look so fucakble
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Hopefully we will meet someday twixie so i can taste you
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post real pic to prove wrong then
No, take it back off
You should bleach and dye your hair again, its pretty faded
What colour?

also, shave your minge, its 2016 and you're not post menopause
same ring same finger...
Do you have a tattoo?..
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2016-05-05 22.59.43.png
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You lost a lot of weight recently, didn't you? Dey titties are too saggy for your age. Still want to suckle them tho.
three repeating number get
Did somebody already cum on ye
You have a great looking pussy. Not too flappy.
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Blue and purple maybe. Like half half. I don't know. I want half something but still blue.

>I don't fucking know

And yeah tattoo
Your titties look way better here. Pre weight loss?
There's the stomach...that ruined it for me I'm out
Still waiting on those feet OP
make a chaturbate account and b8 for us OP.
Mayıs ??
Where are you from ?
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No just buffing up
And lots of weight lost. Like 30 kgs

Have this. I took it earlier.
It's my strechmarks. I hope it gets you off bb g
Feet pls
im the god you where looking for. i can offer you lots of good food. you offer me your body... and the gods will me happy
Hey man good on you for stepping up and losing weight
Fat people are dumb lazy cunts
may 15 you cock
hey would love to see you. i bet your reeally good in bed. what is it that you like to do. love your body type
stuff an ice cube in your pussy.
I was doing Manic After Midnight, but it stains the fuck out of my tub. Doing Purple Haze atm. cool, but doesn't stay nearly as well
I've had voodoo blue for a few years
are you perhaps dutch?
bitch show more
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I like art.
it totally works for you. you need super pale skin to pull that colour off
twixie do you visit the rest of australia much?

Wanna cam for us OP ?
Am i the only one who noticed he got trips, 666 is satanic but he got 777 coincidence ??????? or troll...

>Check 'em oh gr8 l0rd s4v10r
I'd love to eat your pussy. And believe me, I would not only try.
No, don't listen to that moron. You are cute and sexy.
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Yea fucking satin powers eh?
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Oh shit, checked
Nice Quads
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Here's my art.
Lol my quads quoting a tripps
better than some of the other shit you posted, 7/11.
Cool! Do you draw comics or just single scenes?
lets team up and do a rape sacrifice on some christslut
put the pic up you vag
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Anti satan?
How disappointing
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fuck your "art" get back to this
shows potential

got more?
Take a picture of yourself smiling. Just a nice smile, not the fucking ugly expression that you currently have. I'm trying to objectively gauge your attractiveness and I can't do it with that stupid look on your face. It doesn't help that your tits are pathetically unimpressive.
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I would call most of them just concepts and sketches.
No anti satin
Dem stretch marks
meh sitting quietly and smiling sounds fucking boring

you into punk/postpunk op?
Don't you fucking ignore me you filthy skank.
from the dark depths and the flames and the weebs dammit get
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off by two
I obey stan 999 get!
no no no more like this gettinstine
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i give up
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Just did
OP do you like having your hair pulled back so hard that it hurts your neck? I bet you do. You seem like the kind of girl that enjoys being dominated and thrown around on the bed like the singular-use piece of meat that you are.
lets see your butthole
do any of you fags know if she is 18
That's a negative, Ghost-Rider.
That is to say, I have no fucking clue, m80.

lurk moar

old pic
OP, provide proof of age.
Just wondering but are you a MtF trans?
Top kek, you unibrowed mongoloid.
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I have before and I can't find and sleepy
Is the collar a sex thing? What sex things are u into? Also ur fav film
Is this random teh lolz attitude not making her fuck ugly to everyone?
I liked the ass pic but the forced kawaii attempt is cringing me away
gonna go to university for arts?
show us your pooper
So if some of them are concepts you think about drawing a book perhaps? I think you have the skills.
show us your asshole then girly
how about you eat a bag of dicks you pin dicked kike.
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It's a lifestyle thing
Canniibal holocaust

I would like too. But I don't know.
try harder nigger
Do you believe in a God.
I'm confused. What
be an obedient girl and spread those cheeks
Well, one thing's for sure: You, Twixie, are a goddess of cute.
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no ne m8
stop teasing and part those cheeks and let us see your butthole gril
Anyone from the motherfucker group? Get this girl in there now
you seriously need a better cam/lighting setup
everything is grainy and only at arms length
never get to see a full body shot
What about your baby?
Bless up, that ass is nice. Why do you post pics @ 4chan? Did papa beat u or are u unlucky in love or do u just like it.
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It's my room and I don't want light. My morning threads are best.

I just like it
Oi slut what about the child and how you gave that bloke an STI Emily.
Do you post elsewhere, tumblr for example? You are so lovely. A typical girl next door, somebody I'd like to spend time with, not just in bed. I bet you're a great fuck, but I also think you are smart and someone I'd like to talk to.
Do you ever sell pictures to anyone or make videos? Because I'll give you like $100 for some simple shit
soh lovely
cant see your face though
dude, the suns just coming up over here
I'm pretty much gonna be dead ass asleep when your doing a morning thread

Any chance you wanna dump your morning stuff somewhere?
Taking any requests?
Today happens to be my birthday!
My name is Raul btw.
Nothing to crazy.
Just a name stamp over your pussy saying Happy Birthday Raul with todays date would make my day.
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Fuck tumbler. I have face book
It's 0004 here.
The au rises at 0600?
And I normally wake at 1000
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But Facebook's fuckin' prudish, you can't post anything naughty there.
God, you are someone special. Please visit me in Germany, I'll show you some places here, and at night we make love.
yiss! thanks em

you're like the autistic cousin I secretly wanna bang
New fag
Post vidya collection
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Thread images: 37

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