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What's the most fucked up thing you've done at a concert?

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What's the most fucked up thing you've done at a concert?
Ur mum
Been to a concert.
Puked and then tried to hit on some chick. Pretty sure she was repulsed by my breath, but it was more than i can say than you faggots.
sold a bunch of fake molly
Grabbed a crowd surfers shoes and threw them our into the abyss
Had sex on Rampage Antwerp and got taped by many people
Two girls sitting next to me at a Tesla show were trying to get me to take them home because I had some really good weed. They were a 1and2 easy, fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. I finally decided I had enough so I asked them to hang on to my stash then found a rent a cop and said I thought I saw them dealing. They got busted hard, both got thrown down and strip searched. The uglier one shoved the bag up her snatch in the minute or so I wasted finding Dick Tracy so she was being fisted by the butchest dyke cop I ever saw.
Lol wut?
sounds like a waste of some good weed and a double bj
lel, you sir, are a god amongst men.
tesla? you are at least a minimum of 36 years old. probably beyond 40. be honest old are you?
ive seen someone get surrounded by 6 or 7 dudes and dump a vial of liquid into his mouth and onto his face...then spit on him and kicked him...all for selling fake molly.

be careful fuckface.
Kek that's hilarious
i did this at a faggot towney rave. place where nobody seen liquid before
Had some 5'0 little punk chick dancing in front of me at a metal show a few months ago, I was drinking and my buddy gave me this look like "go for it"
So I inched forward a bit until she kind of brushed against my crotch and I expected her to freak out but instead she just kind of started grinding on me
Pretty sure she was on something now that I think about it. I copped a feel once or twice, after the song was over she turned around, smiled at me, and that's when I realized there's no way she was anywhere near 18. Just had a buddy get arrested for statutory so it was kind of fresh in my mind and I kind of noped. I'm a fucking pussy.
only trendy hipster cocksucking faggits use molly

watch your fucking back tough guy
fingered a girl while she was refusing
>implying that's how police searches work

>implying rent a cops can search people
Group sex with 5 guys while my friends were cheering me on.
Ruthlessly beat the shit out of a chick in a mosh pit. Drug her ass to an alley and fucked her.
Genuinely enjoyed Limp Bizkit. Twice.
Post tits plox
is your cunt ruined now?
Dove shoulder first into the driver side door of some Chads pt cruiser after he went through the gates. Didn't mean to, it just kinda happened.
12 and still growing
Got into an altercation with a group of hippy faggots. I was security. Then some Mexican girl grabbed my dick.
It was at that place in san diego that has the lawn in the back where all the poor hippies take acid n' weed n stuff
shoved a couple grills to the ground to get closer to the stage
>Had sex with ol' gangbang here without a rubber.
Was in a moshpit, fucking shit up to some Cannibal Corpse, got punched in the head, then spat blood on the security guard who tried to remove me
pissed in a botttle and threw

mumford and sons in norfolk county ontario canada

blackout drunk
You sound like a moron.
Be a rave with girlfriend
Be on ecstasy back in 09
She's rolling balls too were both sitting down floored
Watch my friends gf dancing on stage she was a gogo
Friend is puking all over the place in the bathroom
Start paying attention to friends gf dancing on stage her ass is huge
Catches me watching her buy idgaf I'm rolling balls
Watch her more and start getting a hard on
My gf is laying in between my legs
Gf feels my dick
Gf gets horny instantly we go to car and she sucks my dick I bust in her mouth
I just finger her a little bit lel
Go back inside rave
Gf and friends & puking friend who is no longer puking start talking & sitting in a cuddle puddle
Tell her ima go to the car and smoke a bowl
She's says she will stay and to hurry
Walking back to car still rolling balls
Before I get to the exit I see my friends gf
She says she wants to smoke
We go to car smoke and she ended up sucking my dick and I busted in her mouth
Went back and told gf how much I loved her
Still rolling

Been living happily ever after
Be that as it may, I aint takin no orders from no rent a cop bro
This one time at Woodstock man, I took the brown acid man. Never get off the bus
"Rent a cop" here, Your more then welcome to my venue babe ;)
is "your venue" code for your asshole, because if so, I'm in ;)
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yes, please enter me senpai :3
I fingered a girl I barely knew at a Daft Punk concert.She had been to one of my parties as an invitee of an invitee, and since the concert was only a few hours away from our city, it's not that crazy of an incident. Her and her friend shared their rum with my roomate and I and let us closer to the stage with them during the Damian Marley set. We were all apparently horny and feeling it, because the girls chose to go see daft punk with my roomate and I over Modest Mouse playing at the other stage.

Daft punk was a religious experience, and it was literally like the dance party at the beginning of interstella 5555. By the end of daft punk we were all over each other, and i reached deep inside this girl with dirty all day concert hands while duran duran closed out the festival.

This was back in 2006 so it was literally just boozy dehydration and good music that got us. I'm sure I got secondhand high at the damian marley show without realizing it
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