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Robots and automation are replacing humans at shit tier jobs

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File: sexy-robot-body-paint.jpg (35 KB, 586x880) Image search: [Google]
35 KB, 586x880
Robots and automation are replacing humans at shit tier jobs like cashiers and fast food, how fucked are you?
first job category to be phased out will be driving, not cashiers and fast food, and that is hardly shit-tier. Not that those shitty jobs won't be close behind.

>that feel when have to select "I am not a robot"
I'm going to be making robots to replace humans.
> dull
> dirty
> dangerous
pick one or more and a robot is ideal to replace a human.
is that an outfit, paint, photoshop, or some combination of the three?
File: china-sex-doll.jpg (39 KB, 615x410) Image search: [Google]
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did you say,...fucked?
File: china-sex-doll4.jpg (32 KB, 615x410) Image search: [Google]
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sex robots....
can you read filenames?
I design robots so...
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Fine because I watch retarded kids. Until you can make a fully automated robotic retard wrangler you ain't gonna replace me.
Dat filename bro
Shit apparently not, sorry and thanks.
how do you like your job?
Are they though? I wouldn't support a robot waiter because I'd be knowingly costing someone there job. Automation sounds good in theory but if the consumers aren't on board it doesn't matter
File: IMG_5244.jpg (57 KB, 480x456) Image search: [Google]
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death to all synth!!!!!
You don't. You are studying in a relevant field maybe but most likely you don't hold a job with high responsibilities. The same fucking shit like students telling other people that they are engineers, without even having any diploma in their hands.
depends on the type of society, when human labor has no value the capitalist system will fail and there will either be huge unemployment or politicians have to realize that capitalisme isn't sustainable in an automated world
I'm an AI programmer. So I think I'm good.
Of course no robot would be crazy enough to take care of children... Are they 10 year olds?
engineers are a special kind of person and the elitism starts in college. Deal with it.
when the machines take over you will be the first to die
Wendy's and McDonald's are automating because of the whole $15 minimum wage. Do you think people that eat at those places give a shit? You will probably be an insignificant minority that
Only buys from people.
>> Implying that AI is the same as SI
It's one thing being a full-studied engineer with years of experience under its belt bragging in the internet and the one who is holding a 2.0-3.5 GPA and don't even have his degree in the hand with no experience at all, telling people "how he designs robots".

Most of them drop out nevertheless and cry how hard their program is. As an EE I rarely meet fucktards from our department bragging around. Pseudo-Elitism in University is in fact a slight form of autism, as it seems.
I'm an EE graduating tomorrow. There is elitism among the engineers at my school but it mostly is STEM over all others and some friendly competitiveness between the engineering branches.
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