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Is there any conspiracy theory dumber than "Flat Earth"?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Is there any conspiracy theory dumber than "Flat Earth"?

It's mind bogglingly stupid on all levels.
Yep. Pretty good psyops. Discredits anyone who points out real shit before they even open their mouths.
Prove that it isn't flat.
Look outside.
yes. that the earth is the center of the universe theory
Human Caused Global Warming.
watch a boat go over the horizon. why does the boat sink over the horizon?
Well, there's kid everywhere that still believe in Santa Claus. But if you want to see something really pathetic, you should check out my eighteen year old room mate; he still believes in gay marriage.

how do you know?

earth feels flat, so why should i believe otherwise?
You know what?
I can't.

But I can't prove a god real either.
Nor can I prove a reality of or a reality against all that has been taught to me is a lie.

Sometimes you just need to take your basket of apples, dump it on the ground, and put each apple in individually to make sure there's no bad apples.
Eventually you'll end up with a full basket.
if earth is flat we wouldnt have the same gravitation. but they oppose this by saying that gravity simply does not exist
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Hollow Earth.
Go outside. Done.
it's true, gravity doesn't exist.

how do you figure? it's a disc floating through space, you're feeling a push, not a pull, but still "gravity".
If gravity doesn't exist and the earth is moving upwards at 10m/s, then explain why a feather falls slower than a basketball.
The moon is a hologram, and the government is hiding secret shit behind that hologram.
Density, you fucking faggot.
like a huge nugg of weed.
You just got fucked in your ever-expanding anus

If this 'disc' is going upwards, density shouldn't have an effect on these objects, proving that the Earth is round
It must be true, there are believers all around the globe.
Its funny because you can prove the earth is round, in a number of different ways.
I spoke to a few holy men in India and Nepal who said it's not hollow but there are enormous cave systems beneath the Himalayas where societies lived in times of great strife. Also the Naga lived there.
Even today they are finding tropical ecosystems in caves and canyons in that area. I think they were on to something.

Also they said the yetis are albino gorillas that live in the valley parts. Pretty cool stuff
It obviously does.
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The mandela effect.

Watch those edges there, little guy.
This. Who knows if anything we are told is real. Only the people in charge will know what is and what isn't. But it isn't flat I mean explain the sun if it is.
He's right though, creationism and all that is as dumb as it gets.
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The earth is not a spinning ball.
Inb4 "hurr durr you're retarded"
Use your senses.
Quit being blinded by science and NASA bullshit.
Keep an open mind.
Do your research.
It is not what you are told.
nice shoop
Prove it. You will be the first.
Guess what? So is every picture of your beloved earth as a ball!
Picture is too close to see the curvature, genius
Wind resistance. In a vacuum, a weight equal to a feather will fall just as fast, but in normal air, the feather falls slower.
shut up
no they are not

use your brain
Actually it's gravity.
earth does not move
There is so painfully little evidence of a flat earth.
In fact, there literally isn't any at all.
For what purpose?
Retard detected. Nearly a thousand years of observation with measurements and equations to support it and this asshole thinks "I dont believe what I'm told, so instead of trying to understand it myself, I'll just claim it's false." An hero you fuck.
No its not. You can supposedly detect the curvature from about 35,000 ft.
"Women don't like to be raped"
I'm no flat Earther dipshit, but acceleration and gravity, from a pov inside a system, are indistinguishable from each other.
It is still a theory not a law.
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Dragonflies are actually CIA drones.
The Earth does move
It rotates daily and orbits the sun
Have you ever seen the video of the guy sky diving from space? Fake too yah? It's all fake science and maths and observations for a thousand years because of some nefarious purpose...
Such low quality bait, and retards STILL fell for it. Waste of dubs.
Oh come on
And how high is that image?
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More NASA worship inbound.
wew lad.
Globesuckers are the literal worst.
prove it
Prove it doesn't
Shooped to fuck.
>no evidence
Just saying.
>implying flat earthers have brains
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Show me a live feed from space of your earth as a spinning ball. JUST ONE DAY! ONE! Billions of dollars being spent here and we can't get one?
>believing it's a ball
>being this cucked
Gravity makes things fall with an acceleration of 10 meters per second per second. Wind resistance slows down this acceleration. Without wind resistance, all objects that have the same mass, no matter how big, wide, aerodynamic, or porous, will fall with the same acceleration and velocity. I'm a PhD student in physics.
that means nothing as a statement
so just trolling is it?
So the curve is significant enough that you can see a ship disappear over the horizon with your own eyes, but that picture isn't far enough away to see a curve? That doesn't make any sense.
Dubs of truth x2
cos the ship is going away from you, genius
It's not the curvature of the earth. It's simply atmospheric refraction.
show me one of it as a flat disc
or a shred of evidence for it being flat
Michleson/Morely experiment
Aires failure experiment
Sagnat experiment
Michleson/Gayle experiment
proof proof proof
now...where's yours?
This guy makes some pretty interesting points if you're actually open to watching.
why the fuck would the government be hiding this shit?

In the sky.
Hollow earth might not be as retarded as flat earth. But it's very close.
interesting? as in "plausible"?
Depends on how far down the rabbit hole you wanna go. Why does anybody lie about anything?
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>rainbow city
If they want something
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Give me a few bullet points
The horizon is a result of the curvature, this is basic stuff
There's actually a live feed from the ISS you can watch anytime for free. You should check it out. Feel free to watch for 24 hours
a shoop? really?
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All y'all fuckers are dumb as goddamn bricks.

The earth is not a sphere or a fucking flat disk (I mean, how much of a retarded cuck do you have to be to believe that one?!?!).

Rather, the Earth is actually topographically a torus (or doughnut shape for all you intellectually disabled, fat fucks out there).
No one here actually believes in a flat earth, though. That idea ended centuries ago.
Watch it yourself, you lazy fuck.
Learn to fly a plane or drive a boat. Go around the world. You find yourself at the same spot having never turned around. This has been done by SO MANY people.

Get better b8 flat earth faggots
so it's bullshit, got it
No its not. The human eye cannot see forever. Everything will vanish at a certain distance.
Day and night alone prove the Earth is round.
That's why we have telescopes genius
Somebody doesn't understand basic flat earth theory!
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like this?
That makes no sense.
Shhhh you're ruining babby's first troll
Because of icebergs.
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Maybe a little

You mean besides "God can read your mind and will punish you for having lustful thoughts"?
Yeah, the same God who oversees trillions of galaxies, each with millions of stars and planets, who knows how many life forms, is so concerned about this one boring blue planet of one ho-hum star in one unremarkable galaxy, even mind the 7 billion individuals who inhabit at this moment in time (which is a blip in the timeline of its existence) really hones in from the whole universe into the private thoughts of ONE person and keeps a ledger of their good thoughts and bad thoughts and will reward or punish them someday for them, as per a book written 2000 years ago which is 100% absolutely accurate despite being translated over and over by functional illiterates along the way.
Astronauts have been up there and seen it is a sphere.

Also, normal commercial flights fly high enough to see the curvature of the planet.

Also, there is a VW testing track in Germany that's the longest straight, horizontal road on the planet. From one end you can't see the other because it follows earth curvature.

Also, fuck you.
I feel you are huge faggot so gues you are right
But this is a pretty silly rabbit hole mate. There is nothing at all to gain from saying the earth is spherical. In fact there's a lot more to gain from.saying it's flat as it keeps people superstitious instead of scientific
That makes zero sense
And that's why it is possible to restore something that has been lost "over the horizion" to the naked eye using one.
You don't go in an exact straight line all the way around the Earth. You use a compass, which always points north. If the North Pole is in the center of the flat Earth, you would be going around a circle and not even know it.
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>intellectually disabled
>Earth is actually a toroidal ring

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Anybody that doesn't believe that the earth is flat is fucking retarded. As clearly shown by this diagram, the earth is surrounded by mirrors and a large artificial lightbulb in the sky. Case closed niggers.
But it's not?
Don't what ever you do watch any flat earth videos on YouTube. I watched one about a year ago just to see how batshit crazy those people are (the answer was; VERY).Now, despite never watching another, my recommended videos are always full of that shit.
it never "goes over the horizon" it just goes so far that your shitty eyes can't see it anymore dumbass
cause you're dumb
You can easily go in a straight line if you want to.

Go suck your local bishops tiny dick.
the feed is not uninterrupted at all.
If you want to use a retarded map projection that curves shit, yes.
Go outside and explore for once in your sheltered life
>what are binoculars
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i cant read this shit

try harder rednecks
No you cant. Why can't a ships captain just set the ship for a straight course and sleep in the decks below until they arrive at their destination?
You accept the Gravitational Theory as fact though.
Either this is bait or you have schizophrenia
Yes, cos it's demonstrable
Nibiru's just as bad.

To start with, if the Earth was flat then constellation positions wouldn't work the way they do.
How do you see stars then, dipshit?
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That's stupid. You're presupposing there's a satellite stationed far enough away from Earth to see the whole sphere, yet have an orbital speed slow enough to be able to see the Earth spinning underneath. Two things: satellites are expensive as are their launches (and more so the farther out you go), and there's no commercial or scientific reason why anyone would want to put a satellite that far out simply to look back at Earth. So no live feed.

Not to say there haven't been launches going that far to stationary placements, such as STEREO, which is a pair pf satellites that look at the Sun (spinning).

All that said, there have also been probes that used Earth for a gravitational assist, and *did* take movies of the Earth spinning as they looked back, sort of for fun. Here's Messenger's lookback:
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these threads are so entertaining because literally all of you are completely retarded

anyone with a brain knows that earth is a dick and balls
No I don't think so OP

here's what happened

Jews began to gain control in the US just as television cameras were being developed

since then they have controlled the industry, yes even during the Red Scare

there is no picture of the Earth and the Jews have successfully kept the myth of spaceflight alive since the late 1950s

checkmate faggot
uh no it isnt
Fucking kek'd. Only your fat ass would think the world is the donut.
lol what the fuck is that?
If acceleration is in any other direction than gravity's and when in the same direction if it is higher than 9.81m/s2 you would feel it you ignorant anime loving fat half wit.
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I clearly stated that NASA should be able to produce at least ONE 24 hour period of video uninterrupted of the earth in its globular entirety if it truly were a ball. You can't even see the entire earth from the ISS.
what if these earths mated?

Let's vote on it.
Obviously it has to do with the illuminati and annunaki.
Except there aren't trillions of galaxies. You just proved the whole point of why they lie about it to people. It's easier to convince people God isn't real if they think the Earth is just one of a zillion insignificant things floating in space.
Earth made of vagina
Earth made of dick

who would win
So how do these flat earthers know it's a "disc"?
Why not a flat square or triangle?

Since we are leaving logic and reason at the door?
sorta kek.
there's only 1 galaxy and it's in my pants
Then sperm earth would come out of dick earth and we'd have a baby earth
Pretty simple explanation if you're religious, if you're not then it doesn't make much sense.
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flat as fuck
That's cos the Earth is, shocker, really big.
Yeah it always does. Retards love building invisible bridges over invisible rivers to get to invisible places because they feel smart being in the minority, the select and few.
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really hope this is bait
because when you spill any viscous material from above onto a surface it's a disk
never the other shapes you mentioned
idk but the pussy earth is only worth 8/10 of the dick earth

just like watermellon earth is onlt 3/5 of a starbucks earth
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The earth is round, but like Saturn, it has rings as well. Why do you think some people hear noises in the sky? It is the rings. The government has been trying to hide this info from us for decades. They don't want us to know the truth. It's all part of a scene to start a Third World War using materials mined from the rings.
If the world population held hands and formed a ring around the equator. 2 thirds of them would drown.
That sun couldn't produce enough energy to warm the planet
Gravity does not allow a disc shaped planet.
>in a troll thread

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That's not how light works. if the earth was flat we would always be in either the day time, or be at sunset. Night would never be a thing.
>. It's easier to convince people God isn't real
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How the fuck could a flat disc form in space? There's no way for that to happen.
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what about the microsoft galaxy
Nazi's in antartica
Except all the major religions say yeah the earth is spherical....
yes, everyone knows that dick earth (>>684060897) must wear a cockring when mating (>>684061144 >>684061315) with donut earth (>>684059940)
OR you know just the billions in taxpayer money that NASA recieves. Also to let the sheep of this world think they are completely insight insignificant and on a spinning ball and not the center of the universe in a flat plane earth.
Too close to see the curve
Do you know how far satellites supposedly reach?
just a question
what kinds of drugs do you do before posting in these threads?
you sound really exuberant
How does that make any sense?
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You are literally the most retarded people I've come across since I woke up this morning and looked in that strange mirror in my bathroom that had a retard that mimics me every morning.

Earth looks like this you acoustic fuckwits
That's stupid. You're presupposing there's a satellite stationed far enough away from Earth to see the whole sphere, yet have an orbital speed slow enough to be able to see the Earth spinning underneath. Two things: satellites are expensive as are their launches (and more so the farther out you go), and there's no commercial or scientific reason why anyone would want to put a satellite that far out simply to look back at Earth. So no live feed.

Not to say there haven't been launches going that far to stationary placements, such as STEREO, which is a pair pf satellites that look at the Sun (spinning).

All that said, there have also been probes that used Earth for a gravitational assist, and *did* take movies of the Earth spinning as they looked back, sort of for fun. Here's Messenger's lookback:
Checked the satan trips of fagatory
simple. no jews
(windows are found in houses, which often contain ovens, thus scaring away the chosen)
says you
light doesn't go for ever in an atmosphere
Look who just heard of Descartes for the first fucking time. You're so fucking smart, faggot
Then why can you still see the sail and not the boat?
There is no evidence of that
Jesus Christ you autists the world is hollow and inverted
no, why?
Jews can do that
they have gold
and jewels
Says logic
Burden of proof. OP implied that the earth is round, and the large majority of evidence states that the earth is round. Prove to us that the earth isn't round, despite the overwhelming evidence that it is round.
A model of how the sun(much smaller than people think) works circling over the top of flat Earth.
Sleep deprivation and an acute sense of loneliness and self-hate.
just saying a disk is the default shape in nature
How is the Earth not frozen over if it's flat? It should be a lifeless wasteland.

Before it collapses under its own gravity of course
Michleson/Morely experiment
It compared the speed of light in perpendicular directions, in an attempt to detect the relative motion of matter through the stationary luminiferous aether ("aether wind").

Aires failure experiment

Sagnat experiment
Playing with lasers and mirrors

Michleson/Gayle experiment
is a modified version of the Michelson–Morley experiment and the Sagnac-Interferometer.

>hurr durr I'm so scientific, I have no clue what the topic is so I'm gonna put out some names he won't probably even bother to check.

You must be american, kek.
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Not even close bucko, this is the real one
and some of them are black
which means they'd have to sit in the back of the oven
so yes I see your point
Is that a joke?
No its not. The default shape in nature is the hexagon.
Hillary's Vast right Wing Conspiracy.
Sometimes you can see the sun and the moon at the same time.
That doesn't make a lick of sense or hold up to any scrutiny.
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None that your tiny brain can fathom.
It just mind blowing how convinced some people are on this. I mean no matter what type of evidence you present them they will always have that idea in their mind that the world is flat.
It's not a conspiracy, but just something more dumbfounding overall.

Trump supporters
No shit. What's your point?
Cuz gravity nigger
then you know that earth does not move
You are the one with the tiny brain.

It's not on the moon, but there is a satellite that basically does the same thing.

yeah but since the Earth didn't do that
you idiots are all wrong, yet also all right,

earth has flat spots and curvy spots, in order to arouse dick earth, which puts on its saturnelian cock rings before removing watermelonearth's buttplug earth and proceeding to implant it with sperm earth, giving birth to Kal Earth, Son of Earth, which is sent to destroy krypton in the new Zach Snyder classic, Pear Earth, featuring artwork of Picasso Earth (>>684062098)
you're welcome faggots
But clearly it does.

Sphere Earth
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I have proof as well. The men in black tried to debunk me and put me on medication but I fought back. Look at this picture. RINGS! Open your eyes you poor blind niggers. NASA is already mining these rings to get minerals. These minerals will be used to construct the biggest atomic bomb in the world. World War Three is going to happen soon unless I can open some more people's eyes.
it has an extended lease
The earth is a ball, which would be the default shape for giant bodies like planets
There are a lotta things about a round Earth that don't particularly make sense. That's just all we've ever been taught since birth so nobody questions it.
This is a whole new dimension of stupidity. Well done. Stupid so dense no intelligence could possibly escape.
the world is god's spermwad
Here's the deal: Flat Earth and Creationist charlatans share two traits: they can make shit up because truth is not their goal, and they end the arguments with "prove me wrong." By disavowing any science put forward and continuing to make shit up, they "win" by attrition. They aren't interested in critical thinking or putting in the requisite effort to do the science. There is simply no arguing. It's like trying to paint over mud. You just end up with a dirty brush. However, there do exist those who think this juvenile fantasy-speak of theirs will will save somebody's soul, and they think they're doing the Lord's work. They really believe their logic is sensible and persuasive, because it convinced ... them. Yes, they're *that* stupid.
dubs prove the story of Cuck Earth
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nice photoshop mr. delusional
How could something that illogical form? There is a straight, solid logic to the round earth and its place in the universe.
so that means you don't break the rules
you do what you're told
The atmosphere is not thick enough for that to happen.

Even if it is at an extreme angle like that.
the moon isn't real and it's just a hologram
not according to science
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just no
No, they wouldn't. South America would never be able to see the same constelations as Australia without rotation, and rotation on a disc shaped Earth, without gravity, would produce an outward thrust that would be well noticed in Australia. So, the 'disc' isn't spinning and yet two points, on opposite sides of the disc, are seeing the same sky? Not gonna happen.

Not to mention the fact that the entire sky would be visible from any one location on Earth, meaning that all constelations would be visible on a disc world.
ultimate topkek

theres a whole thing where people believe intestinal parasites cause autism so they forcefeed their children bleach and amonia

its not exactly a conspiracy theory, except for the standard muh evul farmaceutical industry routine, but it functions and spreads online the same way as the other crap and when you think about it what could possibly be more retarded than forcefeeding your kids bleach you bought online in a special little 150 dollar bottle to rid them of imaginary autism causing intestine parasites the internet people who sold you the bottle told you your kid has
>falling for bait
Resorting to shitty insults, no surprise.
It was created, not formed.
>meaning all constelations would be visible on a disc world.

You want to give me something more detailed than that?
go for a drive in the fog, dummy
Sphere. Atoms. Planets. Bubbles. Drops of whatever.
Hexagon. Carbon rings. Beehives. What else?
>>There are a lotta things about a round Earth that don't particularly make sens
Flat disk is winning, kek
and its power source is burning out

wat do
Why the hell would you? What would be the purpose of all these people lying about the earth being round? What would they stand to gain? Not a damn thing.
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The earth is basically flat, except for mountains & valies n shit. How would there be a sea level if is was not flat?
By whom?
Thanks man. Really opened up my eyes. I got my tin foil hat ready and everything.
If god was here he wouldn't have let you be such a tremendous faggot and an overall failure at life nor me being here pointing all this out to you and yet...
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