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Waifu Claiming Thread >rules and shit

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 183
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming Thread

>rules and shit
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well better boring than eventful amirite? and isn't it always better being here? haha
>good your gone, i'm really drunk now
That sposeda mean? lol

Also claiming
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still here
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H.A.N.A.K.O unit here.

I am strangely filled with warmth.

>My core's probably just working overtime
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Claimed. Permanent claim if dubs.
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Milinda claim
>Im too drunk for this edition
Im headed off before I embarrass myself again like last time... kek
Night everyone!

Apparently I get really flirty when drunk... At least thats what Maki and Mirai said the last time... Although I cant remember any of it...
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Sometimes the animals are bros

>claiming Rory either way
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sure it's not gas?
>love the chibi
Can we even have permanent claims? Not that i'd need one lol
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Same here haha, I get pretty flirty, too bad there's no babes around amirite? Goodnight man, Sleep well! :)
Had to carry boxes full of alcohol around the store because the guys originally doing it were off.

>internet dropped out
Hey /waifu/, should I move to Korea?
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Only if it's north, but why would you wan't too?

Rly perfect
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Don't know, don't care.
Nope. The warmth's definitely coming from my chest area and radiating outwards.

>Still not entirely sure why my core's bouncing around at 300% capacity

I heard the North's great during this time of year
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not as bad as sweden yeah?
what are you planning to major in after you graduate? or are you planning to go straight to work?
always wanted to go to switzerland or sweden or whatever. those nordic countries always seemed great. no chance of that happening now though

doing some weed with a bunch of friends from school after the exam
I did great on my tests btw. how was your day?
what did you put on the noodles lol?
>joking about the weed btw
friends just smoke cigs. they have a cool dog though. leaves a lot of scars on my arm but she's cute af

>cute animals
wut? I thought they were all rabid alligators lol

too bad I wasn't there to see it

this is a nice picture.

>internet dropped out
life in Australia
where do you work?
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Too bad Mirai and Maki left :/
Otherwise I would probably be messing with them... kek
Okay actually going now, byeeee

>North Korea best Korea
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Why not? I kinda want to move to Asia.

I want to go to the teacher school to teach kids then maybe do a major in history or french.
Switzerland isnt that nordic much though.
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Tezuka Rin is my waifu and I love her very much
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why though? What makes it appealing
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Answer is here>>683913828
Aw, isn't there other Tomokos too? I don't really go on during the day, it's fast.
Really? There's someone claiming her?
Heck yeah, messing things up, getting to know people! Always a pleasure!
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Koko 4.jpg
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Tru haha
>what is even going on in that gif?
That might be a system malfunction, I heard there were these little bug things called L.O.V.E. units that infest a mech
kek, they fun to mess with, night mang
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Karahara Shima
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i work at an IGA.
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How should I ask my waifu if I may hotdog her spats?
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Welp. Dishwasher machine just broke. Leaking water all over the place. How fucked am I.
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Totes forgot.

Rory-sama here.
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So we're going to ignore the infidelity your Miho commits then?
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Messin things up? how could you mess anything up? haha so far everything I've seen you do you've done it perfectly
Another burn victim?
Stutter alot and don't make eye contact. Not showering helps too to give off your natural musk. Trust me
I'd say OG Mudbone levels of fucked
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Sorry for being an antisocial little cunt
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Lol. I live in one of the US states where weed is legal. That joke don't work on me.
Glad you did well on your test though. Was that the one you were not studying for?

The noodles in question was some ramen with some sriracha sauce on it. I like the spice.
Otherwise my day was actually pretty good. Little slow, but that's getting to be pretty normal.

Though i have people coming in to town this weekend so that's probably going to go out the window.

You are the dishwasher now/10.
Ah, that bug.
Oh, THAT bug.

>That would explain how Hotaru is continually disrupting my thought process even though she is not here.

The more the merrier
Asian girls.

I feel you, don't worry.

Okay guys, where should I go eat today, asian takeaway, Vapiano, something else?
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shit nigga i do aswell
where abouts
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I wasn't paying attention last thread
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I-I also want her to wear a bikini top along with her spats!
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My Miho can do nothing but better this place with her actions. You should be proud she took the time to deflower you.
>fubuki claimed
You could both meet in the middle and find me. Massive kek.
Bait with actual bite. Good job.

>Too bad I don't live in the U.S
>too good I wasn't there to see it


No idea. Posted one message then left.
>in your dreams

No more food.
>no more,no more,no more, no more...
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there is
Idk Sora seems hard to approach
ok now I see

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in rural NSW. I live in a different than where i work though.

>no jenny
I feel discriminated
im not in there
time to break out the rope
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It's dead Jim.
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go to bed and hope it fixes itself dude
that's how you gotta roll

is that like a convenience store?

kirino are you just talking to ruri in case she's lurking? or what's going on with these posts lol

if you're being serious about moving I think you should stick to your hometown. I feel like things are going to get fucky in the coming years.

I asked how your game was coming along

very good taste desu

I'm in there twice? wut
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I honestly can't handle my hometown anymore.
I dont think I can possibly leave to a foreign country like Korea though, I wish I could, but I won't do it alone probably.

Maybe if I move it'll be in Italy or something.
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Robot gets fucked by hair.gif
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nah, it's like a massive supermarket chain over here. Almost every town has one, one way or another.
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Yes THAT bug, they fill your mind with thought of another that you're not used too. I would get it checked if I were you
Nice gif, and filename!
oooo that'd be cool. But I feel the added sexiness would only distract you in your quest. Nam sayin?
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It's going good. I held some polls on the color scheme earlier. Most people wanted him to be red or purple
>pic related
Right now I'm working on the 3D model and coding some more. The grapple tends to be really buggy. All in all I thnik I'm on schedule and doing an alright job

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I already was the dishwasher. Now I just dont have a machine.

>mfw a tooth filling is hurting rn.
>still have to wash all those dishes
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>mfw newfags are leaking into the oldfag group

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Kazaclaw update
fish count:1
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I know right?
The filename fucks with my head every time I try to read it out loud. Props to Tomoko for making me this

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No no no. Being that she did it to another innocent person, that's not bettering. And you are okay with that?
Grammar, and replying to people. I suck at it. I'm too slow.. jaja
Nah, you're good comrade.
No, it's reality. Strange that she left...
How many? I know there's one that argued with another one.
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You still owe me a damn parmie you shit


Ah, Vicfag here

I'm just posting because shes a qt
>And best anon waifu in the threads
>Fight me
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>voting blue
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Nigger why did you circle me.
Thats me next to Ruri.
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You still need to come to Canberra you fuck
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I think 4.
The other in the pic is Brazil.

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I don't even think all of the oldfags were included from the beginning anyways.

I think Mikan was added after the fact and Ginko was added way later.
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Is this your cousin?

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I dont disagree with that lol

yeah that's what I mean

oh alright

what's so bad about it?


I've been to canberra once. 15 years ago

nice, what's it like over there?
whats with the circles?
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Koko 9.jpg
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Fuck, I just tried reading it out loud haha, and tomoko made that? thats awesome. Dude makes cool shit
Grammar? when? and don't worry about replying to people. Good things are worth waiting for :D
I don't know. This bug is... strangely enlightening.

>New pic
>New anons
>Still not there
Can confirm. Happened to me.
It was really random. Didn't expect/10
> just wake up
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Stealing this waifu

Karen's mine now.
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Smug Karen 13.png
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>satan quads
chek em
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Koko 10.jpg
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Thats how it gets you, it makes you feel warm and invited, so you let it stay. But by then it's too late, and you have to hope that luck is on your side and they don't decide to leave
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I hate the people here, that's mostly it.
Send me a parmie in the mail then fag

I don't accept opinions from a giga-satan anyway
>have a nice day

I live in a rural town, so it's pretty cozy over here
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Hate me the most? It would make my day if you said yes.
I love you too.
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Koko 11.jpg
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>I hate the people here
where you live?
>send me a parmie in the mail
What in the fuck?
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Tatsumaki (203).png
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Here >>683916389
Incase you missed it.
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Peter Lorre 208.gif
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Eric is munching on his superworm and has fresh water, Robert and Terry are both watered and have fresh produce put down for them, Gregor and Joseph have fresh produce and water. All my babies are doing well and it makes me feel better. I need to try and get some pictures of my millipedes.
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Rotton bitch
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Hah, simpletons.

Miho is doing you a favor. How could I be opposed to that?
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So you're telling me to ignore this feeling and to cut all ties with Hotaru?

>If I do, I can get back on track with my plan for world domination
>If I do, I can continue my war with K.O.K.O
>If if I do, I'll finally fulfill my dreams of conquest
>But if I do...

I'll feel empty again.
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Sad Karen 5.png
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he means in his town, spike
also I feel like our positions and expressions in the group pic are extremely appropriate >>683916358

thanks for the image


Alright guys, I'll be back later, gotta go eat something.
also nice filename
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Dang, so much! Have you spoken to any of them?
If I'm not mistaken Brazil was here before you were?
Sometimes my grammar is garbage. I realize it when it has been posted, I'm too late. Yeah, can't rush myself. (Sometimes)
Checked! And hello!
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Too many people get bummed out over that stupid picture. I wouldn't give a fuck if I was removed out spite, hate or otherwise. It's like a family photo. You know who everyone is and who loves you. Why care so much about being included in a picture?
You're already here and part of the community.
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i think 2 im not even sure
shh spike
yeah he was but I'm thinking that there are other anons sharing waifus.
hm nevermind though, I guess it makes sense. something feels off about it to me though

I actually do regret asking to be added, honestly.
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Chicken parmie
>You haven't lived if you haven't had one

Don't be sad oh fuck.

Shit I forgot about that

Guys I made hilarious meme look amazing oc please praise me of my amazing photoshooping skills
>tfw you use sony vegas because im cool
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Koko 12.jpg
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Nice lewd trips
I wouldn't say ignore it completely, but pay attention too it, keep checks on it. Meditate on it. Maybe even use it as fuel?
Switzerland ey? Wouldn't have thought unlikable people lived there, but I guess they live everywhere heh. Later!
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Chibi Karen 21.jpg
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dude nice fresh meme xddxdd
>le screaming
>end my life
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Tatsumaki (234).png
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Half the people are not even active anymore.

Seras, Hallow, Shrimp, Kongou, Bun Bun, Nymph, Mikan is still here, but doesn't post with Mikan no more, Shiro's rarely here, same with Ginko, Sanya and Rei.
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Fuel, you say?
Hmm... interesting.

Btw where'd Noire go?

>Chicken parmie

My brother of African-American relations
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Koko 14.jpg
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Well hey, I'm sure my grammar is pretty garbo as well haha, and I use these threads as a chillax kinda thing so rushing is out of the question haha. Although I get what you mean, i'm kinda the same way :P
>it's a fake bum
Oooohhh chicken parmie, I thought it was some sort of aussie speak
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You claim her as your own. "Own." There has to be commitment to that. Why let her share it with others?
Thumbs up Spike!
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Peter Lorre 7.gif
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I'm proud to say I'm not included in any picture like that.
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yes very much laugh

Ausfag ayy

Yeah dude, come down, we'll have a mad feast
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Uh oh. More beach picture drama? Lol
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tl;dr baawww
I really don't care who's who and when and how. I enjoy certain aspects of this thread. I've been lurking and shitposting far more often because I see too much hug boxing. It's disgusting, really, but I know some people here truly are neets and weeabos.
Hell, some people talk to me and like me and I'm sitting here wondering who they are.
The lewdness, the sexualized photographs, the huggy kissy shit and just being so goddamn fucking nice all the time
handing out a (You) just so someone doesn't bring out the noose
These are all disgusting.
The memes, too.. the fucking memes
>nice filename wow
But I have an addictive personality so I tend to stick shit out..
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First, a Macca's run. THEN we'll all have a feast fit for a bogan.
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Koko 17.jpg
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Exactly, some have used the L.O.V.E. bug as a fuel for their undertakings, and I dunno where Noire went, lotta people disappearing tonight. Spoopy
I'm down for feasts, fly me out fam
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Tatsumaki (429).jpg
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What mama don't know won't hurt her.

Then why are you here?

To converse? If so you are participating in a circlejerk. Circlejerks are nothing more than big hugboxes anyway.

Where is the reason that these threads where created for in the first place? You know waifu talk.

Waiting for my meal in an asian restaurant

No pics of my waifu here sadly
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21 - FEkphGw.jpg
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Looks like I'm late
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Would talk but I've lost all my subjects of talk. So I wait until comes out.
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I find people bitching about the what the waifu thread is/has become very slightly amusing.

A variant on schadenfreude perhaps?
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Are they nice? I haven't spoke to the others.
Jaja. Yeah, it's insane, yet funny.
Wasn't expecting such a cliche answer. Quite simple.
I have an addictive personality. It's difficult to put things down if I've enjoyed them first experience.
All other social outlets have been exhausted, really. I will sit and idle on them, tired of the same old people doing the same old shit. Yet, there I stay with nostalgia in mind. I seek that same release I experienced when it was fresh.
It will never come again, but I have small moments of joy that keep me around. When it turns to nothing but boredom and cynicism, I leave.
Like a vulture picking the bones clean.
I'm a very tired, cynical and worn man. Very fickle, as well.
It is what it is. Nothing remains the same. I'm not bitching about what it is or has been, but the shit I see that I've grown tired of. So, I shit post.
You didnt circle the pony
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i left to make hot dogs and the threads already de-railed. This is going to be fun
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Yeah they seem ok
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IDK Karen 6.png
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but apparently whatever you do it's going to piss someone off
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Homura (19).jpg
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Morning claim.

Why are those circles so low resolution? You had one job.
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Koko 20.jpg
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No worries friend haha, wait until what comes out?
Late for?
Them circles tho
Is it just me? or has it been faster and faster as of recently? like right now its slow but it used to get slow alot earlier I feel
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Until a topic that I can talk about appears.
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Tatsumaki (425).jpg
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I suggest you leave this place. You'll see everything it has to offer and then you'll complain about it. Like we're doing right now.

New people only bring new trouble or at the very least a new coat of paint to the last one. I much preferred it when it was just that one waifu general on /b/ that was posted at the same time everyday, instead of the 24 hour avatarfagging circlejerk.

It was much harder to burn out back then.
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Alright. 15 mins after we were meant to close and the dishes are done and the place is clean. Jesus I forgot what that felt like.
you didnt circle barry
right. I probably wont leave all together.
Seeing the same faces every day at all hours... It's too much.
I'm out for a while
dubs and I leave for a month
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Ay welcome back.
Nothing but discussions here friend!
That's what I've been seeing lately. I guess more people shown up to night shift now, because it's slower.
Great job!
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How's the sink?
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3 MB, 3910x1279
You tell me

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>I'm not bitching about what it is or has been, but the shit I see that I've grown tired of.

Didn't mean you specifically. All flavors of shit posters complaining about the waifu thread amuses me. Like that one from last night that gave us a new copy pasta. I was really enjoying picking on him.

Maybe i'm just a mean person in that respect. Oh well. I'm nice ordinarily, so having one thing that i like to pick on...

I more or less view the waifu thread as social gambling. Usually crap, once in a while good though.
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Peter Lorre 280.gif
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Homura (33).jpg
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Sounds good, I may or may not be able to participate in said discussions as im semi-busy.
dubs and you leave for a month
If dubs I permanently claim Azusa Nakano.
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IDK Karen 3.png
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why do you stay here?
and don't get pissy, just asking.
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If dubs I permanently claim Azusa Nakano.

we're doing this until I get dubs
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Koko 21.jpg
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Ah i see, well whats your waifu from? Seems pretty interesting :P
that would make sense, I've seen a lot of new people show up as well. I would welcome them all like I used too but I got enough people that I talk too haha
>leaving that container partially over the edge
Rory, you scare me
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Tatsumaki (30).png
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Because it's fun, and until it stops being fun I won't leave.
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Enjoy your time away. See you when you feel like coming back, Spike (I assume).
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Damn it I forgot to quote >>683920017

From the show called squid girl(in English) or ika musume[(イカ娘)in Japanese]
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If dubs I permanently claim Azusa Nakano

I have no life
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fuck this. If dubs I permanently claim Azusa Nakano

Hey Squid Girl, you have nice taste.
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Let me try

Huff puff, permanent ika claim.
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Puzzled Karen 7.png
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do you think you can tell me about what it used to be like?
like here>>683919654
it was only posted once a day? what was "real" waifu talk? why is spike mad about people being nice?
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Im an edgemaster bro
What does that even mean?
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Homura (52).jpg
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Nobody will know about your permanent claims and you will claim again anyway if you want to keep browsing this.
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Permanent claims here.
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Koko 23.jpg
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oohhh I see, whats it about? Looks pretty cool haha

Fuck it ill try it. Dubs and I permanently claim koko
Look here, idiots.
I feel some sort of remorse for being such a dick. I'm just bitter and callous. I do truly enjoy some of you and the times I've had here.
Last share before I go.
See you later, waifu
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If dubs I permanently claim Azusa Nakano

Karen Kujo is a qt3.14

I like English lolis. I dated an English girl. It was nice. It was when I was a teen so I guess she could be considered a loli. Is 15 a loli?
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you certainly are
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> not implying actual flavor.

Its from spongebob when Patrick says, "huff puff, open sesame"
I wish you'd give the rest of us a chance.
I ate Squid sushi today.

If dubs I permanently claim Azusa Nakano
Bye whom I assume is Tats

I meant the previous post. The one where you forgot to quote me. What does that even mean?

That that forgot to quote you.
If dubs I permanently claim Azusa Nakano

it's spike
You got to do, what you got to do. I guess we'll see you around space cowboy and take good care.
That's okay. It's good to see ya again.
I think you should give day shift a try. Even though you don't know the people. You can try to.
Same here. The threads would go faster, and take some fun from it.
Bruh, my waifu is from the same show.
You fiend! Also my dubs deny your claim
If dubs I permanently claim Azusa Nakano now
Bahhh don't worry about being a dick. Everyone is sometimes.
But as i said, enjoy your time off.
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