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Why do theists hate Atheism?

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Why do theists hate Atheism?
Because they are too stupid to realize that Atheism is right way to live.
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they enjoy fantasy and therefore anything to the contrary must be evil
cause the arrogance of people thinking there's nothing greater than themselves out there is astounding and the fact that people can be that self-centered is a more than a little maddening.
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Atheists doesn't necesseraly hate theists.
Get the fuck out kiddo
Because Atheists hate theists
Rate my tattoo
The nature People are the real religion (the ones who worshipped psychedelic mushrooms as gods flesh)
Any true atheist would kill themselves since suicide is the logical conclusion to atheism.
Nice try, Satan.
Any true theist would kill themselves since they'd go to heaven faster.

inb4: durr hurr you can't do that cuz suicide is a sin.
I'm not satan
>suicide is a sin.

Least we have a reason to not kill ourselves. What's your excuse?

inb4: durr hurr i can't do that cuz i want to live my life to the fullest and i don't want to make my family cry, even though my own worldview dictates that they're doomed to non-existence too, meaning their suffering is only temporary and objectively meaningless
Saying hurr durr inb4 doesn't make it any less true, and also every religion tells you to spread it which you can't do if you're dead
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>durr hurr
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I can't stop anon
because Atheists claim they don't believe anything, while defending the fact they believe there is no God. They are paradoxical quacks. They believe that before time and matter existed, nothingness exploded and made something in a universe governed by cause and effect.

They literally have no reasoning skills.
Psilocybe mexicana checking in
You've obviously have never read the GOD delusion.
Satanic trips of Truth.
Northern Mexico?
I hope you get your ass beat / 10
You dont understand. We just dont aprehend death as much as theists.
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Suicide being sin isn't a reason to live, you moron. Why don't theists cross the street without looking both ways? Why do theists go to the hospital? Why don't they willingly put themselves in danger? None of that would be suicide and they'd just go to heaven anyway, right? So why not do it? Or is it because you deep down don't actually believe in that bullshit?
ok, let me indulge in your stupidity and say I believe the bible
>so god and the devil have intellect superior to even our wildest imagination
>people read the bible a commit atrocities in its name
>bible says that sinners spent eternity in hell yet god is ever loving
>god tells people to kill his other children
>god rapes Mary and condemns his son to gruesome death on earth
>god creates nature to be survival of the fittest
>humans must sin to survive

What if god is the devil all along and the bible is constructed so that faith would be strong among the weak causing them to spread hatred among the world. What if his plan is failing now that people are becoming smarter
I'm actually a migrant to the UK
>inb4 classic mexican
currently chilling in a students cupboard growing away in peace
Fuck you that's why
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Nice one anon
Just going to add this in if God is all powerful how could he just sit back and allow another being (the devil) to get to what seems like his own status off power.
So just because life is meaningless and afterlife doesn't exist, you should kill yourself? That doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever. How fucking retarded are you? You just went full retard. It's the exact opposite, if you only get one life, why not enjoy it while it lasts instead of taking it? Meanwhile, if you're so sure that you'll go to heaven when you die, why not just kill yourself right now? Holy shit, it's hard to believe someone is this fucking stupid.
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It's hurr durr, because while you're not allowed to kill yourself directly, hypocrite theists still go to the hospital when they get sick, wear seatbelts and helmets and actively try to survive. Why? Don't you want to go to heaven?
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You're literally so fucking stupid you cannot even follow your own logic.

If there is no afterlife, the it means your life is completely and utterly meaningless. It doesn't matter if you enjoy it or not, the fact is once you're dead and don't exist, you won't have any memory of it, meaning it doesn't matter in the slightest if you kill yourself.

Meanwhile, if you do believe in an afterlife, it gives you every reason to enjoy your life because you know you're here on earth for a reason, and your job is to live for that reason. Taking your life just to go to heaven would be pointless because you're going there anyway.
Anyone who says ANY true is just another sjw, feminist, etc.
Fuck, im tired of "any TRUE women", "any TRUE man".
You, sir, are a swine.
And yes. Thats the reason. Theists think they know what is TRUE. What is right. Thats why they killed millions in God's name.
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You ever think that the survival instinct people have is God's way of telling us we cannot allow ourselves to die, and that the life he gave us is sacred and worth fighting for?
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This is refreshing
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>"Any TRUE man has a penis"
>"No, that's not correct. You're a swine!"

And you're a liberal cuck.
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>liberal cuck
Enjoy your permanent brain damage and perpetual being wrong about everything
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>If there is no afterlife, the it means your life is completely and utterly meaningless. It doesn't matter if you enjoy it or not, the fact is once you're dead and don't exist, you won't have any memory of it, meaning it doesn't matter in the slightest if you kill yourself.
This makes no fucking sense at all once again. What's the point of playing a game if it doesn't matter who wins? Exactly, because it's fun. Why does it even need to matter in the first, you fucking idiot? The afterlife is meaningless too, but you still want to go to heaven because it's more fun than going to hell.

>Meanwhile, if you do believe in an afterlife, it gives you every reason to enjoy your life because you know you're here on earth for a reason, and your job is to live for that reason.
Just because it something doesn't have a reason, it's mean it's not worth doing. Are you autistic or something?

>Taking your life just to go to heaven would be pointless because you're going there anyway.
Kek, and you say I can't follow my own logic. If heaven is pointless, living life would be pointless as well. You're going to heaven anyway, right? Why waste time on Earth when you can be in heaven?
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>bringing your "feminine penis" meme in theism shitposting thread
latent homosexual much, son?
Also, was speaking about actions, not dicks, you are thinking all the time.
F.e.: TRUE man would never hit a girl.
I figured it out guys! There IS a god. But the motherfucker is a pure evil sadist. Read gnosticism for a more detailed description. I mean face it, how the fuck else could consciousness arise from unconsciousness? How the fuck else did this absurd subjective existence come about? Something willfully put us here, but did so out of sheer malevolence. For IT this is nothing but entertainment, like gladiators were to ancient Romans
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No, because I'm not a retard. Humans have a survival instinct because of evolution, and if God is so concerned over people letting themselves die, why doesn't he personally stop it? Oh, let me guess, free will right? If God wanted us to have free will, why would he give us a survival instinct in the first place then?
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I'd say I'm Theist in about the loosest way possible, like I know (believe) all conscious energy has one source, and that in all honesty I probably owe my genes and existence to aliens, and I'd say the only thing I hate about atheists is that they can't just be cool with not being sure there isn't a "God," they have to create a religion focused on shutting down the god they aren't sure exists, like why??
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Man made God not the other way around
>"Also, was speaking about actions"
>"Theists think they know what is TRUE"

You were speaking about beliefs, not actions. And theists aren't the only people in history to kill millions in the name of something.
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we only hate retarded spammers
>conscience energy

Pusedoscience much anon?
>god isn't real
>and i have it proven on paper
>but you cant see it
>but its totally real, and you cant disprove it
>if you do - you are fuckhead for not respecting my believes
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Atheism is not a religion anymore than abstenince is a sexual position anon
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This is parallel to Gnosticism
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>telling me what i was speaking about ignoring HIS own dick centered POV
>ignoring the fact i was addressing precisely ONE >>683652460 faggot, who (just like you) speaks about what others REALLY meant, when they know nothing about them.
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You keep answering your own questions.

The brain has a survival instinct because the BODY doesn't want to die. The soul, which we are, doesn't care either way because it's eternal and non-physical.

Also, if we gained a survival instinct through """""evolution""""", why is the free will to commit suicide even possible?
Completely missed the point, good job stupid
Are you the ex priest that answers in these threads?
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Autism at its finest
You've been speaking more about dicks more than anyone in this thread, mate. Projecting much?
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>responds with insults
Keep trying stupid
no, I get that god would sit back and let his children grow but condemning us to hell for eternity is harsh
just sayin what if god is the devil and by hating homosexuals you condemn yourself to hell
Irony at it's finest.
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That wasn't aimed at you anon, it was for the anon who missed the point
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Who is this mutherfucker?
not exactly. I'm implying god and the devil are equals but god is so passive he is absent and gods word is the devils word with the goal of condemning Christians to hell
>uses word like irony to sound clever
>still retarded
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His name is Travis. He has two knives.
Boy is he ugly
>Thinks "irony" is a "clever" word

I know words that have more than one syllable frighten you, but try and broaden your vocabulary.
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This is one of the arguments Theists bring up all the time that I just can't understand. Firstly, that's not what we think, everything in the universe is an accident, so nothing has any more value than anything else, the only real value is the value that you yourself assign things. Secondly, if you're a christian then you hold the audacious belief that the all mighty holds this race, above all others and created them in their own image.
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Vintage Travis. Circa 2014
>implying living in a cosmic fluke and cherishing every moment of existence as we the universe experience reality together isn't greater than ourselves.
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This one pisses me off, I'm gonna get scolded here for quoting Dawkins but if you're requiring me to believe in god because I cannot catagorically disprove its existence then you're also asking me to believe in the giant invisible teapot that orbits Saturn
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You do understand that no afterlife means we appreciate life even more don't you?
For theists life is meaningless. For atheists it is a wonder and every second must be well spent
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>everything in the universe is an accident,
The only true accident in this universe was your conception

>the only real value is the value that you yourself assign things

I don't value your life in the slightest, so I guess that means it's okay to murder you.

>nothing has any more value than anything else

Then why should we value anything you have to say? Take your shit opinions and fuck yourself with them.
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you are retarded
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>Also, if we gained a survival instinct through """""evolution""""", why is the free will to commit suicide even possible?
That's like saying, if we gained the immune system through evolution, why it is still possible to die from a disease? You're a moron. Evolution didn't make us immortal, it just gave us traits that makes it harder for us to die, because animals with those traits are the ones most likely to survive and pass their genes. And if God is so concerned about not disrupting our free will, why give us a survival instinct and make it harder for us to choose to kill ourselves? If he really wanted us to have free will, there shouldn't be any kind of resistance in being able to following through with suicide.
And this is why theistic ideologies won't be defeated.... Circular arguments that never end.... I applaud the creators of world regions for creating such a deceiving mix of ideas which can be interpreted upon demand in a different way depending upon the argument against you..
>Any true atheist would kill themselves since suicide is the logical conclusion to atheism.

I don't think you really know what logic actually involves. There's nothing wrong with not living forever or without praying to gods and angels and genies and whatever the hell else theists believe in.
>For atheists it is a wonder and every second must be well spent

He said shitposting on a Chinese tea board.

Yes, you truly are cherishing this one and only blip of an existence, aren't you?
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>suffering is only temporary and objectively meaningless

Life doesn't have to last for an infinite period of time to be meaningful. It depends entirely on what a person cares about.
Nice rebuttal, piss lips.
>because Atheists claim they don't believe anything, while defending the fact they believe there is no God.

Why is atheism different from you not believing in leprechauns? (I mean, unless you do).
don't talk
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Nobody likes to be told they're wrong, it makes them look stupid. Now check em faggot
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We all need some downtime.
Also can you not see the hypocrisy of criticizing someone for posting on /b/ while you do the same?

Theists believe life is meaningless and the afterlife is the real prize. That's such a tragic view to have. At least atheists have an appreciation for it all.
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1. HarHar Gud 1

2.If you value not going to prison you wont kill me

3.If you don't value being correct then by all means.
>Also, if we gained a survival instinct through """""evolution""""", why is the free will to commit suicide even possible?

Because the species survives and thrives just fine even though individuals commit suicide sometimes. Why would individual suicides threaten the theory of evolution?
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Everything you say is stupid.

>That's like saying, if we gained the immune system through evolution, why it is still possible to die from a disease?

That doesn't follow from what I said.

I said, why is it possible for us to choose to kill ourselves if our brains have a survival instinct. We don't CHOOSE to get sick and die, though we can choose to make ourselves sick and die. How does that logically fit in with our brains being "hardwired for survival"?

And as I said before, it's our bodies that have the survival instinct because the body wants to survive since it's it's own living organism. We, the souls, are merely the drivers and can choose to terminate the experience whenever we want.
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Atheism is a triggered fish hatchery.
> Come Come.
>why is it possible for us to choose to kill ourselves if our brains have a survival instinct.

We have a survival instinct, it's just not the only thing which motivates us. Other things motivate us as well, and can sometimes lead us to kill ourselves. There's no contradiction there.
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>We, the souls, are merely the drivers and can choose to terminate the experience whenever we want.

Ooh, how Cartesian of you.
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Not everyone acts on their instincts and every person has different circumstances.
There is a contradiction. Why would the brain ever allow itself to die? you can't have "survival instinct" and "choose to kill itself" at the same time.
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>I said, why is it possible for us to choose to kill ourselves if our brains have a survival instinct. We don't CHOOSE to get sick and die, though we can choose to make ourselves sick and die. How does that logically fit in with our brains being "hardwired for survival"?
Like, are you actually retarded or something? We've been over this already. The survival instinct makes it HARDER to us to willingly kill ourselves, not impossible, just like with the immune system. When did I say it's impossible to kill yourself because you have a survival instinct? Retard.

>And as I said before, it's our bodies that have the survival instinct because the body wants to survive since it's it's own living organism. We, the souls, are merely the drivers and can choose to terminate the experience whenever we want.
If the souls are the divers, why would we be affected by what the body "wants" at all? Oh right, it's because WE ARE OUR BODIES and souls don't exist, you idiot.
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That's like saying if you're attracted to a woman it's impossible to not have sex with her
Your argunent is nonsensical and has a false premise that a god does exist and therefore the atheist believes in nothing. This is not true because atheists dont believe that god does not exist, they simply don't accept anything as true eithout the evidence supporting it. So contrary to saying atheists believe that there is no god, they should clarify they do not believe in god due to the lack of evidence for a god.

Also, all religious people believe the same thing in essence. There was nothing or unknown, then therr was god, and he/she created the universe. It is the same except that there is an extra step in the process.

Also, your reasoning is based on thr presumption that something cannot come from nothing. Which, at least pn a quantum mechanical level, has already been proven to be possible. Albeit that these digital particles exist for only a very brief moment, they are measurable and observable.

[√] rekt [ ] not rekt
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Evolution isn't perfect asshat
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Wtf does objectively meaningless mean?
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The instinct isn't indomitable, and it doesn't always operate anyway. People care about their wellbeing and comfort as well, so when, for example, they're suffering in misery they may prefer to be dead than alive. Why is this so hard to understand? Quality of life matters to people as well as survival, right?
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I truly despise religion but i will say this:

It is a clever system, because every time someone challenges it, it bwcomes more rooted in the theists mind because it is perceived as a test of their faith. I find that so ingenious, im quite amazed that this rhetoric hasnt been used in marketing strategies by now.
Because science is evil.
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And let's not forget the countless people killed in its name

because Truth matters
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Nice try, Atheism is a complete lack of belief, not "belief that something isn't."

Do you need to "believe unicorns aren't real?" No, because you've never seen any evidence that points to them existing so you can simply assume they don't exist until proven/shown evidence otherwise.

And your whole "there had to be a progenitor thing." If you follow that logic, then something had to create your Deity, as you said, something cannot come from nothing. And then something had to create the thing that created your deity, and then something had to create that etc. It's circular logic.
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>Science is evil

Now that's an autistic motherfucker right there. Congratulations anon
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God is the evil one, seriously if I would be a theist I would devote myself to the devil with what? a total of 7 deaths on his record vs god who wiped out humanity because he had autism
Nicely done. You said exactly the same that I did, then again great minds think alike they say
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>There is a contradiction. Why would the brain ever allow itself to die? you can't have "survival instinct" and "choose to kill itself" at the same time.

Evolution has also given us an instinct for altruism. The species tends to do better when people are willing to sacrifice for others. That can include jumping on a grenade to save your friends, for example. Violates the survival instinct, but advances the altruistic instinct.
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Yeah, theist are pretty autist to think science is evil.
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someone needs to start archiving these meme threads. i can't believe literally hundreds of these happen every day and every single one turns into a 300 response argument
We don't (well most), my best friend is atheist and not once have we argued over religion (Because that's fucking retarded), we may joke about it but nothing serious. What you are trying to say is the militant atheists is what we hate, you know those pro anti god losers who are overweight virgins who have fedora collections. Yeah those guys, they give atheism a bad name
Science is created by the patriarchy to oppress women.
Evidence is fabricated by men and doesn't mean a thing in the real world
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Agree anon
this b8 is sloppy
Maybe a /god seperate forum?
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Because sometimes suicide is the best choice and evolution has accommodated that.
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You go gurl
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ITT highschool kids reinventing the wheel
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