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>No fluffy thread in catalog SADBOX IS BEST BOX

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 258
Thread images: 151
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>No fluffy thread in catalog
moar sadbox please
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No problem my dude
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Thanks my dude
Nice dubs
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haven't seen that one before, who is the artist?
nvm, i found it out. It's Marcusmaximus
Here's another by him, from what I've heard, he doesn't do abuse art
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Anybody have Riddick from the other night?
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Agweed, pwease gib Chwonicles of Widdick! Pwomise to be bestest fwuffy...
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There should be an imgur link with all the riddick posts. I saw it, but I don't have it on hand right now.
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THanks, I'll keep an eye out for it
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Jesus Christ, that's a bit over the top don't you think? I mean, maiming and torturing them is one thing. But making them eat vegemite? Sick bastards.
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What would you do?
Man that's gonna suck for the one Australian fluffy that likes vegemite.
Nigga, I'm hardcore!
Plug both their asses until one confesses
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Well, fluffies are the only creatures in Australia to have less rights than the cane toad.
You see, I like all the fluffy comics and everything, but it's this, and posts like this, that just make it all weird.
Well fluffies are a bigger threat to the indiginous ecosystem than the cane toad is, so it makes sense.
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Yeah, the rping is weird.

Good. Thinking about it, Cane Toads are the irl equivalent to a fluffy as far as legal abuse-ability goes.
So, do people abuse them regularly like fluffies as well?
Yes, if some one has it, that'd be great.

Also, why.

Why this level of faggotry anon?
An Aussie youtuber I watch mentions a time he and his brother used to feed them lit firecrackers or light them on fire. The wikipedia page also mentions cricket bats and golf clubs.
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Hey, i have to ask, after Fall of Cleveland, is there any decent, long story to read?
kek, brotherly fun
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Put them both in a plastic tote box with an open jug of lacquer thinner until their brains dissolve from inhalation....
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Does anyone have the story that starts off sounding like this: The owner keeps professing his love that people don't understand, while the fluffy shouts things like "Nu touch poopy-pwace! Peepee-pwace! Nu take peepee-pwace!", until it's revealed that the fluffy has tourette's syndrome.
There's one I need to refind. It's called A Mare's Lament or something like that. I'm a little worried it was a Wolfram Sparks story.
I´m looking for a longer story about a seafluffy, anyone?
post gerald story
Litterpal is best pal.
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I have Gerald, but will post around 2 EST.
Where is the whole story?
Mocha was an extremely long, ongoing story on Wolfram's booru account. Unfortunately he went apeshit and deleted everything.
Sorry anon.

It's sad when fluff artists go full retard. Seems to be a trend.
Satanic trips
They probably look at what they've been doing and regret it.
Either that or someone close to them finds out. That's more likely.
I'm bored, story time

>Be you, walking down the road, gas station about a mile away
>Think about how much having your car worked on sucks
>come out of the gas station with minor supplies for the night filled in two plastic bags
>on your way back to your apartment you hear a rustling in a bush that slightly makes you jump
>"Am big monster! gif nummies or I eat yew!"
>Holy shit it's a dam shit rat, I think natural selections making these things smarter, clever little bastard.
>decide to play along to bait it out, "Oh no, not a monster, I'll just leave this food here and leave"
>hear snickering, think to yourself you might as well let it or maybe even them enjoy it.
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Is anyone still lurking?
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If you mean Wolfram, he apparently hated his early work because it "looked bad".
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I'm continuing anyway, I'm enjoying this

>Walk slowly away but not too far for obvious reasons
>out proudly comes the smirking little shit rat with his tail triumphantly in the air approaching your bag
>quick 180 sprint and snatch as you grab the little bastard by his scruff and hold him up eye level, light blue fur and dark blue mane, weird
>almost the same time as his screech you hear another small voice from the same bush
>"Put spewcial fwed down yew big dummeh!"
>right, why would this thing be traveling alone and on the oddly gender colored pink with yellow mane's fur are two foals not even old enough to have manes, one green the other blue like the father
>"Oh but of course" you play along "here I'll even give you guys some food, right there in that bag let me take some out"
>you put the blue one down and grab the two bags while the blue one scurrys over to the mare for "Huggies"
>you put all the contents of the one bag into the other leaving you with an empty bag, the family of rats are just staring at you eyes almost apart.
ok they aren't that smart you think to yourself

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Anyone got stories?
smawties story i would like pls
I'm readin' keep going.
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Keep it up my dude
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sure i do
Hey, we're autistic enough without you asking like that.

It's all of Chapter 1 complied and correct, as far as I can tell.

Chapter 2 will come as long as people want more.
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>looking at the family waddle up to you with empty bag in your hand you think over how this little bastard tried to steal your food, so you grab up the pink one first as the foals fall off the fur squealing for "momma"
>"NUUU! BABBEHS" the mare yells pissing and shitting as you hold it out and splashes land on the blue fluffy
>as you throw the pink mare in the bag you look to see the father saying "Babbehs wun! Wun from Monstah!" Grabbing one in his mouth, the blue one in particular (perhaps it reminds him of himself)
>now of course these foals barely have their eyes open none the less their ability to run
>so you grab up the blue one muffling something with a baby's scruff in it's teeth
>tossing the two in the bag you look down at the confused green foal chirping for its parents and wondering around in a circle, you decided to end it quick for the little bastard but first grab the scruff of the pink one from the bag and force it's head somewhat out enough to show it you stepping on the foal
>broccoli? these things are giving each other names too now? doesn't matter I'm going to have more fun tonight then I thought
>continue walking to your apartment
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It's wanted. I missed out on the Friday update. Fucking power outages.
>You are a fluffy
No thanks

This story is getting good.
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>about 8pm, you realize you can't bring these screaming crying these too close to the apartments, might raise some suspicion.
>let's keep it simple then, leave breathing room through the top of the plastic bag but tie it to a nearby tree not to far away from the apartments,
>the one less foal family is down to huuing and hugging each other for comfort in the bag
>"Stay right here you guys, I'll have something more comfortable in a second"
>you run over to the back of the apartment where you remembered an old watered down dog kennel small enough to be carried, "This should work"
>walking over to the bag you here nothing, odd, really odd, did they die?
>nope just sleeping held together in a little traumatized ball of fluff with the blue foal in the middle there somewhere, kinda blends in with the father I guess
>you pick up a nearby stick and with the pinata skills of an anti trump protester you wack the blue blur in the bag right in the back and hear a sequel like you just broke the things nut sack
>"wakey wakey, did I say you can sleep yet?"
>"Dummeh monstah! why?! why yew dew this?"
>"you tried to steal my food you li-
>"NU SMARTIES FOOD" he cuts you off
>This little bastard just grew his balls back or something, I like it
>"Ok little man, I have a plan for you"

freshest of oc takes some time, stick with me here guys
>"NU SMARTIES FOOD" he cuts you off
Fate sealed.
>she loves your poppies more than you

I lost.
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Make an account my dude, clean, clear writing
Riddick isn't alone anymore. I'm somewhat satisfied.

Granted, I hope chapter two comes soon.
Stop that shit. That's not okay.
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I would only abuse smarties. I hate those little fucks with a passion.
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>deleted post.
someone post fluffy drawing guides i want to try and draw one

>You snatch up the dog kennel to the sounds of a fluffy trying to curse at you, "DUMMEH CUN MONSTAH YOU WIV FAMWY AWONE NOA! PUT DOWN AN GIF NUMMEHS AN I MAYWE YEW WIV"
>did that thing just threaten my life... oh man this is good
>at this point the blue foal is hueing into the mom's pink fur trying to look away as the father thrashing about in the plastic bag as if it has some power to escape (note to self try feeding fluffy foals to spiders)
>you reach your hand into the bag and feel a marshmallow like nibble "the fuck?" I think it tried to bite me
>you flick it in the face (at least you think) as you can't see too well into the plastic bag and you hear "owies! my seeie pwace! dummeh monstah!"
>"Ah" you exclaim as you grab the scruff and pull out a wiggling blue rat, it crunching its face up swinging it's hoofs around
>"in ya go little guy" you say as you throw him in the kennel and place him on the ground in view of everything that's about to happen
>"now that we're set up here let me get your friend"
>you ignore it's plea and grab the scruff of the now more submissive mare, foal cupped in its arms as it tries to pick it up with its teeth.
>"Pwease nice mistah, nu hewt familwy, we vewy hungwy"
>"Should've asked, I'm generally a nice guy, I might have even gotten you guys something" you say as the pink fluffy looks half confused and half lost to the fact that all they had to do was ask, I guess it never crossed their minds.
>as the constant thrashing in the kennel starts to settle down you take the foal out of the mares teeth and set it aside while you let the mares feet touch the ground but hold firmly onto its scruff.
every single one of them basically boils down to:

1. Draw 2 circles, one for the body and one for the head
2. Draw the rest of the fluffy
Just go on the Booru and search tutorial>>683453238
This is good shit, keep it coming.
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Better version.
Still want Gerald?

>you reach out and smack the box, "What? what the fuck are you really going to do?"
>"and how exactly are you going to do that?" you say calmly as you start to push on the pink mares head, the mare starts to screech more and more which gets the foal to start chirping insistently.
>you look around really quick to see if anyone is watching, you don't want to get too lost in your own little world of torture and have somebody see you, I mean I guess... Does anyone really care? whatever I'm in the middle of something here.
>"Let me tell you something here shit rat the more you wale the more I put pressure on your "Special fwend" you get that?"
>the blue fluffy shouts "NU DUMMEH DUMMEH DUmme..."
>the more he screams this insult over and over the more you push on the mares head, the more she screeches... the more he realizes... I think he's getting it.
She just killed them, because she couldn't get "bestest miwkies?" Sometimes these things are just so fucking retarded
I imagine that they could have a new litter every month.
>dis am smawty Fwead nao
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this is the best story.
holy shit hahahahahaha
Im here for this!!
Masterful stuff, go on...
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did fractalfluffy ever finish his Maisie and Laura series?
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>as he calms down you didn't realize how much pressure you've been putting down, apparently these things are more brittle than you had thought
>*pop!* oops.jpg
>the mare twitches a bit as it's eye lids flutter and she starts to wiggle
>I think I just snapped something in it's neck and it's having a seizure
>poor thing doesn't realize I already killed her, oh well
>after a little while of the blue one pleading the pink one to stop she finally stops on her side and drools starts dribbling out of her mouth
>"I think she's dead ha" you almost chuckle, why do you like this so much? I need therapy, maybe some other time.
>"well I think sh-" cutting you off again but you let it slide rightfully so
>"you what, you're going to break out of that cage when you couldn't make it out of a bag?"
>The blue fluffy tries to process this as the remaining blue foal finally made it's way to your foot as you've been squatting down this entire time
>You look at it's innocents in all this, maybe a pet wouldn't be too bad, I'd have to keep it inside I guess, we'll see
Here you go my dude
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This is good. I'm gonna try to create my own fluffy abuse/sadbox thingy. Maybe.
oh god vinegar creeps me out
ProTip: You're going to suck at first.
pls more
Good art is nice and all, but if you can tell a solid story the art can be shitty
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make an account on the booru and make more stories
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I'll give it a read and make sure it's all in order, I think there were some issues last time I checked
I'd even go on Reddit to read these stories. That good.
Thanks. I gave it a quick once over to finalize it.

I wish I wasn't such a retard when it comes to uploading the story.

>you pick up the blue foal and your eyes focus onto behind it as you see the father in the kennel who you're pretty sure has lost it at this point
>the blue fluffy is just sitting upright in the kennel repeating to itself "Fwuffy.. fwuffy will... fwuffy can.. fwuffy..."
>the poor thing snapped, not like it's special friend snapped, but you know like mentally
>you focus back on the little blue guy who's also sitting upright in your cupped hands as you squat in the grass
>"maybe I was hasty on the green one huh, what do you think little dude"
> for some odd reason the thing just looks at you and chirps, not a panicked chirp, almost a comfortable like chirp. fucking weird
>"what's this?" you look closer at the neck and see yellow strands of hair, you look over at the parlayed or dead pink fluffy and see it's yellow mane
>god dammit it's fucking cute, ok little guy you get a pass
>as this is all happening the blue fluffy goes quite and then comes too
>"no I think I'm going to keep him, he reminds me of a slightly calmer fluffy" you notion to the pink mare whose eyes have rolled to the back of it's head at this point
>Remembering the reason for it's insanity the blue fluffy starts losing it again thrashing around yelling "KIWW YEW KIWW YEW KIWW YEW"
>fuck man this things really lost it now haha
>the blue foal starts chirping almost in an upset manner so you cup it close and start to walk away
>in all the thrashing in it's kennel the kennel starts to fall on its side then again as it gets closer to the slope that leads down into the trench
>the kennel gains momentum and starts rolling into the trench with a line of trees
>you hear a distant mutter of "kiw.. kiww... ye..."
>you look at the little chirping foal and grab up your bag with groceries and start toward your apartment
>"come on little guy we've been out here to long with this milk, you can have some if it's still good"

I'll consider it ha, I've always thought of myself as a writer
if you do let us know your name, great story!
>atwas shwugged
i lold
Well, you have better English skills than a 6th grader, so you have more than half of the Booru beat.
good job, usually straight up abuse stories bore me but yours kept my interest

Write some shit on the booru although the comments section is full of retards

You should try doing a CYOA in these threads - really helps your imagination by adapting the story to the audience's whims. Just start with a general idea and keep arriving at choices
Loneliness are Killing.
See: wolfram sparks

Here's squeakyfriend's tutorial.
daww thanks
Ya I'm just not a mongoloid is all

I like that Idea but I just feel like cyoa takes forever but i'll give it a shot when I get bored enough ha
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ayy, my art. i had fun drawing last night lol
this ever got finished?
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And foxhoarder's.


Pretty universally true, albeit with different proportions.
Hey guys, has anyone considered posting the fluffy stuff on Reddit or Voat? I know they're kind of 4Chan's sworn enemies, but their organization is pretty damn good. And more stable than the Booru.
Eh, you can end the CYOA whenever. Generally you find a bunch of fluffies and most of the suggestions are creative ways to kill them, but if you feel good about a concept you can keep going
Booru has been around for years. It's your best source like it or not.
You have good work, how do you get those clean white lines?
I've been wanting to make my own OC. Maybe I'll get around to it sometime thanks to this (can't draw for shit)
Nah, we love you for making such a great story, I'm just here to clean up some of the minor mistakes
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For a community that enjoys the suffering of fluffies, we are a rather cordial to our artists and authors.
You can go ahead and make a subreddit. I'd sub
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sakura gelly roll gel pen.~ it's a staple in my everyday art supply carry.
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They're what make all the good content, yo
It exists on Reddit, but it's also fairly dead. I'd like more people to contribute there. Then some of the OC wouldn't be lost to 404's. And we could find stuff like Riddick easily. Though, we'd also be at the mercy of Reddit admins. Also, it's on Reddit. So the fags there could be an issue.
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We should start a new one then. One where we can admin it by ourselves and filter out fags
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I have already wanted ( if they was real) to bite on in the neck and just shake it like a wolf!
It's best if a new subreddit is created just so someone loyal to the cause has moderator powers

Wouldn't be surprised if the SJWs got butthurt and had the sub quarantined or outright deleted because wah wah animal abuse
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>And we could find stuff like Riddick easily.
Call me a fag, but I would rather my shit never be in reddit. But hey, Riddick is community owned so it isn't really up to me exclusively.
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Contribootan sadbox stories
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i would defintely throw a fluffy foal to my dog as a chewtoy
she seems to have so much fun throwing around and trying to gut stuffed toys
Ok, I made it. It's /r/FluffBoxes. It's also closed for now, so just message me and I'll let you in.
You have all of Sunny Gardens? You would be my hero
Made it, I guess let's start building.
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I do have all of sunny gardens. Haven't saved the later ones when the daycare's gone out of business and lady goes to work at her sister's shop.
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nu can anowimus?
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Also got A Mare's Melancholy if anyone're interested.
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Very interested
Post the Melancholy, I was looking for it earlier.
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Gonna have to be for the next thread. Sunny Garden's about 20 pics long and the other's 30.
Both quality stuff though
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Just make a new account. You don't exactly have to give personal information.
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is he using one of those anal insertion wheelchairs? that's a hilarious tie in if so
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need to do more requests later this week.
yeah. it didnt even require an email to make an account. which is nice
File: Sunny Gardens 12.png (1 MB, 550x3300) Image search: [Google]
Sunny Gardens 12.png
1 MB, 550x3300
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Sunny Gardens 13.png
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Sunny Gardens 14.png
1 MB, 550x3300
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Sunny Gardens 15.png
1 MB, 550x2622
For those of you doing the subreddit, I made it open, new to the whole Mod thing. So just subscribe.
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Sunny Gardens 16.png
1 MB, 550x2923
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Sunny Gardens 17.png
2 MB, 770x3009
And that's all I've got on Sunny Garden's. Gonna go hunt down and sort through the disordered mess all the stories from the author is in.

fuck, why.
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3 MB, 5312x2988
Trying to learn how to draw, check out my shitty attempts so far
File: Fluffy Factory 1.png (159 KB, 979x1436) Image search: [Google]
Fluffy Factory 1.png
159 KB, 979x1436
Found the Fluffy Factory story. It's about the Sunny Garden chicks' sister and her fluffy store.
No idea about the chronological order of them.
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3 MB, 600x600
found this gem last night
I would actually like a fluffy pony as a pet to love and hug every day at this point. Just so I could be smugly vindicated if she turns smarty.
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Fluffy Factory 2.jpg
2 MB, 550x3300
Got the whole thing?
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Fluffy Factory 3.jpg
2 MB, 550x3300
There any decent artists left?
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Fluffy Factory 4.jpg
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Sure as hell won't get to post all the fluffy factory stories what with image limit closing in.
If anyone are actually reading these, I'll dump as many as I can in the next thread.
A subreddit might be a good idea
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Fluffy Factory 5.jpg
2 MB, 550x3300
In my opinion, all the ones worth anything are gone.
Artist-kun is still drawing I think and he's not too terrible.
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Fluffy Factory 6.jpg
2 MB, 550x3300
It's up

Yeah that's what I figured, I stopped posting on the booru awhile ago after everything turned into ms paint scribbles. Was kinda hoping the fandom would gain some new life
we got this guy now
shows promise
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Fluffy Factory 7.jpg
1 MB, 550x2376
It died down after about a year. Was a good run though. Many a summer nights spend reading long ass stories and chucking coffee to stay awake.
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Fluffy Factory 8.jpg
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Fluffy Factory 9.jpg
2 MB, 550x3300
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Fluffy Factory 10.jpg
1 MB, 550x2592
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Fluffy Factory 11.jpg
2 MB, 550x3300
And limit reached. See you fagits in the next thread.
i wasn't ready for this

was this you?
More??? please
Jesus fucking christ

This is so autistic but its incredible

To everyone else reading the thread, its two live-action fluffy videos shot with stuffed animals

My gawd
New thread

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