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Waifu Claiming Thread >Dio loves lolicocks The rules are

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 179
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming Thread
>Dio loves lolicocks

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Insult other waifu
>Insult Dio
>Dio is the worst claim you could make
>Pretend you're normal and discuss stuff
>Keep ERP, RP and suggestive themes to a minimum
>Don't be gay
Most Important: Get drunk
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Iowa claim
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Yuno claim

still drunk, feelin hella gud
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6 foot robot fists old man.png
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jenny claim
It has tits and an arse, some freaks will fap to anything with those "specifications."

Mami claim
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The forehead and thigh gap are the two main reasons, but yes, technically Rory is a loli. Body of a 13 year old in the manga.

Best edition of the thread.

Rory claimed
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Thank you kindly, handsome.

>Don't be gay
I only read the last two words.
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You will not escape
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They're not great, they're disgusting filthy wretch. Nothing more than virtual poison, abominations.

yeeee boi
Youre so cute <3

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I love my thread
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the horrifying dream beast conglomerate formerly known as Asuka claimed!
heartily <3 (GET IT)
this one is at 42. they are starting to take longer and keep crashing the page lol
in the name of science!
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Koko 1.jpg
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Goondnight! sleep well :)
Comrade! My nights been pretty good. same ol same ol. How about yours? and last night? haha
>US BB-61
Hey bb

Also claiming
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topkek, he's fuckin gone.

Where else besides Japan?

Yo, what's up Koko?

>Best idol cclaimed
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>Dio loves lolicock
Oh my, loli cock? It's worse than i thought!

>Shizuru get!
>If dubs, ship Dio with a loli edition!
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It was you, spike, wasn't it?

Who else would be so cowardly as to impersonate me?
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more judy
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Nighty Night, love you all
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Canaan claimed.

Hey there, Koko
I give up...
An R32 in the US ain't gonna be cheap though.
You too <3
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I did this, but none of the other stuff. I only impersonate Syndra because they love it.
You remain unworthy
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Be honest here Dio, how many gigabytes have you used for storing your lolicock stash?
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sup nig
I didn't say they were great! but if your down with that I ain't judging
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That's one well developed 13 year old. Jeez. Lol
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Nigga I dont know shit about cars
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>her face
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Judy did 9/11
C-Can I kiss you?
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Kurisu 33.gif
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Claiming best girlie!
Lurking mode: Active
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>can't find any near me ever

plus it wouldn't even be a daily driver which is what would be the heartbreaking part.
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I'm crying over here with my friend's story of his first high
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You know Gasai (48).jpg
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Yo bra, pretty drunk rigjt now, how are ya?
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Oh jesus lord
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cum at me sonta.png
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>loli cock
Oh hell no
Hows it goin idol? all good things I hope?
Goodnight! Sleep well :)
Hey! Hows it goin man?
>because they love it
I feel indifferent
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at least you got some great taste dio.
What's up ol' koko
Oh hey koko what's up?

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Yuno I need to confess that I love you
>because they love it
by they I mean Syndra.
Claimed. (The one on the left.)
Damn right it is. That's how I passed school.(kinda)
It's going good, drinking a bit as well. Last night was very interesting......
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Share it mang
>drunk rigjt now
I can tell! whats the occasion? lol
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You know Gasai (229).png
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CaneloKhan fight nigga, that was some GOOD shit, khan got BTFO
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Breasts are one of the most important things that fuel my hatred towards lolis, althought of course they are not the only thing that defines a waifu.

Such as galko

Galko has cowtits, but she's disgusting as fuck

fucking ugly shit

god I hate galko

god damn
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I have a crazy tongue <3
Gonna go to sleep now. Good night my friends! (and Dio, you loli freak)
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fite me in reel life feg.png
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Nothin much, just hangin out as per usual, how bout you?
Doin pretty good. How bout you?
Of course
>last night was interesting
I want details! Last thing I said to you, I think, was "are you gonna have another?"
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You know Gasai (244).png
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oh piss off, being shipped to you is bad enough
I can tell.
Please do. c:
No local importers either?
Today was pretty boring until I found out that a bush plane crashed in a neighborhood near my apartment. Not even fucking kidding.
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Atago 014.jpg
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Youre so sweet
I love you
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The school part was meant for you.
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You know Gasai (84).png
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I dunno how I passed my driving test but I did
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I always see spike's rules about Dio, but he mentions Dio pretty often.

I've just found a connection
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>local importers

im a NEET, how am i supposed to do this?

shhh its not that bad. <3
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Thanks, everything has been pretty good as of late. How about you?

Never been called that before, kek I like it.
Nice sleep schedule.
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The tits can't be too big otherwise they're gross. Never understood why people want them to be monsters. Galko isn't that bad IMO.
Playing a bit of games and chatting that's about it.
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>mfw 50 dreams deep
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Koko 6.jpg
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Goodnight! Sleep well :)
A bush plane? and that sounds pretty crazy, was anyone hurt?
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I wanna bee shipped guys
Ive been secretly.jqlous
Injust want to be loved

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As I've said, it's not just about the tits.

It's everything about galko, god damn I hate her.
stahp! I'm scared
I can't even tell what that is anymore
I see no connection there
stop with the unwanted shipping.
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Evening everyone. Late Yuuki claim
Jenny i need you 2 kno that i jave liked you 4 a while

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You know Gasai (40).jpg
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Yuuki! Im drunk, whats gud??
D-don't be scared, I'm sorry.
>He bought the bluff
>Thank god
>I ran out of eyeballing pictures
you can ship with me

Yuno hates being shipped with me

fucking salty cunt

same fag
Love you too~
To be fair, most drivers tests are pretty easy.
Only the two on the plane apparently.
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nope faggot.png
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Yourelike an angel
You came to the perfect time..
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Koko 9.jpg
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Good to hear! how was your day?
>never been called that before
Well you claim yourself to be all the time!
Sounds comfy, what are you playing?
That makes sense I guess, at least there weren't more deaths
the quads aint good
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You know Gasai (83).png
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kys anyways

Yeah mine was a fat fuck, Im a shit at dirivng but he passed me anwyays so I can learn
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I wouldn't really know about that. Never watched it.
It's not even Asuka anymore.
Space station 13. Shit's fun but complicated at times
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>hand loves you

Just take it slow and you'll find someone, don't worry.
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You know Gasai (58).png
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oy vey no quads for me
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I wanted to use the bathroom. Took me 10 mins to reach there. Had a bit more to drink. My grammar skills were that of a fifth grader, I lie in bed, but I didn't want to sleep. Tried to get up, but bed's tractor beams have me on lock...Slept.
Ill love you forever ;^;
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I thought everyone loved you, Froggo.
>calm ya shit
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Not a whole lot, had a few drinks myself, played a lot of Overwatch, not a bad day overall!
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Atago 117.jpg
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Yeah, It's 4:22 here.
I plan on pulling an all-nighter.
>The tits can't be too big otherwise they're gross. Never understood why people want them to be monsters. Galko isn't that bad IMO
I've been hearing shit like this for the past 4 years.
I've never heard people say that years ago.

Where is all this talk of boobs being "disgusting" coming from?
People are calling anything above B cup "disgusting" or "way too big".
Is it just a meme I don't know about?
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Came back just to say

I would ship with you if you didnt want Yuno anymore, although im already in a 3 way ship... kek
No :(
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You should be sleeping, man....
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psh yuno is salty as fuck, plus yuno throws temper tantrums.

the ship can end I GUESS

froggo is the new ship, all hail new ship.
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Have a beard, grumpy pants.
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Robot ear sex in space.jpg
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i like everyone
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Pretty sweet, went for a run, did some core exercise, then played vidya all day. Yours?

kek I know that but I've never been referred to as idol by someone else.
But robot i ove gou
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Looks like we're all staying up late tonight.
More time to kill tanks and the people inside them.
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the weirdest thing that has ever given me a boner
yes it is lol you can still kinda see it. i'm planning on making them into a gif to see the progression from cute tsun to horrifying conglomerate of birdlike beasts
>mfw 60 dreams deep
i love you more Jenny-kun!
oy back off
>unless you wanna fuck with pic related
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I'm rather curious how you're still managing to make it through the captcha.
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You know Gasai (14).png
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>pulled from google image persom
AJAJAjAJAJ aint foolin me

Damn son I was rektin with dva with my friends earlier

ayy I have a beard irl das wassup
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Koko 11.jpg
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kek sounds like you had a nice drunk experience. At least you didn't get sick! haha, how much did you drink?
ooooo whats that?
He needs it, he's a grumpy puss
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I'll ship with you if frog doesn't want me.
Its really hard i thiught a salad wa s a tree
Yeah, at least. That was pretty much the last thing I expected to happen today.
I guess.
This ship will never sink.
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Also very curious.
I want you <3
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Maybe that's a sign it might be time to catch some sleep lol
dear god what have i caused?
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You know Gasai (125).jpg
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Yuno is free at last... kek
Good luck on your search for a new ship friend!
This isnt a sick joke?
Will you still be here when i am sober...
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Oh shit dude! D.Va is by far my best hero. I also like Roadhog and Winston.
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Nah. There's just a size when it gets too much. I'd say after like an E or something.
She's gone at this point
Don't know how to explain it but a game where everyone is on a spacestation with jobs and shit happens
All good. Talking to bros and got a dog high. Lol on with this story

Friend was in 8th and with his bros at the time. They were at friend's house and found a blunt and were like "hey yall wanna smoke?" Was like yeah and hit it. Was around 4:15 pm on a school day and his bros were walking high as shit. Nigga decided that he needed to shit and did it on someone's yard right there. Needed something to wipe and his ass thought it was a good idea to grab a beer bottle and shove the neck up his ass to wipe it. After this we laughed too hard to remeber what happened lol

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Koko 12.jpg
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Woah! I wish I had that sort of excersise during my days, all I did today was move some couches and drink kek
Well yeah, I'd imagine "plane crashing close to me" to be pretty far down the list haha, but at least you weren't hurt
Robot pld
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You know Gasai (84).jpg
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I fuckin love allah ackbaring niggas with her mech
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You know Gasai (64).png
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>mfw Im free form the ship
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>street signs
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Syndra (80).jpg
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Did the bunny anon really give up so fast?
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...alright. And then?
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i will never wear protection. who would want protection from pic related?
but but but i love her
>even 65 dreams deep
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Here's doggo passed out
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Atago 219.png
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Actually I shouldn't play WoT.
I don't want to wake up the other people who like to sleep.

WoT will be in the morning though.
Along with a piece of the pound of lasagna I "won".

>the great thing about going up against the same tank I'm in is that I know the weakspots
The letter rating is different all over the world.
Could you post an Iowa with your maximum size limit?
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That was fun guys. Can't wait for the image limit to take it all away.
>Select all squares with street signs
>It's a fucking plant
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Right?! I saved a game by detonating right as the enemy's payload was about to get to our base and wiped them all out.
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>4 way ship
Shinoa would have a blast.

It feels great. lel moving couches can provide some gains.
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I woke up and realized, I finished the whole bottle. I knew I surpassed my limit. It was fun though. I know I won't finish my current one.
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You know how it is....

>my wrists
>select them
I'll still be here

won't be tOOOO hard niggy

Yuno has always been free i just like fucking with yuno
>upset yuno is funny

i need to learn how to webm cause I captuired the moment I elimiated 8 things

I mean, I'm tired and I'm probably gonna go to bed soon. But I'll probably be on tomorrow night. c:
Yeah, at least. How was your day?

Let me know if it doesnt work out for you friend, Im here for ya :)

Your telling me... kek

Yes I would
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Thread images: 151

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