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Waifu Claiming Thread >Dry Dock edition The rules are simple:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 174
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming Thread
>Dry Dock edition

The rules are simple:
>No shipping
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Insult other waifu
>Insult Dio
>Pretend you're normal and discuss stuff
>Keep ERP, RP and suggestive themes to a minimum
>Don't be gay
Most Important: Get drunk
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I had one like that earlier that had a flower in a bunch of green. Clicked the flower and it accepted it. 10/10 would street sign again.
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Ah alright, yeah that is a great thing to know.
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Obligatory claim.

>Don't be gay
If there's one thing a faggot loves, it's a good joke.
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You make me so happy
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>don't be gay

Half of you niggs are gay
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You know Gasai (47).png
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yuno claim
>shipfree edition
Jenny claim
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Back again, claiming Yuuki!
Yunooooo <3
Did you watch it Dio?
Don't be salty.. It's probably not your fault you have bad taste.
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>Half of you niggs are gay
>always watching

Still waiting for the Michael Bay reboot.
>Get drunk
Kinda getting there.
then skype me frog
I can invite you to the convo with me and yuno

>and you can help me bother yuno

>its fun
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You know Gasai (101).jpg
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>always watching
You can do more than watch you know.
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The horrifying conglomerate of lovecraftian horrors formerly known as Asuka
>67 dreams deep
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Iowa claim

I try not to save ones that are too big but probably a good bit bigger than this.
kek, i know exactly how that would open. Dear god...

>Some people are born into this world
>others are... Made

>still waiting for 69
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Koko 1.jpg
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I aggreee, ship the sink
So its like a role playing one? I dig
You got a dog high? and what in the fuck? haha, even high I've never thought of using a bottle neck as a wiper lol
That it can, although the doorways were fuckin small as hell so it was tough getting it out kek
you finished the whole bottle? Last you told me you made one drink that night! haha
My day was ight, moved some couches then drank and watched animu's lel. what are you up too besides posting?

Also claiming
Yes, in fact I've seen it a good while ago

here's a good video
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1911 ftw. Love me some bounty hunter
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>>>>>Trips confuckingfirm
It's time
Forgot my smug Dio pic
I dont skype anymore

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But of course, Milk. But self restraint is a virtue.

>You're giving them ideas
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>also 69 dreams deep
Tsuyu drink counter:
2 mixed drinks
9 shots of fireball
5 angry orchards

Last number is how many shots of firball i do
Dubs = 10
Trips = 20
Get wm

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How would that even work? I don't even know how this one works kek.

Aye Aye captain .

That's always so goddamn annoying, gotta twist and turn like crazy.

>Best idol claimed
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Koko 2.jpg
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I'm not gay
Bothering Yuno is pretty fun, I'll admit
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Kurisu 4.gif
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Claiming best girlie!
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Self restraint is for fa-
Yeah, it just went down south really quick. Hey I finished a bottle, so that's a plus right?
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Atago 258.png
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I swear I nail the enemy Tiger I/Tiger II ammo rack with 75% success if I aim it right.
That's better.
For a minute I was thinking that you were one of "those" people who put a retarded size limit on what's "disgusting".

The bigger the better, IMO
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You know Gasai (16).png
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>Bothering Yuno is pretty fun
Ah fuck you!
Canaan claimed, gonna get some sleep real soon.


Captchas have always been broken...
This just proves it even more.
Looking for new coilovers for my 240. Decided I'm gonna keep it after all, work on it some more and make it to my liking.
Beretta PX4's are nice little pistols though...
It just never ends, does it?
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Rory claimed

Dios body isnt perfect
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Milinda claim. Im actually going to bed this time...
Night everyone

We dont need to understand it, just accept it <3
Goodnight my beautiful Idol ;)
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Robot gets fucked by hair.gif
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shit, you're right

Why did you start being so nice to me ;^;

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Nah. You're a lovely person Alexhander.
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I beg to differ
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Koko 3.jpg
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I aggree fullheatedly my fellow nig
Drink up tsuzu
I know right? we had to lift it super high then wiggle it through the door
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i have discord

>im not gay

bothering yuno is always fun
I cant feel my face

Last number for hoe many shots

The usual deal

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Atago 279.jpg
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dio probaby likes yaoi aswell

>but who am i to judge
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>73 dreams deep
I have been using telegram

Also why are you so nice to me.all of a sudden.;v;

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Nice trips fag. It's kind of a role playing game I guess.
No don't worry about that. I like big tits but there is just a point where it gets too big.
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Why thank you, adorable.
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Just one more time, then it won't happen again for an extremely long time. I don't drink alcohol, but for today why not?
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Calm down, kiddo.
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I'VE ALWAYS BEEN NICE TO YOU, or just i didn't talk to you before i dont fuggin remember

whats telegram i'll get whatever to talk to new people that shits fun nigg

>i keep almost accidentally posting a underwear picture of myself lmfao, dont be surprised if that happens
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Koko 4.jpg
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Dude if you downed a whole bottle last night thats major props haha,
Well it is! I schlick to it everytime
Nice! I'f I had the know-how I'd try to make my pathfinder a lot better, but I don't :( lol
Goodnight milinda! Sleep well :)
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I love being automatically good at trajectory in games like that, helps a ton.
I'd give up my chance at wizardhood for you.
I admire your confidence mate.
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You know Gasai (130).jpg
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Time ti die
Gimme ur tele bb <3
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Who dis
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>>i keep almost accidentally posting a underwear picture of myself lmfao, dont be surprised if that happens

How hard are you trying right now.
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>Rattle rattle
Sure thing. Everyone around here love you. Don't let the world bring you down too much, as hard as that can be.
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Koko 5.jpg
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2%? why 2%?
I dig those, I'll have to check it out....fag
>but for today why not?
thats me everyday kek, and hey, if you got it drink it man
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i jerk off at bewbs a lot
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Well shit, that's flattering.

>That filename isn't true
>That's a running joke I do
>I'm sorry if I mislead you
Gusy sim smdoen
17 furwball
5tree bottlew
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I dont want to see a sack of lard
please be more careful with your image choice.
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Oh. Must have missed that joke. No problem lol
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Im sorry, but your muscles are so water starved it isn't funny. Definition /= prefection.
Explains so much.
You took my advice! Holy damn! Travel forwards with confidence!
Froggy is getting plastered
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It's on the byond client if you want to find it.
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Koko 6.jpg
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>Time ti die
Sorry I'm not a hippy, I don't like those kinda shirts
100% hard
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well i am a conglomerate of lovcraftian horrors ;)
when you comin over girl? i'm evolving new appendages for your shiny metal ass
>77 deep
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Heck yeah!
I know I won't finish this one. (Hopefully.)
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You know Gasai (173).png
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Gonna cut u hoe
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Atago 129.jpg
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I suppose my "limit" is when they're so big you can't do anything with them.
I think that we're thinking about the same thing though.
I'm pretty good at leading targets, I'd say.
The Germans also have the best accuracy in the game.
I personally like to be close-quarters and covering my lower Glacis plate with the hull of a dead tank.
It pretty much makes the Tiger II unbeatable from the front.
Most of the time you won't have that advantage, so you need to be good with angles and sidescraping.
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It's fine, it's impossible to catch on to for most eyes. Really I'm the one to blame for making it so dark and with no hint of sarcasm.

How's your night going?
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i can jerk off at any tits i want!

eh, im just tired and it happens to be in the same folder as my hotaru collection.

>2% gay
>google it

how do i find the telegram like account name?


Wait, BYOND? I knew I couldn't be the only one on /b/, but /waifu/?

>Rory preserving image limit
Because you're cute and a nice person. c:
Yeah, lol It's still not gonna be cheap though. Gonna start off with a new suspension for the thing, coilovers again and hopefully ones that are nowhere near as fucking stiff as the ones I have on now. Then a bigger turbo, forged engine internals for higher boost pressure, a new ECU tune (Thankfully the original owner that did the KA24 to SR20 conversion installed an aftermarket ECU, which makes dyno tuning a lot easier)... The list goes on and on, and by the end of it it'll probably cost me about as much as a stock Subie but it should be a lot faster and handle a lot better if I do it all right.
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Not too bad. Just a little bored.
Just sorta watching the drunk waifus go off. No idea where all this is headed. Probably ERP.
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Ya pretty much. So long as they aren't actual monsters I'm fine.
Papi stop this.
Ye, I used byond only for SS13 though.
Sakura is the cutest

>claiming her
Rory i have great interest in you
If my character were to be shipped i hope its with you
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You're simply to sweet for words <3

Sleep well Milinda!

If only all that struggle wasn't necessary. it's a new trick every time.
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Koko 9.jpg
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The byond client? whats that?
Well if you don't finish it tonight, that just means you got tomorrow night too! haha
Try it nub
Not gonna google that fam
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Not with me around

I remember saying something about my Dallas sleep trip. Did you ever respond to it before I left? Was getting good since you and I finally talk lol

Yes. She went into my friends garage and passed out on the couch lol and thief nigga was dumb for shoving a beer bottle up his ass. So what's up koko?

Very very good. Any new ships onto port that I miss while gone?
And what's with the duo loving loli thing? Saw yall saying he loves lolis. How much did I miss?
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I call top.
I feel bad that the most I can relate to this is my time in battlefields 2 and 3, like I said a while back I kicked ass in those tanks but its probably nothing like WoT.
Under settings
Your @name
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6 foot robot sucks off mic.png
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>i'm evolving new appendages
oh god, is that normal?
Is mirai here?
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That's good to hear, buddy.

>Probably ERP.
Smart man.

Considering you frequently go to the gym, you can have it. I'm not stopping you.
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how come you always figure me out?!
Please stay after im.sober
I would be really sad if you didnt talk
Do u hahe telegram
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also i fucked up its 1%
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You know Gasai (139).jpg
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were u at bitch nigga, ill cut u swer me mum

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I don't even remember you talking about that, when was it?
Ayy good.
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Cause you fap a lot
>plugs usb in
Anyone down for some terraria? Love me some 2D digcraft
How about you? How's your night?
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Ah! Didn't realize it. Probably, we'll see....
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hello again Papi
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Cause you always try to lewd these threads.
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is any of this normal?
>43 dreams deep everything seems to be so reasonable
its hannh

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You're pretty easy to read
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Koko 11.jpg
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oooohhh fuuuuck haha, that sounds kickass, I was just more talking about general repairs, but your car sounds like its gonna be a beast when your done with it :D
Exactly, couches have a mind of their own. So what are your up too man? other than posting :P
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Around late 11pm to midnight. It was about the best sleep is when you "sleep for 10 seconds when an hour passed" thing. Said that you slept through the sounds of an ambulance when sleeping in the back
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Ayy welcome back! How you been?
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Sounds like a plan, handsome.

It's going well, just hanging out right now. Watching a behind the scenes for some practical effects for The Thing. Cool stuff.
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currently doing it ;)
ayy girl ;) i wanna hit dat ass
i'm sorry i have a hyperactive sex drive >.<
sorry i just love them titties!!!
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robot jerks off to reflection.jpg
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Good point
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You know Gasai (18).jpg
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pay attention boy >>683226888
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Uh..Hello guys? ^.^
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ok. how was your birthday
relax. How are you?
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Message me whenever. c:
Yeah, hopefully. Probably not gonna have it 100% done for quite some time though.

I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone.
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Oh right right, I remember telling you about that story but I don't remember you saying anything after it.
There's a reason I'm on 4chan at 3am on a sunday.
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sachi claim
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honestly too fucked up to be reasonable.
i dont want you to be upset with me so i'm going to split before i try and split you ;) <3Tomo+Papi
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your filenames holy kek
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Atago 146.jpg
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No, it really is a different game.
I'm assuming you don't have an XBone, right?
I still love big though.
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Hey Sachi, how's it going?
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Was a blast! What have you been up to?
Sleep comfy and take care.
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Koko 12.jpg
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Sounds like thief nigga needs to get dropped lol
cum find me bitch nigga. Bay area all day
Well unless you save it for somethin! Which Captain morgan isn't the nicest so I'd just drink it :P
Seriously, you big titted waifu claimers. Can you ever go a day without talking about tits?
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Nope, ps3 and a pc are the systems I've got.
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I'd be passed out right now if I hadn't taken that cold shower.

Perks of having no hot water but wanting to take a shower really badly.

>Glad you're here on 4chan at 3am with me
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Atago 264.jpg
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Good night, Anon.
>There's a reason I'm on 4chan at 3am on a sunday
That pretty much sums up my life.
But without the breast obsession part.
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You know Gasai (171).png
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>Hide and seek
Queer, fite me like man
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None that I'm aware of captain. I think he was set up.

Not sure, could be lurking. Never know.

The demon spawns of the living room. Looking for good music while I binge on water. You?
Yay someone said hello! Hello :D
Oh my

Oh trips confirms

Been too long

Really? Long story short, family drove up to dallas for family reunion when I was 12-13 and closed my eyes for a few seconds and we where there. Said they were loud in the car since I was knocked the fuck out from an all-nighter I pulled

Fuck I meant this nigga and not thief. Sorry

How so? And Oh hohoho~
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hey shizuru i, just woke up and i feel pretty bad
how are you?
>9am rattles
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Hello, Sakura
Just got back to comp :D
I still don't know Gasai at all
Hello Tomoko
I knew this thread needed more
I have Bacardí, it tastes nice. It's a possibility that I'll save it. 50/50 jaja
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You know Gasai (109).png
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Guess i'm done for the night. Probably be on a bit later if i can't get to sleep.

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Koko 14.jpg
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Thats a cute crossbow, my little cousins got one just like it
Hey pinky
I can see that, and goodnight man! Sleep well :)
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Slightly sick. Just watching all these drunk and horny waifus losing their minds. Interesting stuff, i guess.
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Goodnight, Jenny. Sleep warm and well.
If people would stop bringing them up.
I can't even take a shower if the water isn't hot, like really hot, I just love hot water showers too much.
>Glad you're here on 4chan at 3am with me
Nigga das gay.
Yup, same here.
Nice, I fall asleep in the car all the time when I'm not driving.
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You gotta calm down bud.
and that's cool bro. Just as long as you know there is a limit
Yah, sorry about that. My internet at home is shit but luckily I'm not Home!

It's been a while, hey whitey!
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Out of booze so cant get drunk
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gnight Jenny!
>dream of me
>93 dreams deep
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i am always watching.gif
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Thing is, I love hot showers. I just really wanted to take a shower.

I yelped quite a bit.

>nigga das gay
Shiettt, nigga im gay

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The smug thread needs and the one it deserves. Wanna tell me about this loli loving dio thing? Cause I was talking with friends getting a dog high


Same but if it's an area I know we're heading too, I just feel it amd wake up just before the next turn

Nah it's fine. Welcome back!

Don't see normies here
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Koko 28.jpg
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Meet me up then in the middle, name the place and time nicka
what are you even saying? SPEAK ENGRISH
>binge on water
do you go great periods without water that you need to binge on it? kek and what have you found so far?
Bet he's still a thief, niggas always thief'n
Bacardi is good! That was my drink of choice till I found out I could get two bottles of kinds bay for the price of one bottle Bacardi. although I wouldn't recommend Kings bay haha
Kono Dio da!!!
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I can't promise that it will be for long though, I'm supposed to be sleeping lol
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It is! I don't plan to try any other. Kings bay sounds too rough for me. Jaja
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You know Gasai (22).jpg
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meet me in the projects nigga, its go time
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Some poster with the same files, not sure though. Kek we'll find out tomorrow.

How's it going m8?

Ha, kinda like that. Didn't drink any at all today and it'll mess up my muscles if I don't.
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well alright
some world of tanks and panzermadels
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This is getting intense
Dio admitted that he likes loli in the last thread, and yaoi in this one.
>Pretty sure it was an imposter fucking with him
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Atago 318.jpg
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We might have a slight addiction.

>5:25 AM here
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Creeping in yo house. Stealing yo shit and yo bitch

Are you tired? Lol got any smugs?

One day mi amigo. One day

Oooohhhhhhhhhh ok
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i know where you live.webm
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I think everything is good, just laying in bed unable to sleep.
>watching all these drunk and horny waifus losing their minds.
what happened?
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Koko 26.png
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I dig it, haha, i've been good, how bout you?
>out of booze
>pic related
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