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I bought a 120 year old house and found this box hidden above

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 343
Thread images: 39
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I bought a 120 year old house and found this box hidden above a rafter. It was bound in brown paper and twined in string. I opened it and it was full of white powder (will post next).

Did I just find 80 year old coke in my walls?

If not, what is it? Why was it hidden? Why was it wrapped?
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Here's the opened thing (we thought it might be some kind of poison once we saw powder so we shoved it in a bag)
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Bump for interest
80 year old coke?snort some see what happens
taste it or snort it
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poke your pinky in it and lick it, if your tongue goes numb it's probably coke
thats coke bro give it a lil sniff

doubt that it's still good but check
I second this
Buy one of those drug test kits and test it
Actually a good idea, do this
Going to laugh of you snort a line of someone's dead uncles ashes.
snort it
Maybe it's old construction material
Probably rat poison.

Try it, anon.
timestamp pls... >.>
Call the popos
Fuckn consume that shit anon, after 80years that shits so potent it will be like snorting nuclear radiation

embrace your planar form
That's pretty smart, do this.
Rub some on your gums, you dumb nigger
Does cocaine have a shelf life? It might still be good. It's not necessarily 80yrs old anon. Ithe could have been put there in the 70s or 80s
It could be, since it's in a wall, DRYWALL. OP is a faggot.
kek and time stamp you jew
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If I get dubs, you gotta snort.
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Praise the sun!
You can buy them at any drug store or the interwebs
newfag jews never timestamp. smh
NIK drug test. they sell them on amazon
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I say put a plastic glove on and burn some and try to see if it has an aroma.
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The dubs have spoken
>snort it nigger
double dubs confirming OP's cocaine binge
dubdubs! He has to do it now..
Dubs confirmed
well, he got dubs.
Get to snorting faggot
dont tell anybody op
test kid then cook it up with baking soda
congrats youre rich now
OP has to snort drywall
Bro, That is one dench brick of coke. That will send you to the moon and back. Rack that shit up man.
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This is the ceiling it was hidden in (we're tearing down the shitty cardboard off of it, it was in the nook above the steps)
Maybe it's cyanide or anthrax
Take it to the police station, they'll determine what it is.
That or nitroglycerin
Oh shit! Whaddup
>inb4 OP snorts drywall
Chlorine smuggled in from Chloria. Pure shit, man, even better then that pool shit
If old more likely to be heroin.
Ive snorted nuclear radiation before, would recommend
Nah, don't do that. What if it's pure cocaine? Depending on where you are, I'm guessing North East, it could be worth a lot of money OP
it was common in the 1920's to put talcum powder in Finger Boxes to make them easier to use.

Just us it normally and it'll be fine (probably work better than new ones actually)
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inb4 op melts his brain
great idea
im not sure you know how chemistry works....
OP DELIVER OR YOU ARE A FAGGOT. Snort that Sodium Cyanide.
It's true.
Best option
Talcum powder causes cancer, probably killed the last owner.
Does it have a odor or is it odorless also whats the consistency of the powder
Yeah, I remember my grandpa telling me this
test kit is the way to go..looks like coke tho
If dubs you must eat the coke
fuck all of this. try cooking it into crack. if it cooks into crack its coke. if not its not coke. its pretty simple guys.
Why not just take a little bit of it in?
Toasting in bread
thats a myth faggot.

next time your stupid friends are 'warning' you of something on facebook go to 'snopes' and check it. facebook is full of viral retards.
If it's cyanide you'll breath in the fumes and die. No problem
No one would just leave a brick that fat of coke in there house FFs
rub a bit into your nipple if it goes numb its good coke
I'll guess it's either plaster leftover from when the plaster/lathe walls were built, poison as someone else suggested, or nitrogen fertilizer.

People didn't throw away shit back then. It was used at least once, so they deemed it valuable enough to keep around. They wouldn't want the kids to mess around with it, so they stored it 'properly' in the attic.
>I can type this with all 15 fingers!
Throw it at people
Trips is truth
why dont people use talcum powder in them anymore?
My money's on Arsenic Trioxide
Dobut it's 80 year old cocaine. People did not do cocaine in the 20's like they do now.
trips have spoken rub into nipple an timestamp
you could buy it over the counter back than though
Will OP snort drywall? Will OP deliver?? Find out on the next episode of DRAGON BALL Z!!!
those look like naptha mothballs
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yeah but it was wack.

like old coke for tooth pain was mixed with zinc paste and shit.
Relax OP, it's just cocaine tooth drops
Grab a match
Light it on fire
Powdered sugar in the attic to keep the birds away
what does it smell like?
It was pure anon, what you mean wack?
what is the smell of it and the consistance ??
OP lookup bleach text for cocaine
It's old man speed idiots wow your newbs.
Never suck em off at the retirement home? Get out of your bubble.
oh shit i feel old now, keep thinking im still 80.
you dont have to taste it, rub it on your skin and if it numbs it its probably coke
What a newfag
>take most of it and hide it away
>bag up the rest
>call police and report suspicious package you found
>get it tested by professionals for free
Edit: test not text
stfu cunt, people rub it on their teeth to test all the time (it makes them numb)
Pls OP, make us proud and set it on fire.

I've had weird day dreams where this happens.

and then the dude who stored the drugs away 20 years ago gets out of prison and comes looking for it. breaks into the house and kidnaps my wife and kids
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stop it fbi
You absorb thc through your skin when you harvest plants why not coke?

It wouldn't probably numb your skin unless you had a lot tho.
But would you rub some unknown rock/powder on your teeth or any part of your body for this matter
inb4 newfags ask what a fingerbox is
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Actual good idea that would help someone and not result in their death?
Do you even /b/ bro?
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The 30's you dickrag
newfag never gave us a timestamp. imho op is a fraud
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dubdubs holy shit
Try to put a speck on your tongue. If it stings/feels numb a bit and smells slightly like a bananas in the back of your mouth, you've got yourself some real treat. High quality vintage coke.
also dubs of truth. Do it m8
And I'd be careful with it anon. If it is that old, there are all kinds of nasty chemicals it could be. Even talcum, which one anon suggested, naturally contains asbestos.
Sort off happened hells angels house across the street few years ago walls where insulated with cash new home owning family almost all died.
dont taste it, if it's poison you gonna have a bad day
I did -- scroll up

>> 68317567
He already did

For all we know it can be explosive powder. Pls OP do et.
>I'm 22 and know everything
>there def wasn't a class action lawsuit against j &j about talcum powder causing cancer-related recently
>it def hasn't been a fact for decades
>XD idiot mlg lel kek your such nig

Do yourself a favor, calm down and do some research
bullshit, really?
>Take 20% of it to the police station


One way to find out, rub that shit on your gums.
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holy shit
gg op you found a vehicle

>reverse search
I'm just glad it was your honest opinion.
>nobody round these parts says IMHO forum kiddo
Nah, don't do that, what if it's poison?
same lmao
ask a nigger to try it
hope its cyanide
How old are you anon, 13?
who fucking caressss
Op listen to me. Take a sample to a packed USA fag city. Or your local town. Find some junkies/homeless tell them you have some stuff that needs to be tried. Watch them if they die you know it's not useable. If they don't roll in cash. No worries
dumbest shit ive ever read
fucking kek
do a bit fat rail of rat poison
Then they wouldn't need a reason to hide it in a rafter wrapped in paper.
Yeah meanwhile I think the bank Renovation guys took it. The walls in basement had water damage so they took drywall down new stuff up and sold it. Was a really quick fix was just moisture no dehumidifier lol.

I knew the kids of the bikers for years and years before that all.
Time stamp

Who the fuck stores poison in white powder form in a secretive place?

I mean if hes going to be a huge pussy buy a kit online. I'm like 99.9% sure its cocaine.
OP, just take it to the police and explain the situation. That's your best bet.
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They were most certainly inspired by that Arrested Development episode
underrated comment/pic
put it in water
Hurr durr it's a poison durr hurr don't do it...
>fuck off
Who the fuck would hide pack of stashed poison above their celling.
It's either a fucking coke or some cocaine.
What a faggot!
yeah probably. taht is sad, they killed the new family?

checked.. funnier having watched the series
Coke is cocaine you faggot.
Who the fuck stores cocaine wrapped in a brown paper with twine? There is no telling what it is, just because you think it is cocaine doesn't make it so
Somone with a ant problem. Shugar and borax.
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>it's either a fucking coke or some cocaine

>mfw someone thinks coke and cocaine are two different things
>Who the fuck would hide pack of stashed poison above their celling.

you obviously dont have kids.

you have to hide poisons as high as possible, its part of being a responsible adult.
>It's either a fucking coke or some cocaine.
How high are you right now?
nice dubs. also I still powder my fb, it's not just for the fucking 1920's.
You rub it on your gums you dont use when you deal you can convince people to buy a lot more when your sober and care about making money.
Used to deal before I had a kid and a family as a main job had a job just for paperwork to claim money.
It's a shame you wasted such beautiful dubs with a shitty gif. Ah well next time faggot... Next time...
>Nigger detected
or imagine one of the previous owner killed his wife or something with this poison that's the reason why it's so well hide
I smoked a lot of weed and pot
Not too interested in smelling just in case its got asbestos in it somehow (and frankly if it's a drug TBH) but the consistency ... it's fairly powdery, but sticks together in places? Shit what do I describe that you don't get from the pic.

Like I said the package itself was a proper rectangle at first, wrapped in a bunch of layers, and when I opened it it spilled out as you can see in the pic..
Looks like Coke. Get a testing kit.
if I were going to prison for 10 years, and had no time to see off a couple kilos I might.
No him but you absorb thc through your skin when you harvest pot plants I guarantee you absorb coke.
>its either coke or cocaine.
my fucking sides

Look at this guy who obviously was such a poor nigger growing up he never had a refrigerator. Jesus you're stupid.
Yeah, it migh be some hawai snow or Sugar. Or cure for autism in a nice little package ready for you bitch. Are you really that blocked?
careful op, looks like iocaine.
^this. /b is now getting cancer.
I used flower for a while but my fingerbox got weavels
He did stuff nigger
its not cocaine - 95% chance its poison, building materials, plaster, or some other shit.

but buy a test kit and find out.
Stfu he did
Sounds like the consistency of cocaine. Get a testing kit.
I agree about rubbing it on your gums to test cociane.But OP is not sure what it is. Not very smart to rub an unknown substance on your gums
He said A coke, not coke.
yo op

just report it to the popo
at least one got it..
have you tried hash and hashish?
im sure op is faggot and the coke goes into the trash
what is your ethnic background, if you don't mind my asking?
If trips you light it on fire.
Looks like baking soda. Whats the consistancy
You idiot, he meant highly caloric form of carbon

It's usually refined and bleached
>333â–¶>>683175396 >>683175549 >>683177139
>rub a bit into your nipple if it goes numb its good coke

Don't do this, it creates mustard gas
That's not a couple of kilos. One at the most. I would use saran wrap or shrink wrap, not brown paper bag
I'm talking 12 years ago when I lived with my parents in a hard neighbourhood a few white guys in a giant blackneighourhood full of guns out street of 12 houses was white we all had over an acre each too.
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>coke or cocain
>faggot detected
Coca-Cola was named so because it contained cocaine at first.
lol @ the ignorant fucks who jumped the >>683177372 bandwagon
Trips for fire!
You understand what talc is right?
Duh anon, duh
I've been seeing TIL a lot lately, too. I think Reddit has migrated here completely and they brought their frog on a unicycle.
who the fuck stores cocain in another mans home for hundreds of thousand dollars at street value like that.

I would bet that it is more highly some sick wacko who did this for fun
Yep. Flavoured with coca leaves and cola nuts.
Yeah when he got out im pretty sure it was his money not the clubs. Kids always talked like they lost there retirement money anyways.
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Actually named after coca leaves not it's derivitae cocaine
top snek
Post pictures of your house OP im interested to see what it looks like.

Inb4 property search, find address, take cocaine
It looks to be Gallium Arsenide
wow, who knew!!!
Well im pretty sure asbestos is very fibery like really fine glass fibers
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>at first
it still does, m8
Damn straight. I keep my kilo of cyanide in the cupboard above the fridge.
mix it with water. it might be plaster of paris.
It's a mineral that naturally contains asbestos. Which causes cancer, among other things.
what a fag. hope he got cock cancer.
Stuff in your ass. Tobacco is 100 bucks . Gram in jail a match is 10$
those fucking things throw false positives like crazy.

Remember they were invented to give pigs an excuse for a search, not to accurately detect drugs.
i'd like to know why you have cyanide
Everybody who is not a millenial
Personally i think its probably some old building material like drywall left there prolly from some old renovating
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>another mans home for hundreds of thousand dollars at street value like that.

>doesn't do the easy guesswork that it was probably the previous owners and that chances are the owner died before selling.

We have fucking Einstein over here.
Meh he doesn't seem lik he is a very important person an I want to laugh what's more important?

ground stone. you would get what miners call "rocks in the box"
He's white and a prep.

Fuck off faggot.
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>cock cancer
>pic related
That's fuckin' gnarly.
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Like before family moved here 100 years ago?

Irish, Anglo Saxon and Norwegian why?
bringing coke into prison is a quick way to get an extra 10 years of prison time.

true story. I worked as a secretary at a law firm.

>guy is heroin addict
>arrested for possession
>they don't find a bag he had hidden in his sock
>he is gonna do like a year of time ( violation parole, etc etc )
>when you are changing into your prison clothes they ask if you have anything to delcare
>signs everywhere warning you
>dude is afraid to turn it in, doesn't want more time
>keeps it on his person
>cops videod the whole thing
>bust him as soon as he finishes changing and walks through the door
>offering him a 3 year plea bargain on possible 10 year charge
>less than .01 gram lol
looks like the end of an exploding cigar.
I don't believe in gay, just bi that prefers males. cause noone can deny quality pus
It looks like something you'd see in a japanese comic. You know the ones....
Safest option: Put a little in a bag and take it to the police, tell them where you found it and have them test it.

Easier/no police option: get a drug test kit off amazon, use that to see if coke or heroin (or just homemade ant bait)
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What's in this webm? Blackberry can't play these things man or maybe just mine can't got 3 Samsung s5 s but they are all broken so is my laptop.
Women are great aren't they? Breaking shit. Bitches.
Portion it into small plastic bags and sell it as coke.
Become richfag
I deny it. pussy is overrated shit-tier orifice.

ass is ok, but a strong first is 100x better than any pussy on earth, because pussy literally has no muscle control, bitches cant contract at will, all they can do is wiggle hips like a fucking spastic and they think it's sexy
This is the best thread I've seen in a long time
Lol idiot.

Welcome to the south if you live near this hillbilly.
take it to the cops they will test if for you
Anybody care to share Wtf a fingerbox is?
I dunno any time I do time I bring tons in get weekend sentences it's like your a lawyer it's great.

Oh you guys have that 3 strike shit does that count for non violent shit too?

>Doesn't have a finger box

What are you 12?
they are hard to come by nowadays . Mine cost $300
Yeah -- going to reach out tomorrow I think. I'm not someone who would use or sell this and see no value in not just calling it in. I seriously just wanna know what it is.
Metal or wood finger box guys?
It's plaster. I restore houses.

If it's been in a very dry environment- it's probably still good.
If they died hiding their stash.... That could explain it.
It's a dude covered in cocaine trying to sniff and eat more cocaine. Not too entertaining but it is relevant..
you idiot you've never seen one?
huff it! HUFF IT ALL
Dude, how do you not know about them.. they're so fun to collect as many as you can and show off to your friends.
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I made this comparison chart though (vs asbestos). Seems to look like that middle one. You *sure* it's plaster.

I don't want to bother authorities if it's just fuckin' plaster.
I bring in matches tobacco weed n pills every time you can make a couple grand.

Also I don't have to put it in my ass.

Not saying how I do tho I have a genetic disorder that helps. I don't want to bait us out we are a small group.
Look up Kegels you stupid stupid faggot.
Sell it to the niggers in your community
Aww the good old day back in the 90s when I was young.
He gave a time stamp, you ignorant nigger.
Wasted in more ways than one. There must be as much on his jacket as there is in the bag.
Yeah sounded like the 90s lol
are you a nigger?
Dont they give them away on Penis Inspection day where you're at?
Can someone screen cap this and make a cont. thread ?
what even is this thread anymore
Nigger means ignorant you fucking retarded redneck that nigger is more intellectual then you are.

You're going to give it to the police?

What a fag.

Why do things like this always happen to fags?
Definitely not cocaine. My best guess is that its from something of sentimental value. Possibly drywall from an old house.
Dude yeah. I got finger boxes banned at my elementary school. Some kid used his lunch money to buy one of my finger boxes from Japan. He decided he wanted his money back and told the principal on me.
Check the wrapping for dates, you mong.

Then get a drug test kit.
>pussy literally has no muscle control, bitches cant contract at will
Lrn2Biology retard.
So do we still not know what this shit is?
More like the 30s cus Hitler used it a lot.
What would that have to do with what I just said and no I'm not ignorant and I'm Irish and white so double no. try again faggot.
I think it's a diss and ylyl
Don't bother the police, if you want to get rid of it just throw it out.
niec tripsz
he's right, the vaginal walls dont have muscles that control them, and kegels are in a different area... you might feel a kegel tensing, but its the same as someone tensing their anus and you feel that in the puss.

puss isnt overrated tho, and pussy, ass and hands arent mutually exclusive, you can enjoy all three.

that thing was born a minute ago and its ready to kill. fucking snakes man, not even once.
*than ( a comparison) you fucking idiot. Not then ( what happens next) you probably say ax instead of ask too
I bought Hitler's personal fingerbox on eBay the other day. I love it. it's my prized posession
And Freud too
>browsing /b/ in incognito
>fag detected
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UnderageB&. GTFO.
Nothing wrong with asbestos my grandpa used to put that shit in buildings and hes still alive and healthy as a horse
fuck off nigger
glad you don't have insane drug related sentencing like we do. you got a weekend sentence for smuggling drugs in?
How much did you pay for it? Is it the oak one or the cheap pine one?
I meant coke dude I was doing coke in the 90s.

Kekd dude tried to be like yeah I'm oldfag too then realizes he newish.
Fucking cancer
>newfag implying to a newfag
Looks like his cock committed suicide
put some on your teeth. if you feel it, its cocaine.
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Looks like it all comes down to this OP
Oak ofc. I'm not a newfag. It was about 40,000 Reichs
>0336 â–¶>>683180471
>File: 9672b4e0-a282-470a-bd06-e(...).png (131 K
Male Feminists? You fucking pussy, might as well give up your man card and balls while you're at it.
They're not controllable, its the same as your heart muscle, its involuntary movement.

If you seriously think there's a woman out there that can control her vaginal walls then you should contact James Randi, there's literally a million dollar prize.
It's like a modern art sculpture on the tip of his dick
On phone sorry my phone auto corrects shit unlike your flip phone and your mom's knock off iPad your on Stfu nigger.
You got frame issues with your dump of a house anon. You need a GC and structural engineer, not your dumb ass.
>falling for bait this easily
>how to take a screenshot.

thanks for the giggle
Damn, that's a real bargain mane. Are you going to resell it, save it or donate it to a museum?
You probably say Aww deeper instead of no stop faggot.
Me too
is the first one asbestos
summer is here
You're supposed to report things to the police you fucking criminal.
at this point why does he keep insufflating it? just spoon it down your throat bro, pretty sure your lungs are at capacity
Sounds like a Steven Seagal film
the police only exist to shoot niggers you fucking fascist
Gonna save it forever. Pass it down to my 3rd son, who I'm going to name Sieg Heil
No I didn't get caught smuggling drugs I got a weekend sentence instead of a straight sentence to smuggle shit in constantly. No body scanners in most jails and they are surprisingly inaccurate anyways depending on how you shape the package;).
yes only the 1st one
Oooh such an edgy faggot insulting my mom. How's middle school going for you this year? I heard it's easier the 2nd time around
hey can one of you fags post the pic of donald trump that looks like a ghetto meem 100% lol

i need it for reasons
I saw video of a girl smoking and blowing hoops from her gash looked like she had some control
Snatch every motherfucker cocaine

>find literal goldmine
>give it to the police like a good goyim
>being this retarded
And arrest men when there wife's go crazy and try an kill me that happened to me 4 times Same woman.
i know right? or a shitty lifetime made for tv movie
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This thread has degenerated to nothing more than a playground insult battle on DramaAlert
>not following the law and risking life in prison
Nah, I aint a 13 year old faggot like you
you need English more well better
I'm 29 actually well I would insult you but like most 15 year olds on here you live at home.

I moved out when I was 15 I got married and had a kid at 17 fuck off newfags and lazy kids.
Got a precice oven? 97 Deg Celcius is the melting point of pure coke, boiling point 198 Check the purity.
ooh got ya.

yeah throw that rat poison in the oven see how it goes
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