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New fluffy thread! "No, He's Not Genuinely Curious,

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 253
Thread images: 150
New fluffy thread!

"No, He's Not Genuinely Curious, But Yes, You're Genuinely Autistic If You Take His Bait" Edition
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Thanks to you fuckers all I can here when that Amazon Prime commercial comes on is, "HUUUU! HUUUU! Why new fwends no wub fwuffy? HUUUU! HUUUU! HUUUUUUUU!!!"

Moar please!
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so how does she know this is bad food? she can't read...
lets make a pregnant fluffy thread
I can't believe i'm not the only one who thought of fluffies after seeing that midget horse in this commercial.
the owner says she already knows what happens... so so probably she have that thing associated with aborting
>>683107214 that fucking file name
besides fluffies maybe retarded but not beeing able to read?
they are cute
>Tag your shit m8
this one is not, she knows it will kill her babies.
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fuck yea that comic
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I take it they were filming a commercial for fluffy artificial leggies.
They needed to get the prototypes back.
here, have part 1 too if you liked it
OK. Looks like I was correct.
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Well, it is a poopy babbeh
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have a sad fluffy
I would get a sorry stick form Amazon
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That guy's artstyle reminds me of Disney shows in the 90s
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wait a second that one its fucking disgusting
are you trying mindtricks with me?
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Hmmm, seems like this needs more beta testing
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still technically pregnant....
the guy its called Larva he draw good shit
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fluffy birth thread time!
Could be on the back of a kids menu
>Count the different fluffys.
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but not cute champ
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wow never saw a second panel of this comic?
Besides fluffys I also wish Fluffy TV would be real. Is there anything better to fall asleep?
How about reverse birth?
not by shady though
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literally everything than those high pitched voice motherfuckers
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close enough anyway
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>smiling man in a dwarf hat holding a drinking straw.jpeg
So metal
the way mammas try to protect their babbehs are cute too.
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yea.. makes beating them so much more fun
Taking requests on paper. Anyone interested?
cute and deadly (for the foals)
birds are also high pitched but sound nice.
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Smarty fluffy trying to antagonize a sleeping dog for dummy who cant even talkies,
I'd love to see a fluffie fleshlight.

Dislocate jaw and use.
Relocate jaw and throw into pet box when finished.
If it dies get a new one.

Anything like this made yet?
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imagine birds beeing able to talk
not the same
artist name? love his style of fluffy art
Herd of ferals get inside a boat storeroom eat everything edible and fall sleep, next day sailors discovers nothing to eat is left in the middle of the sea... profit
its on the file name, artist-kun
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his name is artist-kun
well, that name is cringy
Very nice ideas! Screenshoted.
glad to help
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How fluffies would actually sound like? I literally cant imagine.
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A smarty gets into a yard and starts to pester the owner. He gets hung from a tree

Also thanks for the OC!

Thank me later.
Kinda I guess but more like a kinda of
>I want to masterbate.
>Pick up fluffie and dislocate jaw with it screaming in pain, get harder because of it.
>Turn on whatever your fetish is.
>Hold fluffie upside down and force dick into dislocated jaw.
>Bust a nut down her throat deep so no mess.
>Force her jaw back into place.
>Put back into her box ready for next use.
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whiny and irritating.
find help
No no no.

I'm not going to accept a video with stock sound affects made by a 12yo as standard for the voices of fluffys.
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And the chirping?
Why would he need help? These creatures are weak af
Exactly like a baby chicken.
imagine the voice of a kid in the body of a hamster
well played
this cringe me so hard that it hurts
the animations are cool but fuck that voice
fluffies disliking dogs and trying to give them owies is exactly something like a smarty would do, I doubt they would even recognize a lazy dog as a predator

>me so smawty dummie dawg cant even tawkies
>*coiled up sleeping dog opens its eyes*
>no tawkie no tawkie gets no skettie! smawty gets all teh sketties!
>aroo? *confused sniffing*
>smawtie giffs big meanie hurtie stompies and dawggie cant even tell daddeh ha ha
>*incoherent barking*

Extra points for the dog carrying out the mutilated fluffy as a living chew toy.
posting images is hard
I'd love to see this as an infinite looped .gif
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no like a baby squirrel. Not chicken.
never forguetty
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damn poopie babies
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thats a chupacabra tho xDDD
I'm looking for a fluffy post where a fluffy is lured in by some creature and it kills the fluffy, then the creature rips the fluffy in half and returns to its nest. anybody got this comic, if so please post.
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>Miniature horses are very common and it is not necessary to spend a large amount of money to buy a miniature horse from a breeder. Every year thousands of pet-quality miniature horses are sent to slaughter and The Guide Horse Foundation recommends that you consider adopting an unwanted, abused or rescued miniature horse from a horse rescue organization or buying a miniature horse from an auction where the killer buyers attend. There are also internet miniature horse sales and owner-posted miniature horses for sale on the web.

And here I was thinking meme magic is not real
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>Comments are disabled on the Youtube video
Holy fuck, of course. Of course they are.
We need to discuss that 9gag watermark
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Nah nigga, I like this version better
I just picked the first image in google, send me to prisson
What do they look like tho?
Like that?
You could always post comments in this one instead:
Im was trying to find a comic like that one but the booru servers are on fire again or something
holy shit who the fuck did this madness
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Some sick fuck of course
The fucking related videos are paedophilia/child abuse awareness commercials, that's when I knew I had gone too far down the fluffy hole.
Then they just trashed them.
Sadbox is fine but I prefer longer stories where the fluffies start out genuinely happy and even cute to a degree. Getting hugs, food, attention, being pat and enjoying themselves. Then they get smarty for no reason and their owner slowly destroys them for that or their own stupidity fucks them over. For example fluffies would REALLY not get along with dogs or cats.
I still don't get what the fuck is up with this retarded gory fluffy shit. Is this some kind of fucking weird fetish or is it humor or what?
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I think I have something for you. He doesn't really get smarty or fucked up abused but it's a great read
someone did not read the OP

Have you ever looked at some overly cutesy image of a gerbil or a bunny or something like that and had the irrational, overwhelming need to crush it in your fist?

Have you ever wanted to be as brutally sadistic as possible on someone who can comprehend whats going on but has absolute no way of fighting back? Maybe the smarty even deserved it.
can someone explain diferences between sadbox and the rest of things to me?
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I don't know if this would be considered sadbox, Mexicans litter box training a fluffy
Yes, thank you.
Oh ok I understand. So it's for people that are pathetic and are at the bottom of the social food chain. Thanks for explaining it to me
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You autismal tard, don't bite the bait
I think it's pretty obvious when its sadbox, doesn't have any intentional abuse, future is uncertain or doomed to be crippled or being put down. Abusebox is well, abuse.
This picture is sadbox, anything else is either abuse, hug or weirdbox.
Check the booru for info my dude
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>coming to /b/ of all places to trying to act superior
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Mistuh Gaben pwease
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I never realised >>683120031 could be seen as a continuation of >>683119958 . Huh.
mexican cliches ->check
fluffies beeing miserable ->check

such a funny story not often is the human clumsiness that fuck the fluffy up
okok ty
beeing this new
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Np my dude
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What kind of a sicko would sexualize these little creatures

Yes, who indeed
What the fuck is this autistic shit? Why would anybody spend their time creating this? Let alone saving and reposting it.

This shit isn't even funny, is it meant to be edgy?

Holy shit, please tell me you have moar of these
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Absolutely disgusting
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Tis a sad world we live in
there you go the style of this guy is cool as hell
Gtfo newfag, fluffies are banned on mlp
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artifact v2.png
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K. Small dump incoming.
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Fluffy apostle.png
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Litterpal getting back at a Smarty
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morning glory.png
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mummahs little babbeh.png
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new leggies.png
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I'm hardly a newfag, I've genuinely been here since 2010, which is definitely far longer than all you aspies. I just came back onto /b/ for the first time in months and saw this, just why would you waste time with this?
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A sad world indeed.
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poopy babbeh.png
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soon sacrifice.png
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Why wouldn't they pull out the litterpals teeth if all it's gonna do is lick ass and eat quasi liquid shit. Bad design
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I wish this guy made more. I think this is still my fave. Dat "dis is wong" face

He remind me of Rodney Dangerfield when he goes "OH SPECIAL FWIEND!"
I'm still sad Abuse-sir stopped posting his stuff at Fluffybooru. I asked someone in these threads for a link to his stuff, but I fell asleep and missed it. D:
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Fucking baby raper
>fluffy gets FUCKING C U C K E D
Then you should know fluffy threads aren't allowed in mlp, stupid faggot
>only 4 panels without text
>have everything

Dude! Abuse-sir stuff! Moar! :D
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Then you should know he is fucking baiting

Love it. Who's the artist?
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Enfie babbehs!
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ما هذا الجنون ؟
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Lol, in Arabic even question mark is backwards? jeez
لول. لقد خسرت
أجل / yes
Just remember the difference between fluffies and goats, okay?
some fluffy drawings prove otherwise. The goat thing may happen in extremely rural areas in afghanistan or another eternal shithole, but not in arabic modern cities. Also, how is it different than zoophilia which so many /b/tards enjoy ?
its writen from rigth to left rigth? or that was japanese?
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relax he is just making fun of your culture
Well, thread is multicultural now: slavguy checked/славскам с вами, 2ch под нами
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Allah smiles.png
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Another slav here. Přidám se k vám, hošani.
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ماذا تقول عني ايها الاحمق الصغير ؟ سوف أعلمك أنني تخرجت من كلية البحرية متصدرا دفعتي، و لدي أكثر من 300 إصابة مؤكدة.
إنك ميت، يا ولد.
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This perversion must end.
يجب أن ينتهي هذا الانحراف.
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Microwave best baby.jpg
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Punish tips.png
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You've got the wrong thread, boy. The one you wanted to go is >>683118337
It's more fun with two people
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Three Months.jpg
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Not trying hard enough. What a bad babbeh.
Why the fuck would you breed something like that?
That's based on a long and very fucked up story about some McMansion psycho who buys an alicorn and has it professionally trained
Sigh,where is the anon that posted all that oc yesterday
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I wish there was more of this.
Like it at day one being barely out of foalhood and missing its mommah
Then gradually getting bored with its room,
Not liking the increasing amount of poop in there

Then post day 8 where it gets increasingly whiny and desperate, gradually shifting into insanity.
you guys are fucking retarded virgins
The morning wore on, more and more foals were added to the room. Every so often a new foal would call Riddick out for being a monster. But Amber or Cloud would stop them from making too much of a racket about it. The safe room was divided basically in two. One side for the foals and the other for Riddick..

The Alicorn foal plays by himself, repeatedly knocking the ball away then chasing after it. But eve this does not ease the pain of being alone forever. Catching up with the ball once more, raising his hoof to knock it again.

“Wan fwiend.” he mutters to himself. Sitting alone, ball sitting idle he begins to lay down. His ball rolls slowly away from him towards the playing herd of fluffies.

“Baww!” Ellie calls out, catching it by throwing both of her forelegs over the ball. Riddick looks over at the ball and the green fluffy, sniffling as he does. The young Alicorn lays down, turning his head away from the other fluffies

“Dummeh baww... dummeh fluffies...” he mutters to himself quietly to convince himself that he doesn't care that they won't play with him. “Wan Daddeh an' Mommah.” Ellie continues to watch Riddick as she slowly rocks back and forth on the ball.

Riddick is slowly drifting off to sleep, stretching out to make himself more comfortable on the soft rubber matting that makes up the play room. Suddenly a soft tap brings him back to the waking land.

“Widdik nu wan huwties.” replying near instinctually at this point. Getting up takes a moment, his recovering leg must lift his whole weight before he can turn to look at whatever hit him. “Widdik wan fwiend an' pway.” continuing his premature protest.

“Pway baww wif Ewwie?” the Earth fluffy replies poking her head up over the ball. Nodding emphatically Riddick smiles.
“Widdik an' fwiend pway Daddeh game!” he cries, trotting away. Ellie looks at him somewhat lost. “New fwiend use hoofsies an' gif baww owchies. Widdik den gif baww huggies.” he explains as well as he can.

Ellie lets the ball go then gives the ball a cuff with her hoof as hard as she can. It begins to roll to Riddick who catches it by throwing his own forelegs over it.

“Fun game Widdik!” Ellie exclaims, stamping her hoofpads as Riddick knocks the ball back to her.


End of The Chronicles of Riddick (the Fluffy) for now.
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dancing babbeh !

fuck I got trips

Bonus round :

how to deal with foals
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waste of flesh.jpg
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Let the abuse game continue !

Want it! I'd love the shit out of it.
They don't speak human though
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This has to be the worst fluffy thread this year.
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was this made on flipnote?
Thread replies: 253
Thread images: 150

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