>Not owning an onahole
What the fuck are you niggas doing?
>Not having a girlfriend
What the fuck are you niggas doing?
>Not a simple fwb
Enjoy getting cheated on, cuck.
fucking my gf
I got this one
My nigga
bad dragon
>He actually thinks she's fathful
It is impossible for women to be faithful with feminism in full effect. Enjoy getting cucked by chad fuccboi
I want to upgrade to this one. 4kg..that's almost 9lbs
Unless that isn't the one I'm thinking of? Forgot pic
mfw i use my onahole
pic related is me
I got the Sujiman Kupin Roa from Toydemon
Where do you guys get yours?
>what 12 yo virgins actually think
>tfw you have given up on 2d girls
>sees thread on 4chan
>its an onahole to fufill your loli fantasies
>realize im a neet with no job
>parents wouldn't approve of this purchase on their cc
>mfw I cucked myself
I've been recommending this for fucking years /b/ Skip ANYTHING UR3 material - feels like garbage. Highly recommend fleshlight material as it feels great and smells very little. I don't use the plastic can that goes around it. Paper towels. Easy cleanup.
>Not having a girlfriend
I'm married with a kid on the way. Fuck the haters.
only in japan
seriously, think about it.
Some women can be faithful, depends on how they were raised really. Do you think all men are faithful too? This has very little-nothing to do with feminism. Humans are sexual creatures and cheat. Infidelity has been happening for centuries, grow up.
I guarantee you don't have the password to her social media accounts fuccboi. She gets railed by chads every time you are away from home.
Enjoy getting cucked by uncle sam with child suppourt/alimony.
>Dpends on how their raised
Oh goy, the sheltered ones are the sluttiest.
it's true that humans aren't actually programmed to only have one partner, we chose to do so. it's super important for women to be faithful though because how can you trust of the kid is yours if there is any doubt?
Paternity test
I never said sheltered was good.
How much does that cost desu?
>the password to her social media accounts
what sort of paranoid piece of shit demands the passwords to their gf's or bf's accounts?
why are you so insecure?
>Paternity test
are they cheap and won't make the woman feel very sad? if you have to even ask for such a test there's something wrong in the relationship