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Secrets bread? Secrets bread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 26
Secrets bread?
Secrets bread
My parents don't know i'm adopted.
How does that work?
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i am a syrian refugee
i had sex with my sister a week ago
Greentext plox
how do you keep it from turning wierd betwen you guys
My 3 year old daughter has taken more loads to the face than Kim Kardasian.
I once stole a guys bicycle
its really wierd, it was a mistake
nigge you can read ???
I once got on the Disney's website with out my parents permission.
I dont tell to my mum she is my sister to
Oh no, I accidentally had sex with my sister! I was running and my sister bent down with no panties. All of a sudden, I don't have panties either, and my limp penis is shoved into her bungalo, only getting in one pump before I impregnated her. Now we're happy together with one little mutant that I like to call Faggot the Second.
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Oh my fuck
Some of my friends make heroin jokes because one of their friends was an ex-addict, and tell me to "never try heroin". Only a few of my friends know I'm actually a heroin addict as well. In/our of rehab, overdoses, etc. I don't hide it, I just never mention it.
I am 34 and have been messed around with my mom a few times when we are buzzed on wine...she is 54

OK Amerifags, who is this big secret?
(copied from my own failed thread)
>23 finished uni last may
>unemployed for 4 months now
>had a part time retail job in November-December but company didn't have the money to take me on full time
>parents and gf think I'm having trouble finding interviews and jobs
>they think it ridiculous that i've never been able to get an interview despite joining agencies and applying to loads
>truth is that part time retail job is the only job i've ever applied to in my life and i've spend the past several months lying to my parents and gf about applying to jobs
>even now i don't even know why I'm not applying to them, I've not even finished a cover letter yet
pretty sure i'm becoming depressed and this is damaging my relationship with my amazing gf who really doesn't deserve my worthless ass
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I have gyno
I hate my life..
currently 32 years old and living with this 44 year old woman and her kids..i am not happy.. cant do shit any more ...just paying for the groceries for her stupid kids.. i want to brake up but cant stand the feeling that i will be alone then...
Fucked with my best friend wife. Best sex ever
Could have done better faggot.
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in high school i would stand in my bedroom window and strip for my neighbor. sometimes we'd have phone sex while i got naked or i'd give him a little dance. he'd jack off to me and it would turn me on so much. i'd finger myself to him jacking off too. his dad would later start watching me thinking i was trying to get him off. sometimes they'd be jacking to me at the same time from their rooms and not even know that were doing it at the same time. i was such a slut senior year. now i'm really into public sex and lesbian porn. i love trying to pick up straight girls at bars and making out with them in front of their boyfriends. makes me so wet. pic is my body. would you jack off to me? make me cum.
I tried to kill my self and my friend
make it green
I wish my gf was a bit smarter and not poor.
>I tried to kill my self and my friend
very funny but I'm genuinely inerested
I Jack off into my mouth whenever I can. I love to eat my own cum

Hahahah, wow, what a faggot.
I'm sadistic and I'm planning to hurt a huge number of people soon.
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Tits and time stamp, ya dumb cunt. Lets see that poon too, slut
>she was inexperienced with drugs
>I gave her to much ghb and told her to mix it with alcohol.
>and I also tried to OD on the remainder of drugs left
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Not really a deep dark secret but...

>I have no friends
>Almost no family
>I live alone in a house that I have nothing in besides essential stuff like stoves, fridge, etc. I have no TV, furniture, bed, etc.
>I don't enjoy almost every form of media. TV, Movies, Video Games, Books, etc.
>I have no hobbies
>I work a minimum wage job and I'm "okay" with that

I don't even feel depressed or anything. I'm just going to do this for the next 60 years until I die.
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touch yourself to me
we said timestamp you fucker
its obviously not real you fucking idiot
watch out for the gets people
What do you do in your spare time?
4chan and loli
Reggie Perrin
Bored of my GF of 5 years, currently sexting 2 other girls and will probably sleep with at least one of them, don't have the heart to break up with gf tho
ew thats disturbing
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I browse the internet occasionally, but I don't do that a lot because I live in the middle of nowhere and internet is limited an expensive. I just talk to myself and work out most the other times. Most the times I just go to the track that's a 3 minute walk away and just talk to myself and jog it until the sun goes down then go home. Good life, I guess.
Also hiding a heroin addiction from said gf, and also all of my friends, who just think I smoke weed alot
i cheat all the time on my land whale girlfriend.
even fucked her best friend and 1 of her roommates.
When I was 17, I cheated on my 15 year old girlfriend with her 24 year old cousin. I fucked my girlfriend, then met up with her cousin and fucked her. Her cousin made me tell her about my gf's body and how I fucked her while we were having sex.

>be me, white
>stole a nigger's bike
>still using it
its okey to steal a nigger's bike, probely wasnt his either

I am a gyno
I'm in love with a gal who only sees my as a breathing dildo. Absolutely no chance to change the situation. It's the second time in my life when I felt affection that strong.

I'm a faggot and I can't give up on her.

any success ?
I have been having an affair with a coworker for about 6 months. I have been married for five years and I love my wife. Sex with my wife is so vanilla compared to what I was used to prior to our marriage that I started fucking a new employee who is a demon in the sack. She is a fellow manager so it's not like I could be screwed with a sexual harassment claim. I just feel really bad about cheating on my wife, who I love but can't satisfy in the bed.
I just found out my fiance's younger sister is pregnant. She told the family that she knows who the father is but that he's too busy at work. The problem is that she secretly told me that baby is mine from a drunken fling I had with her months ago. The times make sense and she told me she's keeping the kid.

The worst part is that I think my fiance is preggers as well. Which could be why they have been getting along lately.

Yea, anon is dead now.
I ate chicken nuggers
Satisfy me
I once hit a girl on a bicycle whilst driving on a country lane
I checked to see if she was alright and she was alive but unconcious
She was hot beautiful though a real 10/10 early teens I guess !3/14 maybe
Before running to a house nearby to call for help I fondled her tits and fingered her for a bit
Noone knows
Oh, now ya gone and done it..
>She is a fellow manager so it's not like I could be screwed with a sexual harassment claim

>be 14
>have history with really hot girl
>we talk sometimes, but nothing special. don't think she's into me
>still try to talk to her as much as i can anyways
>one day in class she drops her pencil
>she bends down to pick it up
>she not wearing panties
>holy ****ing chit
>turns around a looks at me
>"like what you see?"
>start freaking out
>whole class goes "oooooooooohhh"
>she asks me "if you had one opportunity would you capture it or just let it slip?"
>palms are sweaty
>knees weak, arms are heavy
>it's falling out of my pockets already
>mom's spaghetti
secrets thread...i was just letting it out..although we both have fun with it
your going to slowly turn insane you need people
Yeah we are both dead now
I feel you bro.
>2 year relationship
>she's great
>I don't feel it
>don't want to destroy her
>also drugs ≠ heroin

what's your story? (also about your heroin use)
Too late, I already have. Lol, I talk to myself all the time and have really bad OCD and schizoaffective disorder.
Oh cool it's a ghost anon

Hey ghost anon
Hi not ghost anon
I lost my virginity to a goat. I was working at a bird sanctuary and they had some goats and sheep there. I was left to close up one day and I thought i'd stay around because the weather was awesome and it was so peaceful. I got horny and decided to act on all the animal porn i'd watched and found so fucking hot. I tied one of the goats up in one of the hay barns and fucked it bareback in the ass. It was fucking amazing and I was shit scared in case I got caught.
That was like 6 years ago and since then I've fucked about 8 girls and 2 guys and nothing was as good as that goat. I'm planning on doing something similar again soon and on a regular basis
>be me
>have dirty thoughts on a girl I know
>she's into mind-reading stuff
>I'm scared she could find out
I want to become a youtube success, but am afraid of becoming like all of the other narcissistic assholes on that site. So I post my videos on b knowing that the other anons won't let me get too full of myself.

Thanks guys

didn't know that sandniggers had allahbird sanctuaries
Check em
2 years into uni, hate it, so started experimenting with drugs to get a bit of excitment in my life, weed, mdma, lsd, coke, all bought of dw, thought fuck it, why not try heroin, it gives me a break from my shitty boring life cant get out of it now. Just bored of my gf shes great, we get a long and everything but sex is boring and just bored of her in general, I'd break her heart if I broke up with her and I just couldn't do that to her.
Whats your story dude?
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also copied from other thread

>be 21yo college deopout
>quit decent job a few months ago
>didn't even mean to
>just too depressed to get out of bed for a few weeks
>moved back in with parents
>tell them I got laid off
>It's been over 2 months since I've seen a paycheck
>completely out of money now
>-$600 in my bank account
>almost 3k in credit card debt
>10k student loan debt
>10k auto loan debt
>havent payed towards any of that in a while
>probably gonna get repo'd/killed idk
>parents don't know how fucked up my financial situation is
>cut communication with all friends
>literally no joy left in life
>living here makes me feel 14 again
>shame and guilt are my new primary emotions
>spend all day laughing at internet memes to avoid thinking about problems
>probably only a few days left before collectors rape my ass
>considering suicide, but hopefully I'm better than that
Today, I was lifting an old carpet, as we have a damp problem. Underneath there were hundreds of slugs and worms. My wife and I picked up about 40 slugs and put them in a pair of my wife's panties. I then put the panties on. The feeling was amazing. I got a huge erection and I could feel them sliding over my glans, and round my balls. Eventually I could feel one going up my bum. I knew I would come soon, so I let my wife tie me up, with my hands and feet speadeagled and attached to some furniture. She then took the panties down and about 15 of the slugs were crawling over my cock and balls. I came, spurting out loads of cum all over the poor things, but still couldn't move. My wife then took the other slugs out of the panties and placed them on my cock. She was careful to put some of them right on the opening of my cock, which was now covered in a mixture of sperm and glistening goo from the slugs. She opened up my arse and tried to put one in there too. I got hard again quite quickly as I thought of these slimy little things crawling over me. I imagined them biting me. One seemed to be trying to enter my uretha and this caused me to come again. That was 4 hurs ago. My cock is now very itchy, but I am about to give them another "feed"
That stomach is fucking ugly. Ew.
Why doesnt your fiance tell you she's pregnant

And what kind of trash people are y'all anyway
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its temporary get back out find a job and work towards your passion
She technically is above me in the management structure.
I could say she was harassing me.
lol, fuck you
Thanks for that, anon.

You could have told me the /b/ thing: kill myself.
But you didn't.
Same story with the drugs, just no heroin. I fear I'd love it.
My gf is great, she's ok with my drug use and is just concerned about alcohol, cause that shit changes me and I blackout. Sex is vanilla but ok.
Been wanting to cheat but haven't yet, I really don't want to hurt her.
I just wish she was just a bit smarter.

How do you feel about your heroin use? Do you ever secretly trip with her? Do you see her different?

Man's word VS woman's word.
I don't think any professional will come of this. It's much more about me not accepting my life's lot and feeling really bad about cheating on my wife.
I think she wanted to surprise me on my birthday next week. I when she commented yesterday that she might have been late. It didn't click until I came back from visiting her family a fee hours ago.
I like reading the beta comments on 4chan. Almost every faggot here wants pussy and ain't getting. I have the opposite problem; I'm getting a lot and I'm sick of it.

I might just go full monk soon
That was aweful
>messed around
what does this^ mean exactly?

Just pranks, bro.
My gf is going to start blowing my friends whenever she's told. F18
Greentext wouldn't hurt
Ones a nigga stole my bike And i was sad
Yeah don't do it man, ah mine doesnt like drugs so she doesnt know about most of them, and I was ok at the start but now its getting out of hand, like I'm going to have to go to rehab or I'll end up O'ding or some shit. I think all the introspectiveness that drugs give you doesn't help, I've ended up overthinking stuff to the max.
Made my ex into a prostitute. Her Bf doesn't know.
Nah its Norman Normal

People tell other people that he's adopted, but they don't tell his parents.
explain yourself, faggot
I'm a man and I lost my virginity to my friend who is also a man
>I think all the introspectiveness that drugs give you doesn't help, I've ended up overthinking stuff to the max.
So much this.
Take care bro, I've been sober a couple of months at a time and what made go through it was lucid dreaming.
You can feel anything when dreaming.
Read about it and take melatonin before sleeping.
>Split with ex (because I was sleeping with her sister and cousins)
>She takes custody
>Gets with Drug addict (Herion)
>Take custody of kids
>He goes to jail
>She owes Child support- no job
>Offers to blow me
>Tell her she has fuckme and to blow someone else (friend)
>She shows up- We fuck before he gets there
>He shows up- She sucks him, I leave
>Of course taped it all
>Blackmail her for more sex, tape it.
>Blackmail her to blow others
>decide shit can make money
>Now use CL to set up BJ's for cash- goes to me
>He is out, works during week- she works for me while he works for her.
>Spend all day doing jack shit, make money off her mouth. And she still pays me Child Support.
>I hope he never dumps her.

lol there are so many sadistic people out there they just get away with it
i have fucked over 30 hookers im 25 with a wife and a son
I shall name him joffry
Would love to but the time stamp is what really gets my rocket ready for blast off
My hobby is catfishing people.
I once fucked Amy Shumer. I think. Was an unfunny blonde that was a donut short of shamu. On second thought it wasn't her, because I hid her body.
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my face is on a throw pillow

whit?! :o
yes, that's why you are on 4chan.
its the thread of silence... shhhh
Never fucked a was your first time or last !
>Never fucked anyone.
Fixed it for you.
I wanna watch my wife suck cock

i like how you just want to control the uncontrollable
Started hooking up with this MtF at work 30 years younger than me. Wife doesn't know about it.
How do you plan on breaking it to them?
Low self esteem
We are not all lvl 90 neckbeards like you anon.
4chan the hive of monks? willing and unwilling captives of this digital matrix?
ha noob i have sex with my sister when ever i want
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yeah it fucking was aliens, georgi
The fuck is MtF?
>Greentext people!!!
Anon thats a blow up doll not your sister..
Not all. But clearly you sense my power, therefore you must be a neckbeard of some renown. *tips fedora*
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Would fucking rape that face
So, now YOU'RE the nigger!? The curse is on you!!!
quit being a dick and tell anon it is Monday thru thursday.
Assuming not bait...

A MtF (aka male-to-female) is a guy who is undergoing (or has completed) the process of becoming a woman. Sometimes known as traps, trannies, shemales.
mtF.. Male to Female. Trans....
No she wont find out
Thanks shes only into white guys would love to see her suck cock and cuck me she wouldnt have a problem finding a gu
I'm a sex fiend and have fucked over 100 women and sucked over 100 one knows...except the 100s of people I have had sex with.
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After years of mental torture by family members I was ashamed because I though I had a micro dick. Finally measured myself last week and fell into the "above average" range. My brothers and cousins with horsecocks can go fuck themselves.

As I also learned on here, men still managed to please a woman regardless size so I went through that trauma for nothing.

It really fucks with me now because I have been drawing furry lewds to compensate for the loneliness. I am a terrible person.

I wish I was your mate or something, add something to your life and be your friend.
I eat my own cum...
btw I am straight male with 7,5 years of relationship with my gf...
On the island of Crete, Greece, the prison is full of goat-fuckers who were caught on the act. Over there its a type of vendeta-settling mechanism to fuck others' goats to death.
I'm the guy from John Hancock

Fuck people do some dumb shit, I'm dying of laughter
That also reminds me.

I took pictures of givig myself facials and lost the camera when company came over. I got a lot of stares and gossip over it. I hope it never surface anyone knows me.

Well that cat is out of the bag.
> Be me age 21
> working for Butlins in Bognorr Regis
> Go to bar with a friend, meet hot girl
> get her drunk start feeling her up in bar find out she's 14
> dontgiveafuck.jpg give her more alcohol
> go back to her room, me her, my friend
> Take turns fucking her and spit roasting her
> cum all over her and her bed
> leave her naked and covered in cum passed out on bed for her parents to find when they get home
I watch a lot of sissy training porn and in college I had a lot of fun with men. Now I'm married and while I love my wife to death, I really miss being with men...
Currently working as a train conductor in the netherlands.. i met this girl 6/10 on the train..she didint have a ticket but asked if she could do anything to not get a fine..took her to the back and let her blow me..came all over her face
>be 19
>be in closet
>arrange to meet a guy for sex
>in the closet so give him fake name (name of kid I went to school with earlier)
>meet up. it's pretty good
>continue meeting him for about two years
>really submissive to him
>end up crossdressing for him
>he gets a little too abusive so decide to end it
>he tells me that he has video of every time we got together and me doing all sorts of weird shit
>will expose if I stop
>I know he has no personal info on me so I just stop seeing him
>don't know if he tried anything since he had the other guy's name

tldr: got taped having sex and may have ruined someone else's life
I've helped my gf get fucked by a dog

do you look like the other guy lol
Work at grocery store in Nowhereville
Every night at work our super leaves early
We crack open the roll up door where trucks deliver
Slide out case of beer
Shut door
Return to back of building at midnight or so
Drink for free
Who hasn't.

Your gf likes dogs, but always enjoys help.
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i've started spy camming my wife and sharing the pictures and videos with a friend of mine.
> He's nervours
> but on the surface he looks calm and ready
> to drop arms but he keeps on forgetting
> what he wrote down
> the whole crowd goes so loud
> he opens his mouth but the words won't come out
> he's choking now
> everybody's joking now
> the time's run out!
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Dude, I think you married a niggress...
Getting cucked by a dog! Thats the new low for beta fags?
I had a year long relationship with an older black guy who was really dominant and liked me to dress up for him. He ended up paying for most of my school expenses so I felt like I was whoring myself out which turned me on even more.
Little sample m8?
I betray all of you with reddit.
Sorry /b/ros
>I'm the guy from John Hancock
PS: They love it too!
What was the most crazy shit you have dont with or for him?
no. not even close. i assume he may have done a little more research and realized that. he gave me some clips to prove he had done this and you could clearly see my face and anyone could realize it wasn't the other kid.

He was really into pissing on me, we used to shower and I would be on my knees sucking him off and he would start to piss all over my face.

We also did a couple gang bangs where I would dress up and take 4 or 5 guys, those were pretty fun.
I like to get nudes and fuck my friends ex's.
If I meet a new friend. I figure out who they dated.

It's sick but I get off to it

you can go gayer
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you're in the jungle, baby
haha true
>I think I killed a man
I ran into some some old hobo who started pushing me around and insulting me. Got into a fight which ended in me high kicking the guy in the neck. He instantly fell to the ground and started choking. I panicked and ran away.
stole my friends gfs nudes multiple times
how dare you
french fried til I die
Never paid for sex..if i couldnt find a girl at the end of the night i would fuck a landwhale they are always willing...
Sounds like a lot of fun! And your still dating men or is that behind you!
I still have my ex's nudes and wank over them. Opinions?
Ever do anything with your dad?
I once watched my 15 year old cousin get out of the shower through the keyhole of the door. I came so quickly to the sight of her perky C cups I was gone before she opened the door and had no idea.
Sounds like win
I fucking love you Nicole. It makes me physically sick to see you in class, but it's a good kind of sick; it's a kind of lovely mix of lump-in-the-throat and aching of the stomach and, on those sparse occasions during which you'd smile, I swore I'd throw my heart up- right there in front of everyone in econ 204.

I know you're over me. I know I don't ever cross your mind anymore. But that's ok because you still smile occasionally and I'm content with being an audience member to that.
trips confirms
I'm in love with a girl. But she keeps giving me cold shoulder. Had awkward moment with her once... I taught she'll avoid me after that, but she ignores it, because she thinks it was just a moment of (my) weakness when I was under stress .... Now I act like nothing happened, but still try to flirt with her from time to time - to no success.

I know it's time to move on. We are not even that close friends anymore (I think it's because of past awkward encounter), as we don't see each other often as of late. But she did call me just last week to hang out anyway to see how I'm doing.

She does not know I still have feelings towards her. I tried going on dates with other girls, but I just didn't feel into it .... got borred. I like going with my crush on a drink much more, even tho I know nothing will become of it.

Maybe I need more time .... or completely distnace myself from her to forget her. I know this must be done eventualy, but I lack the willpower. But damn is she good .... nearly perfect ...

Such behavior isn't very manly or typical for me at all (ppl tell me I am cold even), so naturaly noone knows this .... but me. And now some randoms on /b/ apparently ...

Anyways it's off my chest somewhat. I hope atleast for some ppl it would be amusing, if nothing more.
I'm starting to get serious with a woman but sometimes I fantasize about going back to men.
I've had access to my Ex's facebook since we broke up and read her messages daily. Intercepted many nudes but also reading the shit she's said about me and unable to do anything about it without being found it is frustrating as fuck.

Although saying she wants a "real man" triggers my inner cuck.
Crying your heart out on /b/ won't do shit man. Trust me I have done that shit and I feel like a beta fag just talking about it. Just tell her you're sorry. If you don't have the balls you don't deserve her. And if it just doesn't work just get over her. Move on. If she did you can too.
I let my kids streak around the house because I fucking hate dealing with laundry. My wife always gets annoyed with it but she doesn't know I tell them its alright.
Well you could find out later on if the girl is confortable with you being bi sexual if not you just act like the rest of us.. and secretly date men
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went to sex club with fuck buddy 25f/25me some old dudes run train and fucked the shit out of fuck buddy thinking she is my gf
>like i give a fuck about this slut kek
>mfw i fucked they wifes
I love you too. If you truly loved me, you would scream it out for the whole world to see. Make a huge gesture with signs and lots of singing. Just do it. I promise I will reciprocate.
Then you're in a good position to ask her if she's ever wanted the be the meat in a manwich. DP her and get your fill of cock while you're at it.
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whats your name buddy :)
When I was 16 I started an affair with a lesbian friend of my parents. They never found out.
I think I'm going crazy. I started speaking to myself a little while ago. Not whole conversations, just remarks to myself whenever I read something or see something. I only do it when I'm on my own, just whispering it. Anyone of you guys doing that too?

Shoe's ok with me being bi and we've talked about doing a threesome, but I want to go full sissy and dress up and she's not down for that yet and I don't want to risk fucking up an awesome relationship.
Everyone does that you have nothing to worry about
when 16 fucked my gf while she sucked my dog
well not that it change anything..

but hey, you can still become like this dude

here -> >>682629541
Move to another country m8.
Try Tokyo or something, they want people to emigrate there because of their shitty birth rates. Finding a job or something should be no issue if you have qualifications.
Maybe later on when she is more confortable with it!
I talk to myself in my car. I practice the speech I'm going to give my wife when she finds out I've been cheating on her.
Not a feel thread but whatever
>I'd always been a lonely guy, kinda fat and no friends
>getting slimmer, getting more friends etc
>getting out drinking with them and stuff, hadsome good times but even if i got thinner i always have to think about my weight and start to harass me for it
>start puking so i won't get fat again when we go out drinking and having fun
>friends are telling their stories about women and i just hate me more and more for being such an useless failure
>more and more friends are leaving me now
>no one knows how much i care about weight
>start puking again

i love my secrets, but i wouldn't be able to speak to someone anyways cause all my friends left me
I want to kill myself sometimes
My only allies dont/wont/cant speak to me directly
Sometimes I feel I have more in common with the enemy team than my own
My life feels/is empty and pointless, I'm just watching the clock tick down
I feel and sometimes thrive off the evil entering my presence since I "awakened", even though I know it's bad
I want to just give up all the time
I don't believe I have a tomorrow
I'll go down fighting though
Are you sure? I also whisper the things I'm typing on my laptop, is that a common thing too?

Interested; what makes your coworker so much more enjoyable? What makes her so wild in the sack?
Yeah have been thinking about that. Might do that when shit hits the fan
I'm white and stole 50+ bikes as a kid, bitches never suspected a thing
Once again a lot of people do that
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>be me 19
>have no enjoyment in life
>literally care about nothing
>want to do drugs to get more excited about things
>Body cant handle drugs, not even alcohol.
i just want to die, but i cant because of my Family. I May not care about them, but they care about me. I dont have the right to do them Harm by killing myself.
Why not try a trip somewhere? experience a new culture?
Have a look at a site called Airbnb, people let out their properties on the cheap and you can just try living somewhere new for a while.
Like out loud, or in your head?
Jesus Christ that's the most beta story I have ever read.
don't wory lol. It's normal. I used to do that too....
But then again. I talk to my good friend Bob all the time, even tho doctor says Bob does not exist. He's a great company tho and sometimes I even see him.... but he shows to me only after I kill litle animals

In conclusion. You're ok.
Its something I've been considering myself when I finish my university course. Tokyo has low crime and a lot of internships. Seems pretty dank.
holy shit mah sides

or finds out, and think you are some creepy loser faggot,, who she never have sex with.. ever.. until everything ends
How's the raping been going?
I do it all the time.
Simulate conversations I want to have because I always get tongue tied when I need to think of a word on the spot.
I found a picture of my wife on 4 chan, i didnt take it, havent told her.
I am also on opiates no one but me and my doc knows. Years now and no ones has ever suspected that my high as a kite 24/7 I don't hide it persay but I mean I wouldn't snort a poll in front of anyone
okay gotcha
I lead a double life. I travel for work. One week at home, one week in Texas. I have a wife at home. She has a career, we're happy.

When I go to Texas I meet my other "wife". Even though I get a hotel room, I usually go to her place, have dinner, maybe go out to the movies. Sometimes she'll stay at the hotel since it's usually at a nice place.

I've been doing this for 20 years. It's like having two different lives.
Out loud.
selfie or taken by someone else?
I completely Lost my lust for sex last year. There is nothing driving me forwards in life. The only thing i do is Game with friends to distract myself from depressive thoughts
Does your "other wife" know about your actual wife? Also what's the age difference and post nudes of both
What country anon
i spy cammed my dad. weird. i know. just did.
Once I fucked my wife's sister when she was on pills and drunk.
She thought I was her husband, and she kept telling me how hard I was the whole time.
I was stone sober and knew she was out of it.
I never said a word to anyone.
her pussy was shaved bare as a baby ass, and was beautiful
her fake tits were underwhelming though
That's great. Your friend Carl told me that your wife also has double life. I always taught he was her only husband....

just kidding m8 ... but it's exciting thing right? I've been thinking of making fake identity for myself for a while now.... don't know where to start.
The netherlands.
If i actually did stuff i would have quite a Bright future. Pretty Smart, studying physics, not bad looking.
I'm 18% body fat and lowering. I'm about 55 lbs total away from the 1000 lbs club for lifting, and I'm approaching 40. I have a 7 inch (sorry not 8) in cock. I make about 130k and do a fantastic job supporting my family.

But I still don't feel attractive enough, I don't feel confident in my abilities, I feel like the dumbest person in the room all the time, and I have to read "No more mr. Nice Guy" once a month to remind myself that I'm worth anything at all.

Fucking low self confidence, man. Get tired of having that monkey on my back.
I talk to myself a lot. Im not trying to copy the other guy but I do it a lot :P
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The other "wife" does know about my real wife. She got married young and divorced and she just wants something casual now.

I'm 50, my wife is 49 and my other "wife" is 40. Sorry, no pics but descriptions:

Wife: tall, sort of elegant looking, very thin, pale (northeast), long dark hair

"Wife": 5;5", short black hair, very fit toned body with the right amount of muscles, tanned
Netherlands gets better m8! Just try to enjoy it the most you can and know that your family love you. Maybe you should go out with class mates sometimes
Fake tits are terrible
It's really not exciting. It's actually like being married in two different places. And I'm not using a fake identity (which I know could come back to bite me). My "wife" knows my real name and where I work.
This pleases my penis. I would very much like to try something like this but could never get away with it since I don't travel at all.

Is there anything the "wife" does sexually that your real wife would never do?

Do you think your real wife would forgive you if she ever found out?

Since your an old fag, do you have any hot daughters
I found out my younger brother kept nude pics of himself on his phone. I confronted him because he is young and I didn't want him to get into shit, and he said he did it because he likes looking at himself. He told me not to tell, but I'm concerned about whether he is lying or just a faggot.
hers weren't terrible, just too big for her frame (very petite) and too round. Tits aren't supposed to stand up big and round when your skinny ass is on your back with your hips rolled back.
I've raped three girls.
someone else, it appeared she was sucking his cock though no face in the pick.
That's a fact and not a secret, I don't know how you can hide your identity while you gang rape European women
what kind of sizes were you comparing yourself with from your family members (or were they just limp showers that made you feel bad?)
From time to time I get banned from 4 Chan for posts I never made...

And I never dispute it. I just do the time... and that is why I am like jesus.
if you are a white male, you rape every time you have sex
I had oral sex with my 16 year old sister when I were 12
I pissed on my younger sister when I was 8 and she was 3...not sure why I did it but I hope she never brings it up.
Even when I hump the couch cushion like a dog?
I think you mean Joffery
My "wife" is much more sexually inclined than my wife. We'll have sex almost every night I'm in Texas while my wife and I will have sex maybe once per month.

"Wife" gets a lot of pleasure out of sex so she'll do almost anything for me in that regard. My wife views it as a nice thing to do every now and then.

"Wife" will do anal, facials, ride on top. Wife is missionary position, under the sheets with the lights off.
I got pee'd on by a lion as a kid
How does it feel to be a monster stuck in the wrong body unable to change?
no face meaning her face or his face? as in are you sure it was her?
You're a piece of shit. Just kill yourself your kid(s) is ultimately who you are making the victim
What about hot daughters?
What part of the netherlands m8?
No kids in either state
im sure, my bed, my house.
wow very original you fucking nerd
I think so

you have to consider the power structure when considering rape.
between you and the couch, you hold all the power. The couch cannot give positive consent without you holding all the power between you. Therefore, with no positive consent, its rape.
Good boy >>682647184
I cannot enjoy life, i feel no want or dont want. I dont hate things and i dont enjoy things. Im not sad neither am i happy.
It never happend. Stop lying
gather info on the quiet. keep everything close to the vest until you can lay it all out and she can't deny. also get STD tested.
You are just alive. I know that feeling anon
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As a teen, I committed beastiality with my dog. I feel really guilty about it, and I am in no way into that kind of stuff now. I think that teenage me was a little fucked in the head.
scalar product of vectors is as easy as ab cosine phi
He should check anon-ib too
starting massaging each other...turned into taking pants off...kissed her stomache and her breasts..ended up having full blown sex..
I IV dope, and this one chick in one of my courses was trying to tell me never to do heroin and it made like 4 people turn around to watch how I'd react to her haha
Hey that's pretty good!
lol, okay then - I am white. I guess I should have said: of all the girls I've raped, only two have sobbed and one said no
thats what ive been doing. already got checked. i think the main reason i havent brought it up is i have cheated on her.
i steal shit everyday. i bet iv stolen over 2000 $ worth of shit
what is anon ib?
Cheating on my 24year old hot girlfriend with an 18 year old girl that is also cuteeeee
When I was in my twenties people wondered why I didn't have a boyfriend. I did, but he was underage.
I manipulate my cousin into doing whatever I want by pretending to be my "russian friend" who is a fucking psycho, and threaten her to do shit with me for pictures and videos. she doesnt question it, she is too afraid too. but yeah i fuck my cousin, and i made her dump 2 boyfriends of her already, oh yeah i still get to fuck other girls while the cock she receives is mine only. english is my third language so I can't speak it weal
does she know you cheated? if so, just call it quits. you two aren't good for each other. probably should call it quits anyway
Kill yourself faggot that's the lamest fuckin secret
Once fucked my buddy's mom while I was waiting on him to shower so we could roll out. Shit was crazy.
>Strict parents
> male
> No girls allowed
> Desperate
> Brainwash my cousin that it's ok to suck other males dick
> Get dick sucked by male cousin
there you go.

I had one cry on me too. She consented at first at then said "stop" I told her to shut the fuck up, and then I fucked her hard from behind. She cried into the pillow and I went to sleep. In the morning, when she got in the shower, I joined her and fucked her from behind again in the shower. She wouldn't talk to me anymore after that.
I have kids but I still shitpost on the chan. I've known this place longer than I've known my wife.
fucked my buddies mom while he was out. she actually was my first.
No you didn't
yeah i told her, ive had that thought.
I used to be an enforcer for a heroin dealer.
sounds like she's just evening the score
all the heroin dealers I have met get their money up front.

why would they need an enforcer?

in case you try to rob him?
How'd that go?
No one "wondered" because I mostly prefer girls and did have girlfriends, but I had an underage "boyfriend" back home. He was yummy.
could be, though i think it started before my bout of honesty,
haha no, slim girls only, you are on the chubby side.
He was more of a distributor than a dealer. He distributed heroin to a larger network of dealers who then sold it to the junkies.
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