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Waifu claiming thread. Best German Ship edition The rules are

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 197
Thread images: 151
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Graff (41).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.
Best German Ship edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu/husbando
>talk to other waifu/husbandos
>I still don't get the nap meme
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum for fuck's sake
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most importantly hf

Best German CV Claimed
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graf go back to minecraft baka
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Claiming before I fuck off to work. You guys should fuck off too.
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Syndra (89).jpg
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Fuck off chen
hubsand claim
Fuck off.
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Vigil - 88 -.jpg
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Thanks Graf. Here's a semi-lewd for you - just for you, never posted before.
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What the fuck.
Chung claimed
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Syndra (1).jpg
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Im in ouer Meincampf

>semi-lewd for you
Noice !
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Saber claimed
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>claiming yume

still fuckin done with this fuckin bullshit finals
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Akiko claim
Hey everyone
This stupid bitch. Why is she putting her hand up like that? What is she blocking she's upsidedown
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Peter Lorre 284.gif
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Well, my painting is off to a running start.
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John Dolmayan (1).png
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AFK drummer claimed.

The reflection of the sun from the lake.
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We still doin this, alright!
Kneesocks claimed
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Oh hey Peter, I dodn't know you were an artist
What's your painting's primary subject? What style are you painting in?
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karen claim
and off to sleep
seeya all.
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Peter Lorre 356.gif
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Peter is not my name. I prefer the term painter, I produce paintings. I am a landscape painter. Its primary subject is the human condition as I've experienced it.
Fuck off
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Good night

So... How're you all doing?
>No idea how to act in this kind of thread
Fuck off Mai.
With that attitude it's easier to call you 'douche.'

Have fun color slapping a piece of thick paper.
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Peter Lorre 8.gif
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I never claimed to be anything but an asshole. It's not paper I'm working on currently, it's canvas.
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Tired. I only got about 2 hours of sleep. Probably going to head back on to bed at this rate.
>It's not paper I'm working on currently, it's canvas.

No fedora tip?
What a dooooouuuuuche.
Fuck off Mai.
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Already about to.
Oh, thats too bad. You suffering from insomnia?
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That was an unnecessarily hurtful thing to say
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Always kind of have. Doesn't help either that I'm using bed sheets as a blanket too.
But enough about me, what about you?
Fuck off newfag.
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Syndra (111).jpg
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Just relaxing and listening to music.
Got today and tomorrow off so im tinking about what i should do.
Filthy NEETs...
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Nah, just an off day today.
Fuck off avatarfag.
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Peter Lorre 304.gif
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I draw on paper. It's my way of being direct. Painting is indirect, you make a mark, you ruminate, you see what it's saying, you change it, you see what it's saying, does that work, how does this one mark effect the others, etc. With drawing you make a mark and it speaks immediately, they're statements with periods. This is it. Painting is different than that, painting is like writing a book. Each little part goes into the whole.
Eh, dunno about me. I don't suffer from anything too bad besides some light depression that's coming and going all the time.
I deal with it by playing vidya or shitposting on 4chan
Sounds nice. What're you listening to?
I listen to vidya OST
[tipping intensifies]
Whatever you say Picasso.
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Leave him alone

Both are pretty good ways to do distract yourself. Although I don't shitpost myself. I just watch YouTube videos or listen to vidya OST.
Sorry you have a bit of depression though, but it could always be worse.
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Syndra (53).jpg
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About the same.
For example, these are the 3 next things in my playlist.
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Give us some examples pls
>Whiteknighting over memes.
>Being this new.
Oh, besides Phoenix wright I don't know them.
Hehe, yeah. No worries here. I live decently.
You mean OST? Sure
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Peter Lorre 151.gif
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I come from Picasso only indirectly. Who I come from are the AbEx artists in general, Guston specifically. Diebenkorn, Kline, Pollock, and Reinhardt all also had a profound influence on my development as a painter.
>he just...
>he just took it off
>he didn't tip it
>he took the fedora completely off and did that bowing hat gesture

I've never been this uncomfortable in my life and I used to sleep sitting up.
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Homura (19).jpg
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>What're you listening to?

But since we're talking about OSTs and I enjoy them too I will leave this here.
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Peter Lorre 391.png
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I still sleep sitting up sometimes.
This fucking pic... u havin a giggle m8?
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Boring day claim
I guess.
Hiya guys
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Wiggity what up froggy
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Hey Froggo
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The Overwatch beta is actually legit. Team Fortress 2 meets League of Legends, basically.
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That doesn't make me want to play that game to be honest
Blizzard does TF2 is Overwatch in a nutshell.

Once they start adding pay to win heroes it will crash fast.
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Super cute
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I wasn't trying to convince anyone. I like playing TF2 when I'm not grinding SFV, so this is fine for me.
Anything p2w crashes, I'm sure it'll happen just like every other MMO or big game out there, but in the meantime I'll dick around on it.
>shinoa bro
>I'm always here
>Emi, Stocking, Mugi, Akiko, and Tsuyu are the cutest
>forgot pic
I'll go kill myself now.
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Those are some cute trips you have there yourself

Best mage claimed~
How are you guys? My abdomen kinda hurts. Probably because of yesterday
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Aha, I knew it

>my qt senses are tingling

It's just the cancer from playing vidya with me
Fuck off you weebs 4chan is a place for intelligent discussion and debate not dumb memes and autistic weebs
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Did nothing wrong.jpg
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They did nothing wrong
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Too cute 4me

Just woke up. You took any meds my dude?
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>I included you this time
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You should lurk more, interesting shit does happen sometimes

I hadn't seen your post after that when I posted
I noticed, Feels good man
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Why would I get cancer for playing with a qt? Doesn't make sense kek
Yeah, took some advil~
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I don't have much fate in Blizzard lately either. Hearthstone got pretty successful but the client itself could be improved a lot easily.
They are completely blind towards what the WoW community wants.

Thanks but already had that pic.
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I'm off to buy some snacks, just noticed I'm out of the sweet stuff
Oh, alright.
>it's true

Hello again.
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Scantily Clad Homura.jpg
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No more skittles?

Was it "explosive" diarrhea?

Can't sleep?
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See ya later~
Nah, it happened only once. Might be the food that made me vomit
>or the ship was 3stong5me
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Heh, you remember.
I like that.

Eh, I could sleep if I want to. Just waiting, what about you?
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Madoka Witness.png
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I memorize a lot of useless stuff, but if you like that its not useless anymore.
How are you doing?
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Maybe the shipping of the 3 if you gave you so much excitement that you can't help but shit?

I'm good dude. Just here at waiting for next class
>They are completely blind towards what the WoW community wants.

Blizzard stopped caring about WoW the instant they realized that people will buy WoW because it is WoW.

Example: WoW Mist of Kung Fu Panda

They are trying to get NEW players with their Legion update, but in reality they are just milking a long dried out cow.

WoW will be dead within 10 years.
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That mad me laugh way much than what it should've kek
Meant of. Lol how are you besides the whole abdomen thing?
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>WoW Mist of Kung Fu Panda
>They are trying to get NEW players
Thats what they have been doing since cata, making the game more newbfriendly and turning end game into facebook games. They don't understand having a player doesn't mean he won't quit.
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Heh, I think I do that too, or I just get an insane deja vu and think I know it.

I'm okay, just kinda bored
What about yourself? Do anything today?

Thats nice dude. What class?

>come online dammit
That's good, I hope you find something to do. I'm at work right now but it's really slow.
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I'd like to say good, but that would be a lie... Can't train today bc=ecause of the whole abdomen thing. Hopefully I will get better soon
What about you~?
Kirino is a sad faggot who should suicide.
Art and educ (required class to take but super easy that you can't make lower than a 100%). Only only class i had was math. Not really online since I still went to class and discuss about things we did online but most of it was homework. It was pretty nice. I liked it

Where's fran when you need him? Lol Anyways I'm doing good my dude. Just waiting for the time to pass by, go to school and get the day going
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Homura (18).jpg
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But its good to see that they will release demon hunters, that was a trump they the community was asking since TBC and they saved all this time.

I had some weird deja vu where it felt like I was rewatching an entire fight scene and I knew exactly how it would end.

>says the anon insulting anons.
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isn't a bit sad.jpg
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Heh, thanks dude, I also hope you get through work quickly.

To be honest I've actually never been happier in my life, so, you're wrong kiddo.

Sounds really chill dude, why is it easy? Just really simple work or you don't need to do like anything?

Woah. That's creepy and pretty cool
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lol, I hope you'll enjoy your day~
Late reply here
I keep falling asleep at work

They probably faced the same issues DFO had with one of their classes.
>game crash
>entity lag

DFO's response was a complete character make over.
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Ok I'm back
I don't know how muc shit happens in the world but everytime I go outside something seems to happen

>be me, just now
>got to store that's like 300 feet from my place
>buy suger cubes, grapes, cherry candy, all the sweet shit
>go to counter
>stand behind old turkfag, maybe 40
>Buys cucumbers and olive oil
>only cucumbers and olive oil
>cashier scans items then looks at me
>cashier tries to pokerface too but starts to crack up as well
>old tturkfag says something in roach to us both, pays and bolts out of the store
>cashier and I share the biggest kek
Thanks, but it'll probably be a while.

I'm not even a player and I quit WoW.

Blizzard makes good games, but they are pretty deaf to their fans.

Right now if it isn't hearthstone or HotS, they don't care.

And once Overwatch gets going...

Lost Vikings remake when?
Kaiser Wilhelm II claimed
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Teacher is young and relatable to students and u stead of tests, you do power point presentations and show up for class for attendence

Same with you. Wish I can play overwatch since it seems to be the hype

It's cool dude I get it

We know what he doing lolb thanks for the QOTT
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NekoMura (3).jpg
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I like this.

>cashier tries to pokerface too but starts to crack up as well
>old tturkfag says something in roach to us both, pays and bolts out of the store
Nice post. Well memed.

They will probably save that too as a trump for an emergency, kinda like square with FF7 remake. They keep putting LV references in all their games tho.
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QOTT: what 2 or 3 items would you get to scare the walmart cashier?

Ky jelly
Well I get you

Hi Chen :3
Oohhhhh kinky ;)

>shinoa bro
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with 2: rope and the book "how to tie a noose"
with 3: rope, duct tape and sleeping pills of course
If I had more than 3 I would probably say that my weekly purchase of 8 cans of peaches is enough to make most cashier confused
> not claiming Wilhelm I or Bismarck
>We know what he doing
Making a salad?

Most cashiers don't even look at what they ring up. Source: I was a cashier.

But I would buy
>kitchen knife
>mason jars
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kek, hopefully the cucumber doesn't snap while in use~
I wish I could play it too
childrens book, box of condoms and some bags of candy
Oh you know it
Especially with that cutie patoot waifu of yours

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Megumin is Megumine!
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Have some lewd feet, friend <3

>Lost Vikings on next gen
>for whatever reason they are in space
>must find Vikings spread throughout galaxy
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I wish I could get all handsy on them.

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Find yourself another waifu then
Thank you for the compliment but Im with bunny anon
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HomuMad (1).jpg
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>childrens book, box of condoms and some bags of candy
Bonus points if you are a retired old man.
You know damn well she's the best there is, I'm not settling for anyone else.
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I'm taken bruh
How are you my dear? I was told you said hello. I know we haven't talked much but I missed you!
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I'm right.jpg
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I'd take this post seriously if it had a face on it
>Bonus points if you are a retired old man.
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Good for you, so am I. What was the point of that.
I suppose it means dont bother me anymore? In which case I wont.
>so am I
By who?
You people act like im trying to get with you or some shit
If i wanted real life bs i wouldnt be here
Twas a joke dude.
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>checked and kek'd

Boy i just noticed I have 4800 IP
What champ should I unlock?
Been better. I don't know if you saw what happened these past few days, but I have been better.

Pretty sure you're the one misunderstanding here friend
I don't know what champs you have and neither most of the new champs. But since you like Velzok... what are your thoughts on Brand?
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Kyouko claimed.

How's everyone doing?
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? Dude we're just having a bit of fun with waifu anons and all. Am I missing something?
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KyoHomu (9).jpg
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Sup, trying to get bored so I can do productive stuff but thats too hard for me.
I haven't seen much, sadly. I hope whatever it was wasn't really all that bad..
I can say the same though, I've been better. I'unno what's up my mood has just been everywhere. It's like being on an emotional roller coster and I just can't understand what's up.
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I don't like velkoz in particular, I like all skillshot champs like lux ziggs and xerath because you can make ze plays with them. I consider velkoz pretty strong because of his true damage since we're in the tank meta. I never liked brand since he has that annoying passive and he doesn't seem to have range going for him either. I crush every brand I play against
I want to die. >>682456012
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Happy (1).jpg
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Morning Everyone!

Haruhi claimed.
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Good here dude. Just chilling atm you?
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Homura (3).jpg
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Ah I see, I like brand kit, low ranged mage with nice burst and a stun, kinda like Annie that was the first champ I mained.

If you're into skillshots the obvious choice for me is Nidalee, altho I don't know if she is any good currently, I stopped caring about her when they destroyed AD Nidalee.
So fucking bored.
Yeah, I wish I understood.
Life just has me down in a corner and won't stop kicking me
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Oh. Maybe you need a snickers?

Morning my dealing friend
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AP nidalee seems to be the way to go these days, two shot the adc with your spears lategame
I already have nidalle but I don't really like her anymore either
Maybe I should just be a fucking prick and unlock fizz
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Works only on computer but read some oglaf Web comics. Pretty funny
I need to see a doc and straighten up my life or some shit.
I've honestly had thoughts of.. Self harm or worse and it's not something I usually have so it frightens me. Like I honestly was at work the other day, my night job and i wanted to just sit in the middle of the main road and die.

thinking about it, its kinda funny
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You asked your 3D about it? How long have you been feeling like this?
Nah, not bad. Just drama. Stupid e-drama.

Sorry for slow replies, on mobile.

Keep your chin up. Can't see what's ahead of you if you are looking at the floor.
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Neautral (2).png
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Good morning friendo. How are you this lovely day?
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two dub dubs in a row

What about maybe renekton or nocturne or skarner? They look cool
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I already know what it is but I'm on mobile.
Psh shes impossible to talk to at times
I love her to bits but i dunno.
Its my own fault, i dont want her to worry so i made it a joke I guess
Its just that
Her life has been hard enough, she even got me through the other point in my life where i was like this and now I dont want her worrying
That's uh.. Pretty good advice actually.
I've never thought of it like that.
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Seriously dude, counselling is probably the way to go, both of you, I'd say.
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Homura (6).jpg
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AD nida was a really fun playstyle, your damage wasn't that crazy but you were tanky and could bait forever with cougar, pushing towers was easy with the attack speed from E.
But randomly hitting spears for 1/2 of the enemy hp is fun too I guess.

So you want something more bruiser-ish? I love skarner altho he never shined while I was playing, never played noc because I dislike jungling but I like his kit.
Renek was my biggest nightmare since I was Irelia main for most of my playtime, its such a counter its ridiculous.
Good thing I could just farm and ignore trades completely and pull my weight in teamfights. Do you have Irelia?
I really think part of it will be getting out of New York. Starting over, not drowning in overly expensive living costs and stuff..
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kagami (59).jpg
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kagami claimed!!
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It's best if you do talk to one. I dont want my licky licky bro like this

Feeling fine and grabbing some food. And as always, it's good to see you alive


Got a galaxy phone? There's a hidden game similar to it like floppy bird

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Hey there.
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Kagami~ what's up?
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kagami (24).jpg
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hi shinoa!!! how are you??
heeeey you, how are you doing galko??
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kagami (33).jpg
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not too much, just on lunch break for an hour....then i gotta do some more briefs....
I dont wanna be like this either.
Ive only been through a thing like this once before.. I made it through and swore it wouodnt happen again but im dying here.
Tired and bored.
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Well skarner has always consistently been good but overshadowed by others. His ult is pretty crazy if you ask me
No never played Irelia, she just never really appealed to me
I always beat her in lane despite not even knowing her kit so she wasn't that impressive
hella annoying stun though
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Seems like a ton of fun~
>protip: tell your officier he stinks~
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kagami (9).jpg
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sorry to hear that!!! did you stay up or somethin???
ohh its GREAT
>i would if i wanted to get destroyed kek
Sorry I can only offer kind words.

Pick yourself up and take this one step at a time.

Find the whole problem before working on it. You don't measure once and cut twice.
I woke up before my alarm this morning and I'm still going to be at work for another 4 hours.
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Let's see if I can get a last image claim
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Do I make new bread?
Her kit is fairly simple unless they changed something, usually you wouldn't want to get kills early game because she has a power spike mid game.
She is nice because you can build her tank or assassin. Her stun only works if her enemy current HP% is equal or higher than hers.
do it
Hopefully, it's not gonna be some dumbass briefing like "If you swim don't Drown" lol


yes pls <3

Fail but cute butt.

Would fuck.

thank you

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