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Waifu claiming thread. Slow thread edition The rules are very

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 192
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
Slow thread edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu/husbando
>talk to other waifu/husbandos
>Insert dead nap meme
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum for fuck's sake
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most importantly hf

Akiko Claimed
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kagami claimed
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Best mage claimed~

>Kagami and Akiko are toptier qt's
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Shiki claimed
She serves me well every day
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Homura (1).jpg
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Don't cry or I will cry too.
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Yesterday I watched the second season of "Gate: something something Rory is fucking gross" and I used to believe that Rory in general was the worst part of the anime until I saw the 12 year old girl that wanted to get fucked by a full grown japanese ambassador because he gave her a pearl necklace, I was crying, laughing, disgusted and confused. It was like my mind was a teenage white girl and the emotions were a bunch of 30 year old immigrants from different nationalities. At one point the ambassador had to let the girl be taken by the enemy because it was part of his job, but he decided to suddenly jump in and yell "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HER" this quote opened the way for a second wave of laughter, far stronger than the first. How can one get his "filthy" hands off of something that is already filthy to begin with? This laughter had no connection to happyness whatsoever as it was fueled by madness, madness in its purest form. I felt shackled at the bottom of the abyss. After he got her saved she ran towards him and they hugged very tightly and were but a hair away from sharing a passionate sensual kiss.

I never want to feel that way again.
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I'll be a good froggo I swear
Trying my best today
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kagami (57).jpg
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b-but if you cry, ill cry more...
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>serving you well
I don't believe you.
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Claiming the tiniest a a a a a that could, Aizawa Nagisa~

God damn I feel good today for once.

Hi ribbit.
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Welcome everyone, have a (You)

Get your 3D filth out of here
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Homura (3).jpg
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This is copy pasta material, nice job.

Did we just create an infinite loop? Make it stop.
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QOTT: Little annoyances you experience in daily life

Here's mine
>got to toilet
>sit down
>dick touches bowl
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at least after....we'll feel really good, okay...ill stop!!
>for now
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>Shizuru get!
>inb4 that edgy kid
>huurr hurr living
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doing dishes....especially after cooking
>yours is a close second though
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Thanks, Peaches.

Or you both become dessicated mummys.

Which would be a bad thing.
Dam what a skank
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you fucking shitcock you could at least say "I love you Dio please hold me" you uncivilised swine.

Thanks, I actually thought about writing this like an hour ago. I did my best to represent how I felt about the anime

>big dicks probem
would we at least be in the same coffin??
ohwait!!! hahahahah, was that was an amumu joke!!!
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Homura (14).jpg
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>wake up
>just five more minutes
>get up and do my morning routine
>it was just a dream, wake up
>just five more minutes

That was easy, but why were you crying?

>Or you both become dessicated mummys.
Im undead already.
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is it just me or is your shitposting getting worse.
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Guys if I ever go depress like that again please just take me out to pasture and 'let me pet the rabbits'
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oh sheesh....that's hell....i can't imagine a dream like that....
>n-no reason!!!
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>dick touches bowl
You must either have a [magnum dong] or a very small toilet.

But uh, for me it's probably taking out the trash just because the trash room at my apartment complex has fucking no ventilation, so it's like walking into a landfill.

gj u did it
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>be me
>got a radio for work
>huge alarm goes off
>hearth attack
>"this is the fire dept, what's your emergency?"
>I get ready for some action
>the person who called hangs up
This shit happens every week...
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Crypt. You put mummys into crypts.

Doesn't mean you can't get dehydrated.
You'd just look differently.
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I don't see any shitposting here, officer.
>doesnt even edit the mug
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oh!! would we be in the same crypt*
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Stress animals are good, and bunnies are especially adorable.

Yay me. How're you Aizawa?
Is that what you want me to call you by the way? Or would you prefer Barry? Or maybe something else? I can make something up!
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Happens a lot to me when I had some hours of sleep but am still tired.
>n-no reason!!!
I can't see why would a qt like you have any reason to cry either.

My new appearance would justify you getting spooked by me.
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Sure, these things are expensive.

Uh, probably.
your all weebs and its a bleak future for you

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get bent
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Homulily (1).jpg
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See ya later!

Am I still spooky?
In my defense I've been attempting to ask you what's been going on the last couple days but you never log onto discord anymore so

Hope you're doing alright though.

You can call me whatever you wish dear. Barry is what I go by most places on the internet, it's gotten to the point where if I hear someone say Barry irl I'll actually look up to respond and then remember it's not my real name, but honestly I'll answer to pretty much anything so uh yeah, whatever you want.
>and to answer your first question finally
I'm good! Surprisingly good, but that might be because I had breakfast this morning for once haha

so we agree partialy you are filth i am not though
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Well I'd say it's average but I haven't measured it exactly. I do live in Europe so maybe the toilets are different?
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Nice. Glad you're doing well.
I'll stick with Barry unless i think up something clever. Or at least something that makes me smirk.

Derrr what's a euphemism Pa? I don't get it.
Or a joke.
I-I just wanted to get to use that picture, I never do.. Sorry ;^;
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really name.png
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Oh look it's hats
>Of Mice and Men

What a boring read.
C.C. Claim

>tfw tinnitus
>all day every day
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It's all good.

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Sounds good to me! How're you?
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I'll never fail Dio again, I swear it.

But now I'm leaving so maybe I'll show my love for Dio later.
Listen here u
Im gona eat ya and ur gunna like it
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Tatsumaki (202).jpg
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I'm good. Pretty much just woke up.
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So here's a keed squirrel guys
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Oh god how do you keep carrying on like that? nothin that relieves it?
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Nuh uh, vore is a big fat no thank you.

Thank you tats

Nice, I wish I could have slept longer but I couldn't fall back asleep :/
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Never said vore~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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2 spookies at least

Hi Chen-chan!
How are you?
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That's lewd anon. To whom am I speaking to?
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Ah bummer. Think i only got like 7 hours of sleep but was feeling pretty good so i figured i'd roll out of bed anyways.
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>to whom am I speaking to

Yeah good fucking grammar there Barry, you did it kiddo
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Tatsumaki (50).png
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Nice digits.
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Yeah I got about 7, normally I like to get 8 or 9 but eh
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I drown it out with music, podcasts, ambient sounds and stuff like that.
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Getting spookied can be fun, do you like any spooky games?
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Note: Barry tilted by sexual advances, apparently.


Yeah me too. Can't say i don't like waking up early if my body will let me get away with it though. That's an hour more of shitposting! lol.
To frog you am whoming speak with
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>waking up at 6pm rattles
sachi claim
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hey, i'm just relaxing. how about you?
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Good morning(?) Sachii.
How're you?
>Rattle rattle
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How's everyone doin?
Something new? Little bit of spoof/goof?

Best Ass Game Waifu Claimed
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I am deaf in one ear so for me it's like I'm always wearing headphones in one ear. Luckely no ring. So how'd your ears get fucked?
Aqua <3
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Heyy how are you doin my friend?<3
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Tatsumaki (49).png
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We're like a collection of half cripples in here.
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Claiming starbucks siren
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bloody hell.png
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C2 butt is bigger than my screen in that pic.
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>my butt senses are tingling
Hey aqua how are you?
>welcome back kiss
Good, good. How are you?
Claiming the Rikka

love you all <3
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Oh, there was no images so I was confuse

Well if it's you then I'm fine with it I suppose >.>

Not tilted, so long as it's someone I know. Which it is so I'm good now

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It's just been like that since I was little. I don't remember if anything triggered it or if I was just born with it.
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Hm, a few, I guess. Depends on how you define spooky, too. Some games are spooky only in part.

Hello Tatsumaki! Nice to see you, too! :^)
Been kinda busy lately..


Doing well, busy with the usual things, chat, drawing, KanColle event.
Also eating right now (thanks again, Kyoko).
They stopped bullying you, I hope?
I love you too.
Let me show you.. Privately.
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Pretty much all of /b/ is half crippled in some way
Living tends to do that to you

Interesting claim
I actually want to see more art of this
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Shredded m8.png
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Always there for you Akiko!
Doin great what about you?

>Kiss back at you
Doin fine! Ive just finish my finals! THANKS GOD ITS OVER

Heyy my booty friend wassup?
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really tired but other than that good, just gonna make some dinner
that gif though
Let us make love to celebrate
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Tatsumaki (27).png
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I've been better. Kinda busy is all.

Well, my right eye is blind, so I have that.
I was thinking survival stuff, Silent Hill or even Amnesia. But pretty much any game with a heavy and dark ambience can be spooky.

Are tou trying to kill me with this post?
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Going good
Was supposed to prototype my game today but overslept and didn't get to it, went to sthe store for sweet stuff and that's pretty much it. Kinda hungry now
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1 MB, 1755x2048
Not a lot, sitting at computer trying to figure out what to do today. You?
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Uh..nah no no Im good im good
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Basically there's just different tiers of cripple.
From elite cripple to, well, cripple.
>Hugs you from behind and nibbles your ear
You know you love it Rikka~
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You like it don't ya?
Don't tell me you're more the titties type!?

You're always quick on theses type of things kek

Sweet! Are you going to prototype it tomorrow? What did you bought?

Ive just finish my finals I can finally relax a little bit! Are you a gamer or more the type of dude who goes outside?
I wanna go home and play battleborn
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chen victory.jpg
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im glad youre having fun
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Dinner! Anything good?

Can you blame me with that ass?
>Slides your panties down and rubs your ass
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Then do it my dude. Also hey should I get telegram since Discord doesn't really seem to be an option anymore?
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I...I dont like this!

Come plat the Overwatch beta with me Ms. Frog!
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Tatsumaki (404).jpg
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What's an outside?
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What? How am I triggering you now?

Why are you asking, though?
I like it but I don't play a lot of games on the whole.


How but would you say it is without depth perception?
I have none on paper but it's BS.
Is it an acquired condition?
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>tfw every girl is now 2D

I'm just happy I'm okay mentally. I can't imagin how boring your life must be. What if those people are just locked up inside their head? Makes me shiver every time I see someone like that

Probably still gonna do it later since I have to show the guys something tomorrow
Just a super quick version crafted from paper and cardboard. Prototypes really just gotta illustrate how your mechanics are supposed to work and should be disposable
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Hi everyone
I preordered but never bothered to get my early access codes, plus Im playing on PS4.
And forget that anon, Im here to tongue ya~~
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Hey, how's it going?

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Too lewd!
Hey I am playing on PS4 too!

Oh god its the tongue again! know I cant resist it..
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Homura (35).jpg
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>What? How am I triggering you now?
Im surprised you still have to ask this, but don't mind it, it's fine.
>Why are you asking, though?
Why not? I enjoy talking with you and feel like playing a spooky game or something.
>I like it but I don't play a lot of games on the whole.
Any recommendation?
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You're right its really not my faut!
>Simply enjoy~

kekety kekk you're right I don't even know where that came from!

Woahh!! If you're done with your prototype today feel free to post them here id love to see!

Its not my faut.. are you jelly?

HEYY BOOTY GANG how are you doin?
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Hurray! I'm not dead!
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Tatsumaki (33).png
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I'm used to it.

I had a car accident 9 years ago, left me with not-so-smoothly working eye, obviously.

I had to get 3 surgeries done, just so it wouldn't look like a bunch of excess chicken fat. And I still have no eyesight on it whatsoever.

>Tongue wiggle
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>Presses hand against your ass, rubbing your pussy with fingertips
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im more into tits but im not complaining that's good too
nah im just gonna have a burger and chips
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finger is kill.jpg
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What is your PSN?

holy shiet
Ah, not bad.
Thinking about food has made me hungry, i'l be back shortly.
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How do you know you're okay mentally?
Not saying you are mentally ill, but these things can be insidious.
That can make things worse or better.
If you don't realize you're potato or batshit insane then, well, it shouldn't bother you much.

Thanks, Chen! <3

Well, if you havn't played L4D2 that's an obvious choice, we can play that together, too.
I don't have any sort of list of spooky games in my head.
Oh, well, except Dwarf Fortress maybe, but it's not spooky in the conventional sense.
Also extremely cumbersome to get into.

I see. I imagine it's not easy. My 'broken' depth perception already is an impediment, supposedly, but not too noticeable unless stuff gets close to your face.
Had it been from birth there would be no discomfort, obviously.
Do you have a nice scar over one eye, at least?
>and an eyepatch?
tl;dr that sucks.
No get well soon either.
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>Starting to feel a little bit dizzy..never felt this good in a long time. Pushing you closer to me~

Its nice to see everyone enjoying different part!
Glad you're not complaining tho kek

I know right im starting to be a little bit scared..Wanna help me?
I think i'm crippled aswell
half of my brain is dead
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>Grins and spreads you open, sliding a finger inside
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Tatsumaki (77).jpg
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There's some scar tissue there, that's for sure.

No eyepatch though. Disappointing, I know.
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Homura (34).jpg
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>Well, if you havn't played L4D2 that's an obvious choice, we can play that together, too.
But I would have to buy L4D to play it on multiplayer right? I never played it myself but know how stuff works.
>I don't have any sort of list of spooky games in my head.
Did you play any SH? What was your favourite?
>Dwarf Fortress
You're sneaking every opportunity to promote that game... Im starting to feel bad for not having tried it yet. What do you mean by cumbersome to get into? Its hard to start enjoying or understanding the mechanics?

And I get triggered because I want hearts too and everyone else wins them easily, then I qq and you will just say I was about to win one but ruined it and you never deliver.
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Not too bad.gif
1 MB, 500x281
Take that as a yes?

>Starting to moan
>Show me how much you like me~
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No that was definitely a no
I'm pro this right now.
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Alright awesome I added you!
I can do that
>Moves my hands to you hips and pulls you back a little, the head of my cock spreading your pussy lips
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>this thread
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Where you @.png
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You're just leaving me dare you my friend

If you're pro this you'll have to participate

Are you sure its in?!?
>Trying to figure out if its a bad joke or only a little penis
File: Tatsumaki (7).png (160 KB, 427x427) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (7).png
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I agree. This is not an ERP thread.
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Scary, isn't it?
Oh hush you~
>grabs your hair with one hand and slams my cock into you fully
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Tatsumaki (21).jpg
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Oh yeah, Yuuko's not b&.
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What is going on here.
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>Bearded, but also agreeing

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People didn't read the rules and made it a full on ERP thread
Gotchu fam.
Used my psn app whut whuuut.
stopp being mad fafgggot
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1 MB, 500x281
Kek a little
>Starting to feel insulted..
Not too sure it is was a good idea
>Push you on the ground and leave

kek im sry! Didn't thought it will get out of hands
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Well, going for a ride guys~

>remember kids, if you have difficulties in life: Just blow them up!
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Tatsumaki (20).jpg
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>"I'm being a fag and nobody can stop me"
HEY megumin!
Good ride and i'll blow everything up don't worry
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Never too late.
You have a seafarer ancestry to live out, as well.

Well, you can play the cracked game over Hamachi and the like, but it's not recommended.
You can grab it on a Steam sale or I buy an extra copy or whatever.

I played the first (or second?) SH only, I think.
Also the older RE titles and such.

And Dwarf Fortress, well, it might be the most complex game ever.
It defies language.
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That would require not using paint, probably.
That sounds less fun. Half the point is to be bad.
What did he mean by this
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>implying anyone gives a shit about the rules anyway
I don't mind but it gets boring for the others when there's nothing else going on
>pushed back
>tumbles down conveniently placed set of stairs
>bones breaking and yelps of pain
>lay on floor dying
>think to self
>all because i wanted to stick my e-peen into that waifu with the nice ass
>got it in for .3 seconds though
Paint can't into transparency, but GIMP can. And it is free. And you can still have your paint quality.
Pretty sure i have photoshop on my comp somewhere. That's not important though.
You are easily identified by the names of the images you post,I've been watching you for a while now.

Passed week or so.

Your mannerisms are begging to change.

> maybe you've noticed it too

Has something happened to Miss kaname?
rip ERP guy
RIP in piece
Aw sick, were good ms frog! <3

new bread? I just made the last one

Didn't die a virgin.

>I actually care I love this community and I don't want to trash it up like the rest of /b/ (/b/ was different 2years ago)
I totally agree with you

Fking kek m8! Got me laughing
>Since this day I never met the weird guy with the little penis...

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