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Battlestation thread? battlestation thread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 279
Thread images: 77
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Battlestation thread? battlestation thread
Clean up your cables animal
wtf niggers? Show your shitty ass PC damn

>led lights everywhere

i remember when i was 14
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2016-04-26 16.40.05.jpg
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Bruh that microwave is fresh. Is that a GE?
Im 21 and I still think that shits cool as fuck. Though I would probably stick with blue/purple since having a bunch of random colors just sucks
Yiff for me??
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Here's mine.

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That's your GF? Damn!
10/10 fleshlite mount

100% virgins room.
i only yiff for one person
nah dude thats me
You use to yiff for all of us ;_;
i never did, i post pics
but no yiff
Those pics kept me up at night anon... You are so beautiful...
Show tits!
How fucking new are you?
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living da dreams.jpg
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Chillin' in bed

Rate mine /b/ros!
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ty anon
well here's my dick instead
this is shit
wtf yiff is an act? i thought it was just a term for people into furry porn. wtf is the act of yiff.
as faggy as you are
Pretty much furry sex.
man i don't even know I'm not cringe enough to know the specifics
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Well, so fucking disappointed
got kik/sc? ;o
Post yours faggot
Every got damn time.. Your always on these threads.
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tok a new pic a couple of days ago. dont show my awesome chair, but the pic is cool.
not bad, what keyboard and mouse do you have?
Also, best meguca?
not a trap
just a cute boy
stop making them when i have free time then
That fucking background. Kill yourself when you get the chance.
steelseries 6gv2 i think... and a shitty logitech mouse my dad gave me
That reflection would drive me nuts.
post more pics? :))

>>682285556 meant for >>682285385
what do you wana see?
Am i weird if i've seen your battlestation mutiple times

Hey anon, you the one with the thinkpad right? Could i see more of it? I think it looks beautiful as fuck, like you are
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why. I play elite and I found it fitting. It is spacey.
but if you are that jelly her you go :-)
Your hair
Based g27
i want to see your ass
Get the fuck out of /g/
your ass - and something in it.
Nice vapes brah
Every thread like this its like a loneliness exibition...
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I don't think cox has a gf.

Is Elite worth it? I'm still unsure if it runs on my system. How is the long-term motivation?
Definitely should work on getting a better mouse.
Do you use the TV when gaming, or just when you lie in bed?
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sure here is a thinkpad pic
i have a bf
gf's are for fucking normies
I hope someone kills your trap ass one day. Beating would be nice, but if you get a shot gun to the face that would be ok.
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Not weird at all, I always throw it up when I see these threads.
The reflection isn't that bad actually. You don't notice it when you're staring at the screen. It doesn't help that the monitor is so long either. This desk is fucking shit though and I hate it just because the glass top won't stay clean.
Any pics of you 2 fucking?
better lighting and bend down please
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..its ok
Both, only when I lying in bed though. You can't see shit when sitting too close to a big TV
This is now a cringe thread
is that a pexon cables cable?
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I already know that as you stated that in another thread.

I had one by myself, Elf-Satya, he is the only reason why I'm doing this whole thing. Let's see if the divine sphere can reunite us.
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not yet
here is better lighting
pics aren't current tho
Don't tell me your wearing your socks in public

Damn..thankyou anon.. thinkpads are beautiful..i kind of missed my one..its up for repairs now..lcd broke
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Elite is nice. Im not some big shot. Me and my friends just hunts bounty together. no motivation its just something to do while we talk shit on Team Speak. maybe a little motivation, like getting a new ship so i can go exploring.

pic my older set-up i got rid of the joystick. I was not getting any better. but if you can do it the advantage is there
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get a new router holy shit
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i want to fuck you so badly
looks like trap to me
I can't wait until some kills you for be a trap. ha ha it will be painful
That's the best one you can get on this third world shithole
Everyone drops their load for their battlestation, but no one seems to value the most important part of any battlestation....

The command chair!
and a good battlestation must utilize the Stressless.
more pls...
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yea it is
ofc not nigga
get another
they are cheap as fuck
well i don't pretend im a girl so not a trap. just a cute boy.
shut up faggot

What keyboard do you use? The cable looks cool
For Fedrelandet!
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the arena
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durr look at me, i'm trying to act as adult as I can just to look down on people who aren't afraid to pick their own actual taste.

you are a sheep, and your life must be boring as a sheeps.
Are you at 335 light yet?
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KBT pure with miami keycaps
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for konge fedreland og flaggets heder
flott og se andre normen
This is like the South Park episode. Where's the shit pan?
Are those chairs actually worth it?
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mine, still finishing it today, added more surface areas yesterday and did first coat of plastic coat
im thinking about getting one myself since its seems like no motherfuckers in the world make braided micro usb cables
Get the fuck out
I think you need another pointing device. Two is not enough.
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Rate me
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stay mad :^)
yea you could do
its easy to do yourself too though. but yea pexon make awesome cables if you don't mind paying
this is my board
you get the fuck out
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>DDR3 800MHz
>being this 2008
Less leds, less cringey

7/10 without leds
Pointing devices > seating
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actually I have a brand new wireless mouse, and new 30 inch monitor in boxes put away because I am moving soon, going to get a real keyboard
here it is with first coat, when its done I have leds to wire in under all the major surfaces
Looks pretty good. Just ur gpu and maybe that ram needs a upgrade
i have the same chair yo
>not knowing speccy shows dual channel ram at half speed
>being this new
I have the same audio interface

Well i might buy another, they are the most reliable netbooks out there aint it?
>800 * 2 = 1600
>still poor
speccy is retarded with ram

they are
get one. paid like 70 for mine + 30 for ssd
im not the owner of the station. just telling you how retarded you are
but anyway being poor is better than being retarded
MFW my machine is a pentium 4
>still caring about ram speed

nigger, there are something called SSD
you're on /b/ fucktard

Hmm..ill think about the ssd, poorfag is poorfag
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because fuck you
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yea well fuck you and your autistic horses and bad station
how does it feel to have never had friends?
Just end your life
>Intel Core i7 3.6 ghz
Glad you wasted your money getting something you don't need
How much was your pc & specs?
says the furfag degenerate

>obvious sarcasm

Not getting it.
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yeah, this is gay.
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LEDs are nice especially in a windowed case, why would you put your PC on your desk when the inside doesn't look nice?

My PC is WIP, will have a custom loop until the 1080Ti and Mass Effect Andromeda arrives.

>960 on 3 screens
Why? If you can't OC get a Xeon.
>Not knowing double data rate RAM
RAM speed is actually useful, less in games but more when you compress and uncompress files a lot. Also the price difference is 10 € in average.
>Autistic horses
>Having autistic furries on the screen
get rid of ugly $10 sword thing.
Threads like this make me glad I have a Mac.

Your build your own faggot PCs are truly ugly as all living fuck
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>LEDs are nice especially in a windowed case
The mouse is fine
Will be changing 960 for 980ti
I do not need to OC
what an ugly monitor
But then you wasted money, the Xeon is 100 € cheaper and performs the same.

Why a 980Ti, they're outdated. Or are you looking for a cheap used one? I saw them for 400 € already.
I just thought a 980ti would be more than I needed for 3x monitors, I was going to buy new.
What card would you recommend?
1080 or 1070 depending on what they cost
1080 will have similar or more performance than the 980Ti with less consumption
But its rumored they are more expensive, 1080 will also feature faster memory
You can look into the coming AMD cards, I would buy the card with best price/performance ratio
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>bright blue LEDs in view of your monitors

your eyes must hate you
sup herman miller anon

>LEDs are nice especially in a windowed case
>windows case

And back to being 14 again.

Listen, humans age a lot like cats. When we're older (generally speaking, inb4 58 year old edgelord), we like things less stimulating and more peaceful. Less noise. Less lights. Less shit going on in general. And that doesn't mean that like LEDs as a youngster is wrong. But it doesn't change the fact that, like obnoxiously thumpy music in cars, it is 90% youths doing it.

I have electrical tape over all the god damn LEDs in my room. I can't sleep when I have LEDs coming from phone charger plugs, TVs in standby, stereos in standby, alarm clocks with unnecessary LEDs, motion detector light switches with LEDs, smoke detector with an LED .... honestly, enough is enough.

If I want to watch a move on my computer without 5 dozen LEDs coming from all direction, then that's what I'm going to do. LEDs are completely obnoxious these day. They maybe have been cool 20 years ago, but so was AOL. This shit needs to go away. It's just light pollution that distracts you from focusing.
>future hoarder
Some of those remind me of LOTD zombies
Anyone here knows the LOTD official game?
alright thanks
Only a PC fag would actually incorporate LED lights into their computer

You faggots are truly disgusting, idiotic, and have the taste of 5 year olds. Fuck you
>PC in the kitchen
>no double monitor
>no elbow room thanks to the steering wheel
>worst mechanical keyboard you can buy (i'm using it too)
>no razer naga, but i guess if you're only into racing games you don't need one
>worst fucking chair ever, hello back problems (i'm using it too)
>random connected CD drive
>clean the fuck up
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Mass relay.gif
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For you, but you can not speak in general. This remembered me of the times when my father was visiting me and slept in my room when I was 14, I always needed to turn off my aquariums pumps because he couldn't sleep when they're on. I myself never noticed them running.

Also my PC is meant to resemble a Mass relay.
>Inb4 Gaymer
This game is the only reason why I build this station, otherwise I would still sit here with my noisy and slow 2007 Phenom machine.
Where did you get money for all this expensive fancy shit? Are you all pimps or what?
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Actual station is the laptop. Dirty as hell, but computing the couch trumps all.
Computing what?
This sock is about to get fucked.
Your ass sore, faggot?

I know you take cock in your ass
What are you keeping there? Snek, dendrobates?
>For you, but you can not speak in general.

Anyone can speak in general when their opinion is shared by the majority. The majority of adults hate LEDs all over the fucking place, thumpy music in cars, and all the normal shit that teenagers get up to.

Damn right, I'm speaking in general.
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Embracing eternity.jpg
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Yes, but only Satya's cock.
pasta elsewhere nigger
Maybe, but most of the people here are 18-25. You're just an old fuck. What are you doing here?

Guy with sock here.
It's a dog toy. It had its arms and legs chewed off. Not shown: Missing eyes and squeaker.

Great Basic Gopher Snake in the bottom, Crested Geckos up top.
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>using TV as a monitor
When will people stop this meme?
I know I need to clean

Oh. Thought you about to fap.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Everything from ecchi to database administration for work. Just whatever. You can only do so much on the TV because of resolution and being 15' away. Stuff gets WAY too small. So you have to lower the resolution to make it bigger. You can only do that so much before the interface gets so warped it's hard to function. Mostly small text. Games are fine. Web is fine. But spreadsheats? I just unplug the HDMI cable and bring the laptop to the couch.
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980ti X 2 6700k glass case?
Aren't you doing it yourself? And do you live on the floor?

Did I ever say I was speaking for everyone here? I very specifically said I was speaking for adults in the original post. Reading comprehension, mother fucker. Stop jerking off with your LED Fleshlight, and go to school.
you'd better return to using kali linux faggot, now fuck off
You're also a faggot, but that's besides the point
>>using TV as a monitor
>When will people stop this meme?

Instead of using 5 monitors stacked on top of each other, like you, they use one giant screen with no dividers all over it. Sounds to me like someone is doing it better than you.

I want your phone. I fucking love landlines. So clear and crisp
im 25, and my dad is 66, we both like the clean look of a properly lit computer. not that "drown everything with led light all day' look, but a few led's to show off the parts put into it.
do you not love your rig anon? do you just expect her to sit in the dark alone?
>980ti X 2 6700k glass case

And a 75 cent trash can. Get a nice trash can, faggot. No one wants to see that.
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ugly windows fags

You're disgusting
Honestly this is fucking gnarly. 9/10
>clean look of a properly lit computer.


A properly lit computer has 2 LEDs. One for hard drive activity, and one for power. Also accepted: Optical drive activity LEDs, card reader LEDs.

Giant fucking red and blue glows coming from every hole in your computer is not "properly lit" ... it serves no purpose, so there s nothing "proper" about it.
What is sysadmin?
if only. Sadly all the trap threads have yet to work.

I work from home. I could work off my cell but yeah I like the line line better. Avaya also has a softphone so I can make calls from my work laptop with a headset if I'm not at home.

I like this, because it is macfags in a nutshel. They stage their entire desk to look as cool as possible, but it has zero functionality. Every picture in this thread that has desk clutter all over the place? All that clutter has a purpose. You can tell the person is getting shit done. Your desk? It's a display case, not a work area. I bet you fucking love LEDs, too, right?
Nice wallpapers. Where did you buy them? They look exactly like ones from the fancy mansion from UMINEKO NO NAKU KORO NI.
>dismissing the cooling/performance/efficiency improving effects LED's have
Just google it moron.
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>All that clutter has a purpose.

There aren't any excuse for a clutter on the desk.
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I tried making a setup without a desk lmao
all that expensive equipment and you still have a shitty 30 dollar microwave with knobs on it.

>durr look at me

You can't deny that a PC with LED's everywhere is the hallmark of a "my first build".

Almost everyone chooses a sleeker, more conservative look for future builds.
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>a few led's to show off the parts put into it.

>my PC is meant to resemble a Mass relay.

>LEDs improve efficiency
>spending more than $30 on the microwave
how do you like your lenovo, I just ordered one specifically for coding
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let me succ
more dick

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looks way better than any desk here fag.

I'm not sure what else matters?
whats that keyboard?
>30 dollar microwave with knobs on it.

Let me tell you kids something ... an appliance with knobs on it trumps all the little digital push-button panels you have. Did you ever see one of the receivers at your grandfather's house? The sleek, silver all-metal receive with backlit mechanical dials and heavy metal knobs that turn like they're on an axis of grease? THAT is fucking awesome. All these little zero-feedback pushbutton panels you guys have today suck balls.

Another example - and this is more modern - stoves/ovens. I recently renovated my kitchen, and I paid $2000 for a stove JUST because it had knobs. It was a professional grade stove, obviously, because it had knobs. All the cheaper stoves had these little push button panels.

Even kids know how easy it is to turn a burner to medium. What? Half a turn, and 0.5 seconds. Now try it with the push-button stoves. You have to turn the burner on, then hold down the button while it goes to medium. It takes about 10 seconds, and you have to focus or it will overshoot the number.

Fuck you asshole and your everything-must-be-flat obsessions. It will all go to hell just like Stainless Steel appliances are now. All the sudden, people realize that steel with tiny grooves in it is a fucking bitch to clean. Now they're going out of style. Same damn thing. People can't leave well enough alone.

I wouldn’t game on it. I use it as my work computer and it has performed perfectly in that regard. Super light and compact, decently durable too considering all the places I've dragged it to
>looks way better than any desk here fag.
>I'm not sure what else matters?

Macfag spotted. I mean, literally. Looks are the only thing that matters? Do you hear yourself?
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Screens blew out the exposure but I can upload the wallpaper
yea but crab guy, you are pathetic. and cannot insult my furries. because you are twice as autistic as any furry i know.
pasta? nah my station is just the best
pls dont
Get something better than shitty edifier sound system bro. try Creative's T50.
Looks like Corsair K70
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its the k65 since its missing the numpad

I have over 1000 wallpapers and this was already one of them
its all about whos got the smallest dick and needs to compensate the most.

Uh.... how about getting a fucking car? Seriously, pc games are good because you can do things you can't do in real life, but driving you can.
oh look at me, watching house of cards on my overpriced ipad while i have a macshit to watch it on.
>tfw can't even play proper vidya.
i don't think people buy wheels so they can simulate driving an affordable car at the speed limit.

And I do have cars, 2 cars
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There's always one of you dumb cunts that post this stupid fucking picture in every one of these threads.
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My Battlestation: Law Enforcement Edition
its ikea/10 but i really like it.
get rid of that weird sword tho.
Shit! timestamp?

Sorry, not at work right now, so can't do a timestamp on it. That's from a few weeks ago, though.
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i use a 50 inch and i love it
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get outta here fuckin pig
Man that's a shit battlestation thread.
Track my IP fagger
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Vape Nash Yall
Rate pls
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please love me
yea sorry i cant timestamp right now im too busy posting this on reddit 7 months ago
What branch?
Awesome setup dude. Alliance or horde?
Where is the weebs? I only see furfags and ponyfags in this thread
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This mouse would fit perfectly
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Someone's used my picture then and claimed it as their own. Here's another picture I took a little while further back, around Christmas.
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Nice Herman Miller chair. I was hoping to inherit my grandmothers once she passed, but sadly I did not.

I would feel right at home in this office setup. Good job on having good taste.
Years worth supply of cereal or rice.
No shit, why wouldn't you buy a mustang or a camaro?
I bet you took the time to set all of that shit up just to take this picture, didn't you?
My shi.
>> -1 fuck
is that chair actually comfy, the leather on my office style one is shredded and I need a replacement
Do you work for Jurassic Park?
I a genuine Asperger, did you know? But are all autistic, otherwise we wouldn't post pictures of your computers on this board and have a real life.
You'd think so with the food on my desk, but no - a PD.
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>using the samsung wireless charger.
the single greatest peripheral ever designed for cell phones.
dude, i'm 36, i'm just giving you shit, calm down grandpa.
unlike a soft seating "comfy" chair that gives back pain this is more sturdy and stiff seating that fits me like a glove
Is that an Ikea desk? I like it.
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Bla bla bla furry faggot whatever.
Oops... you're gay!
Whats great is I got it for free.
GF upgraded her phone and even though she doesn’t have a Samsung phone the dude tossed it on for me.
i like the skunk one. The other one not so much
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NICE. I got mine form some dude in china on amazon for 15 bucks.
>nb4 it's not legit.
It is legit. Labels, serial numbers, etc.

I love coming home and just dropping my phone on it and not having fucking cords all all over the place.
bla bla bla furry faggot
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The other one is not done. I'm still working on it. Doing the finishing touches this month. Supposed to have dreads and shit, but I didn't stencil that shit out yet though.
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my shitposting machine
still I think the hunchback posture kinda ruins it. Skunk one glowing in the dark is p dope though
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I'm bored, so sure.
>still owning a blacklight.
please don't tell me you're an adult in at least their 20s.
I like the figures even though starwars is gay.

I have a painted tile, a thumb piano, and a bioshock figure on the shelf above my battlestation. Gf also has a crapload of pop figures up there too.
What speakers ?
Yeah I have an s6 edge and the camera isn’t flush so when I put the phone on it's a bit off center which can drive me buggy
>razer orbweaver
nice. I have the Tartarus. I really had no need for 5 more buttons for that price.
Source for the wall, plz?
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i have the same phone. Just get a case for it. I have this case and it's perfect.
Thank you, bro!
still charges through the case?
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the monitor is my second monitor, I had to unplug it to be able to take a webcam picture with my laptop.

I live in filth and I am poor.
yup. It's a classy looking case too, I get compliments all the time.

And don't worry about it not fitting well and tight because of the edge screen. This bastard is SO hard to take off. I was very surprised.
Cool, which bioshock fig? About SW, i grew up liking it's probably too late to just leave it behind.
That lava planet predator was actually a gift from my gf.
Nice I'll pick that up, thanks man.
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no prob.

It doesn't make the phone too clunky and it doesn't weight a metric tone, like lots of other cases. I go it cause the back of the phone is so slick, I would slip off my lap and things. Just remember it's ONLY sold at best buy though. They should have some in the store too if you don't want to go online.
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Coolest xenomorph I've seen was a cobra one.
wow, what country are you from?
United States.
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