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One does not see a cringe/embarrassing thread, so lets get this

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 128
One does not see a cringe/embarrassing thread, so lets get this shit going!!
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Dumping shit.
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Maybe we should shoot them with a gun
See how they feel
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I still wonder what she said after.
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Gassing is more efficient.

Also this is the last I have. Anyone else?
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This is OC that I saw from my facebook wall
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Apex is a faggot.
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I refuse to accept this as a reality.
this was in walmart
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I'm dying to see the rest of this convo
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2 for 1

cringe and lol
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The sad bit is that those guys probably do think she's hot.
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call me shallow but she's fucking disgusting. How anyone can like that sexually is beyond me. Same with all these idiots on here who start fucking chubby threads. It's sick
Nah. They probably think they deserve at least 8/10s. Even if not they at least have some standards. Just not dignity.
Jesus fuck. Is this what it's like to literally can't even?
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The whole *does this* *does that* thing gets me every time. Would cringe again/10
That was hard to get through
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OMG Shakespeare.jpg
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I don't see the cringe here, her daughter is not forced to be agirl, that's so ableist. What if she will chose to be a nonbinary agender demisexual trumpetkin?
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Did you hear about the teenager who had autism?
He had autism.
whats wrong here
Next up, in "things that never happened", episode 783
Story please
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this aint no ylyl m8
this guy can't be serious...
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faggiest voice.jpg
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Not so much of a cringe but an owned.
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This triggers me
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keeping this bread alive
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Well, OP is a really good roommate. Turning gay for his roomie is pure love.
I enjoy heavily.modded minecraft as a way to get my mind off of things while collecting ridiculous amounts of squares but this makes me sad. This is just...I shake my head.
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dude no.jpg
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1. Those aren't dreads
2. Dreads weren't "invented" by black people
3. Sweet Jesus she is ugly
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me and katey.jpg
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Lost at trumpetkin. Doot doot
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dat leg shop lol
This isn't cringe.
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He would be called Jimmy wouldn't he
Thumbnail looks like Pocahontas... or am I still asleep
I don't think he knows what twerkin is
This belongs in YLYL and cringe
No, you're just a spasticapped cunt.
Someone didn't go to school
I dont see it
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I have OC, my buddies ex.
quads get
Kek, the cringe level is off the charts, how is he even alive with that level of autism
You really need to show the picture of the papa johns to show off the cringe jackass
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serious gamers.jpg
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Dunno why but i actually feel bad for her.
What, no phone number?
>$15 an hour
*Still waiting patiently*
Old age is not cringe...
snapped leg kek
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Some autist here actually uses a username

and uses retarded 6 yr old pics
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
stuff that never happened
The fucking roof is caving under his fat arse, holy Jaysus..
Maximum cringe level achieved
>6 yr old pics
>posted in 2016 - 6

I hope you're kidding, you gargantuan faggot
>Not Playing the Guild Wars 1
>See how they feel
sad i would guess
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2010 fag
i wish that wasn't censored, i'd love to read more of this supreme gentleman's antics.
It was posted in 2010, six years ago. Pic wasn't six years old in 2010

You're correct, the first recorded use of that pic seems to be in 2003, so 7 years old.
Dub dub trips checked
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Lost to the keep calm and keep trying
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I bet you are quite the catch yourself. People like what they like, just move on if you dont like it.
Ey dude I was in this thread when it happened
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Shes trying to hide her age behind all that shit. Looks goofy, but something about seeing old folks longing to look young hits me right at home too.
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idk the cringe that's hot.
i know her, wasn't a beat up..
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two personalities.jpg
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Such massive faggotry
Now bring more niggers from africa to complete the job.
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ZOMMMMGGG A LIGHTER dudes watch out this guy is confirmed le psycopathic killer
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>that spider tattoo

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Couldn't find my headphones so I flew into an autistic rage.
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u jelly?
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they are both retards!!!

dont get me wrong, i adore and respect that some soldiers actually see that they are sacrificing themselves for the better good but we all know the army is just a big corp and doesnt give a shit about aftercare.

emos.... they just need better parents/areas/influencies and a smack around the earhole.

emo live in a world of self torture, soldiers torture the world.

same shit to me but jeeze this made me feel so uncomfortable readin that
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He was at his computer the second she posted that status, read her message and typed up that long of a response in ~3 minutes?

Me in 20 years.
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The one on the right looks like she's thinking, yeah, that's right, you're a fuckin' girl, we own your ass.
>> cringe central
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more emo dad please
She has no tits!
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>no tits

anon pls...
Just fucking kill me already.

>46 years old
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Don't fukn label me
It looks like he's trying to take a shit.
That's actually really sad
Sje does their just hanging lower than my self worth.
That's not the type of cringe I came here for
Couldn't find my headphones, which is unrelated to the fact my mirror selfie shows a newly cracked mirror.
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He looks like that ghost from the first Scooby Doo film
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how is this cringe/embarassing? nice bait
Just what is going on here?
Why do you hurt me this way?
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i feel so triggered
wow, even a 3yo can break a mirror.
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He's on a never ending quest to save his boyfriend.
how is this cringe?
because guys love bulimic anorexic chicks.
Does that bitch weight like 70lbs? she severely needs to eat
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i feel like anyones dick would break this bitch in half
he almost had a good thing in the beginning but she saw true nature of it and left
random shitpost
This isn't meant to be a rage thread.
nice b8 m8
hes to old to want viral attention,

certified heartwarming
I was the one who took the picture. All he went on about was pissing newfags off on B
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text me.png
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deleting browser history. just in case someone find this gore pic
wtf 15 USD. I can go to hookers in my country for 15 $
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Lost hard at trumpetkin
Her mom put her boobs on backward
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>call me shallow but she's fucking disgusting. How anyone can like that sexually is beyond me. Same with all these idiots on here who start fucking chubby threads. It's sick
Skinny women all look the same. If you have seen one, you have seen them all. Chubby women all look different.
I wish I didn't know what it is.
If everyone could experience love like that.
Daamn Daniel.
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Fuck... This hurts
I'm trying to not cringe
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eh, they cant help that theyre ugly
Chicken nuggers
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how the fuck did she get in?!!
>are you all alright
>no you are all left
I wonder how far from her lard-filled core the event horizon is.
But thats alfa as fuck
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Queen of Feminism.png
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when cleverbot even hates you
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what is satire
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Drifting further and further from God's light
>holy fucking shit dude
always gets me
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All the newfags thinking there is no cringe
plot twist: she actually meant colon
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thats really brolly
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top fucking kek
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>I'm actually carrying a foal?
>them make me abort it if so
>I'm pro life 100%
>even if it's a horse
>if you live in Arkansas

and you wonder why the rest of the world points and laughs
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How fucking slowly do you type, nigger? I'm not saying it's real, but really? That's your argument?
He looks like a psycho in both pics lmao
based willfred

Holy shit
Deformed ass?
That's pretty bonerific.

Deformed pents
nice quints
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Saddest thing I've seen all day, and the bitch who took the picture looks like she's almost laughing

hold my hand im witnessing quints
all i see is a cell phone camera stickng out of his pocket ?
when you marry a trap
well he is right
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she's a teen with a teen body, guys like youthful women, virgins or just women who are in shape and will not turn into a blob after marrige, this is far from ana
Found the fatty
Yes. People do not know what anorexia fucking looks like. Is she on the low on her healthy BMI? Probably, but don't worry, she'll be a whale a few years after marrying so quit worrying about her.
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Such a subtle change. Kek
This guy is just ugly, stop trying to embarrass your friend by posting pictures of him
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cute loli

how does an ass get so fat?
Alpha af
At least he has a wife/gf
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lol muslims too apparently
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Dat photoshop
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she has a whole instagram of her singing and shit! XD
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This post has more cringe than the image itself.
Did you hear about the white man who walked into a ghetto?
He got stabbed!
where is that illustrated possum from - ive seen it before but cant remember where
There was a time, when I got a wet mouth the moment I started foreplay with my then-gf because of inevitable pussy-licking. Tfw I realised.
I actually don't take so much issue with this as I do with parents that teach their kids about identity shit.
Kids are impressionable, and it's the idea of what we teach them pressuring important decisions made before legal age that really ticks me off about parents who say shit like "you don't have to choose your gender identity."

With this individual case of the kid, I think what changes my perception of this is whether or not the parents were pressuring in any form (whether intentional or not) the change.
But, beginning the transition earlier is less dangerous and complicated for the transitionee, and I myself wish that I was born a girl.
Unfortunately, there exists no way to really transition between the genders that I'm comfortable with. HRT is the closest thing, but I have a pretty excessively masculine facial bone structure, and a bad case of neanderthal skull, so I'd probably never be happy even if I was able to pay for and willing to go through with all the treatments.

Orange and chocolate is good.
You drink orange juice with toast and eggs.
That's literally all (most) chocolate chip cookies are excepting some additives.
Don't judge a book by it's cover you dummies.
what a dank book. can't wait for the twitch one.
yukiko's blush tho
"What's on your mind"...
Big black back tiddies
>Attracted to not best girl
At least you're not a naotofag
>every time your out you always have that "is she fucking the dog?" thing going on in the back of your head
this isn't a rage thread
laughed my ass of at the first sentence alone
that's about when I stopped reading lol
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holy fuck saved.
She's female. They're fucking vicious little rodents.
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This is from my town. She's a crack whore.
actually, that is just really sad
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mega creepy ¬.¬
this is not cringe this is hilarious. Probably not real but funny.

You're fucking shitting me.

I go to that university.
Is your name Alex Tocco?
fucking elitist
I feel this one is a bit out of centext maybe? Perhaps she is referring to a girly girl and not wanting her first daughter to be more of a tomboy/gay?
kek soon she will be able to wear the skirt like pants
I... I don't really know how to feel about this...
I mean, it's cringe, but it's also relly sad.
Fuckin Sarah you bloody bastard
Oh Lord
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this isn't a YLYL thread
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1 (2).jpg
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every things a lil cringe have some booty
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this is cringe...
they are just trolling
Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 128

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