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Stuff and things.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 173
Thread images: 151
File: Nah I'd Still Bang.jpg (129 KB, 600x570) Image search: [Google]
Nah I'd Still Bang.jpg
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Stuff and things.
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Good evening Iggy
Checking in.
Thanks AV.
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Ay. Been so long that I forgot that old thing I used to OP my thread with, hahah..
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chubby butts a best
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Welp, mods be hatin on furs again. Either mods or janitors.
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Please explain better

>Good evening everyone.

>Enjoy, fap, contribute, whatever you want.
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Thaaat's it. How'd you remember? It's been probably over 2 years since I've posted that.
posting from my "handpicked" folder which is actually entire ripped threads because I'm lazy as hell
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I had to search it using the bit I remembered, haha.
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keep with the cute stuff! its better than the porn!
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Hoping I was in some of those threads so someone else posts stronk as well
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Por que no los dos
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I could remember the first part, just not the second. Don't think I have any screencaps of my OP posts.
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Okie doke. I prefer that anyway.
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I'm still handpicking them as I post, so you probably won't get that from me.
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You want Stronk? You get stronk.
This is what pisses me off about sex.

You can never see the butthole when you are doing something useful.
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Were you around back in the day of Terminal Flaw / Enigma?
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I had to write this twice...

>Second night of the con
>End up meeting this aussie guy
>He is almost always drunk
>He is also the life of whatever party he is currently crashing
>I had this bunny hat thing that he asked to wear, and apparently when I said yes we became best friends.
>He's friends with a Canadian, a fat girl, and this black guy.
>The black guy was gay, the fat girl never talked, and the Canadian hated /everybody/
>About an hour into partying, the fat girl goes "I want food"
>We all end up drunkenly stuffing into an elevator
>Aussie is hype as fuck for something spicy
>The first place we see is a hooters
>Fat girl and the gay guy are like eeeeeh.
>Aussie and I are like /booooooooobs/
>Practically drag them inside
>The food was ass but the waitress was 10/10
>The aussie ends up trying to tip the woman like $30
>Gets mad at us when we all tell him thats too much, because "look at her butt, she deserves it!"
>End up distracting him with talking about my art and everything. Promise to draw him a picture if he tips normally.
>We finally leave, and there is a black couple outside just kinda hugging everyone in a suit/taking pictures.
>The aussie pushes me towards them
>Says he'll take a picture of them with me, because I'm a "famous porn artist" (I'm not)

Somewhere out there, there is a picture of me drunk as hell, with a bunny hat on. Struggling to breathe as a buff as hell black guy gives me a bear hug, and his girlfriend is sticking her tongue out.
i do too but it seems to be hard to find cute stuff...or my paws already down my pajamas so im not looking for it, hard to know.
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Everything is archived in multiple places after like November 2013, heh.

Maaybe. It doesn't ring a bell so I have no idea.

Well it's certainly a tiny subset compared to the porn. Just gotta know which artists to look at (basically any that haven't succumbed to the temptation of the porn big bucks...).
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Furries are unrealistic?
recommend me a tv show/anime
i figure you guys have good taste
literally any genre idc i need something to waste hours of my life on asap
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Oh geez....jpg
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Oh, the Canadian ended up leaving before his food came too because I knocked over my drink and it spilled onto his lap.

I still feel fucking terrible about that.
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Outlaw Star.

That'll turn you into one of us.
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Here's a WetBlush comic.
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Furry related?
Only one i can think of is Ookami kodomo : ame et uki

maybe fruits-basket, which i never watched
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Bare with me here. 9 pages in this comic.
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Gotcha. Been trying to get in contact with him and figured if anyone would have info, it'd be you.
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if i could draw, id totally draw furry porn. There is a sucker born ever minute, and people like arctica can put a kid through ivy league college with room to spare
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Nah, sorry... I've pretty much been boxed out of all the little sub-cliques so my knowledge pretty much ends at what happens in the threads.

Seriously. I want to know where people like Artica are working to afford stuff like that.
Then again, popufurs get a lot of free/heavily discounted art...
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Imagine you woke up tomorrow, turned on the news and saw something like pic related.

What would you do?
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this looks like he just broke her neck
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Final page!
It does, doesn't it?
if i recall, her player is ex-militairy with a decent severents package or disability income or something. I knew someone that talked with them regularly, and that was the story i got from them.

Knowing furrys that may totally be untrue though
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Back in thread..

>>682050093 (Cross-thread)
Not TL;TR at all. It's nice to hear this. Gives me more encouragement to go.

>Hmm, I can probably blah blah about my experiences for hoooours.

If you want i'd love to hear. One's experience could prove useful to another.

>>682050136 (Cross-thread)
It's a furrie con in Germany held in Berlin. A place that i wish i could go to.
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I'd roll to seduce the dragon.
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No worries. Perhaps if I can find Amalgamation or TW, they might have a way to contact him.
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Reminds me of whatever the Hell this is...
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Mmmm, well from what I know he(!) just got married to SunTattooWolf last year I think. Don't know much more than that. I know who would know, but it's not important enough for me to prod.
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Who is this artist
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Can I get some sauce on who this character is?
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Selene (boha)
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Sounds like an adventure to me. Imagine finding that picture now huh.

Think her name is Selene. Correct me if i'm wrong.
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i knew it was a guy, i just was not sure how to word it? i dont want to be insensitive, but im not sure if they are trans irl or what. Just easier to go genderless.

tsampiskos i think, spelling i have no idea.
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Fit/stronk, pl0x?
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Oh, gotcha. No I'm pretty sure he identifies as male and Artica is just kind of an extension?
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Good god no, I hope they lost it forever.

I can keep going still, or if anyone else has con stories they maybe could share idk.


If I had access to my folder, I'd share some things.

Unfortunately foxface is a buttface.
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Don't know if I overstepped a boundary or you just missed my reply, but it's not anything you have to decide now. You probably still have my email though!
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Welp, if anyone wants easy access to chat with me, add me. Skype is RuneLuvsCappuchinos and my Steam is
if anyone wanted easy chatting with me :P (talking to you 8bit and Glitch)
Ty to everyone who helped sauce it. Amazing s/fur community we have on /b/. Nearly forgot it was /b/.
That backbone is nice
well im getting off my computer, and getting into bed with my phone. If you want to chat, IRC is on the table as is skype or AIM. If not have a good rest of the evening.
I'd love to hear more honestly. If you don't mind. Inb4 i dig out the image somehow.
I don't really use Skype anymore, rather I hang out in other places ...
I can give you a link if you want to check it out.

Oh god I 100% forgot to reply! Sorry!

Foxface said he'd be down for it, so we'll probably end up shooting you an email sooner or later here.

Just gotta talk it over between us/figure stuff out with his leave.


I'd be shocked and afraid if you did
Teamspeak? What do you use?
I'm not sure if I still have furnet set up on my bouncer, but I'll stop by if I can!
christine_the_foxy is my new skype, though skype still sucks on a phone, especially one as ancient as mine.
Check the subject field.
I'd be up for the challenge. But most likely won't find it.
Oh, well we have like 7 full months before then so I mean you could probably even message me 6 months from now. It's all up in the air right now.

God ya, skype sucks on both Linux and Android, but it's what everyone uses. I'll add ya.
Thread replies: 173
Thread images: 151

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