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Anyone know any good ways to commit suicide and die quickly?

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Anyone know any good ways to commit suicide and die quickly?

Pic unrelated.
use a gun dipshit.
Don't own one.
helium tank gas mask

google that
carbon monoxide
Carve your own heart out with a Taco Bell spork.
I'll try the helium tank when I can.

Thanks for that idea.
Fingerbox overdose until you die.
they add oxygen to helium tanks to prevent suicides..
Wait, will breathing in just a shit ton of balloons filled with helium work too?
Cadbury surprise. Google it.
not really, you need to cut off the supply off oxygen
I wonder how many people I have actually killed by posting this...

weird feels man
Carbon monoxide poisoning. It isn't quickly but there won't be pain. You just fall asleep
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Simply O.D on xanax desu~

You helped me at least
Why is your life so bad that you want to kill yourself?
Jump from somewhere high it'll feel like flying
This guy has the right idea. Google "suicide mask". You can diy or order from Mexico
attention whore
Go on a drug binge and do stupid shit that might get you killed.
I've always wondered if heroin overdose wouldn't be perfect. Relatively easy to buy (well-known illicit drug), powerful painkiller...would you just go out in euphoria?
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>attention whore
Essentially copy old Nick in Leaving Las Vegas
Yes, i have overdosed on heroin and i wasnt panicky or even bothered i was dying i just accepted the fact and sunk into the bliss. And then ambulance man stuck naloxone in my me.
yea and then you hit the ground and get to live for a few minutes in agonising pain till you hemorrage to death.
I mean dont kill yourself but if there is no way at persuading you other wise rent a tank of hileum and seal your car up then open the tank in the car and relax the most painless way to go.
Didnt old nick drink himself to death, i can think of better drugs to binge on namely crack cocaine.
If you dive head first your brain will crush before you feel a thing
Why does every faggot that comes in here claiming they are going to an hero say they don't own a gun. You're supposedly going to kill yourself, go steal one you pathetic cunt.
>implying everyone is in the US with guns all over the place
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Pic reacted
This, if I had easy access to a gun, I'd be dead already.

the chance of success is pretty low actually you will most likely throw up and be discovered and hospitalized and then you've really fucked yourself
1. go to gun range
2. rent gun
3. shoot yourself in the head
5. watch from the ether as some poor gun range clerk has to wipe your brains off the counter


also, a lot of people who try to kill themselves by ODing on something later regret it but are now robbed of the chance of a normal-length life cos they've permanently fucked up their organs
You need:

1) Stool
2) Rope
3) Something to tie rope to that is high up

Tie rope to something high up. Put stool underneath. Tie other end of rope to your neck carefully. When you're ready, jump off the stool.
they're also robbed of the chance of a very-short-length life like they were trying for.
also need:

4) Small pocket knife

Carve "Anon was here" in the beam before you do it.
>Buy a hooker
>Just as she arrives overdose on meds that will take 5-10 minutes
>Start fucking her promptly
>Tell her you're applying lube, rub your penis with extra-strength, industrial super glue
>Continue to fuck
>Die from the overdose on top of her
>She tries to get you off of her
>She can't

Epic lols for the whole family!
Shawshank referance... I like you.
I lost
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