Why does 4chan hate female gamers? Is it threatening their masculinity and ego?
4chan doesnt hate female gamers, 4chan hates posers and fake female gamers, those that try to leech attention in order to further their ego instead of partaking in a hobby in a legitimate way, ergo by actually gaming
i think its originally because female gamers used gaming as an excuse to relate to boys they like. Basically just another ploy used to get attention...
So its not really girl gamers that guys hate.... its attention whores we hate
lol basically read my mind
also checked
because everyone who is a female and a gamer leeches attention according to virgins of 4chan
Because they fucking suck kys
IM gay and a girl.
Im raped constantly in chats.
t. Macklemore 15 year old
They don't hate female gamers. They hate anyone who joins any fandom, then suddenly decides that everything needs to change to fit them. This attitude that world should change to fit you. Well why don't YOU change to fit the world?
I've been lucky enough to know female gamers who love the games and join in the fun with no complaints.
People still believe that being a female gamer is special. Even tho 49% of all the gamers are female
cut out mobile games and facebook games like candy crush and farmville and its less than 5%
4chan hates females in general because everyone here is a fat, ugly virgin who is bitter because no girl wants to sleep with them
I cant even say im a girl anywhere because I will get attacked by said people and 13 year old kids will post funny tits or gtfo
pic related
I think we hate the women who whine because there are too much sexy bitches in games and not enough land whales who are supposed to represent "real women"
I think a majority is glad women play games but we don't want games to be progressive, we don't need a female lead in every fucking game
who cares if you can play a female character in Assassin's Creed or GTA?
Candy crush is not a game faggot
I hate female gamers/girl gamers because I grew up in the 90s when games really just started to get good again. There were NO females playing these games and I mean none, that's because the money wasn't there. Most girls would laugh at you for "wasting" your time gaming.
20 years down the line when video games have become bigger than Hollywood and they're are female gamers everywhere.
I see girl games who are older than me (23) playing games and acting like they're the shit.
They just wernt a thing until there was money in gaming. That's why I hate them.
nice job being a closeted fag and wanting to suck cock
good for you
Tits or gtfo
Dubs speak truth
Found you
I personally cringe at the word "Gamer" already that shit sounds so fucking cheesy it hurts. The fact that girls think they're better than women at anything is already funny enough but when they think they're better at video games which require thinking and precise calculations i just fucking lose my shit dude, thats hilarious. "Gamer girl" what a fucking joke.
everyone knows that women play the fallout games. it's when they pretend that they play hard games, that's what gets annoying.
*men idk why i typed women
Autists think girls have cooties.
Video games attract the most autists .
I dont like the attention seekers. I've played in lobbies with plenty of femal gamers that dont make it a huge deal that they're girls, and there isn't a huge line of desperate fags trying to talk to her. It gets annoying when a whiny, giggling attention seeker OHMAIGAWDs the whole match and having voice-cracking edgy kids giving her cringy attention
Why mention that she's a gamer?
Normal guys don't do this; they I realize that it's extremely implied.
Feels nigger.
Girls spend more time talking about playing games than actually playing them
That's why they aren't taken seriously. It's just a new way for them to gain attention, whereas before gaming really got popular, anyone who enjoyed it was a 'nerd'
so if you know tits or gtfo is the way round here why do you stay?
when did he say all female gamers are fake posers?
are you even literate?
I don't hate female gamers I just hate "gamer girls"
>i cant even say im a girl
amazing how you dont even understand the point of tits or gtfo.
The point is no one cares if you are a female or a male on the internet. So the only reason you would even want to bring it up (unless it is inherent in the conversation in which tits or gtfo no longer applies) is to try to gain points for being a girl in a sea of guys. That is the point of tits or gtfo. To show that we dont give a fuck if you are a girl or not.
but you can keep playing the woman card if you want and we will keep asking for tits. Or you can just act like any other person here and not feel the need to advertise your gender/sex because no one gives a shit.
I hate anybody that self-identifies as a gamer. Male, female, or attack helicopter
well said.
I hate female gamers generally because they are fake as shit, I was dating this one girl, "elder scrolls fan" didn't know shit, said well
>I'll beat your as on a shooter
I want to see a bitch kick my ass.. not get 23 kills because I let her get some at the beginning of the match
>she uses ak47
>I use various handguns
Fucking odin when will I meet my valkyrie
>chicks I play against
>fucking around not trying to do anything
>always coming in last place
>Son of a bitch
Yup pretty much /b/rother
The term 'gamer' itself, whether it applies to males or females, makes people sound like autistic faggots.