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What's up /b/ ? I need help for a serious business : Does

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File: microsoft-windows-xp.jpg (45 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
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What's up /b/ ?

I need help for a serious business :
Does anyone here still run under windows XP (preferably x86) ?
OR have a second PC who runs into it ?

My problem is the following :
my favorite game from my childhood cannot work properly - or at all - on recent computers, and don't work either on virtualbox / virtual PC / etc...
If I found a configuration who actually works, I'm gonna do whatever I can to find such a PC... (but not before I'm sure it's working)

Or maybe anons have another ideas to make my PC game works ?
>Or maybe anons have another ideas to make my PC game works ?

Lots of old games are on GOG and are patched to work on modern OS's. Personally, I keep a circa-2000 laptop around for these sorts of things, though usually VBox is good enough.
I would try Installing a copy of XP in VirtualBox on a PC. On my Mac I use a program called Boxer to play old DOS games, it simply packages them up into an executable.
You can run in compatibility mode and you can always have virtual box with the correct service pack and sufficient virtual hardware capabilities
File: Music_2000_Pal.jpg (418 KB, 1454x1464) Image search: [Google]
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Thanks mate for your reply.

My game is not on GOG, but no surprise. I think I am the only on on earth who enjoys this game

> pic related (but not the PS1 version, which is awfull on emulator)

The game doesn't work with a windows XP x86 on VBox, a directX 7 issue... :(
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If your local Goodwill has a computer store, you can get old computers really, really cheap. The drawback- but for you, the benefit- is that they typically have a vintage (but legal!) OS on them.
None of these solutions works, unfortunately... I think I try every configuration possible on compatibility mode and emulation ! It drives me crazy at this point

Thanks for helping tho
Running XP is wrong. It's not supported anymore, you'll get viruses.

What game is it ? There's no fucking reason it won't work properly on VM.
File: I Wish.jpg (713 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
I Wish.jpg
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Oh my god. Music 2000. You gotta be shitting me. I thought I was the only one who ever played this game.

these might help you OP

getting tougher to keep the old games working as technology pisses on everything after 6 years.
I run xp sp2
I'm a french fag, so there is no such thing here, but I see your point.
Maybe I will try something like that.
Tried vmware?
Best game ever, mate !
If you still have your own songs from the game, I will be happy to listen them !

Also check'ed
No, only virtualbox... I really don't know VMWare, is it free ? What's the product equivalent of virtualbox ? Thx
guy here has some input on how he got it running
If I only had those songs. My memory card is dead. You got me right in the feels, man.
I will try with this ISO, thank you !
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Aaah sorry mate !

I used to plug my PS1 on audio device and record some tape, very poor sound quality kek.

On the PC version, I have several tracks in mp3, much better (and no memory card limitations)
Try DOSBox, I think it should work.
I remember using it on Win 7. Worked like a charm
>you'll get viruses.
The odds of getting a virus don't change because of the OS. Only the capability to deal with them. So long as you are sensible with what you download & install you should be fine.
Yeah, totally legit, that's why only idiots got Blaster and Sasser back in the days.

If you have virtual PC with xp mode it will surely work. Could be a graphics driver issue? Maybe if you still have pci bus on your m/b you could get an old gpu
We need a music2000 youtube channel.
That would be so rad. People need to hear that music.
That's retarded

Viruses can be coded for UNIX or DOS or Android or whatever and they won't work on every other system you god damn retard
I haven't used Wine in a long time, but you could try running Linux (Ubuntu would be easiest) and running it through Wine. There would probably be a Win XP configuration.
Not a bad idea, actually !

I just leave it there...
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