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Waifu Claiming thread >Let's See Some Pantsu The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 166
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming thread
>Let's See Some Pantsu

The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>post pantsu
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Syndra (89).jpg
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Iowa claim
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Koko 1.jpg
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Goodnight! Sleep well :)
Im not tryna buy shit mang, give me a sneek peek
Goodnight Eureka! Try to make it to the bed haha
I loved the warriors, shit was cash. Whats labyrinth?
Howd he try to handle her? like he just walked up and said "you wan sum fuk?" or something? either way sounds like an eventful night haha, you guys have bouncers don't you?
Oh yeah she does! I wasn't even considering aviators haha
I kek'd when they wanted to kick me when we played, and I think you and another guy were just like "y tho?"
Its just standing there....MENACINGLY

Also claiming in a rare lewd thread!
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Yuno claim
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Pantsu you say?
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Definitely one of my favorite soundtracks. Good to sit back and relax to.
Minus the battle and boss music.. Those are pretty meh.
It's about a woman looking for her baby brother in a labyrinth. It's also a musical with David Bowie in it, which is what got me interested.
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Ebicopter claimed.
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still here
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Milinda claim
>inb4 all the lewdssss

That was pretty funny. We should do it again sometime.
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weezer is a good band. Im playing dragons dogma and listening to kavinsky as you probably guessed.
by handle I mean, forcibly and grab and try to take her. we do have bouncers, but it was a busy night and the bar was packed. sometimes justice just has to be served you dig? I did get sum fuk tho.. just saying
4 u

>from Mirai
just like last thread.
>Kenny claimed
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Akiko claim

Well I hope you got some better sleep than I did


Not really interesting. Usually they're too real to be interesting but still you feel like you're fucked
For example one dream I had to go on trial for using a stolen creditcard. Boring as shit mostly. However sometimes I get these dreams with horror creatures and whatnot. I don't like dreaming because it's never pleasant
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AH AH I will use my shield!!

Yeah Weezer is my favorite band of all time, never heard of them before I will totally check em out!
A little late night mood music for y'all. Consider it a gift. See ya round, party people.
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Mirai claim

The Unseen Horizon

Miho's not hear though...
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Shiragami Youko, checking in for the last time tonight!
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Fucking love me some pantsu.

Chiruchiru claimed.
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here* fuck
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Thats a fair point... kek
>I see pantsu...
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Koko 9.jpg
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Oooo, sounds interesting, you still playing LoL?
Id be down. Not really tonight though, its a bit too late for all that rage haha
Oh shit I see, yeah I know what you mean, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do haha
>I did get sum fuk
Glad to hear you won out in the end! btw what is your first language? Just wondering
Oh shit nigger! I was just looking for those. It's actually perfect because aviators are my glasses of choice, just wish she looked a bit less....miffed haha
Hows it goin knockout?
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>Not listening to hip-hop/jazz instrumentals for chill past-midnight music
Weak, this is why you guys aren't winning.
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It didn't let me reply back to y'all, sorry.
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Same. Im falling asleep at the keyboard... kek
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Koko 2.jpg
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>on trial for stolen creditcard
That sounds like a boring ass dream tbh haha, but do you really never have good dreams? That sucks :(
You and your shield, always 2cute
Hey! Hows it goin?
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You're good brah
>Off by one
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Not happening. I only show the stuff to buyers.
It happens sometimes
Ahhhh yes the electric ocean, I shall surf it to find more of us!

It may be cute but its the only thing saving us from the monster!
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Koko 3.jpg
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No worries haha
Kek, Only time I fell asleep while playing a game was Alien Isolation
who wants some fuk
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>Alien Isolation
You fell asleep....
Playing that...
Are you even human?
First language is french. English was really hard to learn/ but totally worth.
I like it anon. take this
yeah, i play about 2 -3 matches every afternoon. When i have some spare time before i go to work i often play a bot match.
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>it happens from time to time.

I could find more if weren't so tired.

Dowunt worry mon every ting gwan be arie.
Also, do you happen to have the sister pic that goes with this?
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You Won, But I Won More.png
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Fuck man I've actually been looking for this album for some time now, but I couldn't remember the name of it. I listened to it once some time ago, and really enjoyed it! You helped me out a bundle, thanks, and I love the song!
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>that it does...
Thats a super cool picture actually, what did haruhi do to me though...

HAHA I do actually!
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Koko 4.jpg
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Fuck, how much then?
How long will it hold?
Yeah! haha, I dunno, I didn't like having to sneak around and shit, just got really dull and id hit a lil snooze
I can see english being pretty hard. the only other language I know is a lil bit of German heh, do you live in the states?
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>dat bod tho
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Winners Don't Play LoL.png
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>Playing LoL
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You are not humannnn
I had to quit playing that cause it scared me too much...

Alaindelon claim
Also, forgot to add
Nice nostalgia waifu, that shit brings back memories

Also, is it just me or do these threads move considerably slower than they did like four hours ago?
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Boats With guns, gun boats.
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Koko 5.jpg
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Ahhh I see, when I played I stuck to bot matches as well. The salt got too real haha
As would I, the one I posted is the closest I got haha
I really really like this image
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Yours is a bit...fuller.
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But it's april
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It was my pleasure anon/ listen to it in good health.
You have no idea :p and I do. I'm glad I live here instead of in europe. A lot of crazy stuff has been happening over there.
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Thanks, yours is perfect if you ask me
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I honestly didn't expect anyone to notice that
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Awesome. Saved. And well, you've got delusions of grandeur, and shes God so...made your dreams come true?

Save it my friend, it's all yours.
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Dammit! I forgot to send hand a chibi for that... :/
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Koko 6.jpg
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Haha, I was spooked as well. maybe thats what I do when im spooked. I sleep
Listen u lil shite
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Alrighty I am gonna hit the bed now.

See you guys later! Have a great /waifu/
Yeah, i do play PVP from time to time but often they drag on too long or everyone starts insulting each other and calling "fucking feeder kys".

I dunno, people are probably just doing other things in the background.
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>not there
gotta wait for EU then. It's EU who does it right
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>forgot pic

nighty night
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>maybe thats what I do when im spooked. I sleep
I hope for your sake your life never becomes a horror film... RIP
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>oldfags qq about there being too many here
>single oldfag has 2 characters here
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I suppose I have sharp eyes
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Return of the WIN.gif
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>maybe thats what I do when im spooked. I sleep
What if you've got a nightmare?
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that gif gives me nightmares.
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claimed marika
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Koko 11.jpg
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Oh really? all I know is the refugee stuff kek
Psh , as if I didn't already
Goodnight! Sleep well :)
Yeah thats true, last time I played people thought I was a bot because I sucked so bad haha
ok cutie
>shit the demons outside the door!
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Yeah, it is kinda horrifying, innit?

>tfw when you see the gif and click [Embed] hoping for something worthwhile
>tfw when you aren't dissapointed
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Koko 12.jpg
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Then it gets like inception. I get spooked in dream. have another dream to escape spook
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2 MB, 2560x1431

You did it without permission? What the hell, man?
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Never Lose Always Win.gif
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Dang, I feel like I missed out on something
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Koko 44.jpg
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Fuck da police
You know it, can't spook the spookster
Bah its best not to think of it to be true. Anything new?
She has the look of a psychotic murder :p whats up?
that feel.
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The Police is an amazing band.
>Just for you m8

I seem to have hit a sensitive spot... My apologies friend. Need a hug?
Opps forgot name
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I was really bad too when i started. Tried playing as Gnar, got called a feeder and then stayed with bots for almost a month. Eventually i just stayed using Tristana and now I'm at least half-competent in battle.
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She's like an anime Leela.
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No I'll be fine, hah.
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I passed out. But wanted to say goodnight and take care comrades. I promise I'll get back to normal up time.
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Koko 34.jpg
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Don't worry about it, im not in it either heh
True haha, nothin really new here, just the usual shitposting, you doing anything other than posting?
then fuck em 2X
Kek, saved
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Night you. Sleep well.
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Good night comrade!
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I Won, What A Surprise.png
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>Fuck I misspelled disappointed
That's okay, even if I lost at that, I'm still winning at everything else.

>What's up?
As in, what am I doing? Hopefully going to bed after this thread's dead and over. I've got classes tomorrow but I'm not particularly tired. You?

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who made that connection.

In other, news I just popped my neck pretty aggressively on accident, and I just saw the chiropractor like three days ago to get it adjust. Anyone know if this fucks things up?
Good night.
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Okay good.

Thought you might enjoy that.

Im off to bed everyone. Be back in a few hours. Night friends :)
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serius cute waifu - won't post pantsu
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Koko 45.jpg
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Honestly I think my best champion that I played as was corki if I recall correctly haha. I first played as mordekaiser though with bots and still lost to fookin Malphite
Thats a pretty good description, who is she?
Goodnight comrade! Sleep well :)
G'night, mate.

G'night, other mate.
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Night Mili.
Doing some dark souls invasion before I gotto sleep.
Invading people in dark souls as a sunbro

Goodnight to all.
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Win v2.0.jpg
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She's Manako the Monoeye from Monster Musume.
Jesus H. Fistfuck, that's a lot of M's.

>Won't post pantsu
Dignity waifu confirmed
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I'm headed out too, all. Catch you guys later.
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Manako from monster musume. What could be better than a cyclops sniper
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Koko 32.jpg
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Goodnight Milinda! Sleep well :)
A sniper with two eyes.
>the second eye allows depth perception
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1 MB, 500x281
>What could be better than a cyclops sniper
1.) A sniper with depth perception
2.) Superior Winner Vampire Waifu, pic related
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Koko 29.jpg
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Goodnight! Sleep well :)
Later Rum friend! Have a nice pass-out :D
Fuck Melphite, i don't think i haven't taken him down once, even as a mindless bot. It's always the slowdown that gets me killed.
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200_s (1).gif
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Koko 35.jpg
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Shit that is alot of M's, and honestly a cyclops sniper would be best sniper haha
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Two eyes are so last year
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Smug and also winning.gif
2 MB, 500x275
That's exactly what someone-whose-waifu-is-insecure-about-having-one-eye would say.
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You son of a whore
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Snacks Are For Winners Only.jpg
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Not even the almighty loaf can stop me from winning

>You son of a whore
I see your son of a whore and raise you one 'Goddamn motherfuckin' stupid piece of shit'
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What a Joke, I Never Lose.png
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>tfw when the timestamp url doesn't fucking work
Damn you 4chan
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Calling it a night, catch ya later

And remember, you have a heart of gold, dont let them take it from you!
Goodnight! <3

>heart of titanium
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Koko 37.jpg
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Goodnight Yuno! Sleep well :)
>If I had a heart of gold, I'd be dead
>If you're dead, you can't be a winner
>If you're not a winner, you're a loser
>And losers are fuckin' chumps

How dare you

Goodnight, though.
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night Yuno
youre waifu not real
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Smoke,Steam, and WINd.png
311 KB, 698x759
Everytime I see this picture it gets a tad more menacing.
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The WINd Beneath My Wings.png
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Good song, good album.

Nine Inch Nails' Ghosts I-IV for me, though.
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Syndra (129).jpg
135 KB, 488x799
Hm? What happened to the post?
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41 KB, 625x178
I banned her
Maximum overmenace achieved
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Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to escort that grump-ass stare off of the premises, thanks.
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Shit, i was supposed to remove a post in another thread. Sorry about that
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facebook pic.jpg
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Moot claimed
Already claimed faggot
by his faggot boyfriend
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Alice is taken!~
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297 KB, 465x527
Don't worry about it, my dude. Still though, good music taste.

>tfw when your waifu builds a fucking empire of dirt and shit and leaves it to fester, only to go work at Google
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If dubs I steal your waifu.
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476 KB, 1920x1080
Nevermind I had trips anyway, moot is mine you fucking faggot.
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Winning compromise.gif
1 MB, 500x281
Thanks for your co-operation, we value your continued patronage.
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Thanks, my dad used to listen to it in the car all the time. so i guess that's were i got it from
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Get out
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He is being a faggot.jpg
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I don't see your trips.
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Koko 38.jpg
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Goodnight cutie thread, hope you guys have a good one :)
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Two-Eye WINk.jpg
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Well, whatever.
This was fun, thanks a bundle, but I'm gonna hit the hay now.
Expect me back tomorrow, though.

You, too.

And remember,
>If you're not winning, you're losing
>And if you're losing, you're a fuckin' chump
RIP moot wars 2016
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Goodnight, better head off too. It's liek 8pm over here now.
Vel'koz claimed
what een is that
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I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
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1 MB, 330x300
He's got the sexiest appendages, real curves, lazers and he's the smartest motherfucker around. His looks just make you melt
Threads almost over nerds
Are you going to be such bad ass little rebels living in the past but breaking definition rules and posting the opposite of random I.e your repetative thread? Please eat shit and die k thanks kuiu bye sempai
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I bet he is a great husbando if you have an eye-licking fantasy.
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506 KB, 672x668
Must be fag shift.
Whats up fag
That is the stupidest thing I have heard all day.
Best hubando
>learning drive
>loves to research animals
>3 appendages so can do more than 2 things at once
>deep purple eyes
>dat voice
>hot like a laser
>high class
File: lel.png (147 KB, 293x380) Image search: [Google]
147 KB, 293x380
we didnt even hit image limit
File: Syndra (80).jpg (60 KB, 387x581) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (80).jpg
60 KB, 387x581
Wasn't me
File: Kagami's Bedroom (GONE WRONG).png (434 KB, 750x750) Image search: [Google]
Kagami's Bedroom (GONE WRONG).png
434 KB, 750x750
I will let you have that honor.
Or not.
Thread replies: 166
Thread images: 151

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