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Hello, /b/rothers. I thought I would give you a look into th

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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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Hello, /b/rothers. I thought I would give you a look into the life of a man who is about to end his life this weekend.

No I'm not looking for a bawww thread, nor any sympathy, and especially not looking for you people who, "it's ok, you need to do this to be happy!" type people.

I've been fantasizing about killing myself for quite some time, and since within the past two months I finally got a permit to purchase and own firearms, I will be buying a handgun on Friday and killing myself this weekend.

So feel free to ask questions, judge, etc...I'm curious how this could go.
No thanks
Whatever, if you are too weak to keep yourself alive, you are too weak for anything at all. Survival of the fittest nigger.
I completely agree. I'm no longer in the correct state of mind, body or soul to keep fighting.
Before you go listen to some logic (the rapper) all i got to say. It's your life do what u want
You selfish faggot, if you can't think of anyone or anything to live for then maybe we're better off without you.

On topic: What piece are you going to do the honors with?
You do realize by purchasing a firearm, you are adding yourself to a statistic that liberals use to show gun violence.

This ruins it for all of us
Wrong. The selfish people are the one's who think I should keep enduring this pain I've been fighting for the past 10+ years and keep acting like I'm happy, further hating myself even more daily.

The gun of choice is a toss up. I'm going to go to my local Cabellas and look at used firearms, and get something reasonable, with full metal jacket rounds for maximum potential.
Yet, I'll be why should I give two fucks?
specifically the album "under pressure"
>get something reasonable
Why? you need to save money for something? on a side note, post some credit card info, you won't need it anymore.

I've listened to Logic before, not sure which mixtape it was, but the song "5 AM" was on it. He's solid.
Wtf, u dont need fmj if ur shooting urself in the head. For maximum potential, u want the bullet to break inside ur body, or in this case ur skull. Fmj will just go through u. For maximum potential, use hollow point if it's legal in ur area
Because I get paid on Friday and my paycheck isn't exactly going to be huge. I also want to buy a decent amount of Cocaine.
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Why kill yourself when you can just fuck everything and live your life? You obviously don't give a shit and have nothing to lose, so just go wild with it. Nothing is worse than nonexistence. Don't waste your only life anon.
You have an opportunity nearly no one gets: to live life without fear of dying. You can do all kinds of crazy shit people wish they could but are too afraid of doing.
Hollow point will break at contact with the skull, therefor a lot of the shards will stop at the skull. FMJ will make sure it's a clean cut through the brain.
Hey, OP. Try to contact me from the other side if you can. Good luck on killing yourself.
stream it
Which will creates a larger are of damage. I'd say ur brain being shredded to pulp is a higher potential than a small hole being made through your skull
go murder whoever is causing you pain and then off yourself
I've attempted this. Damn near every single woman I've hit up(while drunk mind you) is clearly not interested in me...the few that have "bit the bait" just don't interest me enough to pursue.
Stream it
Pursue? Fuck and run, homie.
OP, stop what you're doing and think about it. Is this really how you want it to end? And why now? Surely, it will get better OP. Please don't do it. You have more than you think to live for.
Not motivated to leave my apartment except to buy alcohol.
I'll try.
No. It will be in the news though
Nope. Not going to cause harm to anyone(physically) other than myself.
Open some credit cards, like seriously. If I was going to off my self, I'd get as many credit cards first, max them all out on strippers and hookers (get aids? fuck do I care, I'm going to die), and then do it.
>Not motivated to leave my apartment except to buy alcohol.

Haha.. I've been there.
I've battled depression for the past 10 years of my life(since I was 12) with parent issues, etc.

It's only got worse...everytime it starts to get ends up getting worse. I'm tired of fighting a lost cause.
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>Nope. Not going to cause harm to anyone(physically) other than myself.
Why not get yourself recruited by -redacted- and then blow them up with their own suicide vest?
I almost killed myself years ago. Instead, I decided to just take a whole bunch of risks, do anything I'd always wanted to, then if things still sucked, I'd kill myself. I ended up travelling, changed my life, and never looked back. Sometimes things just suck because you can't see out of it, but when you take yourself out of it, things may be different.
No, cause that will leave a debt for my family. Plus, I'm not looking for a short temporary reason to keep living, or those, "what ifs."
Make sure you live stream it
It's not a lost cause. Trust me, I understand the pain you are going through, but it WILL get better. Please OP, I believe in you to make the best choice.
Things don't always get better. Love isn't a fucking movie.
Do you believe in morality?
How will it leave debt for your family if they dont cosign
Why do you care? you obviously don't care what pain they will go through when you kill yourself.
I was enlisted in the marines at age 18, picked up a drug charge(Felony) which stomped my chances of joining, and ruined all chances of the career I wanted.
I've been beyond depressed for years. I found a woman who brought happiness into my life, and we dated for 2 1/2 years. Things were great, we broke up over a month ago, and after two weeks of us being broke up she has a new boyfriend...tells me how much I meant to the love of my life.

BLAH BLAH BLAH, obviously she didn't care about you, other fish in the sea, etc...not looking for that advice.
OP at least rob a bank and just get in your car and let money fly everywhere. Do SOMETHING nigger
U prob don't want to hear this right now, but idc. If repent from ur sins and turn to Jesus, you won't spend an eternity is hell and torment, but an eternity of pure joy and happiness. To be completely honest, idk if you'll go to hell for killing yourself while believing. But I invite you to try and live your life for Jesus Christ, maybe you'll find new purpose and meaning.
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Listen to music fag /mu/ here... And if you kill yourself can you listen to this while you do it
Exactly! Why do you think love will make you happy? Do you want to feel wanted?
You're in your 20s and you are contemplating suicide, wtf dude? Shit always gets better, you can't just give up...
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Pretty much all of these threads have white knights, what happened to the old /b/
The black ones hung themselves from the pressure
It is, dude. I've battled the "what ifs" for years, I've dealt with the depression, the "maybe;s" I've literally tried everything to remain happy...nothing ever worked, except one person.
When you're 22, with no Credit, but potentially bad credit due to unpaid hospital bills from 3 years ago from a broken hand, it will be on them.
Like previously Stated, I'm not the selfish one, they are if they think I should keep pushing myself through shit to maybe have a good day once a week.
Old /b/ has been dead for like 4 years nigga, this is facebookchan now.
Living his life for Jesus
>Like previously Stated, I'm not the selfish one, they are if they think I should keep pushing myself through shit to maybe have a good day once a week.
So, again, why do you care?
You killing yourself over a girl? What a fucking fag, might as well do it
Never forgetti Rest in spaghetti
>tells me how much I meant to the love of my life
If I were you that would be the biggest reason of all not to kill myself. You are basically killing yourself over someone who doesn't give two shits about you. How pathetic is that? Why give anyone that kind of victory?
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Fuckin Faggot Do It
I know that life is hard , I don't know a single person that's happy and contempt with the way things are. Not gonna try to stop you or even read all the other stupidass comments on this thread, hopefully you'll read this. I just want to tell you , I'm sincerely sorry .
Don't listen to the fags saying you can't/shouldn't do this. I was going to become an hero the day before my 18th, but I met someone who made life seem worth living. She's moving away for college next year, and I'm probably going to end it once she's gone.
Nope. As previously stated, not looking to harm others.
Not even going to bite, fuck off.
That wasn't me, but love was the only thing keeping me fighting. Yes. I feel extremely unwanted.
I've been contemplating suicide since the age of 15, but over the past two months they got 10x worse, to the point where I'm even self harming(I use to make fun of people for doing this.)
Don't worry dude, I've been around these boards wayyyy longer than you, so you can fuck right off with your non sense.
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are you not aware of the waiting period after buying a firearm?
5 business days after the purchase, you'll live another week of your pathetic life, retard
can't even kill yourself properly, can't ya
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why? its a great album
what are you buying to off yourself?
I don't want to put more pain on others other than my death...yes, I know it will cause some pain and grief for some, but they will get over it.
Nope, it was the straw that broke the camels back though,
I already know it's going to be far from a, "victory" feeling for, although it may seem they are the reason I'm doing it(yes, they are a huge part) it isn't the main reason, I.E. read above.
I appreciate it as much as anyone who could from 4chan. So not really.
Truthfully, that's a lot to deal with. I don't know your prior feelings or anything, but I can only assume the current...that's a lot of pain and hardship to deal with me, losing the only *hope* I had left was the worst. Maybe things will be better for you if you express how you feel to her, but I've expressed and done everything within my human nature to this woman, only to be chewed up and spat I truly have nothing.
Actually, I will be issued it right away, but have to register in 3 days you non-cap using cunt.
Read posts above.
Lol, dumb little bitch got the feels and wants attention. Like fuck if anyone cares about you or your 'problems' op. Off yourself for the good of humanity, you don't even have the will to stay alive. Pathetic bitch-made nigger finally notices that he's been walkin his baby nuts around in a man's world. You're a bad joke, OP.
Can I have your credit card bro? And shit Godspeed. don't fear the reaper.
don't kill yourself.
>>681432798 put, "Nigger" in your response...does anyone take you seriously in life? Probably not...
Well, mate, I understand you, even more, I Comprehend you. And, if you are really willing to do it, I cheer you and wish you good luck, may the release and freedom you most need and desire from all this torment and degradation, that is living. But somehow, is there anything else that you could/should try before it? I mean, quitting job, leaving family, town or whatever to purse some meaning, or, at the very least, some relief?

I'm in no position to make a statement or give a shinny example of my theory, but it's just a thought that came to me. Philosophically, Life has no purpose or meaning, except to Nature, that is us in the role of reproducing, and Society, that is us within our social roles, but then, people like you and me, and so many others, are the ones who realize that there is no happiness or achievements in life, and Suicide is a direct fuck you to Nature and Society, as you assuming the role of God of your own will, of your own destiny, which makes me point out to the question: Isn't there anything that you want/should/could do to improve your existence now that would make it more tolerable for some more time? You already have the odds at your side: You have no fear of Death, thus you became God of your own Will. One day, maybe, I will achieve this will, but for now, I envy you, in a very Nietzschean way.
stream it please
Fucking This. I will never get why anyone chooses to commit suicide when they have this opportunity to do whatever the fuck they want. or at the very least spend your final moments in a thrilling way for example jump off something extremely high or whatever gets you off
Anyways, I'm signing off. I'll either be back tomorrow or before Friday at some point, guess we'll see...see ya then.
How about before you kill yourself, do it up. Get a loan, a bunch of coke, go to vegas or whatever, get some hookers and see how shit goes from there. Then at the end of the week blow your fucking brains out.
so who you gonna blame in your letter?
see you next week OP
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dumping suicide notes to give you inspiration
Bitch you reduce an entire argument to one word, fuck your shit. Nobody took you for serious since you shit your pants in fifth grade.
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Dude at least write a note that isn't gay as hell
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Good on you. I've been meaning to get around to it. When you're too lazy to kill yourself, you know it's time.
I feel like I actually wrote this a few years ago
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If Ill be honest to hell and back, you mean nothing. Youre 1/999999999999. If you do end your life youll impact not even a fraction of that number and eventually just be forgotten because you just killed yourself like a maggot. Doesnt matter what the fuck you do, but just know you dont matter anyways and either way.
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Glad someone finally shared this one.. the ramblings of a drugged out loser.

Fuck Cobain.. the faggot.
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Or you could not and go on the path of righteousness to create the reality you see fit for yourself.
>I'm not the selfish one, they are if they think I should keep pushing myself through shit to maybe have a good day once a week.

You have no idea how wrong you are. Ever have anyone close to you commit suicide? A kid I grew up with hanged himself two winters ago, we fell outta touch but it still affected me and I don't consider myself emotional or anything like that. His funeral was like going to hell, I'll never forget the sound of his mom and dad crying. It didn't even sound like crying it just sound liked pure pain. Unless you're an orphan living in the middle of the wilderness and you have never had any sort of relationship with another human being, you offing yourself is going to destroy people around you. They'll spend the rest of their life wondering if they could've done something, why it happened, all kinds of questions that'll never be answered. It's selfish because you're willing to put others through hell to give yourself the easy way out.

The fact that you can't see that your life is something that's connected to so many of those around you shows you have some growing up to do and that's a good thing. OP, think about your 3 favorite things from 10 years ago. Sleep overs, video games, mcdonalds? Now think about your 3 favorite things from 5 years ago. A car, a girl, and a bag of weed. Think about your 3 favorite things right now. Now think about how different you could be in the next 5 to 10 years. We're constantly evolving, what you're feeling right now isn't permanent and you have the power to change not only yourself but your environment.

I had a very depressive phase about halfway through college. At one point I said fuck everything, moved into my parents' place and left the house exactly 3 times within a span of 4 months. For 4 months I stayed in my room and jerked off, played video games, and became this zombie like thing with no resemblance to what a human being should be like. I fought and I changed myself, can you?
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Ya, he was too easily triggered
>All areas have the same laws

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Suicide is for cowards who dont care about their loved ones... But if you're going to do it, don't use a gun! That'll leave a mess and a nightmare for whoever finds you. At least be considerate.

I see what you did there. Nice.
I wanna kill myself too. But you should eat a fuckload of Psilocybin mushrooms. Apparently it puts life into a way different perspective.
honestly i am kinda in the same boat at the moment... if you find yourself board though i have a movie list for ya while youre waiting for your gun

1) Pulp Fiction (fucking classic movie everyone should watch it, shows that in life we truly are out of control in the circumstances we find ourselves in but are given choices and chances of redemption. over all good film lots of gore)

2. Archie's Final Project (basically film student wants to film himself offing himself. pretty decent movie and subject matter is relevant)

3. Into the Wild (cool movie but i like the book better but both helped me a bit also based on a true story which is kinda beautiful)

4. not a movie but super short book Siddhartha (kinda like into the wild but different in a few areas)

5. Samsara (MUUUUST WATCH IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT!! fucking seriously dude. basically a silent movie showing everything the world has to offer..good bad and the ugly.. no narration just pieces of beautiful cinematography. can be a little boring in the beginning but it picks up trust me)

anyways thats it! my suggestions for your last movie night! i really hope you can find something worth living for, 22 is a young life there is still time to find meaning in it. see ya around space cowboy
Can you live stream it?
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this is ridiculous, you can't even kill yourself properly.. why would you use a firearm, when you could jump off a fucking building or a bridge.. if you really wanted to kill yourself you would have done it already in one of the above mentioned manners.. as a gun owner how about you choose a different method and quit giving excuses for gun grabbers to come after our firearms?! kthxbai good riddance etc
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If I don't see you die on cam, you're gay as fuck and your life was pointless
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I can't contest against trips.
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Just fucking do it if you're not gonna try to have any fun. We don't need to hear you bitch about your love and family life. What a bitter twat.

use large calliber hollowpoint, not FMJ. And dont do the through the side of the head bullshit, make sure its in your mouth and its going to sever your spine and fuck up your cerebral cortex or theres a 50% chance you'll just wake up a vegetable if you're unlucky enough to be found in time.
>tell dad he is the best and he can have my Xbox and games
I dunno why but this kinda fucked me up... oh ya, probably because I'm a fag
Ye, I am a hypocrite. Just trying to do something good in my shit-infested life, you know? No one's perfect, and I'm far from it. Just trying to get this guy to find happiness in his life. Hey OP, I advise you not to commit suicide.
>I'm too much of a pussy to do the basic work it takes to improve my life
>Instead of being slightly less of a lazy shit, I will blame others and cause them misery by killing myself
You disgust me.
Depending on where you live, you may well be damaging the reputation of law-aiding citizens who own firearms for their own purposes. Often, suicides get ruled as negligent discharges, especially when people want to make it look like an accident for the sake of their families/friends, sadly.

Why not take a hallicinogen trip as a last hurrah to really know deep down if you want to go? And if you do, perhaps to OD on something quick and pleasant. You owe yourself better than a bullet my man.

Hope you find peace one way or another.
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make sure it is a high caliber.
Probably some good advice for someone in your shoes;

Most handguns dont kill instantly. For a solid 5 minutes you'll be in hell. Be sure you pick thhe right one. Unless you'd like a more painful death in which case go as low a caliber as you can find.

Get hollow points, trust me. Place the barrel between your teeth aimed at the back of your throat throat with the trigger pointed at the ground. You want to try to hit the brain stem, instant lights out. Shooting from under the jaw with FMJs can leave you brain damaged but alive, as most of the damage is to the cerebral cortex. JHPs are made to bloom on impact, causing a wider wound channel, and aiming for the medulla ensures you don't just wind up wheeling around shitting in bags.

Don't fuck this up.
You're a good guy anon, ignore the assholes
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"I wanna die, I wanna die, i'm useless, it's too unbearable" *takes key bump of coke, smashes back 5 brews, smokes a joint*

"i just can't get where i'm going look at all the shit I'm stuck to, I can't change myself to achieve my goals, I work a shit job, I will never achieve my goals, i never have enough money, I hate everyone. Fuck i'm out of beer, going to the bar"

You are the only one who can change your life.. i was down for a while, didn't want to quit my nice paying job because it paid well off as fuck... but it was hard labor (masonry).. when i got in, I could do nothing but hit the bottle and pass out, or play some non-competitive game or watch some tele. Needless to say i was miserable
I had a revelation the other day, a couple days after slicing my eye and then holding the blade to my jugular and inching it in.. i spoke to a psychiatrist, and though i have friends that listen, you don't want to dump on them, they have their own problems... dumping all my shit on someone who's paid to hear your pleas is a thing of gold, or even just meditating and/or thinking aloud... she didn't have to speak but her guidance of the thoughts was a welcomed utility. stringing all the thoughts aloud only fleshed them out to exist for what they are... a string, all coexisting.

I quit my job, i'm getting a lesser paying job so i can concentrate on what make me happy, quitting the abuse of my bodily health through ingesting crap and fucking around with my time, the sacred time which is all i have to experience here on earth.

All these things aren't the path to the goal: they are the goal.. oneness type deal for without the coexistence of all, one thing is not what it was intended to be

i know you're looking for answers as much as you don't want to admit it.. you may take what i said with a grain of salt, because i worked hard to fathom that understanding to it's utmost extent...
i hope you can figure out the algorithm that brings you to the most definable answer to you
Take DMT and rethink about it
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I've dreamed heavily of killing myself for the past 8 years or so with only rare pauses where existence was tolerable
Truth. Had a guy put a 9mm in one temple it made a skull protrusion on the middle of the other side of his head so definitely crossed midline, fucker lived like 6 more hours with stable vital signs while he was prepared for organ doning and when I started the IV on him about 15 minutes after he shot himself, even though he was unresponsive he still withdrew his arm to the needle stick so I'm sure he was feeling that gunshot.
how to get?
Is there anything in your life that makes you consistently happy?
found the faggot who doesn't understand suicide, how is it to have a trust fund.
Just read some of these notes these people talk about how much they love other people then do the most hateful thing by leaving them
Don't do it
Maybe get off the internet put yourself around some actual people don't isolate
Life ain't so bad OP
And it sure as hell and fun all the time
Don't kill yourself
Dude, why the hell you even think that...give yourself a chance...RETHINK...
Fuckface. Fmj just means you'll drill a neat hole. Man up and get some high energy hollowpoints.>>681429150
Order on the deep web. I am in a middle eastern country and managed to get it twice. Trust me if u take it you will find it hard to even try being depressed, it reboot your brain.
if you truly have nothing to lose, then why not go out with a bang, and take out some evil motherfuckers on the way, who the world would be better without. then at least your death will improve the world in some way.. just a thought.. also, suicide is BS and stupid.. a man with nothing to lose can do ANYTHING he wants.. if you're determined to die there are so many more interesting options than eating a gun.. make a mark on history.
Hey, OP, no sympathy for the devil. You take the ticket, you take the ride. My /b/rother blew his brains out on our mother's bed 15 years ago in August. Domed himself with a Smith and Wesson .357, hollow point. My mom came home and found him. She tried to pick him up and the entire back of his head was gone. Totally fucked all of us up. Bad. Just remember who you're leaving behind. If you can get past that, go for it. I will be in August. Figured I'll keep it easy and do it the same day. But why use a gun? I'm planning on immolating in a McDick's play room. Why not, right? I feel your pain, /b/rother. Life doesn't get better, no one can help you but yourself, and if you're like me, you don't even want to.
Godspeed, /b/rother
No just someone that wants to live happily
Go to bed or you'll be late for first period
It's Jewish poison bro
>There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say
-Cyril Connolly
>No. It will be in the news though
You realize it probably won't be in the news. When have you ever heard of a suicide not involving others end up on the news?
if you're going to kill yourself at least do something news worthy.
>>681434185 >>681435245
These. Solid.
old copypasta is old
fucking stream it pussy
>No matter how much a woman loved a man, it wound still give her a glow to see him commit suicide for her
-H.L. Mencken
OP you gotta open your eyes man, are you really willing to bend over and let the machine dominate you like that? You have a life, a beating heart and throbbing soul, you are a real person. In this day and age we are in the midst of a great spiritual war, it is not a physical war off in some foreign land, it's happening right here in our own hearts. We are fighting and killing each other in record numbers, because it makes it easier to control us if we're fighting each other. The idea dawned on me the other day, that they control us and feed us lies in order to create a foundation of power. This very foundation of power could be the answer to the ultimate question, yet it destroys the very fabric of our humanity, and in the end it will be our downfall. The answer is not humanitarian suicide, it is to live life and to give yourself meaning. To appreciate and understand our place in the fabric of time, don't feed yourself into the machine, get off the internet and go outside. Go sit under the nearest tree and gaze upon the stars, don't be afraid to stand tall and proud, look people in the eyes because the eyes don't lie. You're passionate enough about your own life that you're willing to end it to find meaning, so why not go out there and try living? The definition of insanity is repeating the same process every time and expecting a different result, your life has so much potential to do great things, you can't give up OP.... It just isn't right, I can't really explain it other than potential being wasted. Do what you will but there is so much more to life than you or I could possibly know, don't turn a blind eye to it please
Why's the rail a different colour to pretty much everything else?
Why are you waiting for a gun, what the fuck is wrong with hanging yourself or jumping off a bridge. You just want somebody to have to clean up the mess, don't you?
I grew up middle class at best, son.
I didn't even hold hands with a girl until I was 19.
I had hardly any friends in high school.
Then I decided to stop being a bitch and start being a boss.
why is your life so intolerable anon? have you had a girlfriend before?
>Suicide is belated acquiescence in the opinion of one's wife's relatives
-also H.L. Mencken
Psalm 34:18-19 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”
>More people commit suicide with a fork than with any other weapon
-The Bible
fuck off with your trust fund.
I completely understand, I feel it literally, where are you located or I'll tell you where I am so you can help me with this in the process of your doing. If you wouldn't mind. In my case yeah it might be selfish but that's the point it's for me because I'm exhausted and nobody seems to wrap their head around the idea that being fake happy is okay it's not nor is it actually fooling the person doing so but others, Why do I need to put up w everything and everyone? And no it's not being weak since I'm making a extremely fatal and scary decision to do something that will end myself and who knows what's after? Idon't know but I'll be finding out so that's a whole lot scarier since in life you know where it's heading but after death... I might go to hell in never ending pain etc OR not so people who choice death as a resort are actually pretty dam courageous. Aside from that point is life is fucking irritable and sometimes it's honestly just too much especially the people the country the everything is all fucked up, people say that's just LIFE okay?? Well this oh so precious LIFE is shitty af, unfair, cruel, etc. YES there are good things in life, happy times, etc. but God are they tremendously hard to have, get.. Thing is life can be get but we're in a place where everything will throw us down so we can't have it, some like myself sadly do all it takes and yet Still no dam happiness for me. Being kind or fair or whatever gets you nothing, maybe I'll be rewarded in heaven if I live long enough and died at my destined time but What if I don't ??? So many dam things to think of and consider so hard life is just UGH. I started to vent my thoughts. Some days I feel hopeless and beyond but others so hopeful that I feel I can actually make it and get it all. I don't get how it can be so easy for some to just be optomistic or so quick to just push thru situations.. Well some are lucky cus they get and have help in all aspects or some but others just don't..
fuck me you depressed bunch of cock cobblers. watch this and live -
Psalm 55:22 “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

First Peter 5:7 “Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
Deuteronomy 12:40 "I smoke weed every day. It's pretty much all I ever do."
Take LSD op
Now, I've been here longer than you kiddo and people used to tell each other to kill themselves for not understanding the whole mudkipz thing.
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If done right you might be able to generate some form of revenue for whoever you care about.

ITT: OP kills himself to spite his ex

wow you are a petty little cunt arent ya
found you , alerting the police in your area for your own good
I get it.
>It's not my fault I suck balls! Happy people have trust funds!
You're the problem, son.
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All the liars saying 'it gets better' you fucking faggots it doesn't get better, it gets worse, for me each year gets worse than other, life is all about enduring pain.
Not op.
Here's the thing... these people have others to care about. Some of us just... don't. For one reason or another, we are all alone. And we are suffering.
This is /b/ you double nigger potato baby. Don't forget some of us have been here longer than 2 summers. Nigger has been a staple here for 10 years, fuck off.
fuck off trust fund kid. go and get more free shit handed to you by your parents.
Glad you have the courage to finish yourself off. I literally want to do the same thing but I'm just too much of a coward, have so much debt, and don't want my family to be sad.

Hey OP young fag here
I understand where your coming from and your reasons why but do you feel you've really experienced all there is? I'm not saying find love or anything but maybe travel somewhere try something new but if you feel you're at least content with the life you've lived and go ahead with it, goodbye
Killing yourself because of a girl who killed you only a month ago. Goddamnit anon, selfpitty is strong in this one. Ffs
Dumped* oops
I've had a few, I even got married to the woman I lost my virginity to, and she lost hers to me (I often think that I sm still a virgin, seeing as we found each other's virginities). Sex is great and often and she loves me every bit as I love her. Yet because I was hurt by a woman in rhe past I can not even give her the respect of trust, because I am so ridiculous I have made her cry multiple times for saying things that allude to my lack of trust. I am so afraid of being hurt I hurt the only thing I love in this life. I don't know what is wrong with me. I'm never exactly happy through a whole day either.

Wow that's a really great idea, could you elaborate for me some more? In all seriousness.
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why wait for the weekend?

Jump off a big building.

do a flip while your at it
I don't even have a car, bitch.
No matter how hard you deny it, it's still your fault.
And still within your power to change, if you stop being a little bitch.
But hey. You want to stay miserable? Go ahead.
I don't give a fraction of a shit.
oh jesus.
Better or worse is completely subjective and the way you see your world is completely up to you. So nothing getting better means you've decided to be comfortable with misery. You and OP should hold hands and fuck each other til you're both dead!
Anon, this hits home a bit too hard. My boyfriend was the same when we first started dating. You should try to talk to her, trust me, she can help you. Sorry to hear that you don't trust women anymore, but we're not all the same.
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Follow your dreams, boyo. You can always fall in love again.
Many of my sentiments. The world will shit on you. People will shit on you. No matter how good you are, no matter how kind you are. People are selfish, so why not we? Fuck this. I never asked for this. I've had happy times, but, meh, not worth it anymore. So many people let me down all the time. When can I let myself down? I'm in Idaho, have shit tons of guns, but I feel a painful death is necessary. Bring me fire or thermite. Burn baby, burn
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You know the drill. Its titty time.
Sometimes you just gotta let shit go and don't get all in your head thinking about past relationships. Easier said than done I know since I can also get into that state of mind. I'm a newlywed myself. How often do you go outside anon? What is your favorite hobby?
no you are a trust fund kid who gets everything handed to them and you still bitch that it's not enough, i'm extremely happy with my life, i just know the trust fund kiddy types, who have no clue about the pain of others, all that self entitlement rots empathy for others.
Did you ever move past it? What finally helped him trust you? Would a surveillance approach with access to you at all times work? Or is there something you did to definetly prove your absolute loyalty? She got a tattoo of my initials on her ankle and i dont know why i still cant trust her
Why wait? Are you that much of a pussy that you can't commit to doing something in the here and now?
Every day of the week, for college, have two days with four hours inbrtween and i walk in deserts around me to help clear my head .
If you don't like your life then change it, the only person standing in between you and true unsaturated happiness is yourself. It took me my entire life to figure out how to overcome this issue and to find some balance in this chaos. I have come to terms with my own demise on several occasions, and it is only when you are staring down the barrel of a 20 guage shotgun and pull the trigger that you are able to appreciate the life you've been given. After all that buildup and finally pulling the trigger, it became apparent that the shell was a dud that had been sitting in the cabinet for years. I have never cried harder in my entire life than that day, I cried to my mother, the giver of my life, a part of me, my childhood definition of God. You are not alone anon, we are all real people branching from the same fibers, yet unique in our own ways. The many forms and faces of our reality stand against the test of time, come to understand that everything will be ok, you are not alone anon.
Nah, OP. Don't listen to these cucks. Do it on your own time. Fuck everyone else. If it's what you really want, do it when and how you want. Godspeed
You won't feel thermite. At almost 6000 degrees it'll sear any hole it makes right shut. Lye would probably suck though. Going the psychological route would suck too though. Like aminita caps plus morning glories and dxm all in massive quantities followed by a broken glass and rat poison smoothie.
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Just thought I'd say this op but if you haven't tried drugs why not start now?
What's the worst that could happen?
You stupid fuck. Grow a pair and keep moving forward like the rest of us. We all have pains to deal with; you think you're special? Fucking daft bastard.
It's not really one thing, that helped him to trust me. I showed him that I was there for him, that he could talk to me about anything. I helped him with some family problems. I really think you should look at all the little things she does for you. The tattoo is a pretty big thing, and shows it's serious, but look out for the little things. The sweet words she whispers in your ear when you guys are cuddling. The look she gives you sometimes. Just try to be open about it to her
Your newfag is showing.
How pathetic you are to see contentment and assume that it comes from ignorance.
No. You're not "extremely happy" and I'm not getting a penny of inheritance from my parents you deluded fuck.
But keep telling yourself that I have a fucking trust fund.
You never let reality get in the way of your self pity before, after all.
That's funny "put some credit card info" like dam insensitiveee
>You won't feel thermite.
nigga do you know what 'feel' meeans?
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>You can always fall in love again
And get your heart broken, again, and again, and again, and again...
So misguided child, learn to listen to others when they're talking to you. Question it sure, to make sense out of what you're hearing, but don't give up and take the easy way out. Noone said life was going to be easy, I'm not sure why you thought it would be, it does get better but only if you want it to
Tits or gtfo
lol you are awfully angry for someone who is "happy", fuck off i can tell you are a butt hurt trust fund kiddy.
Last summer my cousin put a 20 ga shotgun to his chest just below his sternum. He was a successful dentist but was under a lot of stress as he was trying to buy a large established practice. I was one of a few people privy to the suicide note, I couldn't believe how much it centered around money. He wasn't broke, had just over 1m in his bank accounts plus some decent investments but needed just a little more cash which he would have had in another yr or so.

Wouldn't you be scared to shoot yourself? What if something goes wrong? What if you don't die and become a brain dead vegetable? What if you end up paralyzed, or not being able to see, or just straight up deformed? Too many risks in my opinion.

be4 U die can U kill Donald Trump plz? XD XD XD
I appreciate you so much. I love my wife and i need it to work or I may be OP real soon.
instead of being in pain, why not be happy? its pretty easy and only seems hard for those who don't try.
You still alive OP?
Yeah, you're right about the thermite. I figured put it on my chest, light her up with magnesium, and watch the fireworks, but yeah, not quite what I'm looking for. Water hemlock grows here rampantly. I believe that would be painful. I grow belladonna and hensbane for my deep woods adventures, I could use that I suppose. That shit has nearly killed me recreationally. Should have eaten a few more berries...

passively blaming others and leading a generally shitty life, sometimes because of not accepting the responsibility of your own life and passing it on to "problems" seems to be a common theme

step-father just went out in style tryng to kill me and my mother when i was visiting. got her out of the house, he slashed his throat, wrists, seemingly smashed his head off everything in site according to hematoma's, and then hung himself while being stormed by the special forces unit

a good read is "The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri" translated by "Dorothy L. Sayers " is the one i read, and i believe is the most notable of the translations. Anyways, book 1:Hell, speaks of when Dante was being guided through hell, and he saw people writhing of things they wouldn't get over, regretting, hating, choking on themselves, a demise set forth by ones own hand with no respite.

i always got that image when i was desperately depressed, and even keep that image with me today as I battle my demons, as every single one of us do whether you realize it or not, a battle i can now say I am winning

it is not others, or their actions that seem to sway that notion of being their fault daily with a reminder or a new view on them or feeling towards, it is you. It is you who decides how your life will be and none other. Sure people may affect it, but it being "the end" is your decision based on those actions. I personally prefer becoming better and better from every flicker in this presumed; eternal flame that is life.. not a simple task, but a fruitful one, if you dare
Just don't try to force it, it will take some time. Just try to work on it together. Goodluck anon, I really hope you don't end up like OP
Be completely honest with yourself for a second. You're comfortable with your current state of mind, are you not? You seem to have no desire to become better or to stop feeling so desolate and depressed despite all these anonymous people here that's spending their precious time to steer you towards the positive.

You want us to justify what you're feeling and thinking, but I would like to say that society is better off without people like you. Of course people near you will be sad if you kill yourself, but please remember that the rest of society will be very pleased to have a whiny entitled pussy like you dead.
Don't use a gun, you're fucking it up for everyone else.
Be aware (of person or object) through touch or being touched.

To truly feel it you'd have to survive to experience up to the healing stage. If thermite can burn a hole through an engine block in a split second any damage it does to flesh will be too swift and outside the realm of biological capacity to interpret for it to register. With heat, less more.
Shut up faggot just move forward like all of us. I just got out of jail 3 weeks ago for something I didn't do.
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>>this weekend

you're a huge faggot and if you were AT ALL serious about killing yourself (which you clearly are not) you would have blown your brains out two weeks ago.

shut the fuck up, go outside, get some exercise, and turn your fucking life around you stupid shit.
Well, with that kind of attitude, the only girl that's going to date you are the ones with tattoos on their chest and has 2 kids before they're even 21. People like you are destined to live shitty miserable lives!
Get a police chase and pwn some cops before becoming an hero.
Only then will you earn teh 9001 4chans
Thermite isn't a quick powerful combustion like a grenade, I would argue that you wouldn't feel a thing if a grenade exploded inside your mouth. But having thermite pourn on your face is something you'll definitely feel.
Op I believe everyone should have the right to kill themselves if they don't want to live. Fuck all these people calling you a pussy for doing it, you shouldn't have to suffer. I hope you're making the right choice. Don't be a faggot and not die otherwise people are just going to pity you and that's probably worse than what you have now. Good luck.
Yes I'm sure that everyone in jail is really innocent, I understand that the judicial system is fucked in the united States, but they won't arrest you if you're not being a dickhead
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Kek I've been with the same beautiful, brilliant girl for the past 9 years, and we are doing better than ever
I know you won't believe that fact, but it doesn't matter to me, I'm still relishing in how fucking wrong you are
For half a second, while the 1000+ degrees eats through your head.
I like you, /b/ro. My pipe dream death is to die off this shit hole planet. I've veen looking into high altitude balloons. I know I can't actually get in to space, but stratosphere is good enough. Thoughts? If no, petrol and a lighter should suffice
I've felt the same way for years op.

When I was 16 I decided suicide was stupid and I should live in spite of the people who make my life hell. Now I'm 26 and honestly living without fear of dying is great, I've had more fun in the past 6 years than most people have in 70

Im in Illinois. Question, why a painful death? to make you feel it? or because you feel it's what you deserve? Or...
On your face you would just instantly die, and it's not poured. It's set and ignited.
You don't give a fuck for your family, you stupid piece of shit.

I wouldn't call this 'instant' lol OP if you're reading this I hope you stick with shooting yourself in the face
There are so many good movies coming out soon, though. And a new season of game of thrones just started. All I'm saying, is that you literally have the rest of fucking eternity to be dead. So why why rush yourself, lol. Do some crazy shit before you kill your self. Like go sky diving and just don't pull your parachute cord. Idk, go on an adventure. Don't just off yourself, fag
Pain for the pain, I guess. I haven't done much wrong, so not that I deserve it, but it's what I want. I want to feel my death as I felt my life I guess. I twisted a pistol in my face twice this week and it just didn't feel right. If I can help you my /b/rother, let me know. Drop your kik or an email and we can get down to brass tacks.
Hydrogen gas in a aluminum lined balloon near the equator over international waters. Its the highest you'll get. Without oxygen and a good coat you'll freeze or suffocate before seeing the thin blue line.
Shoot up A school instead why die like a nobody if you do it you'll be a hero to some people atleast
>go skydiving
>not pull parachute
Probably the coolest way to kill yourself
Listen here circle jerk buddy, it's obvious you haven't attempted suicide or had your life almost taken from you by someone else. Don't do it, it's no fun actually trying to off yourself. You really want to die on your knees? I'd rather live life standing proud, if people actually follo Wed through with how they felt and thought then there would be no human race because we all would have killed our selves or each other. Take a second and think about what you're doing, question it and contemplate on why it's so important. The real reason on why it's so important, not the fake illusion known as pain shrouding our true solution. Use that brain you have anon, it's there for a reason. You are the result of millions of years of evolution, start acting like it
Shut up faggot
Game of Thrones is about to be good af
what state?
That's kind of fucked up to say don't you think.
Good ass idea
Dude. Try smoking some weed. Kick back
He's right you know.
thats a death threat i called fbi
He has a point
mayb kill some liberals before to even it out a bit
If done right it is. He just made a fancy 4000 plus degree candle. The way is contain and lifted above the intended cutting surface was where he fucked up. Plus, you're comparing the structural integrity of flesh to metal.
Is it? It's hard to judge anything anymore when you don't even know whats real. OP has already made his decision and only he will know about it, were simply here to give him attention before he goes and does it (or doesn't) because we fear the same thing. To die alone with noone to witness or remember you, if a tree falls in the forest with noone around to hear it fall, does it really make a noise? Only the tree knows, we are here on 4chan to assure OP that there are in fact people in the forest to hear his cries of self inflicted pain
shove that gun up your ass see if you can fire it with your toes.
at least you can leave a wtf case to the police
If dubs, kill yourself in a cooler way. Like jumping out of an airplane with a wing suit and no parachute, or something
Rollin for this
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this wasn't me, and that was rude anon, it was him or a random dink.. in this case being rude to possibly the person about to an hero is a bit counter productive. let him see the light of day before he decides to give up and plunge into the abyss, that's a shit analogy because they both sound awesome. i guess the best definition would be, as far as our knowledge is concerned, become nothing, possibly everything, but to ou knowledge... nothing

this will be my last post in case anyone tries hate on ya with the pic, night all of ya's. get some rest
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