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Alright you FUCKING FAGGOTS, let's do more tinder shit

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 38
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Alright you FUCKING FAGGOTS, let's do more tinder shit
same numbers as last time?
pick a new bitch yet?
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I miss my teddy bear. Would you sleep with me?
Holy shit you're the prettiest girl who has ever added me on here
Ask the land whale if you can sleep in her blubber for warmth
I seem to have lost my phone number, can I have yours instead?
Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven?
How big was the whole you left?
kek, this
kek xD
gtfo normie
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she's going to eat that up. It's what she does
>Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven?
>Because I'm sure the ground was pretty sore about it.
Do you like anime?

half her face is chin, obviously she eats everything up.
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You fuckers are going to get me killed
Tell her your favorite food.

She's landwhale AND a writetard. What a catch!

>I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I'm a big supporter of cetacean rights.
Yes I mean it. Let get together asap. I need to see you!
rolling for

We should eat BBQ together
Haha yeah, we'll have a WHALE of a time :)
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She's never been more wrong in her life
Confirmed Kek'd

Wow, that joke is more corny than your breakfast. Don't worry, I still love it.
And you.
And anime.
Do you like to shop?
Fucking this
I can tell you love sweets you fat slob. Put down the chips ya greasy shit.

kekkus maximus.
rolling for thisss
>We should eat BBQ together
>I'd ask you to bring the pork, but I don't want to offend your heritage.
Rolling for OP acquiring fatty tits
Which one of those do you hate more: Gypsies, Arabs, Niggers or Slavs?
show me your fat ass tits, i need to purge
hahaha... she's tryina run game on you homey. HHAHAHHAHAA

>sad thing is, it's probably easier for her to get fucked by the end of the day than anyone reading this.
>really aww and because I can picture me and you together.
Fuck yeah she can picture it, after she's finishing you as her meal
Send me a pic with sharpie in pooper.
Let's just get to fucking, mind of I paper bag your head?
same here, I feel like me and you could have great chemistry together

are you free for a drink on Sunday?
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Alright let's actually make this land whale love this poor cuck
Fuck, so fucking desperate
I want you to perform cunnilingus on you after you've run around the block a couple of times.
I want to*
This, let's do this
Numbers are
Oh cut the crap you fucking landwhale. you don't even know me and you never will.
Ask her if she can see her penis from all that fat
How does your pussy taste?
This please
wins aren't fucking dubs you illiterate piece of shit
Ask for her phone number. Then post it.

rolling for this one
It must have hurt when you fell from the sky...because you caused the extintion of the dinosaurs
Aww! You think so? That means so much to me! Would it be ok if you sent me a sexy photo of yourself?

Reroll for subtle build-up (though judging by her spelling I doubt she'd know what "cetacean" means)
Fucking kek
I'm a vegan.
can i ask for a pic of your cunt.. ? :$
Roller coaster

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, 66 million years ago?"
Lets meet up this weekend, we have to do this. This is ment to be!
Ask her if she takes a day to turn around
OP posted dubs win faggot
Trips do it
Wanna go get some Chinese later?
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"Why yes, yes I am."
You're slow
Give me your number
No but satan will guide my hand
Are you trying to seduce me? ;)

you have to do that stupid face. they love it. It gets ugly pussy wet.
what do you think? do you love it? :$$$$
*join a pic of your dick*
And you're a waste, faggot
>I feel like me and you could have great chemistry together.
>Are you familiar with lipid oxidation reactions?
Apart from being beautiful, what do you do for a living?
Give us more numbers, it's too slow
Rollan for this
I must draw you
is your profile picture a credit card? a picture of bank account credit with a big sum of money? you can't be this attractive.
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Underrated post, top kek anon
i can pretend to be a photographer... Let's go find a darkroom and see what develops ;)
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I'll jsut get her fucking number and let you niggers have at it. Gotta go to the library and pick up some books and shit. I'll post more throughout the week and hope to Christ you fags do the same.
>can't keep up with a thread
>calls me waste
Kek off yourself m8
Oh I am as sweet as a sucker! Speaking of suckers..Do you want to come over and suck on my cock bb?
rolling down a hill
I see something deep inside you... My dick.
What you're seeing here is a get
Good one
"Are you okay with jews?
I'm not"
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Alright let's see what she says

We had trips twice -- at least post that
back to 9fag
Op dieded abandon thread
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finally reply
Reroll for this
I know we just met...but I think I'm in love with you. I hope we get married, have kids. and die together.
The fuck is this?
Did you know it was my hero's birthday on the 20'th of April? He really did nothing wrong
Roooollll, This has to happen
She is the essence of female cringe.> if dubs: Tell her you'd like to harpoon her.
You like chicken tendies? My mummu used to make the best ones, but I ate her instead.
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Okay fags, last one before I go
So did you're dad build your house out of straw, wood or bricks. I'm just curious how safe you'll be when the wolf comes back
OP please.
Wait wait OP , she may be dubbing on....TUMBLR!!
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Send it fag
You gave me a thirst to become a better man so that I can be worthy of your love.
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Holy fuck. Ugly AND stupid?

Good fucking luck with your life Esmeralda
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>all those attractive matches
Are we playing a game of 'what doesn't belong here'?
Yes :) At least post reply before you leave
Yeah! Fucking bump
Thank you OP. Godspeed in escaping the earthquake.
I died.

But honestly, she will probably fall for anything. That whale hasn't been harpooned once in her life

It's more fun using shitty /b/ pickup lines on hot girls (and kinda sad when it works)
I'm not about to waste any of my flock of hot women on you fucks
I'll post the number if and/or when I get it
>actually getting matches
>I'm not about to waste any of my flock of hot women

>choose the hottest out of the lot
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this harpoon wont pull out
No response yet OP?
Or did he abandon us
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I'm in the fucking car, no reply yet
Fookin slut
were waiting
Dunno, /b/ has scored more dates than I have
And the score would be astronomical if there wasn't always one total "I want to shit in your mouth" retard ruining it

Apparently we are good at this
>Driving a Toyota
Probably a Prius
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No replies yet
Sad thing is that somewhere out there Esmeralda is seriously contemplating the pros and cons of rough anal sex
Camry but nice try fag

"Im a huge faggot and am having people on 4chan pick what to say to you because i have severe autism.
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Lets see what you fuckers got
If you're either waxed, or naturally hairless, I may even be willing to lick your ass hole.
Show me your tits please?
"Bye Felicia"
kek this
Had your daily dose of dick yet?
you know, just playing the piano
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Post reply OP
We're off to a good start

I can feel a connection
straight to the point.nice
Haha ffs anon
>I can feel a connection
That's her gravitational pull you're feeling, bud
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She posted this and then unmatched. Theres another online though I'm messaging but you'll have to excuse my faggotness
Go on

/B/ Groups app on whatsapp

What happened with the fatty?
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Yes! It's called Nickelback
If you're a chick and you have.
A tinder, you're probably desperate for a relationship. If you're a man and you have a tinder, you're probably just looking to get some shit tier ass lol
You might get laid son
Yeah I am! I'm actually the lead singer/guitarist in my bad called the Autistic Seamonkies!
Are you really good looking, or using fake good looking pictures. I'm a so so looking guy and I get NO fucking matches
I'll bet you're also great at playing the skin flute. Would you like to audition for my band?
say youd want to stick a guitar up her ass and hear her moans.
send it OP
No, but I play an instrument. I play the pussy good time
Don't tell anyone but I auditioned to join One Direction last week. Replacing the sandnigger
If by band you mean your ass hole and by guitar you mean by throbbing dick then yes
post pic,maybe youre only so so compared to 4chan fags and not normies.
Yeah, we're playing darkwave music on fetish festivals.

Still need a slave chick for stage shows. Are you into that by any chance?
I'd berry my dick so far inside your asshole whoever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur
watch my pronouns mate, I go by Zer Zim Zhex
double dubs speak the truth
Fucking winrar. You guys sure like to take it slow
roll to send whatever bitch you encounter
Unless you're stunning don't use tinder
Except you spelled photographer wrong dumb cunt, but I forgive you beautiful :)
We are not twelve, please stop.
Message sent - waiting on reply.

I look quite feminine, I'd probably make a good trap.
Dunno about that. My flatmate used it and hes kind of fat with a 6/10 face. He actually got some matches (and not just ugly chicks)
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Yup, we're called Lemon Party. Check us out and download some free tunes at
speak for urself I am whatever age I wanna b
funniest shit ive read in a while OP

Almost quints should have won
No , but as much as I play with my dick, I figured guitar wouldn't be a hard transition to
so close to quints
this pls
Im literally going to come to your flat an rape you unless you mail $500 to my PO box immediately
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>not into cock tributes in 2016
what are you doing with your life? get with the times..
Right now we just play in garages and moms work partys. We are call Brutally Raping Amys
Yeh guurrrl we're an 8bit inspired band who do metal covers of songs such as kirby pinball theme and smash bros main theme, It's so super popular and not lame at all, wanna fuck
OP got her number and is actually dating her now
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Things are starting to look bleak
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This area is sweet
OP is back and you'll never guess what I've got
post it faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish mine looked like that

A desperate fat girl which after long deliberations agreed to take it in the butt

You're gonna break her heart OP
If nudes you are demigod tier
Let us see your tinder profile?
>send me your tinder profile link BRO
Lets see what you got OP. My tinder game seems to be going to shit anyway.
No but you can say you're me to get some. Post em if you've got em

Holy shit anon I cannot handle all these keks
I am EU fag so that shit will cost me too much to message
They're mojority bots.... sadly
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I dont think shes coming back
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The dog does it
>sorry I have autism
Please tell me this has ever worked
please respond
>aahaha that was my cat
>gotta go visit my mum at the hospital
>I liek your smile
kill yourself m80
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>have autism
>pls respond
I would buy to many tinder birds to swoon
I just matched with the most QT girl.

Ya know, the girls with the hipster alternative look with kinda thick glasses.

Seems like she might be liberal as fuck, but let's hope she's as cool as she is beautiful, cause damn is she QT
make your tumblr now fam

RIP anon, he had a shit tier life
>we send dubs
top kek
No offense dude but I am 6'3" brown hair, athletic build and in NYC. I get so few matches after the new update. In south america every swipe was a match. WTF is going on NYC.
hipster alternative look with kinda thick glasses, if you call that 'QT', then I predict your cause of death will be AIDS. GAY AIDS.
>pls respond
My sides have entered orbit
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How is this information pertinent to me?
These threads are part of the reason Tinder is shit now
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I can still make it right guys?
soooo...this thread will continue at a pace of a snail collision or what?

OP, entertain us!
sorry he's autistic too
okay sorry I've serious problem with my genital
I meant I am artistic. I can make a knot into my shlong!
i want sex and piss with you ;)
Find a dog and take a photo with it and use that pic. .... sov add i changed mine with a dog on it matches more often
just kidding. pretty girls make me a nervous nelly.

p-p-perhaps we can g-g-go on a d-d-date for some c-coffee or something?

oh fuck I'm sorry that was so lame. You probably think i'm a weirdo. FML
kek roll
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Close call
She still wants the D. Your profile pic must be amazing. Teach me Senpai
do you like rap music?
I want to save my load for 3 weeks. Then cum into your asshole and wait for you to fart it out. Free chocolate milkshakes for all! XD
You look like that creep pouring melted ice cream on his cock.
> Change your goddamn face
haha sorry I smoked a little crack, it always makes me like this
But hey, its Tuesday am I rite ;)
You don't make sense you fucking cunt
Ladies seem to like it
i explain it to you
so first of all
i am anything when i'm high
i just happen to have done some meth

coincidentally, i am still white trash
fucking kek
crack is the only thing that keeps me a life. i dont know how to deal with my autism...
So anyways, let me send you a picture of my cock
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Following in your footsteps OP, hope you know what you're doing
why the fuck are your matches so hot!? mine are all fucking land whales looking for a husband
Do you swallow?
Send her your dick
this is based
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I think this'll be the one where she unmatches
nice dubs nice gains
Yeah. Anyway I'm in a band. We do 90ies covers mostly but have also started writing our own songs lately

What music are you into?

(getting an actual conversation going so we have a better setup than "hello". Keep your cocks in your pants for a while)
You went full retard
This made me kek so hard
>"play the pussy good time"
Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 38

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