There are only 2 genders. Prove me wrong.
Bumping for interest
the animal kingdom has hermaphrodite and asexual species
I'm curious to see what faggotry may come of this, OP
We are all one gender, the human gender
That's sex, not gender.
dual genders only apply to sexual species. asexual animals don't have genders because they don't have sex.
there's a reason why sex and gender are synonyms.
I sexually identify as an attack helicopter
There are no genders. Only sexes.
Also don't forget the 0.1% of persons who are born intersexed.
Bumping for more shitpost
Some humans, about one in thousand iirc, are born with both sets of genitalia. So we do at least have three sexes.
And I sexually identify as a rapecopter. Howdy do today qt?
if you have two cars and crash them together, then you still only have two cars, no matter their interactions.
like 99% of fucking everything like time, alphabets, etc, gender coding is invented by people.
Biological sex is real. Gender isn't. Basically it's like who the fuck cares what pronouns someone uses or what they wear.
We're all gonna fucking die someday. Everything is meaningless.
Y'all gotta stop being so miserable about it.
Cite sources.
Asexual is self reproducing NOT A STUMP HUMPING FAGOT.
Hermaphroditic mutations lack function and are accident.
There are no genders. Only Zuul.
Fair enough. I'm still going to call you an autistic bitch for correcting me, however.
babbys first nihilism post
>a man
>feminists tell me im a rapist
>rape a feminist
>tell judge its ok i identify as an tumblr
>go home
That does not make three genders. It makes male, female, and severe birth defect. Those both sets of genitals never even work properly.
i bet your the life of a party
Why does it matter though?
That's a genetic Fuck up. It wasn't supposed to happen. Doesn't count dumb Fuck.
Ooooooooooooooo that rubs my rotors just the right way. You're just asking for it flying around here like that
I can't, op. however you should focus on a less distracting issue. let's talk about,say, the predatory and genocidal practices of the global corporate criminals and the pentagon going on right now in Africa
>i identify as a rape
>my preferred pronouns are rape/raper/rapist
AS IF 1/1000 has scientifically darwinic dominance.
Homosexuality and refusal to reproduce is genetic inferiority and passes on ZERo traits. HOMOSEXUALITY IS A DARWINIC DEAD END
So is it only 50% gay to fuck a hermaphrodite?
So... do you execute them after they're born, Spara style, or... what?
Sociology states there is at least 4 official genders
Its a trap! You're actually an A-10C dressed as a helicopter.
Im a transrapist
I fell like a woman trapped in a mans body and im forced to rape women because of the misogyny of my birth half, my pronouns are herapist, sherapist and themrapist, you will never know what its like to be born in the wrong body of a rapist because all i want to do is tape men but i have a penis and i am only attracted to those of my transrapist feelings, i would rape women if i could but i would only rape them as a female but i cant so i have to tape them with my penis, please be kind im verry suicidal
Genocide in Africa is a win-win
Prove me wrong
Gender and sex are two different things
Gender is what you "act" like, sex is what junk you have.
There used to be only two genders, but now gayfags, autists and SJWs have made up a whole bunch of 'new' ones cause they want to be special snowflakes.
If you were born with a dick, your sex is male, but if you wear dresses and act like a girl, then your gender is what is considered to be female. Your sex is what you're stuck with, but people can decide what gender role they're going to play. It's just the way it works.
gender is a social construct. the idea of men/women was manifested throughout the western history. its just a cultural thing, like jocks/nerds. you can find different genders in other societies.
Pit style, baby!
Homosexuals are capable or reproducing. Modern science has allowed for two eggs to produce a healthy and viable zygote, and there's a market for surrogate mothers to carry and birth the child of a homosexual couple, where one of them is the genetic father.
in particular the congo
You will not reproduce. You are inferior
The way I see it, humanity is slowly transcending gender. Not out of choice but because some males are born with more feminine features (pic related) and the other way around. We are all starting to see each other as simply people rather than a means to an end (Mostly a means to survival and reproduction). Our main priority when it comes to our partner is not weather they can survive the winter or if they can keep a family fed. We care much more about aesthetics and symmetry (and the size of each others wallets.)
TL,DR; basically our species is not giving a fuck anymore IMO
Ya just like we do with the ones with downs and other retarded deformities. How did you slip threw the cracks?
You're right, it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. We're all going to die and the earth will be consumed by the sun and the sun will disintegrate and the galaxy will be spread thin and the universe will collapse in on itself or infinitely expand untill matter completely disassociates. It might not matter in a billion years but right now a bunch of faggots from the 21st century are arguing about it so...
I think the best way to solve all of this is if we just stopped asking for woman or man on government papers such as driver's licenses or passports.
People want to argue about gender? Let them, but the state shouldn't have to concern itself with that shit at all. Sorta like marriage, there's no reason why the state should keep a hand in it. It could be more flexibly done as a private contract.
Sponges are hermanthroditic.
But sponges are born that way, faggots aren't. Biology decides sex, the only reason gays and all that other shit exist now is because of some Freudian implementation of femininity or some other bullshit along with sheltered/lonely lives, causing them to spend too much time in their thoughts and become confused.
fucking moron, the spartans cast their infants off a cliff, not into the pit
Snails are hermaphrodites, they can be both male and female and usually do act as both male and female during reproduction.
Species 8472 can have as many as 8 genders.
Africans wouldn't be so backwards and lame if the predatory practices hadn't gone on for centuries, completely cutting their chances to decide who they wanted to be and how, as free masters in their own land.
also, children extract the cobalt that's used in your phone battery, and die because of it, while our children get to play mind challenging games. how's that fair?
having the physical characteristics of both sexes; hermaphrodite.
Is not a gender it is a birth defect like retardation such as yourself.
Without gender? then it is does not exist unless it is an inanimate object like a rock, which I'm sure you can relate..
Sociology is so fucked up, the followers and readers of it all must come from tumbler.
spotted the jew
Go fuck a guy in the ass and make a child then !
>modern science
a trick played by science is temporary, numerically irrelevant and does not constitute a change in our nature or our reproduction. it's like... a plant like the hydrangea that only gets to exist as long as humans clone it
Gender (Social Construct)
Sex (Physiological)
Most gender dysphoria comes back to an identity crisis, bad upbringings, peers, propaganda and media portrayal all can cause this.
Sex is simply Male or Female (testes, ovaries, vagina, penis, breasts, uterus).
Now there is medical mysteries where a person may have something extra.. or missing. This is simply a mutation of genes, but their sex is what their hormones produced and the functionality of their reproductive organs.
The problem is that people dont know how to address their sexual attraction, so they give themselves a label, which is just a coverup for their insecurities, which play a part in their mental health. Along with discrimination, this is why LGBT people have a higher suicide rate.
There should only be 2 sexes and 2 genders, but people get confused and think gender is sexual orientation (which is a whole other thing) and start labeling themselves, some even try to physically change to the opposite gender.
Homosexuality isn't a gender anon it's a sexuality.
Gay's don't think of them selfs as a third gender (I'm sure a few retarded ones do but most dont) they see them selfs as the gender they abd they like the same gender.
Homosexuality is found in over 1500 different species including all prime apes, it's a variation effecting a praportionaly small part of the population abd really isn't worth getting upset over.
Why care what 9% of the total population does to eatchother sexualy?
He get's it
my fav days are the days where seven year olds on /b/ try to figure out gender
you didn't seem to actually read the post that you linked to
Why does it matter?
Homosexuality in humans has been documented for thousands of years, it's also found in other prime apes and other animal species.
It's not a threat to out population at all nor has it ever been, just let them he gay and stop thinking so much about gay sex.
Gender = Male or Female.
Human = Species.
There have actually been three genders in many cultures.
I read in certain Asian cultures, some women choose to be the 'third gender', which basically means that they will dress like men and be treated like men, but they will have to live celibately.
The other 'third gender' is basically what we would call a 'she-male' and it exists in most cultures.
And then there's always the mishaps. You know.
homosexuality only exists in overcrowded populations btw: it manifests itself only in highly stressed groups as a violence controller. there's no other reason for it. which doesn't mean it should be forbidden or anything, but certainly we shouldn't design our societies around it
life is not fair and it never will be.
Don't tell that to otherkin
They will rip you a knew one
If anyone needs to be exterminated it's otherkin.
This fucking cunt needs to get rekt
pfft. asshole. you only get to say that because you are on this side of the coin
Sounds like someone is quite angered
You gotta learn to not let these things bother you so much.
Perhaps you should, have a peppermint? A nice peppermint?
Otherkin = people that are delusional and retarded.
true, i'm sure the kid dying in the cobalt mine would have a different opinion.
It effects such a small portion of our population I just don't see why it matters.
It's been around in humans as long as humans have existed and it probably always will be.
My brothers gay, he's a cool guy.
tits on tits > dick on dick
Homo is good when lesbians involved
Anyone who tells you life is fair is obviously selling you something
Can't your right OP.
... Only people with mental diseases thing you are wrong.
I wasn't mad but I do hate otherkin.
Whatever my emotional state was prior your pic has made me smile and I'm feeling good.
prove that youre right
I should throw you in the pit for challenging me.
What is fair?
Look in your pants. If you have a dick your male. If you have a pussy your a female. Simple.
Many cultures, historically, had multiple genders. It is by no means a recent development. Indigenous cultures had "Two-Spirits", which were people who occupied the space between genders, much like the Celts, who had "That which is neither" to describe people that weren't quite male or female. In some traditional Indian cultures, there were around 9 genders that a person could be.
by that logic pedo's can reproduce too so they should be treated the same as homo's
Oh, how dark and edgy! It's too much for me!
I have your mom in my pants. What am I now?
The OP's request was in regards to gender, not sex.
No difference
Giggle giggle teehee he fuckin pwn'd you nigga! >>681107155 yo dubs ain't shit ITT
pedophilia and rape both occur in nature too does that mean we should be ok with it?
I don't think you have heard of the new concept word called "LAW" and being a pedo is against the "LAW". Whereas being gay is not.
Lol no they can't
Equal treatment
Pedos can reproduce even without scientific intervention.
The inability to reproduce doesn't invalidate a relationship. Or do you propose that we forcibly divorce all elderly persons and all infertile couples?
Sex is biological, gender is cultural.
This guy gets it
You need to read an evolutionary biology textbook or two there buddy.
Pedophilia and rape both harm another person. That makes them wrong.
Having a bloke suck you off doesn't hurt anyone, and it doesn't damage population. We're already overpopulated as it is.
A 12 year old who thinks "your mom" jokes are funny
Today's scientists of the relevant fields would disagree with you. But maybe you're like the evolution deniers and only agree with what science has told us when it agrees with your narrative.
no you cant
Ayy lamo
Your ether a really hard up basement dweller that diggs 86 yo women or a dike that diggs 86 yo women.
Please refer to >>681107289
You can most definitely find other genders in other cultures, dipshit
That's original
>Hey mom! Come check out this faggot!
>I need a fuckin sandwich Mom!
>Niggas trynta throw me inda pit!
>Oh, how dark and edgy! It's too much for me!
>Get a life autist
every time i read some stupid bullshit about how there are more then two genders or people using words like "pansexual" or shit like that, im just gona think of your post and laugh. Thank you friend
>Being this mad about thinking Spartans had pits
Accept that you were wrong and move on.
yes I agree, I only wanted to underline how absurd it is to put homisexuality or gender at the center of our political-social discourse, getting confused about gender fantasies and roles, when it really hardly matters, sinxe it is a glitch that would disappear in a less crowded or competitive society
the good ol' bill hicks said it better...
Is all you need to know. Other believings/mutations/birth defects/idiot sicknesses are only mistake of nature. Only man and woman on this planet. Asexual animals are animals. Not as complicated as human body so easy way to reproduce. Just like amoeba, who can multiply. Hermaphrodite is either on small animals or a mutation on humans. Deal with this. And accept thereis only man and woman, no more capitalistic ideologies about multiple genders. Be simple and live happily. I am sorry for grammatic mistake, English is not my mother language.
there is three genders.
Gender = male or female
Sex also known as gender has 2 basic definitions
Sex= the act of copulation
sex= male or female such as he is male or she is female
You might go back to tumbler.
>there are not multiple genders
>there are 2 genders
pick one
twisting history and anthropolgy to serve the lgtb jew agenda. nothing to see here
Culture is defined by those who take a part of it
I'm doing my part to define it as being two and thus having no difference
Fuck off, other guy at least made a decent point. Scientists disagree with me? Oh boy, scientists can't even agree on this themselves, there are those that agree with me as well. Its soft sciences, disagreement means so incredibly little here because they have so absolutely little that is concrete to work with.
you might want to read a dictionary sometime soon, son
I mean to say there are only 2 genders. Apologies comrade.
Gender is cultural expression of your sex. Read a fucking book.
Go back to the 50's
How can there be several genders on Tumblr if there are no grills on the internet?
There's heaps of different genders between "maculine" and "feminine" just look at an male that doesn't work a trade to figure that out.... but there are without doubt only two sexes... Male and Female. Nothing else
>design our societies around it
who's saying we should do that?
how do you design a society around a sexuality anyway? what does that even mean?
what book exactly? cuz I read the dictionary and it disagrees with you pretty clearly.
It's not twisting history. If anything, saying "there has only ever been two genders" is twisting history because it is false. I actually come from a culture that has more than two genders, it is in no way SJW or jewery.
Ok then I sexually identify and an Ailen from Omacron percia 8
Culture is always contested. Just because you say your culture should only have two genders does not mean that everyone in your culture is going to agree.
There have been known faggots since the era of Rome, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Egypt. Some probably far before then. You can claim many things, but being factual goes a long way in developing trust. You're just ignorant.
>being this in denial just because I don't wanna go in the pit
>I'm clearly a faggot
>A gay one one at that
>Like super flaming gay
>Anyways, like I was saying I was just walking along, whistling some bullshit
>Foot to my face
I personally believe that whatever the fuck came out of the water and turned into land dwellers was a mistake. We could be in Atlantis right now, as dolphins with arms. But not this genetic mistake which started this whole being in air business fucked it all up. And that's why there's no possibility that any further genetic mutations may benefit humans and of course we should remain as we are forever until the sun kills us all.
>who's saying we should do that?
people on the lgtb front who want to change laws, forbid books, change language, impose behaviour etc
>There's heaps of different genders between "masculine" and "feminine" just look at the way any male that doesn't work a trade holds himself to figure that out.... but there are without doubt only two sexes... Male and Female. Nothing else
Read any sociology or anthropology textbook. The dictionary also says YOLO is a word, it's not the end-all-be-all of cultural knowledge.
Here's the genders:
And of course, since we're human beings and not all exactly the same, you can be a masculine male, or a little fuccboi. Then there's standard women and tomboy/dyke women. There's no fucking different genders, this is made up retardation. Only different personalities that vary person-to-person.
>inb4 hermaphrodite
Severe birth defect, essentially a mutant. Also, the individual is biologically one of the two sexes but has a malformation of the genitals.
what about those gay dolphins
Honest question:
WTF is with being "metrosexual"? that has nothing to do with your sexuality
It just means you're a dude who takes care of himself
Go to a veterinarian with a cat of dog and ask them what gender it is.
I have. but they do change the definitions of words to soot the idiots that are too stupid to comprehend what they have read. Such as the special interst groups that think everyone needs to be politically correct. They add stupid shit like baby bump and dumb ass shit like that.
well, homosexual marriage shouldn't be illegal, quite frankly
I agree that people who worry about words and language are dumb
but as far as forbidding books goes, I haven't heard about any of that
>>681108860 fucking abominations kill it with fire, once we figure out how, underwater lava pits and such I suppose
Great job, you managed to state the obvious.
Yet by saying this I help sway the argument in my own small way to one side or the other. The argument will forever continue with one side gaining or regaining a plurality until people lose interested or everyones dead.
And until then I will disagree with some people on this topic. As much as I can't force them to agree with me, they cannot force me to do the same and I will simply not recognize whatever faggot gender they want to declare themselves regardless of the current slant of the ongoing debate on a societal level.
Yeah! Nobody likes gay fish
I like this anon
You have a base misunderstanding of hermaphrodites if you think they are just genetically one sex with fucked up genitals. It's almost like you're completely ignorant to how genetics works.
in terms of genetics there is only gene frequency. Male, Female and every thing in between (both genitalia, no genitalia a mixture of one form cross with another) are all valid sexes, to natural selection, there is no 'normal' there is no birth defects. what seems an accident where an organism is born without the conventional genitalia is still a valid sex as, with enough mutations and the right selective qualities i.e. organisms with no genitalia cannot contract STI's and so have some sort of advantage through natural selection. what seems like a hindrance for one organism can be a positive trait in another.
the problem is that this selection often is 'too unique' and the organism cannot find another with similar genes to reproduce with, for sexual creatures at least.
there is only the differences of genes. even the lack of genes is still a gene frequency and is a valid sex.
ZARA invented it, I wouldn't worry about it. jihad will take care of it in due time
>breasts aren't sexual organs
No, it means you're a fag in every other sense apart from your sexual orientation.
Dogs and cats don't have a gender identity because they are animals. They have a sex, but not a gender. But the vet will know what you mean because people incorrectly view sex and gender as the same thing
I get my info from House. Why would Hugh Laurie lie?
pretty sure he was joking dude
Only 3% of the population identifies as gay, bisexual, transsexual, or other. That is a drop in the bucket and only represents the United States, where this shit is already too stupid to imagine. All that acceptance and it's only 3%.
There is no massive change going on. It's just one loud ass 3% and the fucking SJWs who have nothing better to do than fight for some stupid reason in order to pat themselves on the back for being "brave."
Nothing is really changing, it's just the narrative. Most people haven't, and still don't, give a shit. Transvestites have been around for decades. People still look at them as freaks of nature, because truth be told that's sort of what they are. All the hormones, surgeries, and treatments won't change that Y chromosome into something else.
books in school especially need not to be centered around the traditional idea of family. hence "hether's two mommies" being imposed since the 90's as Bill Hicks funnily commented on long ago
>shaving your neckbeard makes you a fag
so I'm confused are you a neckbeard or a fag?
Now I'm lonely...
>mfw I shouldnta kicked the faggot into the pit
>Nobody to berate
>Come back, anon!
They aren't, they're secondary sexual characteristics at best
So he could figure out the true problem in the last 5 minutes
Actually they are not. They are basically bags of fat cells with mammary glands that produce milk. Men have almost the same thing . Some men have been known to produce milk as well.
>cats and dogs are animals
>humans aren't animals
You dumbass. Everything you just said was retarded. You are retard. Congrats
Neither, faggot.
They are.
Simple Definition of gender
: the state of being male or female
grammar : one of the categories (masculine, feminine, and neuter) into which words (such as nouns, adjectives, and pronouns) are divided in many languages
So both?
Where did you go, daddy? It's been a really long minute since you left.
> pic related
> makeup
> lipstick
> long hair
dont you like fishticks?
Ashe Maree is cute AF
Nice pasta you got there Mario
You just described my cock.
So you're retarded as well then, that's nice.
No they are not. It would be like saying someones ass is a sexual organ though it is not. But like an ass you can use it for sexual pleasure.
Holy shit so much truth in this thread
Fucking faggots i hope we will return to when you had to do your indecency underground and a good old flogging if you got caught
Also like Mother Russia you should not be allowed to let children know homosexuality even exists untill the are legal age
so in your little world the word 'gender' only applies to humans? that's rich...
You forgot Mayonnaise
i would fuck her hard
If breasts are sex organs, then so are feet.
Yes, I love sucking on my lady's toes. Fuck off.
Funny how when a woman gets aroused her body naturally plumps her breasts up with blood flow ...
I had to fight for our country son.
Vietnam was terrible. It rained all the time. My best friend died there.
When I came back everyone hated me. I tried to get back with your mom but she was too busy fucking niggers and getting AIDS. So I decided to open up at shrimp business and now I'm wealthy.
Would count a-sexual as a gender ?(as in like sponges or plants that can asexually reproduce)
I am not a blender you ugly bitch
Foot fetish cuck over here.
get the fuck out of here forrest
You really are my dad! Look at that muthafuckin roll!!!!! Gotdamnit daddy that's a good roll! When do I get to meet you IRL?
Try getting pregnant from tits.
They pump up because just like when a dog goes in heat they vagina swells and ministrants. It is their body signaling to the male that they are ready for copulation.
Fucking kek'd in class
I can't stop kwekking!!!
ya caught me.
Trippy dubdubs bubba
Finally someone that agrees with me. Thanks anon
Kwekkwekkwek...I'm thinking Penguin?
gender /= sex
Case in point: most plants are hermaphrodites. Some even change gender over time.
>9% of the population
I'm gay and remember us being like 1% of the population last year. Either someone is lying or being gay is the cool new trend.
Trip dub dub
Then Why they grow up even if woman doesn't have a baby?
Animals = breaths grow up only if baby incoming
My eng sux sry.
Your mom sux too, Jackie Chan
Among scientists, the term sex differences (as compared to gender differences) is typically applied to sexually dimorphic traits that are hypothesized to be evolved consequences of sexual selection.
A faggot
lol people are cars now.
what if those two cars were damaged beyond repair. are they still cars? what if they twisted and melted together and you couldn't pry them apart, are they still two cars?
this is a dumb argument
There are people with different x y chromosome combination like xxy or xyy combinations
Because they are there to attract a male. Every species has things that it finds attractive. Some birds it is the way the male builds a nest. for humans it breasts and buttocks.
Did you feed kitty?
Well, as someone who speaks German, you're dead wrong.
Die, das, der. Er, sie, es. Three genders. Deal with it.
Getting the fuck out of this thread.
So they are sexual organs y?
Prove me wrong? Who the fuck are you nobody?
Dont waste aged meat
You are male or female. Sometimes both due to birth defect. Everything else is called mental illness.
Gay - mental illness
gender bender - mental illness
Yes yes. You are nobody. You are everything and everything is you. Cool, you know Buddhism. Now what?
what is this talk about plants?? you are not a fucking plant.
look the point is simple. YOU DONT GET TO CHOOSE YOUR GENDER. NATURE DOES. homosexuality is just a consquence of crowded, high pressure groups not being able to organize natural sex for everyone. THIS DOES NOT CHANGE NATURE, it merely shows how perfection is not of this earth (duh)
it's less than 3%. and yet we're here jerking off about it
I'm not jerking off to this.
Daaaaaaaaaad!!!!!!!!! Come back!!!!!
I'd punt that bitch.
Wanna get a tumblrite in a logic fallacy?
All you need is to ask three simple questions.
First ask:
Are gender traits (blue for boy, pink for girls) taught and conditioned?
which most of the will give you a long winded answer about how anyone can be anything regardless of gender. (boys can play with dolls, girls can play with monster trucks)
And then ask:
If I feel like a boy one day and feel like a girl the next, that makes me gender fluid, right?
They are obligated to say yes as "all genders are valid"
Lastly, destroy their world view with:
If men and women are not defined by their actions and interests, then how do you know you feel like a particular gender at any given moment?
and don't take the BS excuse "my boobs are heavy and irritating." Ladies, sit on you own balls once and you'll wish they weren't their either.
its only me then?
Literally the female Carl
pretty good anon, worth a pasta
Yep. I'm fapping to this
>...gender is cultural.
autism autism autism autism autism
A mangina is a real thing, kek
Corporal Punishment! Where?
Holy shit, is this cp?
Don't tell the mods
riley reid?
Yo...this man is just dumping cp .-.
A hermaphrodite has both male and female sex organs within it's body. Unless you can show me a human with functioning testes and ovaries and can self inseminate without the aid of equipment or a laboratory, then you are a fucking idiot. Snails are not the same things as humans; that is an example of a hermaphroditic organism.
"Hermaphroditic mutations lack function and are accident" you do know that we are humans because of those mutations, lack of function and accidents... right?
Is there a problem with that
Vagina and Penis the end
Wut? Plenty of snail species are fully hermaphroditic, have both pairs of fully functional sex organs, can self fertilize, or can fertilize a partner while ring fertilized. Learn some shit faggot.
And that doesn't even touch on things like Malaysian trumpet snails, which can perform parthenogenesis.
Wow, check your privilege! I am a demi-transpolar-jazz-funk-fusion-core binary liquid queef toilet who identifies as a can of peas identifying as a dog trapped in a crippled and mentally disabled mexican dentist. My prefered pronouns are queefinator and clit master
Indigenous what to where, its an adjective, describing origin to a locale.
Hahaha dude wtf i know this girl she aint cp btw
There are only two genders.
There are only 5 sexualities
If you need more than one word to describe your sexuality it is most likely fake
None of it is cp you faggots.
Wrong. I identify as a unitard; I even had my horn moved from my crotch to my head.
I highly doubt it, girl has her labia pierced. No way she isn't over 18. I think this is just some borderline shit.
That sounds more like race than gender
It's both.
for more than 2 genders just look at various cultures around the world through out history it isn't that hard, for more than 2 sexes just look at interest conditions.
ah fuckin ha ahah
Her porn name is kitty jung, well over 18
whites came to africa: africans were still using fucking sticks.
The amount of shit we forced on them happened to also accelerate their development 200 fold. I mean ffs, they didn't even have goddam BOATS.
Still wrong faggot
Y'all faggots with this "gender and sex are different" bullshit.
Sex and gender are the SAME. Your sex is male if you have a dick. Your gender is, surprise, still goddam male. Randomly deciding gender means something else now is stupid.
And let's be frank here. Transgenderism is a mental illness. There are cases of men thinking they're 6 year old girls. Why? Because it's easier, because they get more attention, because bullshit. Most people who "identify" as the other sex/gender/potato don't go through the surgery. Suicide rates, both before and after surgery, are extremely high. And for what?
It's their money.
Why does it matter to you
As far as humans are concerned you aren't.
There are some extremely rare genetic defects, but that is not a different gender, just a defect.
Any vid links on her?
Her death would satisfy me.
underrated post.
The only human sex/gender are Male and Female.
>There are some extremely rare genetic defects, but that is not a different gender, just a defect.
Except it disproves that gender=sex. Some children with ambiguous genitalia end up identifying as male, and some as female, depending on how they are raised.