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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 297
Thread images: 125
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Lost so hard
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holy shit I lost to my own post
sos un negro inbidioso
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lost when he started yelling
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it would be -35.55 degrees
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Wait a minute, wouldn't the train fucking jump off the rails?
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So? The fire department is already there to help.
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Are you slow
You got the joke. Good job, buddy.
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such insight
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Fucking got me
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salty steve.png
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>9gag watermark
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PERFECT BODY / Long thin legs
>pepper spray and firearms
my sides are in orbit
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Jacksonville florida
There's nothing wrong with this actually, I don't do it myself but I probably would. Also, how much would your ass have to sweat to actually affect the contents of the packets?
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stop promoting your stupid shitty channel in every ylyl thread faggot
Kill yourself
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Wow way to not capitalize every word. It's like you weren't even trying.
Top fucking KEK
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Made me lol in a bathroom

What the fuck? Is this a fucking cringe thread or a YLYL thread?

Don't post this shit ever again, you fucking mongoloid faggot.
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>in a ylyl thread
>calling anyone a mongoloid
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I don't understand how people think hes funny.
>babby's first racism meme
Read paragraph

Then read name on top made so much sense.
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more air came out of nose than usual
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fuck off back to 9gag
granted, that one was good
I don't get it
441-442 degrees F. gg no re.
How do people keep fucking this up?
go back to 9gag faggot
rape her
that fucking charming face change

stupid bitch
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You tried.
look at the tshirt
can someone explain this to me
Love it
Moar of her?
I don't get this one, anyone care to explain?
You lost.
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Isn't even remotely funny, this is some shitty pewdiepie tier humor
filename XD
100 kekels
This is perfect. This nigga is pretty funny lmao
yeah pretty legit, i'd go as far as 101 Keks anon
twice as cold isn't a concept in physics u plebs
Deus vult, remove faggot souls
what are you talking about?
you can and do have things that are "twice as cold" as other temperatures. If you consider that "cold" as always having less temperature than the previous reading this IS a valid physical measurement you fucking pleab.

of course I know your trolling, go ahead and call me autistic i'll beat ur fooking face in m8
annunaki confirmed
KEK <-- this one
So how cold is 0 degrees (for Fahrenheit and Celsius, respectively)?
assuming that we are talking about coldness as a measure of how not-hot something is, twice as cold would technically be half as hot relative to absolute zero so you would simply have to take the measurement in kelvin and divide by two.
TL;DR - twice as cold as 0 degrees Celsius is -136.575 degrees celsius
Hahaaa I love these. Post more
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fuck this is some gay shit stop posting this garbage
smoko frodo
take the measurement from absolute zero instead of Fahrenheit or celsius
So yeah you hit the head on the nail, the original question didn't specify a unit. You can't really answer the question without knowning that.

I don't really care about the question though, my only point is that you can have a temperature X that is two times a "cold" as temperature Y. An easy example if 100 degree F is twice as cold as 200 degree's F. its simple math.

but anyway I came here to laugh.
The second post was op, was supposed to be right after original post but an anon beat him to the punch
looks like some attack on titan's shit
too dark, might as well be a nigger
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fun fact
this guy died
that's not fun at all
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>An easy example if 100 degree F is twice as cold as 200 degree's F.
Assume that the original question refers to 0 F. Using the same logic as your example, figure out tomorrow's temperature.
Not only is "twice as cold" a statement that relies on several factors aside from temperature (wind, humidity, overcast), your example is also flawed in its reliance on a poor choice of unit.
In a physical context, you wouldn't say "twice as cold". Instead, define a temperature T(2)=T(1)/2.

At least >>680993579 got the unit conversion right.
wut ?
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the summerfags are here early, i see

l o s s
I paused my music for THIS shit?

Stop samefagging your post saying its funny you cancerous fuck.
I know agueing on line is pointless and I don't even know why i'm doing this but.

my example is perfectly valid, the units don't matter as long as you keep them the same.

my example also works (perfectly valid) with your little gay equation to:
T(1) = 200
T(2) = 100
100 = 200/2

there is nothing wrong with F as a unit, I would prefer Celsius but where i'm from uses F.
100 = 200/2 = T(2)= T(1)/2
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I get that, but thats it? Is that the joke?

This shit has been happening since forever, are you guys new?

>I'm smarter than you, I know what I'm talking about

Thanks for playing
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Holy shit, that was good, especially that bit about transfats.
I laughed way too hard at this.
what even.
top zoz
>advertising your own videos this hard
I'm pretty sure it's a reference to modern feminism ('oppression') including special pronouns ('xe') for people, who feel neither male nor female or whatever.
did she bathe in mud?
not everyone speaks english as perfect as you you dense motherfucking murican. intellect doesnt mean speaking every language on this planet fluently
"twice as cold"
It can only be "half as hot".
Cold does not exist. What we call "cold" is just the absence of heat.
And "half as hot" could only be accurately expressed in Kelvin.
0F would be 255K, so half of that would be 127.5K would be -233F which means everything on earth is dead.
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I fell for this once when i first saw it, you really need to change the first frame of the gif or something because just from the thumbnail it's so easy to tell what it is.
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Heights in Feet.jpg
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I'm a Finn and lost so fucking hard. I almost understood the whole story because the writer of that post just used very rough translations.

This is what we call "rally english" in finland. It's and old meme about finnish people (originally rally drivers in the english interviews) sucking at pronouncing english words.
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fuck off bck to ifunny you fucking 7 year old
ah ok makes sense! thanks anon
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Suburban Skating PS1.jpg
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>my example also works (perfectly valid) with your little gay equation to:
Try converting 200 F and 100 F to K.
It should be blatantly obvious that the relation then isn't valid.

Why do you think that Fahrenheit is more suitable for this conversion than Kelvin?
no one does this kids just samefagging really hard
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Miley's BF.jpg
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>Wrecking Ball
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Maximum Oreo.jpg
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Listen, this joke always gets me in the right mood... what does an anon see when he looks at the mirror?
The hollow shell of a young man with crippling solitude and no future drifting away from society!
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Weight lifting.jpg
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I never said F was better than Kelvin/Celsius. use whatever unit you want I don't care.

my only point was all tempurature units MUST BE THE SAME, if one is different you need to convert the other to the same unit and vice-versa.

I graduated college in 2009 with a CS degree, I think after 5 years of intense math and physics plus algorithm classes I might know what I'm talking about. plus I make more than you ever will.

have fun playing at your moms house today after you decide to get up and have some cereal.
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The truth is real. At least i got a decent job so i can support my solitude and not be a burden on anyone until i die.
that seems like a terrible idea.
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Season's Greetings.jpg
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>other mike

damn, lost at the last part
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Oh man that got me!
got me
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Why did I lose to that?
got quite the kek

Perhaps if you can't speak the language you should refrain from intellectual debate in the language. I dont come to Eurabia and speak broken Arabic at you, do I?
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Secure sand.jpg
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no, cold is relative. you need to measure the distance for humans' not cold, 25 degrees celsius. if that 0 is slso in celsius, twice as cold is - 25
allah ackbar! You just got yourself suicide bombed nigger
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>just fucking no
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What are you even saying? Must be the same? You can use F, but you need to work from absolute zero. So if 100 is like 600 above abs 0 then twice as cold as 100 is -200.
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Zebra costume.jpg
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You know you disproved your own point, right? If cold is the absense of heat then twice as cold is half as hot. If you're at 0 celcius then twice as cold is halfway to absolute zero from 0. -126 or something, i dont know the exact figure off the top of my head.
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Allah akbar.jpg
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British 9-11.jpg
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I"m to tired to argue with a 14 year old your not making sense why would you have to start at absolute zero? In fact if the start temp was absolute zero then there isn't an answer it asymptotically converges at absolute zero.

I know I just used some big words so you might want to take some time and let your head feel better.
So 25=>25 and 24=23 and -200=>can't get twice as cold

What about say 35? Does it become 45? The cold is -10, double that and get -20 cold so 45?
This kills the train
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Happy Moth.jpg
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lol that's... god I hope that's shopped.
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I couldn't watch the whole thing.
This video belongs in one of those "oh god what have i done" meme threads
Just latin joke
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Disney princesses.jpg
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If you start at absolute 0 you get the same answer in every unit. If I say it will be twice as cold tomorrow it simply means there will be half as much heat. You don't need to ask "are you talking about Fahrenheit or Celsius?" Because it doesn't matter. You'll get the same answer in both.

It's the most logical. Twice as cold means half as much heat. You always do the same math.

If you divide the temp by 2 then if it's -40 today will twice as cold be -20? Are you saying divide by 2 for positive numbers and multiply by 2 for negative numbers?
>forget about Dre

fucking kids born in 2003 bitching about a funny as fuck joke about one of the best songs on one of the best rap albulms of all time, OF ALL TIME!

Your ad hominen arguments are shit, you bunch of niggers

Even if MOST of what comes out of 9fag is 100% cancer, come quality jokes can come out of it, as this faggot's post proves
let in the refugees they said
it will be ok they said
look what those motherfuckers have done
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5 lies girls tell.jpg
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Truly Fallen.gif
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bullying status: solved
these are fucking legend ...erry tiem, I swear

Holy shit I love the Goose
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ah ok, I see your point.
I wasn't the anon who made the equation up anyway. it would have to be a disjointed function

F(T) = {
T(2)/2 for T(1) >0

T2*2 for T(1) <0

something like that.
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Nigga got his ass handed to him by Keith "I'll punch your balls into oblivion because there are no rules specifically against it" Hackney
>runs away
Convert to kelvins dumbass
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fap folder.png
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unlimited this
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>the search is over
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holy shit. actual ylyl
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Y tu un machupichu analfabeto
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Fresh, accidental OC.
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Detroit Flag.png
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It's not logical because the difference between 1 and 2 is negligible. If today it is 2 degrees out and I'm like "damn it's cold today" and someone says "it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow" I'd expect it to be much colder. But it would be pretty much exactly the same.

Twice as cold doesn't make sense. But if you take it to mean half as hot, then simply take the amount of heat and divide it by two. Of course this is a huge loss of heat, since we normally deal with temperatures in a narrow range. Humans couldn't live if there was half as much heat. Even if it was 110F today, tomorrow would be so cold you'd die.

The only other answe I like was the guy who said we should make it relative to humans. Pick the temperature where you don't feel cold at all. Then twice as cold means you're getting twice as far away from that. This math also gives the same answer in all units. It's also more intuitive. If you feel slightly cold today you'll feel a little more cold tomorrow. If you're very cold today you'll be very very cold tomorrow.

i actually think the filling is the worse part of the oreo

rite here bois
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Billy Mays 19-95 bill.jpg
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It's okay, nobody loves me either.
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Eggplant killer.jpg
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so much summer in here
>disproved your own point
No, you failed to comprehend my point. There's a difference.
>If cold is the absense of heat then twice as cold is half as hot
Not exactly.
There is no such thing as "cold". Heat exists, cold does not. If there is no such thing as "cold" there can be no such thing as "twice as much cold".

"Half as hot" is the closest real thing to the meaningless concept of "twice as cold". It's like saying "twice as slow" or "twice as dark". There is heat, but not cold. There is speed, but not slow. There is light, but not dark. We refer to cold and dark as vague concepts, but they're not real things that can be multiplied or divided mathematically.
this is an advertisement for a domestic violence awareness campaign
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Beetlejuice Miley.jpg
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my sides imploded
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That would work if it wasn't an ugly 90s clip art spider tbh
For about 3 years running now. It sucks pretty hard in here, sort of like OP.
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I lost
In all fairness it is good advice.
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Stabbing (1).jpg
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>arzt oder ingenieur?
master cs
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drop it down low.webm
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10 cloverfield lane.gif
back to 9gag, skinny hipster girl from the countryside
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For sale.jpg
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i came back from pol with high hopes.
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Number of tickets.jpg
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cold means the difference between what we we perseave as normal and the temperature that we currently have

let's say we live in an area where the average temperature is 20° C than at 0°C it's 20° colder, so twice as cold would mean 40° colder, so -20°C
everything is a dildo if you are brave enough
> Botorious N.I.G.
> Smiggy Balls
top zoz
Are you a colossal self absorbed dumbass? Fahrenheit and Celsius, convert and double it. Dumb slut.
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smiggy balls fucking got me good. what am I, fucking 12!?
It's a joke anon. That's what this thread is for.
The fuck
>> Latin
>>impliying we live between the clero
Lvl 99 Slug Queen
>the difference between what we we perseave as normal and
Ergo it is not quantifiable. It is an adjective, an abstract, not a real and quantifiable thing. People who live in Vladivostok and people who live in Miami have completely different definitions of "normal" so your attempt at a definition is meaningless.
worst ylyl ever
ifunny faggots everywhere
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Nope. Steve-o and Chris Pontious(sp) actually did that on wildboyz
MAINE, i wanted April tickets not June
Thread replies: 297
Thread images: 125

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