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Waifu claiming thread. >Whine and Dine The rules are very

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 189
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
>Whine and Dine

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>shit post
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Ignore the RP
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Spike Spiegel
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Obligatory claim.
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Nee, Daarin~~! (30).jpg
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Miia claim
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Ey b0ss
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Songs people, what is it youre listening to?
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Cock Mongler 2.0.webm
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Ghibli Soundtrack
Anime OST

r8 me
I got Trump'd.
Nice trips.
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can't stump trump

It showed up and people didn't protest so if they are going to role play they should go somewhere else.

The OP may not be a strict or a in any way enforced guideline, but patrons of the thread should follow it.

Ignoring something is only a temporary solution.
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>Ignoring something is only a temporary solution.
I think all my life problems come from me not listening to this
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Kyouko 159.jpg
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Best Jojo OP

Thanks Mr. Trump
I'm listening to some very melodic cicadas right now.
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I don't mind explaining
Dio poisoned his father at the age of 13 and was moved into the Joestar's rich household since the father of Jonathan Joestar was owing his life to Dio's father. Dio and Jonathan's childhood was all about Dio doing his best to ridiculise and frustrate Jonathan to find a way to inherit the Joestar fortune. one of the ways to do so was by dishonoring Erina, wich is Jonathan's love. Jonathan's anger was brought out and Dio lost the fight in a confrontation, wich resulted Dio's blood staining a certain STONE MASK that releases spikes that would empale the exterior of the wearer's head. 7 year passes and Dio just keeps pretending to be friend with Jonathan. Jonathan does research ont he stonem mask. Dio tries to poison Jonathan's father as he is of age to inherit the fortune, Jonathan finds out and leaves to find proof and a cure to the poison. While Jonathan is away Dio decides to test the stone mask on a random person as he wants to have Jonathan get impaled by the stone mask and pretend it was an accident during his researches. The stone masks ends up transforming the random person into a vampire, the vampire assaults Dio but gets destroyed by the sun rays. When Jonathan returns he has the police with him and all the proof he needs and Dio is surrounded and forced to surrender. So Dio pretends to surrender and sudenly whips out a knife and the stone mask, while attempting to stab Jonathan to use his blood for the vampire transformation, Jonathan's father apears straight out of fucking nowhere and gets stabbed instead of Jonathan to protect him, Dio uses the mask and becomes a vampire, fucks shit up, get fucked up a little and ends up stealing Jonathan's body and live in the bottom of the ocean in a solid casket for a 100 years.

And that's the vamprism, the earned his stand "The World" by getting shot by some magic arrow or something. The World is a golden being that can stop time and completely rekt someone, pic related.
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There's a lot of debate going on over it.
Some people don't like it, some people do.
The keeping it to a minimum with so many saying it's bad is a good rule. I've seen no excessive RP
A few words per post at most, and it doesn't go on for very long.
Though there has been some lewd going on. A post here and there, cool, but the times I've seen it it's many in a row.
Outright porn should be kept off. Tasteful nudes I'm ok with.
There are many posters that come here over the course of a day. I estimate around 50, that I've seen.
There's a happy medium, I think. Those who go overboard quickly die down.
It's been kept to a minimum. I think it's fine.
If you think someone is going overboard, speak up.
Many posters come through at varying times, and it really depends on who's present.
Just speak up. Not everyone shares the same opinion, and not everyone is going to agree with the same rules and standards.
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What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now.
>sachi claim
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Eh. Nothing special.
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And to be clear, a stand is a representation of your soul or something and is unique to everyone, althought few people can actually posses a stand
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Ainsley Harriott is best waifu prove me wong, Pro tip you can't.
I did, right then actually.

Oi, you 'ave a problem with cicadas m8?
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Cicadas have made me consider burning down forests.
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Unstumpable, as he is

You staring at a wall too?

Yeah, theyre back in season I hear.
17 years right?

I mean technically it says to keep it to a minimum, not to stop doing it.
Its just how some people participate.
Sometimes its just bedt to ignore it

Hey, the game had some solid scores. Ill give it yo ya
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It's pretty good.
My first was by scratch, too nly way to go. The only thing I'll re-use is the tower.
I'll need to do heavy research before I make another. And I hate the research when it comes to electronics..
Sounds like an asshole, but I've heard worse.
But there's a weapon to smash Dio? Where might someone find such a thing...
Well, good luck making something go your way on /b/
Yeah, but I tend not to care about some faceless anon I know nothing about.
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Damn, forgot completely about The Last Of Us soundtrack.
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Tatsumaki (404).jpg
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>let's see if this'll upload now
>it did
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Cicadas creep me the fuck out man. Like what's their deal? They sleep underground for fucking ever and then climb out just to be noisy as shit. Then what do they do? They horrifically shed their skin and leave thousands of ghost bugs all over the place. And for what? Like what do they get out of all this? Nothing.
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Came back real quick.
>Claim your 2D waifu/husbando
I know this is /technically/ against the rules buuuut..
My one true waifu wanted to say hello to you guys. <3
>Why does picture upload sideways, W H Y
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>Cicadas creep me the fuck out man. Like what's their deal? They sleep underground for fucking ever and then climb out just to be noisy as shit. Then what do they do? They horrifically shed their skin and leave thousands of ghost bugs all over the place. And for what? Like what do they get out of all this? Nothing.
When you put it like that...
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>Cicada's basically
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Well, that was nice of her. Hello to you and your partner.
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Full volume lads.
Wish me luck

Phone is ded, I'm out ~desu.
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Solid Snake.jpg
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>Posting worst Snake instead of Best Snake?
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Yes that's an other thing, Humans and even vampires can learn "Hamon" wich is technically "punching with the power of the sun" wich is orange lightning for some reasons. Vampires melt on the contact of hamon and it works like electricity so certain things conduct it. You can infuse something with life with hamon, but you can't infuse metal with hamon. If you want to use hamon throught a metal you have to keep the contact on the metal. Althought Hamon can only prove useful agains't Dio without a stand, as Dio's stand power truly is the power to control The World, the only reason why he was defeated was because Jotaro Kujo lucked out and ended up having the same type or stand as Dio, wich is a rare occurance. Jotaro's time stop was a lot weaker and his stand's strenght was also weaker than Dio, but Dio lost because he was being too careful as he could've ended the fight easily, but I am ready to forgive Dio as he is truly the greatest. Also about vampires using Hamon, when a vampire uses hamon, it realy is just suicide. Except for a vampire named Kars who became the ultimate lifeform throught a series of events and he had lost all the weaknesses of vampirism. He was thus blasted into space to fly around without being able to move for the rest of eternity.

Vampirism increases your strenght drastically and gives you the ability to heal with the blood of others. it also gives imortality. A vampire can only be destroyed with the power of the sun or just by being destroyed completely until nothing's left.
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you seem to have knowledge of thread. Are you a lurker turned waifu-anon or a swapped waifu?
Sorry if explained earlier.

well done

What's the deal with people? All they do is kill one another, leave tons of pollution, and are annoying assholes. What do they get out of this?

Nice lookin lass you got there.
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Vigil - 140.jpg
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Hello, hello. Tsuyu-anon a cute. It's pretty cool that sketch for him.
>nice eyes
that you*
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broken arm.png
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Back from work! Today was kinda slow, but that makes it even with yesterday being busy
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Goodbye Tats~

>1 minute
Too short, need atleast 10 hours version

Fuck Cicadas.
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Hey there, Tsuyu's 3D waifu.
Thanks for coming around!

Hello there, Fran.
Hope you're doing fine.
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How can he be a nigger? He has a job and doesn't life off well fare.
>double right click
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Yeah pretty much when there's too many of them.
suck a dick
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Meh dont worry, theyll be gone for a while soon enough

Damn Tsu, Hello~
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But it doesn't keep adding shias that way.
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Heyo, Fran. Glad you're home all safe and sound.

At least the word day's over, right?
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Goodbye Tits.
Finally someone who understands. Its all unnecessary.
We get to be the dominant species and fuck shit up. Unlike cicadas who don't even know what they want.
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Oh look this thread again.
Hello fran
Have fun relaxing in thread.

Goodbye for now.

i don't care what the scientists say those mother fuckers come and never leave until winter.

they want to shed their skin and make noise.
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Hiya Tsu's lady!
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That's a bit mean just because he's worst animu... No actually it fits well with him.
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She has a cute side cut trim thing, and she wants to buzz a little heart into it.
But that's all from me, I won't interrupt the 2D waifus anymore!

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I'm great, how are you Ruri?
And now I have Cashew pork! Life is good
I always do
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True, scientist are generalize the life cycle pretty bad.
I swear we just had them about three years ago
no u
Whine and dine
>Confirms sniveling autist weebs are behind these cartoon threads, DESU!
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images (1).jpg
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>tfw no qt3.14 american virgin to laugh maniacally at
Lightning punch? Interesting.. Even if not for the sole purpose of reking vampires, it'll be an interesting addition to the arsenal. Nothing wrong with knwing just one more badass maneuver.
Long time lurker on a few boards. Left one once it became dead and came here. I've been lurking Waifu for a while. Shit posted a few times, then I became genuinely interested.
Asked questions, lurked, participated a little.
I finally made my waifu folder and joined the ranks.
No swap, just Spike and Camera Gallery(CG) when away from PC, which i only just used yesterday.

I don't always catch people, or explain the best. People forget, get forgotten and looked over. I have no problem with pretty much anything except people whining for their own way.
>still guilty of it
We're all human. All faggots, here and have the same basic desires, impulses and weakness.
We all bleed the same.
Oh, look. Another shitposter
Oh, look. Another shitposter.
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are you dead yet?
do you need help sent?
nice waifu
10/10 b8 m8
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Nice, hope the eating is good. Glad you're doing well.

That's just like, your opinion, man.
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>tfw the last episode was in 2011
>tfw never will be rebooted
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Vigil - 116.jpg
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Hey, thanks for showing us. See ya'.
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I want to watch best Snake eat the Worst Snake.
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Very well written response thank you.
I'm glad you decided to join in.

curse you
How about you? What are you eating/ate for dinner?
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The pain is real. Hold me. Please
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That's really good to hear, heh.
I'm doing good, just a light headache and night has been rather slow, thank you for asking.

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Althought it's purpose is to defeat vampires, it can harm human but it needs to be extremely potent to be able to do the same effect on a human.

A punch from Joseph Joestar's (Jonathan's grandson) hamon could completely melt a vampire's face off, wich then follows his entire body in mere seconds.

When Kars became the ultimate lifeform, he punched jonathan's knee with a hamon hundred of times more potent than Joseph's and it melted it, but it did not spread all over Joseph's body.

Also I forgot to mention that vampirism also unlocks complete control over one's body. Most vampires uses it to have "new powers" unique to themself, althought technically they could all learn eachother's powers. Dio had the ability to shoot lasers, float and completely freeze someone's body in less than 2 seconds by simply being in contact him with literally any parts of his body. This prosses is done by removing the entire moisture in his body forcing it to absorb heat.
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Isn't she just adorable?!
Naked Snake > Solid Sbake
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I feel your pain.
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I've got a question.
>Saddest picture you have saved
Ready for some feels
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Police girl.jpg
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Sure Anon...
In a psychotic crazy way, yes.

Also claimed.
My body is ready
Hello ruri
Getting enough sleep?

It's gunna be ok guys. It will remain alive in our hearts and in doujins
Her hair is pretty fucking weird

"Mom no let me grow dese two locks of hair pls mom it'll b swag af"
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You sure?
Aw man that sucks, hope your head feels better soon
Such a qt3.14
That's why she is so cute
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Big Boss may technically be the best. However, Solid had a degenerative disease he was working against, and still kicked ass.
I'll make no claims as to who is better, because they're both badass
Big Boss simply had a longer life to practice more.
I try to give everyone the same opportunity. Open book, pretty much. I've nothing to hide except the usual skeletals we all got.
Ask me anything, any time.
Alright, Dio's pretty badass and maybe hand to hand isn't the best idea... Meet me in space and see where it gets us?
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M-me? I just ate some pasta, that's about it. Thanks for asking, glad you have something to eat.
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But the canon, the canon is gone :(
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my solid throbbing snake.jpg
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Regardless my Snake is throbbing solid.
Solid was modeled after Big Boss.

He is the true OG.
O bby
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don't worry help is on its way
what a qt
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Well it depends by what scenario you mean by that. You mean you in a space ship and Dio alone in space, or both of you in the same space ship, or Dio in another space ship, wich I don't know why he would have, or Dio on earth while you're in a space ship.

You know it would change a lot of things.
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I thought so to in the beginning. Guess it just grew on me after watching it a few times. Now it looks really pretty to me.

I really need a body pillow of her. And a shrine of some sort.
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I'd like to show you my Big Boss.
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If I didn't feel any embarrassment from owning a body pillow with Asuna on it I would consider getting one. However I live with roommates and I would never hear the end of it.
I do have something for you eat, I'm sure you will like it

Well, this wouldn't be much of a fight. A space bounty hunter against a super powered centuries old immortal vampire is not a fair fight
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Why are you getting so real, why does it have to be true...
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late claim
still here
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I got my ship, and you can have whatever you want.
There's been a lot of unfair fights in stuff.
Ryu Hyabusa killed some gods and a shit ton of badass demons.
i wouldn't worry about what her mom thinks...

I'm not posting a picture of myself here.

hello akiko
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Then I'll have your head.
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download (1).jpg
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Get your hands off my woman
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>I'm not posting a picture of myself here.
My condolences
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Ayy lmao
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What's up? Can't sleep as usual because my day/night cycle is so fucked
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>>680881934 do? And what would that be?
>curious hands
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I'm going to have to go to sleep, it's 3AM here.
Good night.
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fuck you
Isn't he part dragon, or something? Either way, he also has a bunch of magic weapons, which are probably more effective on demons then guns against Dio

Guess <3
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Have a good night Yui.
you look so happy about it though

ah i feel you. That sucks hate that. What time is it there?

Goodnight beautiful
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Good night Yui!
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Hope you're doing well, Yuuko.

>Getting enough sleep?
Not really, I thought I was used to it already

How have you been, bud?

It should, thank you Fran.
Hope your night goes well!

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Love Alucard, and I'm a guy. I paid a friend to draw a pic of him killing batman
You can't fight me with my head.. That's a pretty poor weapon, anyways.
why would you?
I don't think he's dragon?
He just has the dragon sword, and he fucks shit up with anything, really.
>Wooden sword
>Dragon Sword before upgrade
He's just a badass, really. He's still human.. I think.
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claiming galko
I suppose Alucard can come close to the second place in "Sexiest vampires"
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My life tastes like Cough drops and Nyquil.
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hmm.. i always go to sleep before you and you're an hour ahead.

i'm doing fine. Just here after finishing an easy day at work.
Anything of interest on your end?

well drawn
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Vigil - 258.jpg
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>Ryu Hyabusa
Hnng dat Dragon Sword
They do travel in herds
It's simple. Grab the hair and use it as a flail, then smash the head on your oponent's head so hard that both head will be destroyed and shards of bones will impale your enemy's body.

Pretty effective weapon if you ask my opinion.
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I'd love to try some, sounds good.
>intrigued hands

No we don't, fuck off.
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im in a herd now????
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Almost 4 am now. I tend to get really energetic at night and sleep long hours until like 1 or 2 pm. This would be fine if I didn't have to get up at 7:30 am most of the time for uni

Good evening Ruri

Hey Galko, I didn't expect you back here for a few days. How's your throat doing?
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meme queen 114.jpg
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>Not posting best faunus
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Inferior bun at it again.
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>posting a literal meme
Tails don't do it for me, These ears tho.

Diofaggot, Nice to see you.
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oh i guess someone else already claimed her? :c
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Well then. Kongou claimed, desu.
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Welcome back kongou~!
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Not in this thread, but there is a Galko anon who comes often to these threads.

Don't take it bad

just know that I, the great Dio anon fucking hates galko as she is the weakest cowtits.
Going great so far

Hey Galko! How is Ruby doing?
I didn't tell you what it was though
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The legend.
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Indeed, Eu. It has been a long 3 months, desu.
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Could be, I'm not really good at keeping track of individuals with the same waifu, same with Shinoa bro

Back again I see? Welcome back
Isn't it like 5 am where you are?
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What is happen
i always try to make the best of it when i wake up at 3 am.
Just do homework until school and ride through the day.

indeed >>680883846

nice to see you btw

hello beauties
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Back again? I haven't been on in 3 months. It's 6:57pm where I'm at unless there's an imposter, desu.
Does Vigil have benis or not?
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Heyo, Captain. Happy to see you, hope you're alright.

I'm just assuming what it already is, heh.
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Great, another case of filthy waifu sharing.
Vigil does not have puss puss
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My favorite ninja. I've slaughtered thousands with him.
Just seems plain silly to me.
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Tenryuu 162.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

There is an imposter.
uh okay so i dont really look at these threads a lot is there a frog girl?
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Might as well let you guys know that I lurk for hours after I "leave" and this isn't me.
>this guy is cool though

>actually leaving now
>be back in ~3 days
Seems like you might not be who I thought you were

But what?
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I'm doing great now.
I'll stab them.
I can see that, desu.
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Atago 327.jpg
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sorry i didnt know :(
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That's because you've never tried it.
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I forced myself to sleep at 10pm once, I woke up at 5 am feeling as energetic as sonic on meth. I couldn't go back to sleep

If you're not here to claim, someone else will
This is why I spend 24/7 here
Yes if I recall correctly there was another Kongou earlier today
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Ill bake
there actually is a frog girl
Well, already had one but had no dibs I suppose. You go right ahead
I'm realizing that now
Afraid you're too late my friend, but you may be able to share
Where is Galko going?

I can't claim when I'm in prison, asshat. I didn't have a computer, desu.
Well I hope you'll get well soon
Remember the honey camomile tea
bye top Galko
200% no
>suggestive hands
You know....

Glad to hear it, Captain.

You can also fight for the rightful love of the waifu you truly love you know

>that picture
I turned on youtube and it recommended Don't Bother None. This is the picture in the video. I'm listening to it in the background right now
Well if you didn't want your waifu claimed, then you shouldn't have stabbed that hooker
Oof, Im sorry eh.
>Posting an over rated bunny with an over glorified 3D printer for a weapon.

Neon actually has skill. Also tails are better for balance.
I had a waifu for awhile
she'd come over sometimes while her boyfriend was away after school.

once the door would close she'd almost instantly get naked. most times she'd put on her favorite song and start sucking. then she would cry. her tears and makeup would drip down her face onto my dick. its surprising how cold tears are. eventually i finally asked her what was wrong. in between licks she told me that her favorite song was also her bfs favorite song. so even though she loved hearing it and it totally got her pussy wet, it also made her think about the fact that she was cheating on her boyfriend. i dont think i ever came harder down somebodies throat then right after she told me that. she was beautiful. we dont hang out anymore. wanna get lunch?

this was the song:
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