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Waifu claiming thread. >You're here forever The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 160
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
>You're here forever

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>worship all Spike waifu's
>Naps and alcohol recommended by 10/10 Spiegels
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Spike Spiegel
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Syndra (10).gif
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Planting trees
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Shinoa claim
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Goddess Nonon Jakuzure claimed
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still here
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Yuno claim before I shower
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dubs checked for the Goddess
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Megmin claim
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Two are couple months older, the other is 2 years younger
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>implying you shower

and the dubs keep coming for the Goddess
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I swear there was a number 2, but I can't seem to remember a source.
Probably not.. but it would be neat. I NG+'d it once, and played it so much I'm burned for now. Maybe I should up the difficulty, seeing as I plow through everything.
If you don't learn from your mistakes, you're doomed to repeat them.
Reminds me of my young brother...
>I'm smart
Nigga you got caught doin the same shit a dozen times this year.
He's so smart, too. Straight A, AP classes and all.. smh
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Kongou claimed!

That is undisputed n_n

She's sleeping over at her boyfriends house so it's me myself and I haha :)

Aww >~< thanks anyways though :)
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Koko 1.jpg
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Do it, im interested
Tell me what kinda boss you face man
Fuck, jersey mikes? I haven't been there in a while, im form cali btw and that shits good here. and yes you are lucky, my metabolism likes to take its sweet time and make me a fat fish face haha
Teach me your ways master, I wanna go on dates and stuff too haha

Also caliming
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Nee, Daarin~~! (12).gif
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Miia claim
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I know a dude that is really good in school but is pretty much a dumbshit in everything else. Happens alot.
I have no clue why I think this gif is really satisfying.
Heyo friendo
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Winry Rockbell

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Needs sex appeal and dubs to be liked
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If you want to play it more go for it
probably one that will kill me
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Hey Metamucil
Ah I see, 3 of the best people IMO heh
Ayyyy snek
Lewd, but I dig
Hows it goin mooman?
Comrade! How goes it friend?
Nice claim, how are you?
Well yeah, its dark souls
Oh, shit, were we talking about locals earlier or was that with someone else? Cause I live in California too. But yeah nice, and yeah Mike's is pretty good imo, I love their cheese steak.

Heh, I really like it too.
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So you guys are really close in age, thats good. It's easy to understand each other when you are all close like that.

I can teach you somethings, but others you must learn just by going out and trying stuff!

Winry is underrated, good taste anon.
Nonon is pretty top-tier tbqhwyf
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even Vlad bends the knee for the Goddess

I remember you, man, what's up, bro?
Keep it goinh
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My tastes have definitely changed since I was a young husbando.
Used to be hard into Mindless Self Indulgence, but now I've calmed considerably.
Ah, the days of youth and carefree wonder...
Fucking miss it
I have so many I need to finish, pick up or give and honest chance.
Book smart, street retarded. Like, literally fucking autistic when it comes to making sound decisions.
What's up, wrench?
Wuff ^_~
Yeah, but there's a lot of hentai goin' on with no substance. All fan service no story.
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Oh stop it <3 that's so sweet of you haha
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do you submit all glory to Goddess Nonon?
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You're reminding me a lot of those flying enemies I fucking hate... Do I need to get my gun?
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Still insomnia, its 4am where I am now.
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best waifu.png
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I think so haha, but I didn't know you were from cali! Thats awesome, not very many of us here I feel like. and I haven't tried their cheese steak yet, Illl have to get it next time
I get that, I just haven't tried much stuff haha
You remember me? You flatter me, but all goes well, just hangin out. How bout you?
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How's it going?
Fuckin hell you know it. It actually amazes me that he doesn't understand alot of common sense but some how gets straight A's.
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It's alright, got things to get completed. Then boom! I'm able to relax Sunday. How are ya?
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Dubs don't lie
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I'm alright, just another night making a shrine(thread) for the one true Goddess
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yeah thats true
like what?

and this thread man
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No maybe, the Goddess only deals with positive absolutes. A 'no' does not suffice
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Only nigger who isint a nigger
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Well its true <3 so what are you up too now?
A winged claim! How goes it friend?
Shit still? Im sorry to hear that man, are you at least having good days?
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What do you have against the Goddess, you heretic?
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oh gosh.gif
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Yeah, grew up in the far reaches of NorCal, and living in the bay area currently.
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I'm heading off to bed everyone. Good night it was nice talking with you all, have a great day!
Okay then
As long as i can wank it to het
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Central time zone best time zone.
Let me just finish the beer and use my brain for a fucking minute
Zelda.. one of them idr
I Am Alone
Phantom Pain
Fire Emblem... one of them
Sweet nightmares you strange ittle mage
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Hmmph... I'm worrying. Right when I say my roommate won't be home she enters the door crying. I think she just broke up with her bf... idk yet..

How goes it fellow Cali snake :)
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All this lewd in the thread
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Just made her better
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They're not bad, nothing going on.
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>Mindless Self Indulgence
Not familiar with this band, please explain, but I feel ya. sometime I wanna rock out and get crazy and other times I wanna chill and be lazy
Nothin wrong wit that
What kinda things if your down to share? And yes, come sunday all will relax and share the waifu haha. Im doing good, just hangin out
Nice! Im sure she'll appreciate the dubs. I actually really enjoyed that character in the series
Go get em tiger
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I really really like this gif
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Best waifu
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hey can you make this better
>pro tip: you can't
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Oh nice, same here, shits expensive though!
Oh no! I hope its nothing too bad :( I wanna hear deets
What lewd?
>tail pussy
What in the fuck? At least your doing comfy, thats good to hear haha
I feel that, better to have nothing going on than bullshit going on in my opinion
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Back from the shower!

>Implying implcations

unfortunately I was in a loop for these past 3 years with my ex, its only til last year I became so broken, I've gotten jaded over her

Yeah two of them I've been good buddies since highschool
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It goes, mega mega tired, finishing the basis of my build on this new char in ds3, then gonna do some sleeps.

You should have been here earlier lol

Yeah it's great, probably one of my favorites of her <3

Ohhhh yeah, that and the traffic are two very very shitty things about the bay area. And most of CA in general is stupid expensive compared to the rest of the country.
Industrial grunge. Very lewd, crude, loud and strange. Check a few of their songs and you'll know
>I love my mommy because she fucked my dad
>I love mymmmy becaus ehse FUCKED THE SHIT OUT OF MY DAD
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I forgot to say goodnight! Sleep well man :)
I have only played Phantom Pain and it was good till the second chapter but there is only 2 chapters so ya know
Nothing yet
This boss is a real big boy
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>implicitly implying implications
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I'll keep you updated.. something not right I think she's either drunk or something much worse.

Aww :( alright well enjoy your sleeps n_n
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> you will never smoke a shit load of pot and laugh at bad jokes with your Cheshire cat waifu.
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I seem incapable of making connections with anyone worthwhile.
Self sabotage. Or they're just too.. now
I forget my pic a lot too
And.. wait..
Just got hit by the drunk train
Woooo woooooo!
All aboard
No one's drunk you're not a cop
yeah, she was my favorite part of the show, ryuko was okay, and that little brat was annoying af, I refuse to mention her by name
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Top this
>pro tip you cant
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>Implying implcations that are implying implcations

Not alot of people are worth remembering.
That is why friends has "end" in it
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I don't even remember coconut head's name. Edgy mcedge could have been better but she was decent enough to be likeable.
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Koko 11.jpg
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Welcome back, feeling pure?
Goddamn the fucking traffic, especially when you get that one asshat who goes all the way down the left turn lane just to cut in at the end
I see, I can feel some of those, but grunge isn't usually my scene heh
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I'm gonna go to sleep now.
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Got to look for a new desk, got to restock(though I have plenty of drinks left, but I want more!) and got to clean up/organize my room.
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Asuka is mine
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Woah.. deep
Is that why marriage has... age... init? i age... sage
yeah, I moved off from it
Sucks about thse quads, tho

gnight 2%. Sweet nightmares

aand im fuckin lost. Definitely lost my cool here
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yeah, I guess


Last one for the tonight
I'm out y'all, good night, i'm tired
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Nee, Daarin~~! (66).jpg
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Not going yet, gotta beat Rotted Greatwood first.

Or people that don't use their indicators and people who don't understand how dual turns work. What part of the bay are you in? Santa Clara here. Unless I misunderstood you and you were just talking about CA in general.
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Koko 12.jpg
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Damn, when alcohol is mixed its never a good sign
>a real big boy
Your gonna need a real big ween then friend
I liked her voice actually, it was unique and interesting, as well as her character and abilities
>refuse to mention her name
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>gotta beat Rotted Greatwood
That your penis?
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go away, you fokin slag

forgot pic, anyway g'nite everyone
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chuck berry reaction.png
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that is some top tier shoop
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I would make one hella kawai cop!

Heh then I wish you the best of luck n_n
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The quality of the picture is just...amazing
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>This boss is a real big boy
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Can you even fight?
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pls kill yourself furfag
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Goodnight mooman! Sleep well :)
I thought you got a new desk last sunday! What gives? and yes its always good to have more haha
A nice german claim, how goes it?
>sucks about those quads tho
Oh fuck you drunken bastard, don't forget Im still keeping up
Woah, Im Santa Clara as well! the traffic I usually see is from the fuckin Lawrence exp. So many douches not using their turn signals then cutting in when they see a chance
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at least you are having fun
Nevermind the boss was retarded and kept the one thing that could kill him at the foot of his throne
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>trips of truth
You win.
>santa clara
You cucks are a long ways away from me. RIP.
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I will BANINGU RABU all over you.
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You gotta keep goin since ike 13 hours ago, snowflake. I'm reachin my limit. This is where I get real stupid, then vomit and go pass out
It happens when I'm reaching my end. I just get really happy and everything's funny
Guess I'll be usin condos with you
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Hah, nice! Pretty cool that I have a neighbor here in thread. Kinda weird too but still cool! My main commute is on Montague/San Tomas, and since it connects to the 101, my god 9am and 5pm traffic there is UGH.
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That didn't go as planned, the place that has them close early on Sundays. But everything else went smoothly! Jaja
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Pretty refreshed, yeh

There is no end in family
>ily "I love You"

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Blood of the covenant
I would like to.. probably not g down that road
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Psh, I knew you had him, sounds like a tard
Trips of truth , we are a long ways away from the floods
Getting a little tired there bud? Just finished my 10th shot of 40%
>5pm on San Tomas
Fuckin gross! how do you manage?>>680771370
Oh I see haha, well at least you can you get it now! Good to know things went smoothly :D
Good, cus yous about to get it
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Brotherhood of blood is better, they have a stadium to pvp in
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Ohhh my~
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Ain't no floods down here man. You mixing me up with Shinoa bro?
Yeah, I had about 15 shots throughout the day, then got down on two six packs.
So.. you..
are getting a little shut up
I mean blood of the covenant is stronger than water of the womb
Those you forge bonds with by choice are stronger than those made by birth.
My family gets this wrong all the time
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God damnit stop making me wanna listen to the cowboy bebop soundtrack again...
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I mean, I kinda don't have a choice so eh. Kinda weird knowing that someone you met in a thread on /b/ just earlier in the afternoon lives maybe half an hour from you haha
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Good or Bad?
oh well onto go find a lord lothric
Why would i stop sharing glory?
This ost is more magikarp than elvis.
But I got your message. ^_~
I'll turn the heat down so your loins can cool off.
It's been getting better since I went ot on my own, though. I've been a lot happier. They dont really bother me much, and I can just do me.
both. its a very, very fine line of pace between becoming too shitfaced to go on and losing the good buzz and crashing
It's easier when Im partying because im moving my body, but im just sittin here
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>Trip dubs
Noice, wonder what's it like livig on your own.
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Prepare yo'self
Fuck, I guess I did, I can't tell you guys apart haha
>throughout the day
Don't mean nothin. and don't think Im done just because im behind. We'll see who passes out first haha
Nice trips, and I feel the same haha, I was actually surprised as fuck when you said santa clara, too bad its crowded :/
You got a glasses pic! Rum friend will be pleased to see that. Kick Lord Lethargic ass!
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Filename my nignog and well time of night. Shinoabro doesn't tend to be on this late
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Peace. Relaxing. Free to do and be who you are without worrying about someone there to witness it.
Last place I lived was with my pops. Sort of crippled, couch potato. ALWAYS home, and you couldnt fart anywhere without the other hearing it.
It's really liberating just being free
guess ill get some pocket change and pick up a soda
remember, i aint got shiiiiiiiit to do until the 2nd. i got no problem waking my ass up to stay up for another several hours
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This is now a /waifu/ tree
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A waifu in MY waifu thread?
It's more likely than you think
get out of here, feels
feels no feeling!
feels no feeling!
feels no feeling!
>aww maaaan
Well I hope you manage to keep it on the good side
Rum friend?
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What about neighbors?
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pics today for fucks sake
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images (4)(1).jpg
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What'd I miss? Is Nonon still here?
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Yeah, me too. Small things at a time. I work on what I can, when I can, and it just feels great to be ... me
feel like a person
>sticks butt out window and farts

be back in 5 or something. should be in time to bake
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Yeah comrade! Unfortunately I have to go now, I got work today as well. It's a shame that it has affected my time here lately. I'll be on early though. (Hopefully.) Take care comrade and goodnight.

And take care everyone else.
Alrighty then
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Koko Swords.png
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Do what you gotta do man, I aint got shit do either tomorrow haha
Dude I can only get so big of a boner, stop
Your are correct! Ill pay attention next time heh
Yeah, I forget the name of the girl but shes a cutie with glasses haha, I usually call him rum friend cus Im not good with the names here
Get ready for the insertion
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Hai guise
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What name should we give it?

(and i forgot to add who this is )
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Nee, Daarin~~!.png
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Yeah...You're not a student at Mission by any chance are you? I'm starting there this fall. Would have transferred in last year back when I first moved back to CA, but because I was out of state for over a year previously and had a DL from another state, they wanted to charge me out of state tuition so I said fuck no to that noise and decided to wait until I could get in-state tuition again, because why pay extra money.
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Koko 32.jpg
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She might be, dont remember them saying goodnight, also nothing much
Goodnight comrade! Sleep well :)
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Welcome back Ayano chan
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When i wake up everyone is going to sleep
Amazing timing
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Stankass Zoosmell
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Looks like we got ourselves a fight!
>grab two quarters
>walk across street to vending machine
>they're fucking nickles
Me n Koko got a good few hours in us. We's fightin for #1 drunk
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Well good Luck to Both of you
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Koko 29.jpg
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Whatsup? hows it goin?
Call it Syndra
Nah Im at west valley, Im thinking about transferring to mission though, they seem more science oriented which is what im into
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good stuff man
Alright I can deal
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>they're fucking nickels
Call it Spike
Talk to any cute boys lately without choking?
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Thread replies: 160
Thread images: 151

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