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Waifu claiming thread. >Non-Lethal Pain Administration edition

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 165
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
>Non-Lethal Pain Administration edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>naps ARE a good idea
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

>Spike Spiegel
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still here
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Another one added to the list! :D
>I mean if you can divide your love up like that sure
Nice claim, hows it goin?
Nice haha, you kicking ass?
No problem! Theres some others who have waifus from that show as well, I don't know how many characters are in the band but it looks like its coming together haha
another guess, Tenryuu? if I spelled that correctly? the german one?

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You have the closest guess so far.
Lay me down lay me dowwwn lay me dowwwwwwwn

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Kongou claimed desu

You're making it sound like I'm evil T_T
Why is there an s on the cup? Why did you name it "Smug"?
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Not Tenryuu, but you spelled it correctly.
Tenryuu is pretty close.
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Huh.. well at least I know it wont kill them
C.C. Claim
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Aqua c:
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Tomoko is far from smug.
She's... delusional?
Fuck, I'd be her husbando though. I dig the strange.
I've grown a strange, manly boner for Koko.
I can't provide a name. I'm pretty sure I got it, though. The hip perhispreals, thats classified as a boat. I'm guessing yes because you're a fucking tank with a face.
That's my couch.
You make it sound like ou got something to hide.
Literally salt. Delivers the punch without the kill.
My god it SUCKS
Scrapes the shit out of flesh and since it's salt.. well.........
Who needs clothes?
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Koko 2.jpg
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Then the other one! fuck I don't remember the name, but once she asked if I always had pictures of my waifus tits being big
haha, thats the jealousy talking, I can't have more than one waifu :'(
Whatsup guys! Hows it goin?
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Are we talking salt salt or rock salt?
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Milinda claim
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Well the loyalty is admirable :)

Fufufu so what if I do, hmm?
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dont we all
Do I have to get off? I am so comfortable
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My time is almost up!

There are quite a few of those, though.

You're probably referring to Tatsuta?
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Going to shower and stuff, be back later

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It's not dirty salt. Literally fucking salt. You got the charge and the salt. Self defense purposes for those who don't want a chest sized splatter painting several square meters of their home. Short range, too. The sight of a shotgun is usually enough, but when it isnt.. the force of a horse sure as fuck is.
S'up, cowgirl?
That's chill. Everyone has their skeletals.
Considering where we are, probably. Then there's the SJW's(trolls).
Nah. You can sit there all you want. Just keep looking pretty and you're fine.
And I know exactly none of them.
Welcome back, Shitwalker.
Take pictures.
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You and me both guyo
Hey! What are you up too man?
True, but I agree with spike, your hiding something
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Omfg <3 I love it. Again. Thank you so much n_n
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Similar but also very different.
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N.W.A! Im the type of waifu thats built to last

Y...yes sir.
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Ill take Tatsuta for $400 Alex
Sup tar baby
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Indubitably! It's what makes us, us. :)

Hiding something..? What makes you say that?
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I hear rudimental lay it all on me

Whoops that was the wrong one. But since you liked it, I fucked up

Thats a new one... kek

Playing some csgo
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I assume this one was for the first waver? Haha I like both tbh :)
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Not Tatsuta.

I'll lurk for a few more minute, but I'll already say good night now.
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I love a strong woman. Turns me on like no other. The capacity to dominate, to stand on the same level and take shit without turning ohnoyoudin't.jpg
Lose the gang and you're cool again.. I have bad incidents with the kind.
I got... two? I think. Maybe a few more, but those I keep to myself
I heavily personafy.It fits.
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Crap all i got was the NWA one, I need more rap group pics
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kek not much. just chillin
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I dunno, im just talkin out my ass trying to be funny haha are you drinkin anything?
Nice! if your playing casual I could be down to play a bit with you
Damn, ok goodnight tank anon! Sleep well :)
Oh fuck I know what you mean, I grew up around strong willed woman so I fuckin love it. Thats not to say I don't like all the cute waifus haha
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>come back
>non-lethal pain administration edition

Did I miss something?

Akiko claim
Playing a comp now. I can play a casual after
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No judging here :) I bet they're really dark and cool secrets. Or stories you won't ever tell anyone. Now I'm running wild with ideas about what it is in my head!

Tonight? Not yet.. I might start.. What about you? :)
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Yeah it was. I usually make multiple pics with and poses of the waifu before choosing one that I think everyone would like

Nah you need YMCMBC
What sort of bad incidents?
I'll have a drink on you.
I'd have one, anyway. But this one's on you.
I wish I had.. just the crazy and.. well, y'know. If I was to have a Waifu, it would be Motoko Kusanagi. God................. DAMN. idc if shes a fucking robot. Smash
Salt rounds and shotguns
One of the is pretty illegal. The other is a personal distaste about myself
and I guess there is a third.. Never have told the truth about my [REDACTED]
The violent, racist kind.. Racist on both ends, but they sort of started it with their monkey fury.
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Nah nothing
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The ones you make are usually really cool :)

Wow really? Oooh what a criminal~ And hey you can't just tease the answer like that D: That's so mean!
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Thanks m8. Ill have a Mt Dew on you. I dont have any alcohol with me... kek
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No pressure! Do what you want haha, but when your playin casual let me know
Well you have to drink for those double dubs! Im drinking rum as per use heh
Got damn, she definitely tickles my fancy haha
>pretty illegal
spit it out brotha
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Thanks man
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I know who tank anon was~ They just told me fufufu~

You got a point! But it's still kind of early to drink.. early for me I usually start after midnight haha :p

Anytime :) keep up the good work n_n
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If it's just that it wouldn't be that bad for me right now. I gotta leave for college in 5 and I still haven't finished my animations I had to turn in yesterday

Pray for me bros
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Oh I see I am sorry to hear that, they arent all like that though man

Thats a great one, I cant make good ones, wanna make me one with Odd Future or just Tyler?

I tried....
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She got hands

Will do! So what's happening tonight with you man?
Pretty damn sure I'm on the watchlist, and feds are viewing my screen as we speak
>There was this one video of a chick getting throated by two guys. Gluck gluck gluck. Can you find it for me? It was about 5 years ago
Pretend it's liquor and put it in a tumbler with a few cubes. Light a cigar, too.
Almighty baby jesus, whom died for our sins, persecuted by the jews and betrayed by thine own brother. Please, allow this waifu the will and ratchet to blow their professor for an extension.
I know. I just hate the kind that fit the stereotype
>sup crackalacka. Walkin while white?
Oh god what I'd do for one night with her...
The disappointment and regret she would experience
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Fuuuuck yeah, so why don't you pick her as your waifu? Why spike?
Nice dubs mooman
midnight? here I am trying to keep myself from drinking before 8 haha
Im sure theres a lot of videos of a girl getting throated by two guys haha, anything more specific?
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I'm pissed at myself. I payed to get my nails done with some friends today and I just noticed when I was helping my roomate move her wardrobe my friggan ring finger nail broke uwfhlwRugh this is why I can't have nice things i swear to god

Heh they're probably making fun of you for being on /waifu/ if they are ;D

Haha I stay up till around 8 am though so I'm probably a special case :P
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Will do. Have I added you on steam?

Will do. minus the cigar. I dont smoke anymore
Actually I met some today while waiting in line some were harassing this women in line you could tell she didnt care but they didnt stop it sucked.
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Koko 9.jpg
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8am? damn girl what are you smoking? what time are your classes?
You have! haha, just hit me up
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Like this? I got another one. Will post

May i have her name? Good gave me nothing but superman vs goku or something about nicole


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They start at 2 pm.. I get home really late usually and my gamestop job starts usually around 7 and I close at 9. That's my perfect schedule. I then go home and do my online classes and chat with yall.

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I relate to Spike better.
I get made fun of for just about everything. Even the way I breathe. There's nothing new anyone can provide. It's just a brush of the shoulder away from not caring.
Fuck. How did you quit? I've been trying for ages. I'm ordering a vape to hopefully help at least cut back on the coffin nails.
Sucker punch! But it's dangerous messing with blacks. They're certainly more vicious and lacking respect for the fight. I try to avoid them because, racistly so, they more often than not fit the stereotype.
Motoko Kusanagi? The Major, from Ghost in the Shell? Or....¿



Ooh, Matsuryu. I like that artist.
Your Hotem right? Just wanna make sure

Used a vape. Been clean for 3 years next week
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Tenryuu 125.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

>Note: I'd only shitpost with computergore

You're not the real Kongou that i know
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What's going on my dude. Suprised as hell to see you on this late.
thanks man youre awesome

I understand, its also where you are from they are different everywhere ya go mr spike.
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I'm so sorry to hear that.. I bet a hug would cheer you up and take your mind off of it n_n

I have not seen much from them :(

So that makes me the fake Kongou you know?
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>teach is grill

I like this

But I am at school

Nah I'll just make some shit up about my character being dead and being a stiff corpse or some shit
9/10 times of the 5/10 times they'll just let it slip
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The chick whoop the big guys ass? That's her name mokoto?

Lol I've been up late the past week due to no school because flood

How about this one? I really hate how pixilated they get

Got any transparent of your choice?
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Koko 10.jpg
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Damn that sounds like my perfect schedule as well. Night time>day time and you work at gamestop? I didn't know that, how do you like it?
I feel ya, gotta go with what you gotta go with
>dangerous messing with blacks
Don't I know it
Yup! thats the one :D
Nah, I'm good on the thug pics, already got some and I can't find a better transparent
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Howdy howdy howdy!
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Koko 11.jpg
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Heya! Hows it goin?
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Little hot but I'm ight! And you?
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Hey, what's up! Good taste my friend.

Also, claiming.
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Ah shit! Asuna in da house! What's gud nigga??
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But is it worth it in the end? Probably.
Good to hear you're making good use of your time haha. You probably can't go out as much due to the flood though rightt?
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I don't blame you. It's more on the lighting really. The only one I've done in B&W was Dio sama's

Hello. I'm new to you and you're new to me!

Matsuryu is a she, and she's real busy.

Her latest art is Fate/Grand Order-related, but she's always pretty slow when it comes to fanart.
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Ohhh this one is great too they both are thanks so much!

Hello and welcome! How goes it.
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lolno, I am from here.. care to guess??

Freshly outta the shower, house till hot af tho, ac kinda broken
I'm frustrated man! I'm working on some programming homework and can't get it to work! You?
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It gets hectic sometimes :/ And yeah! I ike it! I can only work nights though so unless there's a big release it gets pretty quiet and boring.. sometimes cool people come in and just chat n_n
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Same, I hate summer, but other than that im good! What are you up too?
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Aside from my ac fuking itself up for no reason, I'm all good!
Sour about that programing tho
return 0 is always the answer, anon.
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I'm up on ps4 little bit of dark souls 3 then I'll hop on destiny
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What model? I used one from a co-worker that had a sort of trigger handle. I liked that. Like the long side trigger you'd click n a detonator. I'm fucking ready to move away from these dirty sticks.
I dig the headgear, short haired brunette. Always gets me. You can be my waifu any time.
I've certainly met cool ones, but I can't but think all of them have that same primal side that comes from Africa.
Then again, I've got that bottle full of it, too.
Lord have mercy on the soul that uncorks it.
My memory is long as my dick. Meaning I don't get very far before I blank it. Long term is infallible, but short term is nearly non-existent. I'm pretty chill, though.
Hugs are always awesome. I won't turn them down, especially from a cute one like you.
Lord, give this ratchet waifu the willpower to munch sloppy, crusty vagoo for an extension
Hope she got her HPV shots as a loli.
Big ass? I'm a little lost. If you're refering to
Yes. She is my waifu. Other than that.. ¿
I'll mess with anyone to a certain degree. I'm generally careful with the lines. Got that spouty mouth.
Also, getting beat only hurts for a short while. I sort of like it, so long as nthing gets broken.
Youngest of 5 with two mean brothers.. The knuckles feel familiar. I'll spare the rest of my edge on the subject.
What's up, cowgirl?
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To cool off you should stand naked in front of a fan that always helps
I actually was able to safely drive to class today thank the lord

You're welcome homie

Guessing you changed your waifu too?

You work at gamestoppel? Can you answer the question we all want to know: why do you take 50 of our used mint condition game and give us like only $20 for them?

The chick with dem hands
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Hah, I'm more of a city person than country

Only have the fan on my ceiling.. shirtless it is then!

Nope! I have a haerm, fuck da police
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Late claim
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Motoko Kusanagi. The Major. She's a fucking badass from Ghost in the Shell. My waifu. I would be her husbando forever.
Powerful, sexy, smart. Uhhggg. Way out of my league.
You can be a cowgirl in the right position.
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Glad to hear it! Anyways, what have you been up to at this hour aside from /waifu/
It was a cheap Kanger tech. Cant remember exactly
>ready to move away from these dirty sticks
Good for you. Best decision I ever made
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fuck, forgot pic

Probably. Teach is less motivated then I am and she has to look at like 20 other students so I doubt she'll make a big deal out of it

I know that feel bro
What are you trying to write?

Teach is 7/10 milf, wouldn't mind that too much
Gotta fap
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Is that so? I can't tell if that is a good thing or not.. it seems like a hassle to be forgetting things like that often..
Hehe you're too sweet n_n

Indded! And I got you. Management says we have to. And it's mainly because A: People still do it even though it's bs and B:Games lose value over time and we don't need anymore old games when we can buy them for cheaper from a warehouse anyways so we won't give you much more than the price we would give the warehouse to buy them as a bundle.
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Nice! Ive thought of working there myself, seems pretty chill, seems like you can chill with your coworkers alot haha
Sounds fun! Which one do you think is better?
>the knuckles feel familiar
I know that feel, my older brother and his friend would beat on me all the time, you either get used to it or you succumb to it
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Fuck da police

Dark souls 3! Destiny is ass with bungie's decisions yet I still come back..
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Brightest crayon I've ever fucking seen. What do they call you, Crayola?
Oh well. I'll just have to bug my co-worker when I go back. I keep forgetting to put it in my wishlist.
Move on from burning chems and grass to flavors and smoothness. Most excited to start hacking up that phlegm and getting my cardio back to over a mile.
Take pics
I've got too much edge for this reply. Let's just say I enjoy the dull pains.
Fuck the sharp ones.
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Another one (hint) don't get on this late like shinoa anon so I'm pretty new to you

God I need to watch that and I could see why you'd wife her. Girls who can kick your ass and are smart are the best

Meeting with friends and playing rome total war atm

Apparently oni chichi is imfamous. Wouldn't fap to that nasty shit

Thanks homie! Makes sense now
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Which shinoa is this one?
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Yeah and I got lucky because I enjoy most of my coworkers anyways desu so we just chat and help each other out and stuff :) pretty easy.

No problem desu n_n
Wary of DkS3. Last nuber 3 was Ninja Gaiden 3
But that game doesn't exist, so it doesn't matter.
I'm pretty sure it's on netflix. A few movies, too, and a severly outdated, ugly psx game that was fun as fuck in the day. If you can get past the polygons, it's still fun.
There's a few series differences. Idk, i'd start with a few of the movies before the series. Some of them are dubs. The subs are ok. Not terrible, but thats how I discovered them
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Bottle of what? Magic?

Youre behind those awesome pics? daaaaaaamn you can no longer be my rival I love them too much

Hey hey hey better than nothing right? Or we can go for a swim
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Ya im not into dad/daughter either
Looking more for 3d porn tonight
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Hardly played ninja gaiden

Nahh I dont like pools.. they're chlorine and urine
It's an android app for class. It's supposed to pull stock info from the web.
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Dark souls 3 game of the year. Then again I love the Souls series to death man.
Damn that's a late night meet. I want to play total war sometime but don't know where to start.
That is Shinoa bro. I am Shinoa anon. You can differentiate use through filename.
You don't fap before coming to the threads?
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I come to /b first to find shitty porn then see this and check in
Then go else where to finish
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Yeah, let's go with magic.
3D you say? Like... real sexy 3d? Pizza Obscenity, Sequester Gangbang are among my favorites.
Difficult. Very. Fast paced, brutal, relentless AI and badass bosses. RPG-esque, too. I love them.
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Eheheheh I tricked you all! I was Yuno this whole time!
But yeah I REALLY hope dark souls 3 earns game of the year this year

>Shinoa anon Shinoa bro
But you're both bros to me!

Does it compare to dark souls?
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Hey! Hows it goin?
I thought so haha, never played destiny for that reason
True haha
sounds comfy! Which one do you work at ill apply haha
I mean real women on film
I know im a disgusting casual
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I'm known as shinoa bro. Check file name for help to differentiate

Lemme see some smugs now

Thinking about watching dub just to hear steve blum's sexy as hell voice

Yes I am hehe

Hate NTR, rape, mind break incest. Spankbang dot cum has some good vids

We're adults right? Lol. Id play Rome total war. Play the tutorial first then play custom. Experiment with the troops and You'll love the choices each faction has some are shit though
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Much to dark souls 2, destiny has a love/hate going on for me.
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I know one as Texas Shinoa
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how about a bath....w...with me

Alrighty! But what is it truly?

Hmm you must enjoy it then, fine by me makes my life a little bit more fun!
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Kongou and smug? Man that's gonna be hard. this is the best I have for now.

Lol That'd be cool! And I'd tell you but it's the one in my city and this is /b/ soooo o.o
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The lurking Shinoa.png
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>no kono dio da edit
I hope that it wins for best soundtrack too. DS3 doesn't have much to compete against this year aside from doom.
Eh I just prefer this late at night for relaxation. I'll download Rome then. Was gonna do medieval with my friend but we never got to it lol. Same thing with CK2
I would call him Texican
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Desu fan. I have too many of them. Seems a lot of them I've saved are too large, though? I don't really understand it...
Well, they're pretty different. Ninja Gaiden is way more fast paced and about as unforgiving with mistakes. If you like DkS, Id say you cant go wrog with NG. I'm sure you can get it for real cheap. If you don't like it, I'll reimburse your losses.
That's how sure I am.
>Die 3 times on the first level and the game insults you with Ninja Dog difficulty
Oh... hm.. I don't.. really.. know how to feel about this.......
Well, everyone's got that one disgusting thing about them. I'll let this one slide.
Sometimes, I just dont want to read. Voice acting doesnt mean much if I can't understand them, and I'm missing out on shit because I gotta read.
I'd say 7/10 acting. Good, but you can tell it's not all there.
>Despite all my rage
>mfw I almost forgot mfw again
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Yours is the one with screenshot? Alrighty then

Hmm a bubble bath??

Doom looks like fuckin Halo 5
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>Insults with babby level
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Well im tired. Night everyone
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Yea but everyone jerks it to Bethesda titles and more than likely is going to get GOTY because of that and nostalgia goggles. Skyrim is an example of that.
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Awww don't be that way. We can be frenemies

Super cute!

Medieval has an amazing organ opening. The seige gameplay if my favorite of the total war series


Lol yup

Night milinda!
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Oh.. fight.. fallout.. Sigh
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So I hear haha, destiny seems like one of those games your either chill with or you hate
True true haha
Goodnight Milinda! sleep well :)

Skyrim was buggy and almost unplayable when released, and the gameplay got boring after a while.

Fallout 4, I presume, is similar to that, only with less story and more interesting locales.

Dark Souls 3 is a lot better than that, so I don't understand why anyone would think FO4 is GOTY material.
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So how you been texas bro? Havent seen you on much

Not to mention I logged in over 400 hours into it.. cant just quit
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I think it's neat. Each difficulty has it's own set of monsters/mobs. Some are reskins, but more vicious, powerful and relentless. Your friend in the block button and dodge
There's Ninja Dog(if you fucking suck ballsacks for a living)
Hard(it is hard)
Very Hard(It doesn't lie)
only made it 3/4ths
and Master Ninja, the true hokikimori difficulty that only shut-ins can beat.
You need to beat the game to unlock subsequent modes.
I reccomend the xbox version, Ninja Gaiden Black vs the PS Sigma.
You'l see Ninja Gaiden 3, but ignore it.
Ignore it, for the love of god it doesn't exist.
Sweet nightmares, cowgirl
Everyone has that bottle. Some re just larger annd tighter sealed than others.
Yeah with bubbles and some cold water it would feel super good, I could wash your back

Frenemies huh? I like that I like that alot, then its a deal! >shankes hand
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Fuck I forgot about that
I don't know what it is but I like the sound of a siege mechanic.
EXACTLY but everyone is like but muh fallout hasn't been released in ages which is pretty much what happened with Skyrim.
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my ex gave me a ninja gaiden on ps3 but I was utterly lost at level 3, isnt it the remake of ninja gaiden black?

>Cold bubble bath
Ight, you got me sold

I was close to buying it with the psn points given from the credit card but ultimately decided to redeem psn plus
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Damn 400? thats pretty insane not gonna lie haha, I think the only game that I come close to that is either GTAV or BF3
Heya! hows it goin?
Fo4 was garbage compared to 3 or NV
It honestly isnt GOTY material

Done with my fap
FO3, super fucking fun. Loved the expansions.
New Vegas was a little more eh, but still enjoyable.
Skyrim was fun for a playthrough. Needs mods for more funsies.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC and CoP, both awesome and way better with mods. Textures, lighting, realism. Godly with those on there. I need to get back into that.
Currently on Star Ocean 2, though. Also FF7, and the 3DS Zelda.. um... portrait of ruin? The one where the shehe turns people into pictures.
What's up, cute shit?
Yeah, remake with some differences. Xbox version is more fluid with more beuatiful gaphics. Holds up even today, and surpasses many current gen.
There are 'some' frame rate issues in a few portions, but otherwise it's crisp. I miss it. I'm so sorry I sold it.
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I have literally 3 years of gametime in runescape

I aint got no life

Ight I'll check it out
I am doing fine thanks.
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Yeah I've been doing studies for art and A&P THEN to be told that the test is moved next week.

Like how most of us grew up with DBZ dubbed and that's why we don't like it subbed?

>shakes hand
And frenemies we are, tyrant's eye

I enjoy siege battles

Hello qt
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Holy shit haha, well if you enjoyed it then it was time worth spent right?
Great to hear! What are you up too?
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Where them pics, rosario? At least some pantsu...
You wont regret it if you just press on. First time I rented it, and couldn't
That fucking tittie tassle bitch with that fine ass. Fucking shit fuck....
If you get stuck and need help, I've got all the pointers you need. That's one of my "nerded too hard" games.
>Mr Satan flips you off
Yeah, kinda like that.
Ooo more time for study! lel

It's pratically my life

I had trouble with the first boss but now that I've done the souls seires, I wonder how I'll fair
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FO3 and oblivion are probably the only Bethesda games that I actually really enjoyed.
FO4 isn't worth that lmao. Game is just a one and done deal. Got bored of it quick.
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Yeah but RS2 was the shit back in the day
Cant say anything about RS3 >>680605233
Youll never take my virginity that easily you foul she-beast
Glad to see theres another texan in this thread
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Alriiiiiiight so besides cold bubble baths what else do ya enjoy?

Do you like Evangelion smug queen?
should be going to uni. but I am unsure if its worth going to a single lecture when I have to drive one hour to and back. especially since I am repeating this course and know this stuff already. also there is a skript online. so I am staying home.
forgot pic
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Satanic trips confirm, lecture not worth it haha, what class is it for?
You live an exciting life friend haha
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First boss... nunchaku guy? Yeah, he's a bastard fuck. Strike and retreat tactics. Wait until he does his big charge, hit him a few times, hold in block and fall back.
You should pretty much ALWAYS be blocking. You'll get the hang of it. Moving is your best friend.
Flying Swallow, wall runs, wall plummets.
You'll get used to the ultimate techniques, too. Learning when to stop and charge up, or use the essence to give you a quick boost. I have no streaming equipment, really. Just a webcam, and my game is on the ps3, but if you're ever in dire troubs, I can run an area for you. I'll go through it with you so yo dont suffer alone. I think I just unlocked hard mode on this version.
I know I'm pretty, but I certainly aint no woman!

Haha yeah! My head hurt but yeah!

So there's 3 Texans itt

Never seen it before

>shinoa bro
I heard it's skyrim with guns tho

I barly play rs3, hated it at first with EoC but after the revolution where it does basic abilities for me, it became playable for me again.
I play osrs tho

Hmm generally just vidya.. I'ma boring person

Nah not really, it's pretty autisitc af. I'm a handsome dude that should go clubbing but instead I picked up nerdy stuff cause I was spoiled

Yeah I'll let ya know when I hop on it

You can doo eet!

I am repeating math for physicits 3: analyisis 2. the last of my math courses actually since I passed analysis 3 last semester.
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