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Swedes. As your government and law enforcement fails in protecting

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 301
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As your government and law enforcement fails in protecting you and your family from the islamic threat.

Has it ever come to mind to take matters into own hands and form civilian militias?
there are no more swedes on internet its been cut off there and the moslems made a new IS there

as a dane, the sweeds are such pussys that it would not be a surprise.
The swedes are a very peaceful and civilised people.
You forgot to call them cucks that's the whole point of the meme you retard
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the hero we need
Please, invade us already. Make it stop!
Our politicians are fucking wads.
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they're busy.
>"As your government and law enforcement fails in protecting you and your family from the islamic threat".
>implying the police would ignore someone being attacked by muslims

Fuck off.
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That's pretty gay.
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Celebrate diversity. Or something.
What threat? I've lived in Sweden for over 20 years and I've never been attacked by anyone, sandnigger or otherwise. Meanwhile, I got attacked by niggers 4 times in 3 months while I lived in the US. I know it's a meme and all, but now you're just being retarded.
>being transgender is illegal
brb moving to morocco
Yeah, the two sandniggers got prosecuted as they should. If OP was right, the police wouldn't care and they'd go free. Your point?
As someone who lives in Malmö. Please clearify where in Sweden you live? If you live in the woods or Stockholm, please consider yourself disqualified.
i want to live in norvege now
Not worth it, it's turning into Sweden 2.0 pretty damn fast.
LOL. Sweden is fucked. Hilariously the only "reset buton" - logically is to throw off the chains of Democracy in favor of some form of Fascism and kick/kill all the brown fuckers out.

Too bad, as long as it's a Democracy, your Swedish heritage will erode to nothingness.
You seriously can't keep Nazis out of a militia or even join one without the leading individuals being Nazis. That's just the way things are.
muslims dicks are too small to worry about.
Ive lived in Södertälje half my life and Stockholm the other half and ive never been as much as bothered by anyone at all.
The suburb riots 2 years ago lured out some right wing extremists that formed a "citizens guard".

Among other things, these brave vikings attacked a handicapped person that hadn't done shit.
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How's the Swedish Trump? You guys need one.
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We have one already.
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The Swedish counterpart to Trump is currently making millions on housing immigrants.
His face when
Oh, well educated, high income swedes in the inner city doesn't rob you? That's a great mystery. Why even speak up if you live in the capital which is like living in a bubble? Have you visited any other cities at all?
>implying he said he lived in the inner city
>implying Stockholm has no shitty suburbs.
He's getting stumped. Just looking to get a higher education for free, then I'm out.
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you're next. just wait, ohohohoh
I see so many people like you on the internet and all I ever want to ask you people is, have you ever been to Sweden? Or do you just believe in everything the internet tells you because clearly no one ever lies on here?

Whenever I read about my country it sounds like I'll be raped, systematically converted to islam and stoned to death like at least three times before I even take my first step out side my door.

You realize the reason Swedes just generally don't show much care about the matter is because it's just not as big of a problem as the internet makes it seem, right? Everyone is aware that we've got a problem on our hands and everyone is doing what they can to get Sweden out of the situation our overly PC politicians have put us in.

Also for the resistance part, no one wants a part of that because those are so bogged down by ape brained retards, most of which are the same type of slavic fucks hitler would have no qualms eradicating yet they proudly wear his colours. No one wants to associate with those IQ 20 retards

There's more to stockholm than inner city.
>If he'd live in a shitty suburb he wouldn't have made this post
Wew laddie.
>everyone is doing what they can to get Sweden out of the situation our overly PC politicians have put us in.

Like what cunt?
We did.
But the "RAAACISMMMMMMM" crying was so revere because of it that the fucking Desperados shut them down.

Yes, the MC club.
I have lived in Sweden all my life and I am 27 years old. I've lived in 4 different cities in 4 different regions of Sweden. Not once have I had any problem with any immigrants. Not once.

Media makes you believe there is so much shit going on. They rape our women, take our jobs, rob grocery stores and all that kinda shit.

I have never ever seen any immigrants do any of that. What I have seen though, is a guy named Johnny and he is a 100% swede. He drives motocross and as a kid he had home tutoring because he only caused trouble at school. His parents bought him cigarettes when he was 9, and he chased kids with knives and almost stabbed my neighbor in the stomach with a small razorblade. All this, when he was 10-13 years old.

I have not seen him ever since other than a few times when I looked him up on facebook. He is currently in some MC gang and he is about 24 years old.

My whole old neighborhood knows who he is. It's a neighborhood/municipality with about 13000 people. You could ask anyone, anywhere, if they knew who "that kid Johhny" was, and they'd all know.

He is the only trouble maker I have seen, and he is a full on Swede. Tons of records on Lexbase (swedish site containing criminal records).

I have a ton of foreign friends. Some born in Sweden, some not. Bosnian, Albanian, Iranian, Greek, Turkish. They are all really nice. Never had trouble with anyone. Never.

They dont do/sell drugs, they dont steal, they dont rape, they dont harass anyone. All of them got top jobs now and all of them did good at school.

So I really dont know what media is trying to say.

If you go to the absolute ghettos of sweden, then yes you will meet a bunch of fuckers. But in the average cities, no. Absolutely not.

You only meet the bad type of people if you're a bad person yourself.

Looking forward for another ~30 years in this country without ever running into some "bad immigrant".

Fuck media. I'm out. peace.
I'm speaking as someone who's from California. I was born there before it became as it is now over 50% mexian. Now my home neighborhood has stores in Spanish and it's fucked up.

But that's nothing compared to what it would be if California was 50% muslim LOL. You see, for a really long time you'll be fine. Nobody you know will have experienced anything like you hear on "the internet". The one day it will come to you, that your country has changed and will be changed forever and then you're fucked. The point is, there's no going back now. Enjoy the ride.
What? Malmö and Stockholm are the cities with the most muslims and immigrants in Sweden. If you go to Fittja, Bredäng, Vårby Gång or Skärholmen (All places where I've lived), you're pretty much only going to see immigrants everywhere, yet I've never been attacked or bothered by anyone, the closest thing to trouble are probably the occasional beggars asking for money (who always leave me alone after I say no)
Not to mention that the inner city has a shitload of Muslims too.
Not to mention that kid Johnny threatened to take a shotgun to a highschool. He posted about it on a site called Existenz, in their forum. Police surrounded his house the next day.

That was the last time I heard anything from him. His life went downhill so fast after that. His parents still live there as far as I know, but he was sent to a minor's jail or whatever you call it in English.
There's no going back how? Borders closed, the constant support for SD has not only made their numbers rise massively, it's also opened the PC minds of the right wing parties making them pull their heads out of their asses and start listening to their people.

Sweden's not the US, Sweden doesn't care more about their money than their people. Your shitty state has become the way it is because of the deep seeded corruption in your government and your countries complete lack of interest for the common people. You're looking at the results of greed fueled capitalism. Sweden's not, that shit doesn't exist here.
I know that I probably have no reason to be worried, but my girlfriend is Swedish, living in a small town in the south. Do I have any reason to be worried about her safety?

Good chance I'll marry her someday, and good chance I'll move to Sweden to be with her after college / med school. Amerifag, so I'm obviously not updated on anything rather than media bullshit.

Reassure me, /b/ of Sweden. Any reason to worry for her safety?
>implying Sweden is a democracy

Good for you. You're probably a pretty big guy if you've managed to stay out of trouble. Now, would you have the same opinion if you were a woman? Would you consider any of the immigration dense areas 'safe' in the same way you consider yourself safe in those areas?

It is perhaps a 1/500000 chance that she will get assaulted or raped. No bigger chance than anywhere else in the world. Sweden is among the most calmest countries in the world with an incredibly low crime rate.

There are more murders in a day london for example, than in all of sweden in an entire year.

sweden is even smaller than london.
it is insanely small (population).

idk what the fuck media is talking about tbh

What a cuck. Kill yourself
This. Wasn't there a Somali female journalist who said that the truth gets silenced if it doesn't fit a leftist narrative?
you don't even know what cuck means.
kill yourself, now.

Have fun kissing Mudslime ass forever as they fuck your wife and daughters you faggot PC Libtard
>sweden is even smaller than london.

london is well over 50% "ethnic"

>There are more murders in a day london for example, than in all of sweden in an entire year.

What a load of shit.
Not really at all, there's just not a whole lot of places to publicize non leftist leaning ideals. And that's just leftist shit in general, which all Swedish politics is based around so it's understandable. Somali people don't really believe in social democracy so no one cared about her opinions. If that makes her silenced then I just don't even know what that word means.
>more murders in a day london for example, than in all of sweden in an entire year

citation needed you shit chatting fuck wit
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I don't believe that their government allows them to exercise their right to self defense.
Thanks, anon. I'm only worried because at this point, she's kinda the biggest reason for me to stay alive at this point. Although the rape part did worry me a bit, I've been blessed as being a psychopath fag, so I'm not so sure how much I'd care.

> psychopath fag
> somehow love this girl
> going against everything I've ever done
> fml

Love ya, anon
once: Nazi
today: Someone with a critical view on anntidemocratic, homophob, misogynic, xenophobic, pedofile, fashist religion and political views like leftism and worst.. has another opinion than me.
I'm from Sweden and I consider myself as a white nigger. I smoke bong from time to time and listen to reggae. Also vegetarian of course. Life is about being diverse.
stfu and reaid this swedish bitch /emiliahult
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Only killings by white heterosexual men are counted as murders. All others are classified as reparations for historic injustice by the European patriarchy. We can't possibly hold these people accountable for their actions when we have not held ourselves accountable.

93 murders in london in 2014.

87 in all of Sweden in 2014.

This is what's wrong with you retards
Scandinavia is far too cucked by fascism.
all the scandinavians worth a damn immigrated to the US between 1880-1910
>Because I haven't had any negative experiences with immigration, nobody could've had it
>If they say anything that go out of line from my experience I silence them by ad homniem attacks e.g. racist, retard

>Of course immigrants can do wrong, but this one guy, this guy Johnny from the hills, he was swedish and bad
>Therefore I'll ignore that over ¾ of our prisons are filled with non-swedes. Say otherwise and cue the ad homniems
>"But that one Johnny guy though"

I feel like I'm on aftonbladet
"they steal our jobs". try get a job named Abdullah Mahmoud Alibaba and say that again.

Silenced, in her definition, was that the truth would still be published in Somalia. Even if it didn't fit a certain narrative
> white nigger
> reggae
> bong
> vegetarian

That's not being a nigger.

> actual nigger
> gun pointed at other niggers / cops
> coon tunes / monkey music
> bong for lightskins, hard drugs for darkskins
> KFC / garbage / hot sauce
> some characteristics of real niggers

You're not a white nigger, m8. You're just another white fag.
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Population of Sweden.

9.8 Million

Population of London.

13.9 Million.

Obviously I can't know if my experience would be the same if I was a woman, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't make a difference. I've had way more trouble in countries like the USA, Finland, Poland, Thailand or Russia in the short time that I've been there than I've ever had in Sweden.
i've seen and met enough people in my life to know their experiences.

please, tell me where you live and why the situation is bad there.

oh, and while you're at it, name 10 different events where an immigrant has fucked you over in any way. name just 10 situations you've been through that is so bad that u cry out on 4chan.

what a fucking cuckold.
i bet your lastname is svensson
The Swedish muslim population is like 7-8% at most though.
They are not exactly taking over anytime soon, especially when considering our new border controls.
Like voting for SD.

Heja Jimmie
"Hey guys!! I'm ⅛ norweigan and ⅜ german and some danish as well!! I still consider myself german even though I'm an american, born and raised. I need my special snowflake status by grabbing onto my tiny strings of cultural herritage I have left!!"
Danes u crude fucks.Cantt go on a boat,train or hovercraft without you dipshits drunking it up..
Yaaaaggggh carlsburg elephant!!!!...yaaaaggg
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Mmh yeah good job talking about the people in these militias without any experience with them. I have experience, there's a ridiculous amount of full on gas the jews kill anyone who's not the correct hue of white nazi's in those "militias" who never really get shit done because they're too busy being drugged up drunks to actually get out there and do shit.
Well actually 100% swedish by lineage.
but no Im American, born and raised, and europe is a fascist hellhole, you people just haven't experienced actual freedom, so the idea of it scares you.
och var i malmö bor du då? Säger du slottsstaden eller Limhamn så gå och hoppa
>i've seen and met enough people in my life to know their experiences.
Why the fuck do you even ask a question if only 'your' experiences matter? There's nothing to discuss when a mind is already made. Please kill yourself. Or if you're such a tough guy, post your adress and a pic of yourself.
>you people just haven't experienced actual freedom

Kek, name one thing related to freedom in america outside of guns that doesn't exist in Sweden.
no london has 8 million inhabitants and sweden has 9.5 million inhabitants, faggot
>implying USA is more free than any scandinavian country.

The only way USA is more free is when it comes to buisness. Easier to start a company and easier to give your employees ridiculously low salaries.
Never said I disagreed. Meant that the lack of culture is showing in both Sweden and the U.S.

Is this wrong? 8,538,689 vs Sweden's 9,858,794

Or has >5 million people just migrated to london since that page last was updated?
I'm a white man with a black heart I'm a white nigger you bitch
Would probably not be too far off
That sounds terrible, my condolences.
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hahahaha transneger, what a joke
Where in malmo?
I ised to live on mariedahlvagen
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That's a good place to live though. The closer you get to kronprinsen on that road the more and more white people you have
Not same Anon but I live in Västerhaninge a suburbia outside of Sweden. Shit is pretty bad here. The only reason the "progressive left" and the rest of the pk society is not saying anything is because they have made themselves live in a place where the only time they will meet another immigrant is when they order pizza.
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Finland is part of Germania, under the command of Fuhrer Hitler.

Go post your shit somewhere else you fag.
it's not the swedish people that are pussies, our current politicians that are cunts and are being so fucking afraid of being called a racist... so instead of closing the border and saying enough, they let even more in and give them alot of fucking money, more then a great part of the habitans already earn in a month
look up soldiers of odin
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Its really really illegal to form civilian militias. You would lose your job, and sent to jail.

But myself, I dont care, i basically got myself one civilian militia of my friends. We are just waiting until the race war to start. We got the hardware and stuff but we lay low until the big time.
lol dehär e fan kul bor också i vh typ, tror du att det kommande asylboendet i tungelsta(lidaskolan) kommer att gå igenom?
One simple reason why the progressive left and all these other pk people do not complain and see the real issue is because they are not the once living in the suburbia of sweden. The only time they see an imigrant is when they order pizza. And they simply do not have a clue of how suburbia of sweden looks like. Once you do you realise there is only one option. Stop this multiculturalism untill we can take better care of it.
I feel you man. We're probably living very similar lives even though we live 6 hours apart. The funny thing is that we'll never have a say in anything or we'd become a social outcast.
orten barn
I was gonna respond in sweden but lets share the madness with the rest of the world.
Essentialy he asked if an asylum center outside of a school where we live will go trough. Now obviously these are not safe by any mean. But these politicans insist on that this is a good idea... And for you answer. Kanske men lutar mer mot ett nej då dem skulle få alldeles för mycket negativ press av att göra det. Dock är det galet att dem ens föreslog det.
Yeah all the way down in the park they had paki celebrations periodically and there would be like 25 ragheads milling around and muslim music.All i could think of is arent they embarassed no one showed and cant they turn that fuckin shit off?
time to lock down!!! gate your communities and put armed guards at strategic entry points with good communication systems and security cameras,

you need to protect your women & children from islamic criminals
How did coming by hardware go here in Sweden? The laws are pretty tight in that area.
Doesn't say that much though, lived in Fosie most of my life and there's a huuuuge difference between the areas there. Söderkulla is kaos but hindby and almvik (inte inräknat lindängen) for example are very chill areas
Thats in england you inbred fuck
Well I would prefer not being associated with the low life scum talking about respect like it is a good thing when you respect criminals however yes I do come from the suburbia and would be called "Ortens barn"
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>butthurt american who has no idea about Europe

Salty because swedes can create better memes than you? kek
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that shit's disgusting, ew.
Not to give to much info. But I'm currently a student so you can do the math on where I'd probably afford to live.
Rosengard is where all the towelheads were...
Malmo was fucking awesome and the girls there are mind fucking blowing.
What's a militia without any weapons?
in sweden you can literally be prosecuted if you discriminate against someone because of their name
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This is now an anti-american and Trump-hate thread.

Get rekt cucks.
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Lol go to any suburbia you will find someone. If not you can easely order online. Do not know how it works now days but when I looked it up they send it trough computer cases.
I hope a containment wall around Malmö could be arranged in the near future
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No comment on that

If you has no guns, do fakecall to cops to troll cops to come and rob them on their guns then go rob military on heavy stuff with cop guns and go on.

Go read guerilla warfare.
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Haha dom kom med samma förslag till min gamla lågstadie skola här norr om stockholm men de blev så mycket liv om de så det sket sig så dom fortsatte riva skitet. Tror nog inte de är nån större fara så länge folk käftar emot.
>guerilla warfare
There is like 50 books named that author ffs?
That sounds pretty James Bond tier. I've heard about military storages, but other than that sounds like you made it up in your dream.
Kom möllan era svennebögar
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lol there's no truth at all, to your statement, op. there is no "islamic threat", and the crime rate of refugees (and muslims in general) is lower than that of "normal" swedes.
stfu, and look at what actually is going on in society. the skewed view you get from the web is very far from the truth.
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>Population of London. 13.9 Million.

kek, are you fucking retarded?

Doesnt matter, they all are almost same.

Guerilla warfare are simply if you has brains in your head. Also go rob bank for money for hardware. Thats what all guerilla groups did.
Visa bild på dig och skriv adress
Japp. För mycket press men dessa människor föreslår så dumma saker att man blir mörkrädd över att dem får leda landet.
Today i recieved a flyer in the mail from SD Haninge that uses the current expansion, or atleast the trying to expand aslym centers in Haninge, in thier campaign they use this toppic to trying to recruit more people by telling the bad effects of setting up a aslym center at some locations and people can't figure out why SD is growing in the society ? its just so wierd that the places the diffrent companies choose to try to expand to is often VERY close to school, and who would like immigrants close to your house/kids when you can't watch over them, thats one of the reasons i believe that SD is growing...
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I mean I would like to quote an angry foreigner.
"If there is only one party that works on reality and you live in reality who are you gonna vote for" that and they are the underdog and people always like to support the underdog.
Guerilla Warfare
av C. N. M. Blair
>"Normal" swedes
>¾ of the prisons are filled with non-swedes
Nice troll though 6/10
There have sprung up several civilian patrols in my town. One garde with muslims and one garde with white trash.
Och där kom svennekommentaren. Möllan är ett okej område, mycket idioter men vet man hur man beter sig så råkar man heller inte ut för problem. Jag är själv mycket på möllan, trots att jag är "svenne".
Even if that was true the statistics might be 40 - 60 but considering the vast majority of the population is white and inborn swedes that still does not make for a good argument as there is more blacks commiting crimes.
Poverty creates crime
Hmm im waiting for Op. Stefan Löfven
Which makes no sense as immigrants get as much money per month staying home, as someone with a job does.
I was serving time in prison (for dealing drugs, assault and blackmail) and i can tell you in the institution(prison) I was in the majority of the inmates were non-european foreigners.

Stop believe everything from jewish owned newpapers aftonbladet or expressen, its not healthly for you, now or future.
You got a source for that claim or are you just shitting through your mouth?
In sweden we do not have that type of poverty. Just look at uppdrag gransknings report where they litterary said that is not the case. It is all about culture. And then I am not gonna say that Sweden does not have some sort of responsibility in allowing that culture to develop. Still stop with your brainwashed rethorics.
Jimmie för president 2018
I'm swedish, but thanks for the info!
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London and the City of London are two different things, idiot.
+1 mannen talar sanning

Snälla gå och dö vänsterpack. Ni fattar verkligen inte vad som är på väg.
> Miljöpariet främjar multikulturalism!
> En muslimsk man vill inte ta en kvinna i handen (vilket är standard i muslimsk kultur)
> Alla flippar sin skit
>Gustav fridolin förstår säger att han "Inte förstått hur kränkande vissa kvinnor tycker det kan vara"
> kallar sig feminist.
> Aftonbladet kallar agerandet förkastligt
> Vägrar skriva - pga. rädsla för backlash - varför inte Yasri Kahn inte ville ta kvinnan i handen
Läste du ens kommentaren? Jag är -1 mannen om inte annat då jag sa att han snackade skit.
ser mig som vänster och är fullt medveten om att denna invandringen är fucked. Sverige "arbetar" för att integrera alla invandrare i samhället men de facto så placeras alla i shitty områden med svåra ekonomiska förhållanden tillsammans med andra invandrare. Det går inte att hantera en sådan massinvandring bra och det är efterblivet att påstå att vi gör ett bra jobb. Dock så bör Sverige bidra med det vi kan och självklart ska vi ta emot invandrare dock måste våra politiker erkänna vad det är som egentligen händer. Men våra politiker bor inte i de fattigare områden eller åker 5ans buss till jobbet varje dag, de sitter i fet jävla villa med en lön på 80k+ och alla grannar heter Hasse och Carina och äter kräftor. Tro fan att de säger att det är lugnt med invandring, de får ju aldrig någonsin känna av den.
1: När jag va 9 år gammal så blev jag och en svensk kamrat spöade av ett gäng blattar som var runt 13-14, bara för att vi spelade basket där de uppenbarligen ville spela.
2: När jag var 14 år så fick en polare till mig ett brännbollsträ i fejjat från en av klassens invandrare för att han skrattade när muselmannen missade bollen tre gånger i rad.
3: En kille i min skola blev så pass hårt mobbad av invandrargänget, som alltid kaxade sig mot allt och alla inklusive lärarna, att han begick an hero. De var även på hans syster dagarna efteråt och trackade henne.
4: När jag var 16 så blev en tjejkompis till mig brutalt analt våldtagen av en adopterad 19 årig neger från Somalia.
5: När jag gick i gymnasiet så var det en tjej i en annan klass som bytte skola för att invandrargänget beståendes av tjejer trackade henne varje dag, tillmälen såsom "svennefitta" och "svennehora" hördes alltsom oftast när man gick i korridorerna.
6: När jag var 23 så blev jag påhoppad och misshandlad av ett gäng 16-åriga invandrare och deras token wigger, svår hjärnskakning och brutet näsben till följd. Min kompis blev samtidigt misshandlad då han försökte försvara mig. Oprovocerat. Fick senare höra att just det gänget hade gjort det till en lek att hoppa på "svennar" och misshandla dem, det var inte första gången.
7: När jag var 24 så försökte jag avstyra min väldigt berusade vän från att köpa hasch av en invandrare på stan, han tyckte jag la mig i hans affärer och gav mig en suckerpunch.
8: Alla tusentals gånger jag blivit hustlad av syrianerna när jag ska köpa weed, fått 2 g istället för 3 osv. Men inte fan kan man säga nåt, annars får man syrianska maffian efter sig.

Ok, jag kommer inte ihåg mer än 8. Men för mig är det fan nog. Ska jag ta sammantaget som jag haft problem eller någon vän råkat illa ut osv. från etniska svenskar så kanske det är en eller två gånger i hela mitt liv.

SD 2018
Du är gulligt, alltså varför är det vårt ANSVAR att ta hand om dessa folk? Vi vita är bara 15% av all befolkningen i världen men varför vi måste ta hand om alla? Varför det finns bara "mångkultur" i vita länder och inte resten i världen?

Vakna upp för fan.
This made me laugh and I don't know why.

100% swedish (im starting to think that my family and i is the last 100% swedish family in the world!

(excuse my bad english)
Har du steam?
man begår inte an hero
man blir an hero
Har du tänkt skänka mig Dark Souls 3?
Det är du som är nybög. Man begår visst an hero, man är inte an hero ditt cp.
Nej, vad heter du på steam.
who is the girl
Vad spelar det för roll?
Jag tyckte synd om dej och tänkte hjälpa dig med en grej som jag vill helst ta på steam ist, det är upp till dig.
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Det var vänligt av dig och jag kan tänka mig vad det handlar om men det är lugnt mannen.
Det var länge sen allt detta nu, är fan snart 30.
Ta ett par tuttar för din omtanke.
They still carry disease.
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Okej det gäller 420 så du vet, tack för dessa fina tuttarna, det uppskattas.

Men stå på dig, låt inte dom köra med dig! Peace.
Säger inte att det är vitas ansvar och vi tar verkligen inte hand om alla. Vi har det ganska så bra här i sverige, skulle påstå att det finns få ställen i världen som det är bättre att bli född på. Jag har aldrig någonsin gått hungrig, jag har gratis utbildning och studerar på universitetsnivå utan att behöva arbeta som en idiot för att klara hyran och mitt svåraste val för dagen är om jag ska dricka te eller kaffe till lunchen. Vi har ett system som fungerar så väl att vi kan ta hand om folk som behöver det. Folk flyr från krig, svält och annan misär. De som inte kan bete sig kan fara tillbaks, jag skiter i, men de goda människor som kommer hit för att få en chans till ett drägligt liv, något som vi föddes med, tycker jag förtjänar en hjälpande hand.

Att mångkultur bara finns i vita länder är för att vita länder har obviously utvecklats bättre än andra när det kommer till att bilda ett system som är stadigt för hela befolkningen (någorlunda iallafall) så det är inte konstigt att folk vill fly hit.
Vad jobbigt att du har fått ta smällar i ditt liv

>mfw jag upplevde mer eller mindre exakt samma skit under min uppväxt, och växte upp i Linnéstaden, Göteborg, som då präglades av etniska svenskar och deras punderier

Mobbing, misshandel samt lurendrejerier vad gäller droger har funnits sedan innan massinvandringen, din äckliga snowflake

Nu råkar invandrarna vara avsevärt insatta i knarhandel. Om du nu hejvilt blir hasslad när du ska köpa ditt knark så kanske du ska fundera på att hitta en redig langare för det första, och jag tror dessutom inte att någon maffia hasslar folk på 1 g. Bara du som är så feg som kommer på idiotiska skäl till att inte stå upp för dig själv. Om du varken vågar stå upp mot din langare eller inte får ärliga bitar så tror jag inte att SD 2018 kommer lösa ditt problem. Byt langare din jävla lallare
Haha, misstänkte det, men det är lugnt har en stadig kran nu.

Annie Svensson btw, svensk camhora från 2007-2008 typ. Damn vilka satser man har släppt åt henne.
stackars liten, om du tror det så
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mfw **

Allt det du skrev kommer försvinna när all världens medborgare kommer hit, vi kan inte inte vara hela världens socialbyrå när det är mindre än 3miljoner etniska svenskar som betalar för välfärden. Vi snarare förstöra för andra utvecklingsländer genom ta in deras "bästa" befolkning dvs de som har resurser/utbildning att återbygga deras länder efter krig. Alla invandrare som har resurser kommer hit och plocka bidrag medans de allra fattigaste får fortfarande stå kvar i deras länder.

Och enligt mig själv, all svenska skattepengar ska gå till Sveriges BÄSTA, inte annans!

Tack för länken men jag tänder inte på horor dock. Gillar de fina kvinnor bäst. =)
welcome to sweden, the gaping butthole of Europe, where any and all scum are welcome to fuck the system and the government will gladly beg for more.

Getting out of this shithole as soon as I'm finished studying
Ta bara inte studiebidrag/+lån om du ska fara åt fan, och glöm aldrig att du är cuckborn
Så du menar att deras bästa befolkning skulle gå från att ha levt rikt som läkare skulle vilja leva på ett fjuttigt bidrag? Om vi tar emot deras bästa befolkning borde det inte bara gynna sverige?
Dessutom så vet jag med mig att många, åtminstone första generationens invandrare vill flytta hem igen när deras hemland är en säker plats att bo på. De flyttar inte till sverige för att bli svenskar och leva på bidrag, de flyttar till sverige för att kunna fortsätta leva

och "när all världens medborgare kommer hit " är ju riktigt dåligt argument. Du tror på riktigt att vi ska ha 7 miljarder svenskar i sverige och om detta skulle hända så skulle det vara de 9 miljoner svenskarna som ska ta hand om resten för alla andra miljarder människor skulle bara sitta på röven?
** 7 miljarder människor i sverige *
The problem is that even though you dont meet them outside the ghettos, those fuckers are draining the welfare system, ontop of that they are fucking like rabbits. Enjoy having your kids fucked by mouhammed.
Yeah Fin fag reporting here. I've had so much more trouble with Finnish drunk people than immigrants. I don't get why people are so damn scared all the time.
Grüße aus Deutschland.

Did something bad happen recently? Or is this just a daily remainder?
If you have kids that choose to fuck with ghetto-retard muhammed i believe that you have done some pretty big mistakes in your parenting.
Fattar du inte att en läkare från Irak har helt annat utbildning, deras utbildning håller inte Sveriges standard, läkare från Irak misslyckades på svenska läkarutbildning eller skulle du vilja bli behandlad för din livshotande sjukdom av en obehörig läkare? Vakna upp.

Nu vissa poltiker vill att vi ska sänka våra krav för bli läkare så voodooläkare från Afrika kan bli läkare på våra svenska sjukvård, allt för integration även om vi svenskar drabbas..så sjuk är du.
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Någon som har röka i Västerås?
Mannen, din svenska är fucking kaos och du klagar på andras utbildningar. De vill inte sänka kraven på läkare, vart fan har du fått det ifrån. Du har ju absolut ingenting att komma med i denna debatten. Tror du på fullaste allvar att voodooläkare ska få bli läkare på svenska vårdcentraler och sjukhus?
Är du själv etniskt svensk? Om du är det så är du en skam för vårt folk.
Finlad isnt, we have actually had good experiences with it(ww2 f.ex.).
And our imigration problem isnt too big since finland is much more unfriendly. Were colder, have a harder language, are much less trusting and friendly towards strangers. And afaik we havent opened an inch more than we needed to get that hole of a country called sweeden off our back.
Jorma hei, eikö koulussa opetettu että Suomi ei ole osa scandinaviaa? Ajelit varmaan mopolla sillä aikaa.
>it's also opened the PC minds of the right wing parties making them pull their heads out of their asses and start listening to their people.

kek. Being this naive. Those people will promise to "deal with immigration", but they won't. They don't want the flow to stop. The Greens were already talking at their conference about how they could quick reestablish open boarders a matter of weeks after they were forced to close them by the other coalition parties, and the only reason they were forced to close them was because they had run out of houses & thousands of people were sleeping in tents on the streets.

SD won't get in, the other parties will form a coalition again to stop them getting in & reopen the boarders.
Jag är döv, Svenska är mitt andra språk, teckenspråk är mitt första. Jag gör mitt bästa. Försök förstå om att om vi ska sänka krav för vi ska integrera utländska läkare som är av 95% av syrisk invandringen till Sverige (om vi ska tro på våra politiker) så vårt skandinaviska sjukvårdstandard blir lidande, många kommer att dö. Kanske din mor/mormor? Förstår du det?
It aint in english you moron.
"In the Nordic languages, Scandinavia refers to the three kingdoms of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark; however, in English, the term sometimes includes Finland and Iceland."
Katos saatana, kävinhän minä koulua.
Okej då förstår jag varför din svenska inte är på topp. Om du påstår att politikerna säger att 95% av alla flyktingar som kommer hit är läkare så är det ju bara ren skitsnack, du kan inte hitta några siffror eller påståenden som stöder detta. Standarden sänks inte för läkare. De som är läkare från utlandet måste genomgå utbildningar och tester innan de får sin svenska legitimation, detta för att se till att de lever upp till de krav som finns på läkare utbildade i sverige. Läkare är ett sådant yrke som det finns konstant behov av, dessutom ett ökat behov av pga vår välfärds dåliga levnadsvanor vad det kommer till kost osv. Det är inte så att de utlandsfödda läkarna kommer konkurrera ut svensk-utbildade läkare på marknaden. De kommer snarare att kunna hjälpa de människor som annars inte fått hjälp i tid pga personalbrist.
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Du har fel, 30% är ju bevattningsingenjörer, 30% är maskinigengörer och resten är skäggbarn.
Jag var ironisk ang det där 95%, politikerna tjatar ju att majoritet av syrisk invandringen till Sverige var högutbildad. Min poäng är att de i andra länder har olika utbildningsnivå så det blir svår att integrera syriska läkare (jag kan ärligt talat säga att dessa syriska läkare är mer utbildad än mig själv) men jag betalar skatt och jag kräver att i det svenska sjukvård det ska hållas högsta klass som möjligt.
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Stop being intolerant.
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Kek, använd flugsvamp som civilcerat folk. Vem fan orkar hålla på med tredjepartshandel när internet finns?
Exactly, just like most Swedes.
Kan berätta att jag har jobbat med ad-administration i sveriges största matmåglare inga namn med det börjar med I och slutar med A.
Där ficjk jag upprepade gånger ändra på valfrria blatten tilll 4-9 år yngre än vad dom hade uppgivit från början.
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Har du nån röka i Västerås?
Aight, inte alltid lätt att läsa av ironi i text. Ja, andra länder har annan utbildningsnivå men det ändrar ju inte att vi i sverige fortfarande kräver att de som ska få svensk legitimation ska leva upp till svensk standard. Det som är dåligt med svensk sjukvård idag är personalbrist, inte att din läkare heter Karim
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lol not to mention they're letting child wives stay with their husbands now. what's next sweden? can i come to your country and start sacrificing people to my lord lucifer and you'll let me get away with murder cause its my religion?
"let us not have our minds so open our brains fall out."
not getting fucked in the ass by a nigger
Din svenska är fucking kaos
>fucking kaos
Sweet, I llove frogs
Ja, så kan man ju också formulera en mening, kanske

"I have never had an issue or run into one, therefore there is no issue at all." - Swedish logic
I guess that why the UN is so worried about the new Norwegian immigration policies, will be too strickt. Read the news much?
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Swedish guy
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This, nothing wrong nor bad here. we love the + 300k brown cocks we got in 2015.
Well how else are you suppose to have a personality? It's not like you should take the time to figure out who you are, when you can just use a cultural identity as a personality
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>You only meet the bad type of people if you're a bad person yourself.
Me personally, I like a good butt-rape now and then.
Blatten blundar för sanningen återigen.
Månde bög eller till och med miljöpartist?
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These boys are Swede rolemodels.
Utländska läkare som vill arbeta i Sverige måste klara av ett prov som kollar om dem lever upp till Sveriges läkarstandard, annars så får dem inte jobba. Därför kan inte sjukvårdstandarden sänkas på grund av att det kommer invandrare.
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I know right. Makes me so hard.
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This is just wrong.
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Good for you.
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Oh yeah... thanks alot hitler for burning lapland. Oh wait that was second time germanians burned it down.
Next time you try that we will destroy you like we did with soviet union.
Tror inte du förstod att att menade att han ändrade personnummer.
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We get + 300k brown cocks tho.
Svensk familj sedan 1600-tal, straight, affilierar mig inte med något parti men är mer vänster än höger på de flesta frågorna
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I think it's kinda hot.
are you? The City of London is 1 square mile, the white area around the map is the rest of London.
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> En muslimsk man vill inte ta en kvinna i handen
They can play all they want with my ass tho.
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Fan vad jag hatar syrianer!!!!!
Dra åt helvete med er!
Jag har knullat ett antal av era horor och jävlar vad dom skriker när dom kommer, Slemmigaste tittorna jag mött öht hähä
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Current minister of Immigration is pretty anti-immigration tbqh fam.
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>not getting fucked in the ass by a nigger
You're jelly.
Leftards are epic stupid here...Soon London will be the Muslim Cpital of Europe and will choose herself a Caliph...

Wiki: "The city's metropolitan area is one of the most populous in Europe with 13,879,757 inhabitants,[note 4][43] while the Greater London Authority states the population of the city-region (covering a large part of the south east) as 22.7 million.[44] London was the world's most populous city from around 1831 to 1925.[45]"
>(vilket är standard i muslimsk kultur)
Joh,,,Varför bo i Scerige då?? Flytta då för i HELEVWETE!

Respect for the dubs but not for your pussyfied long distance bullshit. Did you meet your woman on the interwebs or IRL?
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Vad fan klagar du ens på? Vilse är du
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Extremism i båda lägen
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..i garderoben..
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Yes, Muslims are intolerant.
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You know I ment the narrator. Respect my trips.
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I dunno i live in the rural areas of sweden, and theres almost no immigrants here, i dont know why they are all holding up in the cities for
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Nice get.
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Dom vill ha svensk blond kuk och dom skriker när dom kommer.
Kan inte ni blattar tillfredställa era egna horor?
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typiskt svennar. det är allt ni kan göra; sitta på 4chan och klaga på invandrare haha. skaffa er ett liv.

jävla mobbade & utfrysta är ni.
skaffa några polare & en tjej.

är ni 25+ så tycker jag fan synd om er, på riktigt. hahaha, bara gör världen en tjänst och häng er.
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Jag är Svensk.
and i'm from the US, and i never met a bad mexican.

but i'm not a fucking idiot, they're obviously out there.

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Jag gillar.
fast........ svenska tjejer går ju till invandrare :D

kan du inte ta hand om dina svenska tjejer eller? 12 centimeter kuk, hahah!
Det tror jag också att du är.
Lycka till!
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This is Sweden28.jpg
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Zigenerarblatte detected!
has der pewdie pie ever bend asked about the sand niggers?
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Man kankse inte ska bli politiker om man inte kan hantera grundläggande social etikett
Plus varje gång han säjer "liksom" så känner jag att banka mitt huvud i väggen
Blatten förstår inte att det är omkretsen som räknas, inte längden. men, som sagt, han är för dum för att förstå.Så massallah motherfucker!!
är långt ifrån zigenare.
bor inte ens i sverige, och har inte gjort det sedan 2008.

svennar är nog fan de mest patetiska jävlarna jag mött hahahah, ni är fan en egen ras.
fyfan för er svennar asså.

små kukar, inga brudar gillar er (vare sig det är svenskor eller utländska). så sitter ni och gråter på 4chan av alla sidor i världen. posta lite bilder med något som ska "trigger" mig (är inte muslim FYI).

hahah, så jävla patetisk är du.

du sitter där helt ensam i mörkret. ända ljuset är från din datorskärm. "NU SKA JAG GÖRA NÅGRA INVANDRARE ARGA, HEUHEUEHU!" med din puckelrygg och bleka ansikte. vit som ett spöle, inte sett solen på 2 år.
Wow Sweden got cucked
Until you take away women's rights, and begin a process to increase the native birthrate, while sterilizing the recent arrivals, then it won't matter. It's only a matter of time until the shitskins become the majority, at which point people like you will be treated like the whites in modern day South Africa. But even worse because the ruling majority will be muslims.

You could have had your "progressive liberal" society as long as you kept the borders shut. The only way to fix things now is drastic measures.
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För en gångs skull en kreativ blatte.
Berätta mer om dina erfarenheter med svenska kukar.
ey lyssna på den här svennen med 8cm kuk men bred omkrets. tjejer gillar små kukar, allt handlar om okretsen hahahah!

han får alla tjejer. han är john travolta!

mr john travolta, berätta, hur får man så många tjejer som du? snälla mannen, du dödar mig. HAHAHAHA
>By Anders Berwick
kys cuckboy.
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>By Anders Berwick
Sandnigger can''t even spell/read
Go back to syria/iiraq you fuck
ni är sånna där fake rassar.

ni gillar zlatan och kebabpizza men snackar skit om invandrare på 4chan hahahah. har ni startat en blogg på 4chan eller? ser era jävla trådar här varje dag. "öööööööööhhhhhh muslimer är terrorister!"

"ouuuuuuöööööuhhhhh!! ut med invandrare! öuuuhhhhhhh"

jaha, torr du att hela regeringen sitter tillsammans i ett rum och har 4chan uppe på datorn, alla tränger sig bakom personen som sitter vid datorn. typ 30 pers bakom axlarna. "nej men kolla, olle har skrivit ett nytt inlägg på 4chan. vi måste göra som han säger! ut med invandrarna!"
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top kek. dagens post!
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Blatten fattar inte hur han linkar.
Ni är ju fan utvecklingstörda hela bunten.
min moster har beräättat att syrianerna är överpresenterade bland missbildade barn, dvs downs mm kromosombaserat skit. är det vanligt med kusingifte eller rentav inalvel hos er?
File: goatsee.jpg (39 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
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>ni gillar zlatan
Dem som gillar den dryga blatten måste ju vara kokta i huvet...slääpp det nu!
That black girl dosent know how to react to the overwhelming ammount of cringe
*nervous thumbs up*
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So you speak english again?
One post. Samefag. Hows about you lurk some more and learn how it's done newfag.
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i would like to scoot Iceland a bit further from Swedenstan
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Been here before rock was cooking.
Och så vidare........
Methinks thou doth protest too much.
Neither of those guys are middle eastern or north african.

Are you sure that's sweden?
If Finland and Iceland co-operate in this case we can overun both norway and sweden.!! Denmark is cool so we can buil union with them.
Sweden stopped releasing data about the nationality of criminals in 2006 because of fear it would lead to racism.

sweden has the highest incidents of rape in the world
after south-africaniggeria
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