Would you just fuck off with these endless dickbrain fur cartoons?
I should get to bed for work in the morning. See you tomorrow night everyone. Love you.
Night, pino.
i actually have one nekopara porn does anyone have more?
Love you too.
bye Pino
I love you too.
Sharks don't have fur, stupid.
in the meantime im dumping gay world of warcraft porn
< 23 > I bet /b/ is going to enjoy this new leak. She cheated on me and thus I will be dumping all her vids https://wgg.co/Qj6zE Few minutes and it will be removed :)
too bad that's not of higher quality, that's pretty hot
I like sharks though, and we don't really have our own place...
5 year old detected
You're a solid 13 years off.
7chan org/fur
8ch net/furry
If you all go to one of these right now, it will be as active as this thread
God I'm bored
At least you aren't sad
Me too. How are ya?
True dat
Tired, thinking about grabbing some more booze
Not wanting to be rude, but if you don't like these, you can VERY WELL GET THE FLYING FUCK OUT, FUCKING FAGGOT
That's a deer dumbass. Why'd you name it exploding horse?
Evening guys
Gonna go buy booze
I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
I'm heading to bed.
Night guys
Stay safe, don't die
>tfw I will never have a gf like that
Why live?
Night, Charles. I hope you feel better.
I dont know what that is, but i want to fight it.
G'night guy
I'm sure you would lose.
I'd say i have a fair shot. And so do you at finding a girl like that for that matter.
One thing's for sure, in that graveyard I'm gonna have the shiniest pair of shoes.
I just want to find one that doesn't have a busted face and disgusting fake tits. This right here is perfection in my opinion. Most stronk women are so fucking ugly and gross in real life, it makes me sad.
What Pokémon is that?
Deerling I think.
I know but like, just start frequenting a gym, exercising and training is good for you and you will be in the optimal environment for encountering that particular type of girl/woman.
You can do it man, i believe in you 100%.
Fuck that artist
True. Thanks, mang.
Why is that?
link to the source of this?
I can't read signatures for shit and reverse search got me nothing
I may be just be some random bastard on the internet, but I genuinly want you to succeed and achieve the things you aspire to.
Wait, Jackson is getting replaced by Harriet Tubman on the $20?
Followed by eventual changes of the $5 and $10?
What the fuck?
anyone got some more abs
thanks fam
Thanks man, I appreciate it. Also, your file was jacked by one of the g/fur circlejerks, kek >>680408399
I saw threads about that earlier. I barely managed to contain my rage. Just barely. I hate this country more and more every single year.
Do you wanna be inside a shark grill's belly
I'll have abs in a couple months, here's furry ones though.
Holy hell , how'd that even happen? Also, no problem, any time.
The artist doesn't seem to understand basic anatomy. The arms and hips/ass of almost every drawing look off. Genital placement too. But they get a lot of praise, it baffles me
I just don't understand why they are changing it period. But I guess looking at Wikipedia it wasn't always Jackson either. Still.
damn lucky i hate doing core so ill never get abs i always seem to go all out one day and rest for a week or so due to the pain i cant never find a common ground
you lost son?
or just new and can't filter threads? or activly avoid threads due to autism? or both?
Thumbnail/image swaps sometimes happen when two people try to post at the same time.
That one is 7 years old. Kadath has gotten much better since than.
Because "diversity". Gotta make sure the old, racist white men don't get any credit for all the evil they did, like run a country.
Nah, but that guy is around here somewhere.
love that movie America fuck yea
be more funny instead of not
Embrace the federation
I'll let you in on my secret. Im autistic, as, fuck, so my desperate desire for routines, "norms" and familiarity, literally forces me to go to the gym, six days a week, like clockwork.
Oh, that explains.
I actually didn't know this was the original.
>dat filename.
ew.... wow... you had a chance to redeem yourself.
kek. autism to the rescue
what types of core work out do you do
>stethoscope not on her belly
pfffff lame!
I didn't either, but I know now.
I personally prefer the sound of a beating heart to digestion. I think she would as well, otherwise the doctor wouldn't be doing a good job.
This is a generic image board on the internet, it really means nothing and you shouldn't take anything here seriously.
Let people fap to their porn and go about your business.
Remember only people with autism care what others fap too!
I like vore so stomach sounds are tops for me.
Yes shark belly guy, I know.
The picture I was referring to was just uploaded within the last few days, the purple fox
for a second i thought that was dick cheney
You sure about that? e621.net/post/show/49753/ Check the date. That's clearly his older art.
New bread people
Draka, as much as I want to, I can't fuck you until you prove you're a girl.