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explain to me how donald trump is like hitler.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 302
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explain to me how donald trump is like hitler.
can't cause it's like comparing an orange with a telescope
Are you proposing that I form a valid thought in an argument against you?
Hitler atleast knew how to run a country
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Are you kidding me??????
>gave speeches
>married to brunette
>has 5- and 6-letter names in their full name
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Because he did nothing wrong
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Communist Tranny Spits In Trump Supporters Face
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very nice argument leftist scum, you wouldn't see a trump voter doing something like that

fucking shit these people

Explain to me how posting the same shit tier bait thread day in day out is worth anybody's time.
>"My grandparents were born slaves, My Grandfather was born in 1918 on a plantation in Tallahassee, Florida"

>The 13th amendment was passed at the end of the Civil War before the Southern states had been restored to the Union and should have easily passed the Congress. Although the Senate passed it in April 1864...
I heard that pol found out who this guy was. Any link to thread?
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It goes like this..
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Well both are preying on the fact that their nation has seen better times. Both are blaming their problems on an entire group of people and going as far as banning or, in Hitler's case kill all of them.
I'm not sure how none of those cunts could bring any of that up, cause they're the obvious points.
He said his dad was born in 1918, not his grandparents.
having intent to deport legal residents because of their religion isn't simply mean
I hate trump but shit made me lol
Oh my bad, wait.. why was his dad on a plantation if his grandparents were no longer slaves?

>because his story is bullshit

-> Hitler
please direct me to where trump said he is going to deport all muslims who reside legally in the united states
never said anything about deporting Muslims, only said let's not import new ones, which technically is not unconstitutional.

Even the Mexicans, he said deport ILLEGAL ones, like you know, enforce the laws of our lands.
I cant stand trump as a person or as a politician, but even I hate it when they (the regressive left) do stupid shit like compare him to hitler. Its absurd.
Plantations still exist today.
He's quite the opposite of Hitler actually, but angry teens with emotional issues can't let some steam out if it's not for a political reason in which they can mirror their narcissism and thus try to reach the clichés they entertain on what it means to be a fully grown individual.

However nice he is, Bernie is the candidate of the "daddy didn't buy me an iphone" generation.
>liberals hate trump
>everything liberals hate is hitler
>ergo trump is hitler
Explain how wanting immigration to be legal "isn't simply mean"
Trump isn't even close to Hitler it's a nice comparison but Trump is business man who's made his money crushing people but not getting his hands dirty if you think anything he says is going to happen your going to get disappointed. Hitler did nothing wrong and he had 90% of Germans behind him. Plus it was war and somebody gets the shit end of the stick it was jews at that time
>everything liberals hate is hitler

Spot on. I wonder if they realize the deep stupidity of their worldview.
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>Espousing opinions over fact

Hitler was wanted for war crimes. You can't really say he did nothing wrong.
Trump is not Hitler. But the way that he's more like Hitler than any other recent pols on the scene is that he pushes a right wing nationalist program and attempts to gain support of the working class of the ethnic/regligious majority (whites/christians) by scapegoating ethnic and religious minorities. Things like the wall and mass deportation and denying entry to the country for anyone who's Muslim or making them carry special ID's. All these kind of things are straight out of the fascist playbook, and that's why people say Trump is like Hitler.
Look he did some bad shit but the winners of war write the history books if he had won you really think that all the shit he did would have made the light of day. Look war is bad and not clean there are no good guys or bad guys it's who has the strength and willingness to win anyway nessary!
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You're a dumb nigger war is something power hungry fags want.
A lot of us would rather live in peace but because some faggots who will never what its like to fight in a war can sit back and watch familys kids die for their greed.
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>there are no good guys or bad guys
The guys who start wars for the purpose of extinguish races and violently conquer entire nations are hardly deemed to be the good guys, fucker!
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I got this. Pic related.
Hitler was time man of the year
So was Stalin. It's not always a good thing.
shit your crazy grandpa sends you
In 1938, not during WW II
Not always a bad thing!
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
man what a great spring.
pic related
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that's literally this kek
>Trump is business man who's made his money crushing people
>loses most of his inheritance because of shitty business decisions
nice try faggot
What about that case? Elaborate your opinion.

Actually, the jewish thing was due to what the jews did during the first world war. Look it up, Spain did it a few hundred years before Germany, prospered like crazy. Look at Germany now, powerhouse of Europe. Germans deported the jews out of Austria + Germany for years before the camps, even had a plan to send them all to Madagasca.

Common theme
>Drank water

>Ate sometimes

>Got educated

>Ran for an executive position
If Hitler finished the job he started there would be no Criss in the Middle East well not as bad as it is now. when we partioned the land for Israel we started shit storm that won't end till there gone!
That's the point.
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The funny thing about most of the Trumo haters in this thread is they're people from the west.
The kinda people who wanna see america fall like their countries have. America is the last of all great nations.
guy on OP's pic looks like Channing Tatum with a beard
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Trump isn't nearly as bad as hitler, but he's still an authoritative demagogue who's really only in this race for himself. Trump supporters can use all the arguments they want about how what trump said isn't technically racist. But odds are he's still a racist. And most of his supporters are racists.
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what the fuck he actually does..
Trump is stupid. Hitler was a psycopathic genious

or like pc principal
Yeah he did it so well it caused a world war.
How's high school by the way? Summer is around the corner. You going to look for some work? I got a pool that needs cleaned.
actually bernie sanders is far closer to hitler than trump.
>actually believing this
Both are smarter than your ass, to be fair.
>my parents have an above ground pool
>i'll peer at you from the basement
Holy crap, this must be bait
Do you mean Europe? If you mean Europe we're to the East.
Hitler was actually pretty liberal.
Both rising to political power based on reactionary populism of white majority that unjustly feels disenfranchised by a minority group.
My gut reaction is to call this a troll but for some reason I feel like you might actually have some valid points.
he never said he'd deport legal citizens, he said he'd close the boarders to new immigrants and deport the illegals, which is good. The country doesn't need any more immigrants. With the technological advances we're going to be making in terms of job automation in the next ~15-20 years we already have way too many people in this country as it is.
r u kiding me? like u rely askin fo me to explin to yo ho donald trump is lik hitler? r u realy kiding me kid me on mo tim an il hav your gentals cut of an resigned to vangina
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He was.
Fanatical nationalist that scapegoats groups based on religious views and country of origin, uses fear to rally the disenfranchised ignorant masses suffering from economic hardships, inflation and income inequality, promising jobs, prosperity and violence to opposition, all the while increasing his power influence and wealth at the expense of his country's values and global reputation?
Yeah, that is what I would expect but honestly? I want to hear this guy out for some reason
You're actually just highlighting all of the benefits that Hitler brought to Germany and hoping that the argument that "he's Hitler" is enough to make some kind of point.

Hitler was't entirely "evil", he just had a very undemocratic political agenda that doesn't jive with people from democratic countries. 90% of what he did was arguably positive and with good intentions for his people, and as time goes by and we don't have such an emotional attachment to WW2, the Nazis, and the Holocaust, we'll begin to look at it more objectively and understand all of the benefits that WW2 and specifically Hitler brought the world stage.

Democratic Socialism is the way of the future. The funny thing is people don't even realize that our taxation would barely change, it would just require a shift in spending. Less on Military for example - lets face it, $600 billion of our tax dollars go to the Military every single year and we are fighting wars that don't fucking matter. We could cut that $600B down to $100B and probably still be overspending on our Military.
>you wouldn't see a trump voter doing something like that
yeah sure....
>based on the brilliant analysis of some asshole on the internet, we've determined Hitler was liberal, derp
Very concise argument you've made there, genius. Really put me in my place. You must have dominated on the second grade debate team with your brilliant "WAS TOO!" strategy.
>Killed millions of people
Actually, he didn't kill anyone, personally. He got other people to do it for him.


By saying mean things...

No one is saying Trump is like Hitler in 1944. They're comparing him to Hitler in 1934.

>employment for all
>nationalized health care
>gun control
Oh jesus, not this retarded shit again.


>choosing being this ignorant when the wealth of human knowledge is at your fingertips

Your granny's social security is socialism too. So are the fucking roads you drive on, and the fire department you call when your tinfoil hat collection reflects the sun in such a way that it catches your house on fire.

Socialism isn't a dirty word, and not everything provided by socialism is related to Nazis, moron.
Same amount of letters in their names
Comb to side emo hair
> notepad document with scan of old newspaper photo
> tries to pass it off as a news clipping.

Try harder, faggot.
>literally ignored everything minus the SOCIALISM part
>>employment for all

(except jews, gays, gypsys, marxists, leftists, anyone who opposed the regime, etc.)

Yes, very liberal.

Hitler's "National Socialism" is not actually socialism anon. It's co-opting a then-popular word to appeal to the working class while changing its meaning entirely. Think "Democratic People's Republic of Korea".

As for the others, national health care, abortion and gun control, every developed country in the world has all of these in one way or another.

Modern liberals would absolutely love to be able to take away the employment and livelyhood of everyone who opposes their SJW regime and you fucking know it. Coming from someone who used to consider themselves a liberal.
>As for the others, national health care, abortion and gun control, every developed country in the world has all of these in one way or another.
Ok what's your point? These liberal views are held by members of the Nazi party
Flawless detective work there, anon.
Messiah Complex
Can't Delivar
OP is a Fag
Will Shitpost all who call him on it

'nuff said
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>fighting wars that don't actually matter
Oh you poor fool, your entire economy relies on imperialist expansion and exploitation. Read Lenin, he realized this 100 years ago and people are still confused why your shitty country constantly declares new wars in hopes of increased profits from export of capital to new banana republics
most establishment people in Weimar Republic laughted at him, till his henchmen beat them up and executed a few

Most people in GOP laughed at Trump, now he is dog-whistling his henchmen to rough up teh GOP convention.....

Close enough for government work...
Literally ignored the fact that the rest of the first world has ALL of those things, but does just fine with them.

Nothing on that list is in any way related to Hitler.
Wrong, you fucking americunt idiot. By this definition the Roman fucking Empire was socialist. Socialism is not just "literally anything done by the state." It has a specific meaning.
liberal =/= SJW, any more than conservative = racist, numbnuts.

I'm the first, but I'm certainly not the latter.
>liberal =/= SJW
dude would have taking a kahbib sulplex right on that pavement.
>you wouldn't see a trump voter doing something like that

Yep. They'd use weapons.
He's not...trumps an idiot
>all liberals are this ignorant, not just the overly vocal SJW shits that literally even liberals hate
Not convinced there is a single candidate that can save 'Merica.
Please convince me with solid, objective, empirical evidence and sound logic.
>having these liberal views doesn't mean you're liberal

>anti Laissez Faire economic policy
>Expansion of Public education by creating government run day cares, the state essentially raised an entire generation of children
>Nationlized health care. Literally free for everything. 0 cost to the citizen
>Literal confiscation of weapons
>higher taxes on the wealthy, mainly jews

Wrong, he never claimed having socialist aspects like those examples makes a country completely socialist

Also this is a thread discussing American politics and you just called someone an americunt, how dumb are you
>explain to me how donald trump is like hitler.

Hitler was a decorated combat veteran. No comparison.
Yeah, mainstream liberals are not the same as some raving SJW that someone posted on youtube.

and even if you consider only the nuttiest SJW's, most of them don't actually want to take every conservative's job away either.

the paranoia. ffs.
Maybe so but who dp you think everyone associates loberals with
None of the german people really took the nazis seriously at first, always laughed at them like a meme. That's enough of an answer.
i know right? Trump is exactly like Hitler.. i mean, Trump is a socialist right? oh wait a minute.
>No one is saying Trump is like Hitler in 1944. They're comparing him to Hitler in 1934.

This comment is best comment
They don't matter in the sense that they aren't necessary. I get that there's financial motivation behind every single war that the US involves themselves in, but they don't NEED to involve themselves in these things; they do it because they're greedy. We can reduce the military budget and refocus it elsewhere for different kinds of economic gains.
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Mainstream liberals are very much sjw lite just like so many conservatives are religious lunatics. There are reasonable people on both sides sure but the fact of the matter is, those stereotypes exist for a reason.
no, its actually not bait, but people will always be ignorant and compare trump to fucking hitler.
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>would absolutely love to be able to take away the employment and livelyhood of everyone who opposes their SJW regime

What they aren't are people who "would absolutely love to be able to take away the employment and livelyhood of everyone who opposes their SJW regime."

Don't defend stupid.
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Very scientific graph there. case closed i guess.
>hitler caused world war 2
>it wasnt the global banks enforcing corporate policy through government subterfuge
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>hitler dindu nuffin!!
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>You live in a world where Hitler is seen as the most evil man to ever live and Nelson Mandela is seen as a hero

Who the fuck cares what any of these retards think?

>He thinks America is allowed to not fight for Israel
>He fell for the holocaustâ„¢ meme

Top kek.
But why the fuck was 3:00 screaming about China and jobs?
both jerks
You don't live in a red state like myself i guess, it's antecdotal but i've not met a conservative here who was conservative for reasons other than it was the cultural and religious climate norm.
>Slavery ended when the amendment was passed
>Being stranded in a country that hates you and will only offer you work in the same conditions as the slaves before you, except now you also need to pay for your own housing isn't slavery you guys.
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i was at a trump rally in pittsburgh and there were anti trump protesters waving ISIS flags and chanting death to trump and i was like what the hell and the other protesters didnt even care they were all like brothers in arms. they also had Palestine flags too. i thought it would be all over the news but it wasnt even on there once. the only thing the news talked about was that some of the protestors pepper sprayed 4 cops and a bunch of trump supporters. but how are these protestors waving ISIS flags and the other protestors dont see that as a problem. these protesters and sanders supporters are totally Fucked!!!
This, slavery superficially ended but it still didn't get better for a lot of niggers
You know I really hate Trump because I know he's just planning to turn the country into his personal piggy bank for himself and his business buddies.

But he's not racist and anyone who says he is is an idiot. He cares about Americans. He doesn't care if they're white, asian, black, mexican or muslim americans as long as they're American. He's not keeping out muslims, he's keeping out people from outside America and on that note he's right. It's not America's duty to look after the world's population. The only thing I like about the idiot is his americans first stance.
You're telling me. What the fuck. Seriously, i can't imagine any of them supporting sand nigger culture and yet they do. Even if the flags were just meant as something else jesus fuck
Kinda retarded to have this thread tbh. Anyone on 4chan doesn't think he is racist because your bullshit claims get called out and you either learn or leave. Go ask this on hug box plebbit and maybe you'll have more responses before getting banned for thinking too much.
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They both got rejected from art school
Should have reported them to the FBI. Fairly sure having an isis flag is enough for the fbi to get involved
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it was crazy and they were dead serious. the protesters were spitting on people and hitting people and it was 100% total opposit of what i was expecting because how the media showed it. i didnt think the protestors would be as bad as the were but they were the most hate filled and crazy people i have ever seen. they were trying to scare people and even kids and use intimidation to try to get people to not go into the rally. i was hoping the cops would remove the protestors especially because they were violent but the cops did nothing. what the hell. spitting and pushing and hitting is illegal but cops wouldnt arrest almost nobody
I'm a young Hispanic male and I truly support trump...When he's in office if everything goes through as planned he'll be shipping my grandmother and my cousin back to Mexico and I'm totally okay with that...You win some you lose some that's life and if I'm considered a racist I'll take it as long as this beautiful country that I get to call home is safe and slowly but surely pulling itself out of the gutter
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Trumps Healthcare plan is hands down the best one
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he's not, it's a vapid smear, like calling him racist or sexist... they can never back it up
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Would be was cooler If u add the 3rd Dimension with capitalism and socialism... thanks for this graph :)
>wanting to elect a rich guy
This is the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Why elect someone who is guaranteed to change laws to benefit his business and screw everyone else?
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>Americans for Subjective
>Opinions in Graph Form

>This is how trump fags believe the world works
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Fucking old men ruining stuff oh wait...
Also Trump cost the tax payers millions with his multiple bankruptcies. You honestly think that when a person declares bankruptcy that money owed just goes away? Moron. Just like when uninsured sick people go to the emergency room someone has to pay for it. That someone is the taxpayer. The only one who every made money from Drumpf is Drumpf himself. And the illegals he hires. You know, the ones he calls rapist, drug dealers and murderers. You Drumpf supporters are dumb naive ignorant morons.
that is exactly how the world works.
i took an unpaid internship and 15 years later i am making 130k
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i dont care if the rich get richer. the rich pay 97.5% of all federal tax income for the USA and provide over 50% the jobs in the USA. if the rich get richer and give more people decent jobs than im cool with that.
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you know that trump has never said he wants to deport legal citizens because of their religion. never, not even once, nothing even remotely like that. i know you know. you know you know. you are telling bold-faced fucking lies to suit your agenda. stop it
4 bankruptcy out of over 1000 businesses in his career is something worth bragging over and he has paid out hundreds of times more in taxes to the GOV than he has ever got from them
>personal anecdotes
Oh we're at that level of stupidity already are we?
That's not what's going to happen you idiot. No rich business owner ever got a tax break and said "Hey, I'm going to give this money back to the community by creating new jobs". Trickle down economics is a load of horseshit.
You don't get a raise for being mediocre, friend.
actually 15 per hour will be bad for under educated. i am an assistant manager at BK and we already talked about it. if it goes to $15 per hour we are only gonna hire college grads and no more of these idiots and HS drops outs and super dumb people. it the min wage is higher we will have more qualified people apply so we can be choosy. this is really gonna hurt the poor and under educated people
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They both lose in the end
No business owner ever said "my expenses are skyrocketing, I am going to hire more people"
yes they do they create more businesses and reinvest to make more. thats how you make more money. thats why trump has owned over 1000 businesses and currently employs 35000 people. you dont think he does that for fun. rich people take their profits and invest and expand and hire more people. thats how you start and grow businesses. Unless you can tell me that Mcdonnalds and BK and Walmart got huge without hiring more people and expanding and creating jobs. i work for BK and make $18 per hour
This. Absolutely correct. Hell at my workplace we were threatened with a new business opening up.(which is government regulated, so there has to be a meeting and everything and a board has to approve it) So the plans were if this business could open up was sell off all the auxiliary assets of the company and cut our workforce down to a 3rd. My job was secure because my position is required by law. Good thing for those saps the board denied the business being open.
I don't get it
That's what the left and right are for
Yup. Businesses are always looking to expand, and when they have more capital available to them, they do. Take more of that money away and they expand less. Btw, expansion also fuels jobs for businesses outside of the primary business.

The only reason people get paid peanuts even above the minimum wage is because they'll settle for peanuts. If a business can't fill its positions because the wages its offering suck, they'll eventually figure it out or go broke.
No, what they would say though is:

- My expenses (wage payments) are skyrocketing
- My expenses are someone else's income
- Those people now have money to spend buying things.
- My sales are skyrocketing.
- I am going to hire more people.

The employment rate is pretty good right now, but the reason it's not better, and why it stayed high for so long, is not because business expenses were too high. The reason there wasn't more hiring is because there are no more customers with money to spend buying more things. When the poor and the middle class are tapped out and have no money to spend, there's no reason for anyone to hire more people.

See here:
he is a facist
pretty much that
yes also with the extra influx of immigrant workers that creates a larger workforce and according to the Law of Supply and Demand wages will go down. get rid of the illegals and workers on Visas and the workforce shrinks. according to supply and demand less workers can demand higher wages
That is what you can hope will happen
People calling Trump a fascist are just as stupid as people who call Bernie a communist
Where the hell did you study math? Let's take your thought into a process.

I have to pay my workers more, my capital goes down and my expenses go up.

The workers will spend a little of their new capital at my business, maybe. This does not mean my net profits go up, it means my net capital goes down.

My net capital goes down, so I can't afford to expand and hire new people.

Christ man, Take half my bread, then pay me that half of bread for more bread that I made does not equal a net gain of bread.
what if the extra expenses that break your back are the increased taxes. than the gov isnt buying your goods or services than you start firing people top lower costs or you all together go under and all your employees lose their jobs. than more welfare and food stamps and less tax payers. we are at the peak of the Laffer curve for corporate taxes
Just charge more. When people get paid more, the economy inflates, and prices increase. That's like economics 101.
Its diminishing returns though. By charging more the lower income field of populace has less money, then people think you can't make a living at that level of income, so the SJWs demand higher wages, which then require you to raise your prices to compensate...
>minimum wage increases over time
What's wrong with this?
If you operate a business where your only customers are your own employees, you might want to think about trying a different business.

And it's not a matter of whether capital goes up or down. Up is not necessarily good if it's not being used. This is what we've had. Businesses are flooded with capital and haven't been spending it to hire people, because the average consumer has no more money to spend. When that's the case, there is no point in hiring more people no matter how much capital you have. If a large number of consumers suddenly had substantially more disposable income to spend buying things, there's suddenly a reason to spend some of that money hiring.

See here:
thats like saying just create inflation, who cares, its only one of the worst things there is. also there is something called the laffer curve and supply and demand and it shows how if you keep charging more than you sell less and make less profits. 300 level econ class here
You where the first fucking woman I date for 5 to 4 fucking years and I trusted you after hearing a large and I mean a LARGE! Amount of people saying oh she's a hoe she's this she's dating this guy already and I didn't listen because as I explained it was love at first sight and I seen you as an escape well fuck that I got fucked over by you fucked me up I literally almost lost all my fucking friends just to please you I had to be careful what I say I tried my best to make myself into the perfect boyfriend for you I did what you wanted and plus I had to stand your SMELLY VAGINA okay like do you understand how fucked it was you put me through this shit like you know how many nights I stayed up thinking this bitch is cheating like how the fuck does a vagina go from not smelling bad from the start to smelling bad fuck on top of that all the fucking men you where talking to and all the lies like fuck you where so fucking good the first like 4 weeks we dated and then all of sudden you flip the script like wtf and now I just can't get away from you I fell in love with a total fucking crazy person with split personalities who has fucked up mood swings you don't understand how much I fucking did to just please you and you threw it all away now I'm just stuck in this mode where I'm still in love with you but I'm breaking out of it I'm down Gracie I'm fucking done this shits gone to fucking far so please if you see me don't act like a bitch I won't act like an asshole we don't even have to look at each other. I wasent the best guy in the world I have had my faults with the drug issues but what else I only talked to tasia but strictly friend shit when you found out about that I blocked her because I didn't wanna make you wig out so look I hope this a reality check for you like I am a fucking great guy sure I smoke a lot and party but at least I'm not a fucking lying whore who let's someone pour there heart out just to crush it I hope one day this shit will hit you but I'm gone
cant because he is not, Hilter was much better
You're always playing catch up. There's no net gain. Minimum wages go up, goods become more expensive to compensate, so in order to afford the goods, minimum wage has to go up again.

People that work at minimum wage jobs for years at a time never strive for improving themselves. That is the true way for income to increase, but instead they want the government to supplement them so they don't have to put in the effort.
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Inflation happens naturally anyway. We're far below what we should be for minimum wage so why not increase it and start to fix the problem rather than ignoring it?
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remember how your parents say they used to buy a candy bar for a nickle and now they are more than a dollar. thats whats wrong with this. its called inflation and huge wages can cause hyperinflation what has never done anything bad besides collapsing entire countries and civilizations
Every business I know of spends the majority of their capital. They spend it to expand and improve their product and selection of product. I don't know a single business that sits on a pile of capital like a dragon and just lay on it. It's always moving and always changing hands.

Also I only used that example because the post I referred to used that as their reason why businesses make more money by having wages go up. They literally said that expenses are going up which means they are paying more wages which means somehow my sales skyrocket.
i think min wage should be raised but 15 per hour is way to high. i lived on $11 per hour for 2 years with paying rent and school loans and all my bills and still had cash for weed and food and booze and vacation and weekends. 11 per hour was plenty. i think 9 or 10 min wage is for sure fair for HS dropouts and people with zero skills
Minimum wage has to increase anyway to make up for natural inflation. You'll never get to a point where you don't need to increase minimum wage.
Inflation is a natural part of economics. It's no ones fault that the candy bar now costs a dollar because that's what economies do.
I think 9 is a good number
Nope, just sucker punch a person that's already in custody.

Give me Kasich any day over Trump. The only reason he has any many supporters as he does is because of his name recognition from his media career.
inflation happens but with a double in the min wage so fast over only a few years can cause hyperinflation. inflation is a very very bad thing to not care about creating. havent you ever seen people spending tens of thousands of their dollars on a loaf of bread or backpacks full of money just to buy a meal. thats not a good thing to walk in the direction of
Of course doubling minimum wage is fucking retarded. $9 is as high as we should go.
I've done the math and if people spend money purely on bare necessities while improving themselves to earn better wages, they only need $8 an hour. Sure, you'll live in a shitty apartment and eat less luxurious food. (You can eat healthy, this "I can only eat tv dinners cuz they're all I can afford" bullshit is crap. I spend $20-$40 a week on groceries and I"m eating veggies and decent amount of meat left and right. Actually that amount would drop if I didn't buy soda.) You don't need to buy a brand new car when you can spend $5k on a decent car that'll last you for a long time, with proper maintenance.
*Devil's advocate.
*for all intents and purposes.
*Taken for granted.

Go back to school.
The issue is this big push for $15/hr. Its stupid. I"m fine with a small increase, something the market will adjust properly to. But with a jump like that you'll screw it to hell.
el oh el, please tell me you're not serious
You dumbfuck. Most of Europe is consider he western world.
Absolutely serious. I grew up in a real American small town, with a real education. I don't care which side you claim to be on, just show you have some intelligence and actually paid attention in school like a real American, no matter which side you are on.
He's more like Andrew Jackson. In fact I'm pretty sure he aspires to be Andrew Jackson. But like, Andrew Jackson committed genocide. So I guess that makes him like Hitler, which indirectly makes Trump like Hitler.
i made 11 per hour for 2 years and i was more than fine. i paid my rent and bills and school ooans and still had money for stuff i wanted. i shot like 4 deer a year for extra meat and bought chicken when its on sale and stock up and was thrifty and i did great. i wasnt awesome but i was fine and could still save money. i also grew a large veg garden in the summer too. fresh veggies can give lots of food all summer and fall. now i make good money as a manager at Burger king where we will end up going automated and only hiring college grads to work here.
what if you grew up smoking w33d and browsing MEMES
lmao read it again
He's a nationalist, easy!
that post is clearly bait. I think you need to go back to school you dumb nigger
If it were 2011 and there had been an election THAT year, it is so obvious who would have won and you know it. BERNIE SANDERS. Would have ROARED into office
The you should: 1) Go back to school, 2) Enlist in the military and serve your country, 3) Leave my country and travel the world.

Pick any, or all of them. You will still end up smarter for it.
Yeah, its not hard to do. I've worked off of $10 an hour for two years, then $11 for three years, saved for college and went back to college. Graduating this year with only $5k of debt(I had an emergency vehicle issue so I just grabbed all of my available loans, I can pay it off as soon as I have a new job instantly.)
2011 been an election year, Occupy would have brought Sanders into office by a near landslide possibly
>They literally said that expenses are going up which means they are paying more wages which means somehow my sales skyrocket.

I wrote the post in question. "Those people" is not supposed to mean only your employees, but is supposed to represent all employees in similar circumstances, because the same thing happens for them. IOW, a large chunk of the consumer base suddenly has more disposable income than they did before, and given their economic circumstances, are pretty much guaranteed to spend it. That's the "somehow".

>Every business I know of...

Anecdotes aren't statistics. If nobody I know is voting for Trump that doesn't mean he's not leading in the primary. For some statistics, see the cnn article in the prior post. The reason that $1.4T is sitting there not being used to hire more people is not because wages are too high to afford. It's because customers don't have the money to buy more things than they're already buying.
Sarcasm. Missed it the first time.

Seeing that this is a Trump thread, I thought it was the lowest common denominator trying to represent the GOP and the USA.

I'd still vote for Kasich before Trump or Cruz.
Hell I'd vote for Sanders before Trump. He may be liberal from hell, but he can at least put together a coherent sentence.
>walk away like 3 hours ago
>come back, here you are again.
what the fuck guys.
why are the stupidest and most uninformed always the ones to yell the loudest? there was a logical answer for everything that trump supporter asked for in the video, answers that could've started a constructive dialogue to help further inform both sides about the realities of this election. jesus, it's so fucking cringeee hearing some of these liberal tools talk.
>arguing politics on /b/
Nigger we have been at that level since the start.
>The only reason he has any many supporters as he does is because of his name recognition from his media career.
Hardly, he is just a straight shooter, up front, some good policies, not afraid to be controversial and everyone is sick of SJW faggots trying to silence them.
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What lefties keep forgetting is that Adolf Hitler was a great leader who made Germany safe and very prosperous.
If Donald Trump really is anything like Adolf Hitler, he really is going to make America great again.
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Straight shooter? He is one of the biggest liars in the country. My real question is why he managed to never be arrested for fraud.
what policies are good? he's vague as fuck about every policy he speaks on. the only reason he got this far is because of his brand and polarizing personality.
i have batchlors degreee from a division 1 school and i was an assistant econ 101 and 202 teacher at the same division 1 state school and than i taught econ for 2 years at a Highschool. ao im as close to an economist a /b/ will get. sanders plan wont work. and immigration is crushing the US and it will only get worse. sanders will cost the USA millions of jobs and raise the national deficit and the national debt by huge amounts. trumps plans will all work. im a trump supporter even though im pro chioce and believe in climate change and im pro LGBT. but im anti immagrent and and against these crazy protesters and the the open boarders and im against the culture of ISLAM. and im all for lower corporate taxes to create jobs and raise GDP and create more taxes. corporate taxes have never gone up at the same time as GDP. this has never happened anywhere. so raising corporate taxes and will lower GDP and kill jobs and thats just a domino effect
>Division 1 school...can't use capitalization correctly.

I don't think I can trust your opinion with regards to economics either.
sanders is the biggest cuck in the world. he lets a couple loud nigger ladies that hes standing up for just push him around and take over his speeches. he will get steamrolled by world leaders like Putin and Kim Une and other powerful leaders like the Chinese and japs and English. sanders is so fucking week. far too week to run pretty much run the world
Was the Facebook of that cuck faggot ever revealed? I want to bully that pussy lol
*weak: lacking strength

'Week' is a period of time equal to 7 days.
well its true. im not good at spelling and grammar and people who are sanders supporters always try to use that against me in arguments on facebook. but if bad grammar is the best comebacks that sanders supporters have that shows why sanders is gonna fail. but i like to use facts and stats and examples to back all of my opinions. sanders supporters only have opinions and dumb hippy liberal celebs to back their opinions

Several US presidents have done the same thing.
Not a Sanders supporter. Just someone with a real education who paid attention in school like he was supposed to.
lol go to /his/ and ask if Hitler was a good leader.
read my comment that is below your comment about me being a bad at grammar and spelling. spell check and proof reading a million times is what i had to do in college >>680073220
Fuck man everyone misspells shit. All, the time. The only classes that worry about misspelling shit is composition and term papers, which then are gone over with a fine tooth comb, compared a random anonymous post on a forum where people post pictures of spiderman, bananas and gore when they don't like what they see. Grow up. Learn that the world isn't full of the perfectionists you take it for.

Also go die in a fire you faggot.
i'd give your grammar a solid 5/7
>killed jews/minorities/gays

>Hitler got other people to do it for him by saying mean things

Kill yourself.
Lol shut up faggot
The fact that you think that it spelling and grammar doesn't matter tells me that you are a lazy slacker. Also, not a faggot. My wife, and your mother, can attest to that.
You can go grow up now.
>nationalized healthcare
>pro choice
>Progressive tax
you dont see how much spell check i use. haha but thanks
what a great graph
Trump will lose the election the same way Hitler lost the war.

Will probably kill himself too.
He's the magical man that will bring order to chaos, who appeals to our romantic notions of past greatness tarnished, and a future greatness to be determined, and sells it on populism with a healthy dose of jingoism and all around cool-guy-ness.

I hope he has his night of the long knives, and executes the entire GOP leadership and takes the reigns on this flaming chariot of fuck and pilots it directly into the fucking sun.

Honestly, I hate this retarded country, and it deserves everything it gets. But it deserves SOMETHING already, not just trundling along twiddling its thumbs. Stir the fucking pot already. Roll heads. Just fucking DO something.
He's a demagogue seeking political power by scapegoating unpopular minority groups.
Of course the same is true of Bernie Sanders.
>he doesn't think the world works like this.
also sanders wants to stop speculation by the banks. do you realize what this will do. this will make intrest rates go up so people will have less access to credit and money so less people will buy houses and cars and dirtbikes and boats and expensive stuff and wont take out loans for vacation. less access to easy credit will hurt the economy because people wont be spending money wo less houses and cars sold means less are built and less are worked on and so on. im not saying credit should be so easy that people are defaulting like a few years ago with the housing problems but what sanders wants to do will cause interest rates to go way way up and less people will be able to get expensive things and the economy will take a huge hit and worst case this could cripple the USA
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Shit tier bait
For an economics wizard you don't know dick about the worth of campaign promises and economic plans pitched during a campaign cycle. They don't mean shit, you simpleton fuckwad.

A candidate doesn't win the popular vote and suddenly their craziest campaign promises come true overnight. Nothing any if you impressionable teenagers are hearing come out of these candidates mouths means anything beyond a bid to gain your attention.
Grammar and spelling matter, but like everyone who actually knows how the world works knows, people do make mistakes. You don't lose your job as a aerospace engineer for misspelling consciousness.

Also good work with the "I fucked your mom" burn, I hadn't seen one of those since what, 2005?
Is that supposed to be James Hetfield?
>Since 2005
Yeah, I'm old as dirt.
This is 4chan.
This is /b.

It doesn't matter one fucking iota if you spell every god damn word wrong, or capitalize in camel-case, or green text like a fucking tit.

Thus is not a job interview. This is not an eval. None of this matters, because in 10-45 minutes, it all gets deleted anyway, LIKE IT NEVER EVEN HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Sooner or later, everything matters.
They both drink water.
what they say is what they try to accomplish. sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt. by what you said it wouldnt matter who is the president. but the dif between a dem and rep is a hug difference in boarder policies and corporate tax differences and foreign policies and the size of the gov strength, trumps says what he wants to go toward and most of his suggestions arent that hard. like trumps healthcare plan is the best in my opinion and is easy to change to and building a wall is easy and getting mexico to pay is easy just use tarrifs that cost mexico tens of billions till the wall is paid for. once you put up a terrif they will just pay out of pocket for the wall because it will cost them less than the terriffs would. lowering corporate taxes to increase job creation, mostly in manufacturing is easy to do. dropping common core math is easy and shrinking class room sizes is easy because there is such a surplus of teachers in the USA. deporting illegals is easy. bill clinton deported 9 million of them so im sure that can be done again,. also i like that the wall idea can decrease drugs coming into the USA because heroin and crack are the biggest killers of young people now so thats a main problem in the USA that needs addressed and trumps the only person to address the issue of decreasing the drug flow across the boarder.
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gramar doesnt matter unless you are talking to someone important. nobody on /b/ is important. anyone with bad spelling and grammar spell checks and proof reads before giving what they wrote to the important person. typing fast on /b/ to a nobody isnt important enough to care
They're both racist.
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TFW my post will one day change to world for the better.
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to distract you from the real issues and since we are voting for an candidate based on their sex. We would like you to not notice our sexism. because that would be sexist.
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Every moment is an opportunity to practice what you have been taught. Why practice? Because sooner or later, everything matters.
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are you kidding us?


trump isnt racist. Muslims arent a race and illegals are 100% for sure not a race and most of his plans will most benefit legal American minorities. like creating millions of jobs in manufacturing that dont take tons of skills most benifit low income and minorities especially blacks who are the most underemployed group there is. trumps 0% tax for people making under 25k most helps low income and minorities who are the most pore groups in the USA and deporting illegals will open up more jobs most benefiting minorities and also it will raise the average wage so that will benefit the low income and minorities. i could go on and on. this is why minorities should vote for TRUMP
this is why
i just go fast to save time especially on /b/
You're arguing with the wrong person mate. I"m the one who's defending the ability for person with a BA to misspell words and still be more intelligent than the average retard.
Like my old man would say: that's an explanation, not an excuse.


Also 25% of all mexicans Live in the USA. thats one quarter of all of mexicos citizens are living in the USA. how many more does the USA need to take in. also many illegals come in illegally because they have criminal records so they cant come in legally. illegal immigrants commit violent crimes at 11 times the national average which is crazy high. 95% of heroin and cocain come through mexico into the USA brought in by mexicans. and in the USA right now there are 850,000 mexicans that are convicted criminals. they should all be gone. so when trump says that rapists and killers and drug dealers and bad people are coming in illegally, its not racist at all and its not being a biggot, its 100% based on facts
How many of these Mexicans are actually from other South American countries?
Did you forget though, facts are bad and feelings are new currency of what's right and wrong. What about all those poor families you'll split up eh? My feels man, they must dominate everything around me!
if you are from south america than you arent mexican.. thats just mexicans. 25% of all mexicans live in the USA. why should the USA have to care for 25% of another countries population. but if i cross into mexico illegally i can get many years in jail.
How many Canadian citizens live in the US? I hear they are smuggling 95% of maple syrup through Canada.
good song
I only just now heard that he referred to 9-11 as "7-11" while giving a speech in NY...god what a tard.

Between that and saying he wanted to "turn off" the Internet, I'm beyond amazed he's even still in the running.
That was fucking awesome.
Did he really say that?

I don't give a rats asshole about the election, but I take interests here and there. So I'm not up to date.
he didnt mean turn off everyone knows he meant to restrict access to certin areas which isnt that hard to do. and if people cant tell thats what he ment than they are really dumb or lying to themself so suit their own view points. trumps IQ is almost 160 and if he is the president he will have the 2nd highest IQ of any president ever. so hes not dumb hes far from dumb. if you believe he ment to just turn off the internet than im beyond amazed that you can even follow politics. probably a sanders supporter would doesnt really understand shira law or economics or the effects of immigration or the effects of bank speculation limitations or the effects of bad national deficit or huge national debt levels or raising corporate taxes or the laffer curve or the laws of supply and demand on products and services including workers as a product and service
I think he only wanted to turn off parts of it, tbh.
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>trumps IQ is almost 160
hes a fucking white male
So he's a socialist who uses censorship.

Now why does that ring a bell?
he wanted to try to limit the internet to certain areas in the middle east to try to hurt the communication process of ISIS.

Liberals think its a bad idea. cause liberals are dumb as hell and are soft and arent rational.
its actually estimate at 158. the guy is super smart. you dont turn 1 million dollars into 10 billion by being a dumb ass. once he learns more about the ins and outs that hes rough on he will be crazy good in politics. but the Vice president would help him out alot and so would all of his advisors. it wouldnt be an issue
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trying to cut ISIS off from the internet in some areas is a bad thing? are you fucking retarded? thats why liberals are fucked. the poor terrorists should get their internet to try to plot against innocent people all over the world
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