ITT: we post only literal perfection.
I will start with this image.
when i pee, it burns
Your meme is stale and cancerous.
spotter vehicle, left lane
gettin a boner
welcome to juarez
I'm looking for the perfection in the picture but I can't find it
Inside the eyebrows.
wtf is going on, thread fail everybody posted 4/10 - 6/10 only shit
10/10 - just try to find a flaw
Face too small, cheek dimples, pussy has hair. 7/8
>perfection thread
>starts with the Hunchback of Notre Dame
Perfection. I am a hebephile though.
she looks like kylie macaroni
WTF is that abomination
i used to fuck her mom
she'd come over every once in awhile while her kid was staying at college.
she'd get naked as soon as she came in, put on her favorite song and start fucking me while crying. she said the song reminded her of raising her child, and motherhood. she told me it reminded her of how much she missed her child. it made her and me cum buckets.
this was the song:
stale man, stale
Disgusting, 3/10
OP is into deformities?
The fuck?! Is this Opposite Day or some shit?
She looks like her DNA originated from the wall of a microwave.
Can you fucking millennials stop saying "literally", "legit", and "actual" either incorrectly or needlessly?
off brand katherine heigel > katherine heigel
>this troll again
Not a trap thread.
No. Just no.
Her arm is black lol she gonna lynch herself lmao?
Her face is flat, her eyes are baggy, her eyes have no eyelids, she has a nigger nose, man jaw, deformed cheeks, protruding teeth/jaw, veiny hands, and no tits. 3/10.
Koreans are the best Asians.
>posts an 8/10
Close, no cigar
Those eyebrows are comical
literally this
she's the priettest FAS victim i've seen, i admit.
Any sauce for this
She just looks so comfortable bro idek
wtf is this shit disgusting
I want to hit you so hard right now. I want to hit you like Goku did when he went SSJ3 and beat Hirudegarn after unlocking the Rasengan and Kamen Rider Black RX suit, thus destroying Hirudegarn and restoring Guthix as the true god of Gielinor in the Netherrealm.
see above
Ey your pasta is starting to fossilise
You're actually, literally legit, mang.
Legit this
its samefag btw
oh forgot, she has nigger lips as well. sounds as if youre infatuated with her, since everything i pointed out is accurate. unless you actually like deformities. your anime obsession may also explain your autism.
stop posting this beast, pls
She doesn't have nigger-lips, and nothing you said was true/factual. You're just a fuccboi talking shit about my 3D waifu.
>what a troll, he has a different opinion that is actually based on facts!
Is she having a stroke?
>no peer-reviewed evidence
Wondering if OP is blind.
get out
that boy is an abomination.
I think OP is probably 17.
it's a girl, from russia. the whole "it's a trap" thing was from a bait thread, and I guess I just personally like the way she looks.
I know who it is.
That Thing looks like a fucking toddler.
It's not cute.
It's gross.
I apologize, but honestly I am not attracted to most everyone else in this thread, so I guess there just something wrong with me.
wtf you want to fuck a 15 year old boy?
This is the actual legit truth anon, literally.
that is disgusting
oh yeah, that sounds like a fun time! lube me up!
suck an exhaust pipe
Fear no one
>except blacks
please piss off with the mongoloid
Yeah now shes even better
hate doesn't equal fear
Id let her jazz my plubus any day.
no, fuk u
>pussy has hair
No just had joker smile
>implying british "womans" are hot
>implying the bitch whose forehead could be a sustitute for the wall is hot
How can you be this autistic
So I guess that Marry Elizabeth Winstead Poster finally stopped coming to /b/
he was fucking annoying
Y'all can bitch and hate all you want, Kimmy K's a goddess.
Well, I suppose you can only improve from there.
It's a manufactured ass. How often does it need to be taken into the shop for maintenance?
Don't Drink the water.
Only good on tech tv. Terrible actor. Perhaps the worst female actor born post 1980
No mara sisters, no Watson, no Victoria justice
And a Ferrari breaks down 10x more than a Volkswagen. I know which one I'd rather have....
I'm surprised Kanye got her pregnant.
How much anal sex do you need to have to fertalize a women. I'm guessing a shit ton.
I can post videos too
I find this picture deeply disturbing and I don't know why ...
Also, checked.
Anyone know which Suicide Girl this is?
Not Jemma, so no one cares.
Filthy frank?
how many boards would the mongols horde if the mongol hordes got bored
it actually is, congladuration
okay I see, we have a feminist on /b/
▲ ▲
▲ ▲
Hate is born out of fear, sonny jim :333
I don't know, like, 6? I'm about to go work out, so...yeah.
fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
Fucking cows. Get out of here with the fatties.
Well, yes, fear can lead to hate, but that doesn't mean that hate is always a product of fear.
Diabetes can lead to death, that doesn't mean death is always caused by diabetes.
Hnnnnnnnng. Who is that?
Willam Belli
It's a man, mannnn!
Nena, Mein nigga
Can't improve on Maisie so here's more from her FB.
You have 0 taste
In the know ^
yeah you have a point, grammatically. but I don't see the two personally, as being an equivalency
I.e. 'I'm wary about diabetes; I shall watch my sugar intake, and keep my pancreas well oiled'
'I'm wary about niggers, I think I'll perpetuate and spread my hatred, and seek to destroy anyone whom has a different melanin balance in their complexion, in the name of a deceased Jewish painter whom ironically coordinated the mass execution of many of his own race'
>not blonde
> pussolini
Oh, you like Hyolyn, do you?
I kek'd
Ah Haro prease
>this highschool slut I know reminds me of maisie
pic related
>'I'm wary about niggers, I think I'll perpetuate and spread my hatred, and seek to destroy anyone whom has a different melanin balance in their complexion, in the name of a deceased Jewish painter whom ironically coordinated the mass execution of many of his own race'
I don't see your point at all.
But do we agree that hate is not necessarily the product of fear? I hate the smell of axe NY, but I wouldn't say I'm afraid of that.
No, it's Lee Mi-Do.
>says post perfection even though you posted igor kek
Korean af
My point is though hate is not always a product of fear but in the case of people with a different skin tone, it's not only fear, but irrationally so.
>hate is not necessarily the product of fear
I'll certainly stipulate to that sir
I think you can't generalize racism (how ironic to tell someone not to generalize racism) to be a product of fear. Why would you fear the inferior?
Hahahahaha :D
Maddie, my muse
literal and absolute perfection
why do all nazi women look autistic?
Why fear a spider, you could kill it so easily
Why fear death, it's gonna happen to everyone
People are scared of stuff.
Some people are scared of negros, I can understand that, there are communities of blacks that try to plunder white communities etc. But it's not all of them that are inherently evil or whatever.
My personal experience is that 80% of blacks I've met have been abbraisive, violent, untrustworthy, and so insecure, however that's not everyone of them, i still have scarring down to the bone depth over my eyebrow where a nigger cut me when I was 15, but do I wear white power shirts? Do I adorn myself in nazi paraphernalia and pose for pics with guns? No, cause that'd be silly, I moved on with my life...
Tl;dr: blacks aren't all bad
a woman made famous for looking like a man.
Because of your inferior genes.
>Why fear a spider, you could kill it so easily
So fear is (sometimes) irrational, but how is this related to hate?
>Some people are scared of negros
Sure, but some people are just plain racist, no fear involved.
>My personal experience is that 80% of blacks I've met have been abbraisive, violent, untrustworthy, and so insecure
>Tl;dr: blacks aren't all bad
totally, I'm not defending racism, my only point is that racism (and hate) isn't necessarily the result of fear, irrational or not.
where da fug did ya find this? papa frankuuu
...Well if example racist does not "fear" example black person because of something they "fear" example black person may do, or be, then why does example racist hate example black person m9?
I'm a newfag, what does ITT stand for?
>In This Thread
Information tranny technology
Noodz pls
It means internal titty Tumour dude, duh
sry, image limit
She's a midget you fucking moron.
she looks like two non-identical twin sisters mashed together half and half.
Because example racist thinks of the negro as inferior, genetically, socially, culturally. He sees him as a burden to society, as some kind of parasite.
I hate mosquitos, I don't fear them and I have no reason to (in my region they contract no diseases). They're a pain in the ass and my quality of life would be greater without them. They pose no threat tho. That's essentially racism.
There are many high profile figures of black communities whom exceed the intellect and social skills and cultural perspect & purpose of your average white dude, like there are many in vice versa also.
In conclusion I disagree that it's not just absent minded fear-Bourne hatred, but I respect your candour and input, and thanks for livening up my friday
I find it pretty hard to follow what you say (no native), but I figure we could hang out without hating each other. Also just in case, I'm not a racist, I just went on the ride of defining racism with you. Cheers.
So she is a midget fatty? what about it? Fucking get out you damn chubby chaser. Fatties should just jump off a fucking bridge.
Why all the ugly women?
I'm sayin bro
All I really mean is like, depends on who you compare, if you compare Morgan freeman to josef fritzl, which one looks bad to you?
Also if you compare tyga to Jesus which one looks bad haha that's all I mean is it depends on who it is, but high five Man, we just dun defined racism,
>figure we could hang
sure man, you ever in London or camb city and you see the sexiest ginger dude alive, throw up west side and we can grab a cerveza
poised to double fist some cocks
adope photoshop
We don't care about your hobbies
What is this from?