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New thread Boxxy/Catie Forever Queen

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 174
Thread images: 151
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New thread Boxxy/Catie

Forever Queen
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You must've uploaded the wrong pic. I don't know how you ended up in your computers trash can though.
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What up?
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Biceps of steel.png
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Beginners mistake
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response to your last post to me:

very god actuallly, the most productive day ive had in months :D enjoying a cold beer and colder dinner now that im home haha :P any news with you? one day to birthday! :D
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Judy and Nick Confused.gif
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Why keep fooling yourself like this?
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evenin' all.
how's everyone?
>muh third day clean
i remember when /b/ wasnt full of stupid shit like this and was actually enjoyable to come to
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Oh em gee.png
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Haven't done fuck all today myself.

Nah dude my birthday is next month the 14th lol
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My cousin met her at a party in Burbank last year. They ended up fucking. He said it was totally sub-par. She got shit all over his dick, and violently queefed at the end.
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That's not funny.png
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You think this is a game.png
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All good man I can't complain.

Hopefully you'll make it through the week.
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I at least work for a prestigious game company. I'm glad you live in your parents basement.

If you believed in the new Queen, she might save your soul.
That wing fat gets any bigger and she can cosplay a flying squirrel.

Bailey is Queen. Boxy is aging, badly.
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Who do you think you are.png
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why judy.gif
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/b/ hasn't changed in years
The fuck you on about?
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The end is near.png
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Don't make me throw up.png
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>Boxxy is aging, badly.

Sad, but very true.
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The Token Bunny.gif
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Nice troll!
No you nigger , you dont force them to our side
They join us willingly
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Smell my finger.png
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Roger that.png
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good stuff anon
>Hopefully you'll make it through the week.
pretty sure i will. been using primarily because i've been so depressed about losing the girl i love. recently found out she's fkn engaged, sooo it kinda shocked me into sorting my head out a bit.
i so ache to be sober.
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Refuses to fuck a rabit.png
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You know who doesn't age.
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I'm watching you.png
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Let's get physical.png
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checked faggot
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I could use a hand here.png
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You're right, I've been a bit nasty with them in quite a few posts now.

I'll try to be better about what I say, even in anonymous situations.
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Judy is the true and only goddess
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Time to be a happy Judy Hopps.
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Time for a hug.png
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Don't want to have to go back to rehab now do you
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hey youre on your massive break youre not supposed to so shit :P

Oh i may have been quite drunk got that one confused lol :P I hate waking up and going to college every day after drinking a few too any, i should really keep it to weekends but i feel like ive earned a few after hard days :P
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Honestly Boxxy can keep the Queen title , it doesnt bug me. As long as Judy is Eternal Empress
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no i damn well do not. that sucked.
although the nurses were hot af.
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I'll fuck you up, m8.png
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Only a heritic would defy the true queen
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Home run, motherfucker.png
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That's right, and I don't plan on doing shit.

I could never do something the next day with a hangover, fuck that.

My hangover today was fucking AWFUL.
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New meme
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Yes, YOU.png
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i demand rape that bunny¡¡¡¡¡
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Judy is love Judy is life
is this the character catie is doing the voice for, or something?
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Boxxy is queen thread with no boxxy nudes.... GTFO of here.
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Can we have both Judy and Boxxy as Queens?
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My neighbors computer is on and it must have the volume turned all the way up. It's blasting the incoming call sound from Skype over and over.
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>that sucked.

I imagine it would have, massively.
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rape rape rape rape rape a judy hopp
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I'm spamming the shit out of them.
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No. lol.
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I think there's only one left since all the images have a similar file-name pattern.
Long live the Queen!
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Get in here, buddy.png
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eh i do it often now so ive just gotten used to it. i always miss morning lecture though lol usually dont get in til 12 :P then the second i can its get tea into me and im over the hard part then. end up being a late one so last night?
yeah. ugh, it was an emergency ward i was on too, because there was no space on the detox bit. saw all kinds of gory shit coming through those doors. eurgh.
mkay. random cartoon rabbit. why not. better than being showered with black dicks.
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LEGIT QUESTION: What is Boxxy/Catie doing now a days?
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Admiring shirt.png
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Stop right there, faggot.png
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working for disney. now she has that on her cv she's set
>unironically posting a thumbnail gif

Kill yourself.
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I want to...
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wow thats awesome and a bit ironic
Catie is so hot
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One sheep will do.png
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All I want to do with a hangover is lie in a dark room.

Think I went to bed at like 8am or something. I can't remember, I was fucked.

How long were you there for?
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Hold her hands
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Knock knock.png
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Judy wants to love you too!!!!!
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Fierce shark.png
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Happy shark.png
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>How long were you there for?
2 days. lol. they put me on 35mg of diazepam a day and it sorted me out within hours. no need to stay in for ages.
shiiiit man you mustve been fucked today :P you stay up doing boxxy threads til then? I could get early nights and wake up early to see what shitposting gmt is like :P
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boxxy queen.jpg
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Cutest thing EVAR.png
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Oh that's not SO bad then. I thought you were there for ages.

I can't remember what time I stopped doing threads lol.

>I could get early nights and wake up early to see what shitposting gmt is like

It's a fucking mess, trust me.
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haha oh god i have to see it now :P I cant stay up with you cos id be locked and the threads would look nrmal to my drunk ass, so i gotta see them sober just after waking :P also, i see youre posting series of pics, any chance you could post one of the older boxxy gifs after if you get a chance :) I know you dont know what ones ive stoen from you already but sure just post any and hopefully its new, if not no worries!
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Don't got ant left from her first 2 vids
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What are you studying in uni anyway? I forget.
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Any* derp
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boxxy spongebob.gif
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who is that man
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noooooo D: Well time to learn how to convert videos to gifs lol i need more :P

physics, with a cheeky side of maths :P its gruelling but can be rewarding at times like today when i got shit done
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boxxy gtfo.jpg
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Got a webm for you though lol.

>physics, with a cheeky side of maths

Oh god no, that sounds like my nightmare.

>its gruelling but can be rewarding at times like today when i got shit done

I imagine it is.
File: lip.gif (2 MB, 681x563) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 681x563
oh i dont cae if its gif or webm in case youve any more webms! if not thanks though even just one more is brilliant! :D i didnt have that one :) yeah usually going into college and trying homework is just like a kick in the balls but today was different
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You flew through it easy then I assume?

Yeah I got another webm
>Oh that's not SO bad then. I thought you were there for ages.
nah i seem surprisingly resilient when it comes to withdrawals. months of 2 bottles of smirnoff a day plus hard drugs from morning to night, and they discharged me after 2 days. -shrug-
aren't you two regulars (GMT and an irish dude? amirite?) drinking quite a lot? don't turn into me, it fuckin' sucks!
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fucking AUTISM
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I guess you're just lucky then lol.

>GMT and an irish dude? amirite?
You are indeed right

>drinking quite a lot? don't turn into me, it fuckin' sucks!
I drink when I'm off work. I don't drink on days when I know I have to work the following day.
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today only i got a hitload done. i came home with a smile on my face for the first tie in a while :) still got seomthing wrong with my finger i hurt it yesterday, didnt have time for a doctors hopefully itll be fine but if not i can prick it myself if it gets too swollen :) ah thanks a mil i love early boxxy!
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irish fella here! yeah i only drink for like 2-3 hours after college to relax after hard, shitty or good days. i got it under control :)
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thanks for advice though ill keep an eye on it!:)
thanks for another old boxy webm btw, my collections getting good :D
>I guess you're just lucky then
yup seems so. 22 years smashed and even my liver function is "normal".
sounds good man. not long ago i was at the point of having a pint of vodka next to my bed for when i woke. yugh, no way to live.
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You're welcome.

Good idea to knock it on the head once and for all before your luck runs out.
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Image Limit Reached
i havent reached that stage! gotta go to college sober, i wont be able to compete otherwise theres now way you can keep up in my course unless youee 100% focusd
Thread replies: 174
Thread images: 151

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