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>catalog >search >cri >no results CRINGE THREAD

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 108
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>no results


King of the autists
...are we all turning into cartman?
he's not even that ugly, but the whole wolf morpheus don't copy without contact thing is cringe as fuck
His uncle (a famous mexican nasty singer) is asking his fans add this faget as Facebook's friend
But he really does look like a white Furious Styles.

What the fuck, are you an underage that didn't read the age warning?
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I ate some really hot hotwings earlier,washed my hands,and then proceeded to masturbate. My dick is now on fucking fire.
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Continue dumping more Devinatart ?
Hardcore foot fag here. That's fuckin nasty.
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>hardcore foot fag
Nigger, you're nasty.
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meh. They are idiotic more than cringy. I prefer pictures and vids of people being cringy.

appriciate the effort but it's not doing it for me.
OMFG. Kill me now.
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Meet the Travis Two Knives lost bro, every who have seen this video can't stand at least a minute
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I got you covered
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The ride has just started
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cringe lord
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At the end of the day I'm not a foot fetish freak
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best for last
Found more cringe.
This thread shit aint even crunge once
Did you not even read this? You're not allowed to share it asshole. Delete it or I'll call the cops.
and what exactly am I seeing here?
The thread itself is cringe because it's full with a bunch of retards.
Including you :^)
>As Mr. Brown states it, farts and scat is the best combo to turn a person on.

Well you can't argue with a scatologist.
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What am i looking at? Is she not being careful with guns?
I'm the king of retards.
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Her fucking gun is pointed right at here like a dipshit.
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>look at tags
>Bernie supporter
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Her weapon is leaning into her body bra. Major nono
Nigger what??
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OP here,

I'll start contributing
Leafy seriously needs to go away forever
Hey, Willem Dafoe looks pretty good these days.
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Yea. Prolly just stop
So deep
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This is not cringe, this is just weird ass autism. But not cringe.

I think... I think its a fucking Undertale reference...

Is that really a motherfucking Undertale reference?

Holy shit now I'm angry, fuck cringe threads.
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c'mon, trying to revive this thread here
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Its dead Jim.
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump
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Yes, it's an Undertale reference. She got butthurt at a skeleton because she sucks at shitty kids' games.
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absolute cringe.jpg
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>command not found
hint: brucie is not calling OP a faggot
I just checked and this guy's channel is still active.
lol fake ass bitch
Newfag here

Who is this
Anything good?
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1 off

bitch got fat...ter
This is why women should not hold combat roles. Jesus fuck.
well, the cd.. typo happens to me all the time.

fuck americans
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Thats the thing that pushes you over the edge? A cringe video determines your hate for a whole country?
Fuck my stomach I need pain meds
just the tip of the iceberg sunshine
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Gets more puss than you
10/10 would cringe
Fast forward to the end. People are legitimately applauding.
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This isn't a real mirror.

How is this cringe?
Dude is a tech support working in theater. Whats wrong with this?
This really made me cringe hard
would've gone to a pedicurist if i wanted to see a foot like that
did this actually happen?
yep, saw the 7news one before it was taken down.
Watched whole and I'm not disappointed. All the way through that was pretty freakin cringy. What's worst, is if you search "accosting women" on youtube, this guy's has a whole channel of this shit.
Lel gay
The gary oak of STDs
Sound about A-cup.
Time for a blue pill overdose
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Good luck
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3 times in a row? Time for you to start a coding twitter page.
you dont get it do you?
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go away footfag. It's literally the cringiest fetish ever.
Fucking alpha dog right here. Prolly fuckin your mum while your jerkin it on /b/ right now you betashit
5/7 9gag cringe
>Mr. Brown
I'll admit I laughed
Eh, this poor guy is just trying his best. I'm sure he was born into relatively shitty circumstances and is doing the best he knows how.
why "study, master, and cultivate" if you don't do your job when the time comes? Lazy fucking betas jfc
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I'm a little confused here... Guy actually looks like he has his shit together. Is it the skin tight pants?
Is that FPS Russia?
cringed hard
thats grade a stuff right there anon, 10/10 will miss my sides
Can someone tell me whats going on here? i'm not a comp wizard, so i don't know. obviously she's bullshitting, but... i don't get.
Oh I'm sorry I thought this was a fucking cringe thread, my mistake.
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cd = change directory (like changing folders)
cd .. = go back 1 directory (go back 1 folder)
ls = list files in current directory (see files in current folder)

in terms of using a tv remote, she tries to go to a channel that doesnt exist, then presses channel down 4 times in a row, but misses the button 3 of those times, then presses info, then presses channel down again.

she does literally nothing.
That girl has more chill than the North Pole.
It just gets posted in almost every cringe thread.
either its a over-obsessed jealous fag, or a meme older than 2008.
In any case, there seems to be nothing wrong with him.
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Thank you
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Fresh OC
the pain is real
Thats not cringe. Thats fucking gold.
>the end of the video
>looks at how b-b-b-b-bright that is!
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>>no results
weird ass autism is cringy
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2016-04-09 22.22.30.png
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>You knee'd to stop D':

He honestly isn't as cringe as the others. Doesn't think too high of himself just a unlucky guy born ugly as hell who's trying to make it.
Alpha as hell
whenever sans tells me i'm gonna have a bad time, i just pop a boner.

come on sans daddy. give me a real bad time.
Heres some cringe right here
Itt newfags
Some one kick this dude in the taint
Shit hurt me
but why the ice cubes
Elsa is cold due to her magic..
seems more of a ylyl material
underated post right here
She obviously couldn't CD's nuts
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holy fuck
that guy is going to wear human skin
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OC here
I watched the whole thing jesus christ
This chuckle duck here
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A meme
Keep sending messages, Aaron. You're so in there.
Dude even looks like buffalo bill
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How about Draco?
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Oh thank fuck somebody finally started a YLYL thread.

Now if that had been a person getting triggered by skeletons because they played Dark Souls...
She's holding her Beretta pointed towards herself as well. Silly cow
this is a clip of a longer vid, she went 15 miles in full ruck this was towards the finish line
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>> «My dick is gettin hard right now by talking to you»

damn that's so sad
I don't approve women in army but still this is not what it looks like. Heres and article about this case:


Will this guy:

1. Die alone
2. Die under a bridge with a needle in his arm
3. Die a virgin
4. All of the above


it has youtube
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yea dipshit, he made that extremely clear in the video.
you two should pray that theres no war in the next 40 years.
I assume he already does

Even if he's all those things, it's autistic to say that shit about yourself.
Nice burn.
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I don't know... race war seems pretty cool.

I agree she should be productive on webcam.
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this guy.png
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confirmed woman

why can't i see my reflection?
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I'm not a woman you fucker. Women are obviously in the kitchen and there's no way I could even browse this board.

You must be new here.

3D dragons fucking vehicles is one of the cornerstones on /b/
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OP here,

First time having a proper thread and i'd like to thank everyone that participated. I'd also like to thank my mum, my nan and my dog
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> kys.jpg
Probably because your eyes aren´t real.
coins boy biggest fan here
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thanks for the explanation anon
It's a cringe thread you ultraretard, but thanks for contribbing even if you didn't mean to.
This can't be real

of course it is, they're niggers.
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I hate having Facebook. The only reason I have it is to stop assholes from asking why I don't have it.
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retarded black guy.png
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Meh, I'm more annoyed you infringed upon his copyright more than anything.

you won't regret this
>Fucking kek
Every time.
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>had trouble talking until I changed my diet

holy fuck I lost so hard, cringed and kek'd the entire time
A-cup = best cup
I want to beliebe
He DOES kind of look like like Larry Fishborn
Sounds like everyone in my class at school
Gohan became a huge faggot after studying while he was the one with most potential...
And Vegeta left pride behind because he was too weak to defeat Kakarot.
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the last 15 seconds of the video killed me

Fucker sounds like Forrest Gump.

WHAT A FAGGOT??????????
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He's wearing a tie with fucking skulls on..
Fucking skulls man
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I'd guess neither the m16 now the m9 is loaded, let alone chambered if she's got on that much gear. And even if they were, guns don't generally just go off. And even if they did, where is she supposed to put that rifle while she adjusts whatever she's adjusting? I don't believe in coed military but you sir are an fagit. Those expressions on that sergeant major and general's face are the default expressions of all high ranking soldiers. Negging increases obedience.
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That was like half a year ago. How fucking new are you?
Hahaha fuck lost
It doesn't matter if they're loaded or not.
Never point them at a living being unless you want to shoot it.

That's basically the first thing you learn in the military
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>Thomas crapper university
The mechanics are what's cringy about this.
Why would you hook someone as they walk past your trap? Attack them head on and pull once they try to run.

>using your rifle as a walking stick
>sweeping yourself with the muzzle over and over as you do so

Some Habib should do her a favor and put a Dragunov round through her head.
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Cage of Laughter.gif
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The fucking Scatlas in his paw
I liked and shared for god :)))

Envy breeds hate.
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>I'm not laughing 3:)


At least he's not hover-handing.
You tecnically shared the message..
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But what if Zelda was a girl? We don't know what he/she has under his/her green skirt. :D:
Has std
What the fuck is a sans?
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it's small-angle neutron scattering, duh
comin on a bit strong there, man.
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>uses search and not filters

A character for undermeme, apparently if you kill everything that moves in the game he comes over at the end and fucks you up big time.

Also a kind of font.
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1 off
Pretty sure he's trolling.
i literally survived 3 seconds into that video. i began cringy as soon as he walked directly at the women and said hi.

i knew if i watched that the whole way through it would probably scar me for life.
Telling a guy off but still beta enough to not look into the camera

his voice is pretty epic tho
Someone explain
He (who is man that is one with the wolves, praise me upon him) actually does look like morpheus though.
Why nobody finds that funny you rancid swines fuck you
who keeps there phone like that lmaooo
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0/10 for originality faggot
i cant look at this photo because of the green, is shit wrong with me?
fuck that's pretty good lol
Deepest lore
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but damn that's a good pic of a dragon, if he did really draw it himself.
Isn't that from that one cock rate thread where the chick posted her fake dick?
The color is oppressing you.
Such a troll pic its sad
What in oblivion is that.
You're high as a kite
I absolutely love the single-fetish pages. At first you'd think they're a joke, but the sheer effort of making an entire gallery like that proves that they really are into it.
Could be the same anon.
Post-op dick
guy on the left: gun not loaded, that means whole squad has unloaded guns.
And even if she has, safety is probably on, and the rifle probably isn't armed.

Army Vet reporting in.

They're at some sort of training, and the 3 men around her are high ranking. I see a CPT and a Sergeant Major.

They're staring at the female because she has her rifle leaning against her snootch and is holding her Beretta by the barrel and pointing that toward her body as well.

She's doing multiple unsafe things.

The "knife hands internally" is the SGM wanting to rip her the fuck apart but it's probably one of the new "women must be included" things the Army has been doing. Female in the infantry, etc.

There is fucking hair on the bell end....
> implying Zelda was the hero of time

I understand that it's a race to find cringeworthy feminist shit, but come the fuck on
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nice try
>from a video game boss battle
Either a troll or this person needs to go outside
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The girl pictured is the one who got that question sent to them, not the one who sent the question you fucking retard.
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king wapol.jpg
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why do people do this?
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What in the name of Talos did you just say to me, you milk drinker? I'll have you know I am the Dragonborn, and I've been on numerous raids on dragons and I have over 300 dragon souls. I am trained in the Thu'um and I'm the top archer in the entire Imperial Legion. You are nothing to me but just another enemy. I will kill you with arrows the likes of which has never been seen before on Nirn, mark my words. You think you can just say that to me over the webs created by the Dwemer? Think again, milk drinker. As we speak I am contacting my Dark Brotherhood assassins across Tamriel and your hold is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Call Storm shout, milk drinker. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call Mundus. You are going to be sent to Aetherius, milk drinker. I can be at any hold, any time, and can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my Thu'um. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Imperial Legion and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Mundus, you milk drinker. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" opinionated statement was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you fool. I will shout fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're dead, milk drinker.
end up dying an autistic virgin like you
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OP, I really really like this thread
Dur hur womanz in the kitchen!!!
>so bright
fucking kek
that last frame
What's his uncles name
>hurr durr respek mah pronuns
>omg feminine products cost more than men's?


Its called delusion.

Its the same reason why people get addicted to shit, compulsively playing games or reading books.

For some people reality is too hard to bear, so instead of hanging themselves they start to just live in their fantasy world.

I do it with WoW. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.
>being an armycuck for muh 'freedomz'
I hope she shoots herself in the fanny
Her legs are giving out, not her back, so she's obviously been walking for a while

I bet you've never lifted anything heavier than a backpack + textbooks, you pretentious faggot
This mother fucker is so much of a nice guy
he got friend zoned by a drawing.
Why are Americans so fucking retarded?
Women simply aren't fit for carrying out physically demanding tasks.
Most world records women have set in sports are easily beaten by most 15 year old male athletes.
why cringe?
the lack of chin is astounding.
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Watch if you speak spanish
I hate apologetic fuckers that would make any excuse for a woman. Men don't get that kind of free pass in the military.
Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 108

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