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SAMMY DELANO UPDATE I was one of the people who called in the

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 279
Thread images: 44
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I was one of the people who called in the coordinates posted not too long ago. I called them in directly to Castle Rock PD, who took them and started working.

When it was found on another thread that Sammy might not be missing, and this was indeed just a troll, I called back to let them know the coordinates might be duds.

The case had been transfered to Douglas Country Sheriff's Department because the location of the coordinates fell under their jurisdiction. The deputy I spoke to about the ordeal said that they are going to investigate further anyway, because Samantha Delano is currently registered in the Missing Juveniles system, and the coordinates are in the area she was reported missing.

This means she is currently considered missing.

I sent all of the information I could, and they're gonna do their best. I'll keep you guys posted if anything else comes my way.
Fill me in on the autism, OP. And lets keep this thread alive.
live and let live
How do we fill you in on something like this? Did you look at the fucking pic?

TL;DR: Some asshat posted coordinates and claimed that girl (Sammy) was buried there. Turns out the girl is actually missing and we could have another situation like the one a few years back. Local police are investigating thanks to the help of a few Anons who called in the coordinates.

Chicka chicka bump bump
did someone archive the original thread?
This could be interesting.

OP here.

I fucking hope so, but I definitely don't have it. Pic related is the best I have.
weird stuff
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seems like an interesting thread
Bump bump bump
either way id like to know what tf that circle is..

i really hope its not bad though..
Shameless self-bump
bumping. also why not go digging yourself, would have been more fun. until they think you're the one who killed her but it ain't my problem

OP here.

We think it might be some trees or rocks, but the deputy I spoke to said he was heading there himself so we might see what it is later.
This could be a possible hoax but yet again at this time we are still not sure i guess if this is real i hope they do all they can to find her.
You stupid fucks
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Time to bust out the backhoe
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What happened back then?
Just coming in, how long ago was the bread?
OP here.

If anyone has any information that could even remotely aid the local police, please post it. I'll gather it and send it their way.
a bird took a shit
what do you think happened you faggot ?
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Someone did the same shit, gave coordinates, and it lead to an actual dead body.


A few hours ago, it's long gone. Don't let this one die.
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This thread sucks
You told them it was posted on 9gag Yeah, Op?

Are albinos a Race
is Nascar a Race
is the tour De-France a race
is this race racing
is racing a race
is any other random colour a race.

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From the last thread, got in touch with one of her Facebook friends and explained the situation to him and shared the pic OP posted. He said he'll keep me updated so I'll also keep you guys posted too.

OP here.

No. It wouldn't make sense.

Serious side note: If you know this chick in person, please contact local authorities and help them. We want to make sure she's alright.
People were talking to her buddies on facebook.she's not missing she a friendly ghost
So if she's a Ghost

Then her Race : GHOST

Can Op update that k thanx bi.
if anything comes up can someone screenshot it, im off to bed but im curious to see what happens
please tell me this is all just trolling
is anyone near the coordinates?
sleep tight anon
OP here.


Police can't take it as fact, I sent them that picture as a matter of fact.


She's on the registry, so she's currently missing.
If you haven't called Walker you haven't done enough
Hypothetically, if someone were to make this up.
>find picture of missing kid.
>past random spot on desert.
>post on 4chan for lulz.

What would be the crime, if any? And the punishment?
dub dub dubs checked

OP here.

You know how /b/ works. It's built precisely for this. All anonymous, all untraceable. No punishment for someone that can't be found.
>this is what people actually believe
>All anonymous, all untraceable.

Do people really believe this?
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>are people this dumb?

Am I wrong? Elaborate.
They can track his IP
Nah bro you're being trolled it's all good, post some cp while you're at it
Every website database has an ip logon list.
Your IP is still recorded you fucking retard

you show up as "anonymous" to other users, but you aren't anonymous to the feds
No, stay in wonderland, Alice.

You can track the IP of an anonymous post from a thread that no longer exists?
chicka chicka fag fag
Moot made a post I'll summarize

To all users you're anonymous, to the mods you're data in which I cache on a cloud

So your shit is saved but not accessible unless decrypted
wasting police time
computer misuse
plus if you hang around on 4chan they will undoubtedly find some images/thumbnails on your computer that are a little on the wrong side of illegal.

OP here.

Well, fucking perfect. Original Pic related has the timestamp and post number, the feds could subpoena 4chan and get the IP, right?
if you want anonymity, go to honeypot chan
Basically, everyone posting can be traced

But the mods would have to give permission to allow access unless one day some faggot leaks up
Or onion and chan
Unless he was in incognito
moot has said, multiple times, they do cooperate with LE.
this thread is cancer, op do you really care ir is your life that boring?
is your life that boring that all you have to do is reply to boring threads?

OP here.

Yes, unlike some of the heartless asshole on this decrepit site, I do care.

If there is a girl missing, whoever it is, and I can help get her situation solved, even if it's in the most miniscule way, even if she's been dead a long time, I care.

So fuck you Anon for not having a heart.
>i really hope it's not bad though..
God damn summers just around the corner ain't in fag?
Then again they just went under new management so
Have fun behind the bars, OP

Dont forget to bring the lube

OP here.

Tips or GTFO.
I tip my fedora to you, sir.
here retards

btw a bored nig could just be searching through the missing persons website and make up some fake coordinates near the last known location of someone that's missing

oldfag more wont you?
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nice b8 op pls put more sodium
op gon get fukd in the booty hahaha
>Original Pic related
Leave and never come back
do you like mudkipz

OP here.

Oh goodness! Perfect! I'll make sure to send this to the Sheriff's Department.
I live in Douglas county Parker Colorado to be exact I'll keep my eye out for her a work we get lots of creeps where I work

OP here.

Thanks Anon, let's hope we can find her.
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Speedy Gonzales did nothing wrong
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Recently anon got caught for posting a school shooting threat on /b/. Police no need 4chan cooperation. They just track the computer via logs given by internet supplier, then seize computer and find hidden caches. I worked gov so I seen this done in person too
hey op I need more infprmation so I can help
okay detective, go be the hero well i go sleep and not give a rats ass.
shut the fuck up.

i quit playing that game after yellow back in like 2002
Yeah lol it's not that hard, you can track provider traffic for keywords and echo location it
Y'all need to read the Snowdon leaks. They have all this data without help from websites/isps

OP here.

That's all we have up to now. Pic related has her info and the PD offices I've talked to can be reached 24/7 presumably. If you have anything to contribute post it here and I'll send it to the deputy I've been speaking with.
>not playing the superior emerald version.
You shut the fuck up.
pretty sure if you get the computer close enough to a toaster though everything wipes.
>go to /b/ to beat off

>accidentally stumble on some murder mystery of a dead girl

I didn't ask for this
Why do you care so much? What's your angle? You trying to bang her corpse?
Yea but you can not fold up seven proxies even of your fed.motherfucking.NSA. gov

Well that is what they say anuway
Well not in Europe. Maybe CIA got it, but local law enf still need isp to give logs then seize computer

OP here.

To be honest, I'm just that kind of guy. I'm not gonna sit idly by if there's something I can do to help. I know it's kind of idiotic but I want to make sure she's alright, or, in the event this wasn't a hoax, her family can have some closure.
Spoodermang thread
He's one of those "internet white knights" that we've all heard so much about. AKA SJWs. AKA the scum of the earth. AKA the epitome of human trash. Etc etc.
Just wipe that shit with a cloth works for Shrillary Cunton
pictures maybe but not thumbnails. Forget the exact wording but items in your cache cannot be used against you by US law, only images that you have saved.

op you sound like a murderer.

are you the person who kidnapped this kid
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got a hot tip for ya OP

/b/ confessions
OP here.


Has nobody on this site ever heard of a decent human being?
Oy vey, found the newfag.
op do you have her social accounts link for research
You're doing the right thing.
Godspeed OP
I know you need to bury bodies deep but I think digging to China is a figure of speech

>human being (who browses /b/)
Pick one faggot.
Found the redditfag
I'm sure you're a nice guy if girls just give you a chance
Different anon from one who asked why you care so much, but honestly there is only so much you can do. Giving them the previous info, warning it might be a hoax but you gave it in an attempt to assist. Sometimes you can only do so much, and you need to not blame yourself regardless of the outcome.


we've heard stories about decent human beings

they'd normally be posting this on facebook or twitter, making a scene about it. not anonymously posting on /b/

OP is a confirmed faggot. illuminati is real by collateral.

OP here.

Yeah, some Anon found her FB

hey op, got any nude pics of your mom or aunt? ty

Guaranteed replies
This is an Illuminati site you dumb nigger

OP here.

I understand that, but I want to help. I want to do everything I can. If you want to help, that's your call, but I'm staying up until I can get another lead.
So. If i got that right, shes actually missing but we dont know if shes dead, right?
And her friend said that he doesnt know if Sammy is gone.
These threads are made here to make sjw white knight types jump on their horses and start phoning police departments and wasting police time on wild goose chases.
Sorry Op. But your, trying to help, makes you look dumb. At least here.
Nice meme
Its actually morning where i live, so im completely with you OP

OP here.

We don't know anything for sure at this point. There is a lot of conflicting information, which is why local police are investigating.

ya don't say
Well op
I see this going down one of two roads.
You end up becoming part of 4Chan History as the one that saved Sammy
You end up becoming part of 4Chan History as the faggot that wanted to save a girl that wasnt even missing

Then help me gather whatever you find. If you get anything, post it here

OP here.

I'm willing to take that risk. I don't want fame or anything, I just want to know that the situation, whatever the outcome, was solved.
I did not feel like I could help, so in this situation I have done what I can. But when someone I know text me saying they were going to kill themselves that night I did all I could, short of driving out there (too far), and yes I felt bad that I might very well wake up with a dead friend, but I knew I did all I could.

what if OP is the kidnapper and he's just trying to get us to send him all the info we have on him to make sure we never catch him

2 steps ahead of you, OP. 2 steps ahead.
>detective anonymous, late at night.
>browsing 4chins.
>saw r/greentext once.
>shock horror a girl is in trouble.
>dons his shiny white armor.
>mounts his trusty white steed.
>gathers all the misinformation he can.
>informs the police of the evil doings afoot.
>stays up late to search for more clues, crack all the codes, save the girl, save the day, marry the girl.
>didn't gey the memo.
>wastes valuable police time.
>wastes his own, less valuable time.
>looks dumb.

Probably not important
But it seems like Sammy was pregnant
Yes, the posts will always exist forever, when a post is removed a 1 becomes a 0 in a database column and it disappears from view, but it will always exist on the database.

OP here.

I have no intentions of marrying a girl I don't know who lives a few states away. Nice greentext tho.
Back to facebook with you fgt
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OP did it and is trying to make himself the hero. I believe they call it hero syndrome

OP here.

Please elaborate, how did you find this out?
This data is definitely not encrypted
Pretty easy actually.
Just google her name, its on the first site and it seems to match up aswell
http://registry.thebump . com/samantha-delano-november-2015/11935235


OP confirmed to be satan

pick your sides, /b/. the rapture's coming.
still a better love story than Twilight

OP here.

Read the fine print. This Samantha is from California and married. Our Samantha is in Colorado and 16.
checked. nice dubs
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Any psychiatric fags wanna tune in on this?
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Fuck OP, we all know he took the b8 hard

This is now dubs thread

OP here.

I believe everything I read on the internet.
OP here.

If the thread dies, I'll call it quits for the night and see what happens tomorrow.
I ain't clicking that shit nigger
OP here.

This is actually a cringe thread you've been trolled.
OP here

still here
You fucking idiot.
Done. Signed up for Isis.
OP here.

H3H3 is better than Leafy

OP can you confirm this for us please? k thx

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Good Lord
>white knighting on a dead girl
Damn you Mohammed
Sometimes its comforting to know that there are still people here that aren´t completely dead inside.
Dammit, anon!
If my bros in OSIRIS think I'm trying to join ISIS they're gonna cut off my pineal gland!
Imma report you to teh cyber police, I hope you get backtraced.
Don't listen to the haters OP. I used to be the same as them, but then I had a kid. A daughter in fact.

If she went missing, I'd want someone to help me if they had info that I didn't. I'd want someoneto care. I'm going to get hate too, but you're doing a good thing anon. Don't change.
if this is true we might get another law and order episode
The consequences
Stay out here spidey

We will save the girl
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Does the supreme gentleman episode count as one of ours?
it did for me
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Family member? Brother? Involved?
I'd fuck Rawlins. I'd fuck her raw.

Watch the edges, faggot.
Sigh I know most of these are bullshit and I fell for it withe the scarfman think but Im. Checking it out. Nothing better to do.
is that ethan klein?
Dude this has happened like 3 fucking times now. Why does /b/ always get the murderers?
You tell the cops what you think and then it is up to them. Now if some anon goes out and finds the body, then we get to insult them for a few months until it is not funny any more
first day here?
Or we archive it for future laughs.
Who knows.
opposite side of the world to her body, top kek
soc fag ;
Op more so seems to not really be defensive enough when accused, just seems to be more so of a massive cunt.

I diagnose him a new faggot, not a murderer. Op is not cool enough for that.
Second actually. im supor random angry penguin of doom :>))) ditzu ditzu amiright>?>?

But really, don't be an edgy faggot. Not everyone here is proud of stupid shit like you seem to be.
Everyone browsing here can be tracked, more accurate to say that anyone using an Internet connected device can be tracked. Tor is an easy solution, but not perfect - any app that uses java coding can potentially identify you, so even if you can obstruct your ip adress it doesn't mean you're safe
Mook is confirmed fed bitch
Thanks wiki!
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fucking liar. heres the actual link to the police chatter
>a teenager goes missing all the time
>you start insisting she's dead and messaging her friends on facebook
>soon word will get to her family she is dead
>the police are going around investigating fuck all in the fields
>really she ran away to her boyfriends house for a week
my stepdad taught me how to kiss
you little fuck
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wow. thanks mate
You're welcome John, now clean your room
You can just call me Cena.
I bet you have a lot of females in your life that refer to you as their "best friend." Is it painful being so hopelessly pathetic?
Sleep tight ren-chon

Have you put on your robe and wizard hat yet you melodramatic turd
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>SJW using /b/ like a public service announcement
>proof of autism
>OP is most likely the perp
>classic thriller novel stuff
>OP should fuck off to those co-ordinates , dig hole , get in and hold breath until counted to 25000.
Anyone look into this?
Everyone calling op a newfag for trying to do some good, they seem like the newfags by trying to be edgy, like 1-2 friend edgy
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Holy shit keep this thread alive, WE COULD GET ON THE NEWS
Fucker at leat im always on incognito
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Good job OP. We need more people like yourself on this forsaken shit planet.

I hope you have a nice day and that she will turn up safe. You did the best of your abilities and I applaud you for it!
read the thread retard, she's already dead
Where does it say that?
statistics and common sense
>read the thread retard
Look mom, I'm doing an internet!
Your retardism levels are off the charts!
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Fuck off randy
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>you will never kill a 16 year old and bury her
Hold me pls ;_;
You're so cute, could you tell your mom to keep an eye on your internets?
So whats the latest news on this? OP still here?
Salty much?
I'm more of the salty-sweet kind of popcorn.
I love salt though.

Map Coordinates of Selected Location
Latitude:N 39° 15' 31.32"
Longitude:E 104° 56' 20.04"
Latitude:N 39° 15.522'
Longitude:E 104° 56.334'
So, you identify as kettle corn.

I identify as a one-gender-fucktraps.
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För helvete
oh, ok. thanks.

Cos Twilight sucks, right?
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>see's interesting pic on facial hair
>begin reading from left to right
>oh it's a gif of mutilated corpses, including children
>sits through slideshow
>picture of facial hair comes back on
>resumes reading

Thx bro

> at leat im always on incognito

kek son.
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I meant the faggot saying this is in China is a faggot. I know the coordinates are accurate.
The above was meant for you
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Check dem trips
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yeah its justt the original OP faking shit now, he is scared cause he knows he can get in deep shit for faking a murder hoax, wasting police time is 5 years minimal when its a serious situation.
>gore has become shock imagery now
its only getting worse.
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souce on the gore pics? second pics looks like the kid is holding hands with someone.

also, the pics always reminds me of max payne, am i the only one?
where can i find more?
it's not summer yet, keep your white knight bullshit to yourself and the dick in your ass, faggot
For fucks sake

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kek good link mate

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you're a newfag
Damn i lost
But seriously why has no one posted nudes of her. Dead or alive im not picky just need a fap
Thread replies: 279
Thread images: 44

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