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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 78
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or dont, idgaf
I got coerced by a guy to give him a blowjob and ended loving it when he pushed on my head and told me what to do
I love spanking girls and boys.
ITT: 4chan is reddit
I love to pretend im a baby when my gf is gone. Diapers, paci, everything
I love to pretend i dont know about my bfs baby fetish
I want my girlfriend to fuck guys in front of me and let them fill her pussy
I have licked my gf's best friend's nip when she was passed out on my couch.
I am in a gay fwb thing with my first cousin. Pretty much just oral based. I've sucked him off 50+ times and swallowed every time except the first couple.
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I murdered a woman once. Fuck I hate them.
Hahaha awwww, That against it??
I want cum dripping from her pussy
I have a fantasy to be kidnapped and sold off as a sex slave in a online auction and I wonder what the winner would pay for me.
Ask your parents
got caught?
Ask them what?
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It's been like this for as long as i can remember
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I'm into bestiality.
jeez dude. You the same guy from last thread?
Not saying you should or shouldn't, but do you feel guilty?
Yeah he is
Can anyone give advice on how to get my girlfriend to fuck another guy
When my nephews stay at my house my gf and I let them watch us have sex.

break up with her?
To the girl from the previous thread, have you had many partners since? And when you've done other things do you remember your father?
Dubs don't lie.

get her drunk, and bring a dude home and tell her to fuck him. chicks are sluts, she'll do it. Start masturbating so she knows it's ok

maybe start her watching some cucking videos
Damn I could really do with some of that
I piss in public
how'd that happen? You ashamed? have you practiced? Where do you live?
I have a gf but I'm attracted to her eight year olds sister.
incest woman from older thread here.

someone told me to post here again. not trying to be an attention whore.
I don't have any secrets, that is my secret
how can i get this bro
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To the girl from previous thread, pedo here.

Would you date/marry a known pedo? Would you be OK with roleplaying (age play)? If he had porn would you let him watch it?

Even if a girl didn't let me do those things, just having her OK with me being a pedo and not wanting to cut my balls off would probably be sufficient. any "extras" would be icing on the cake.

You can't really advertise for that on Craigslist, tho, and it's hard to bring up in regular conversation
I know my mom is going to die and I cant do anything about it. All my dads fault. :/
Tried videos tried getting her drunk won't work
I bent my peen. Curves to the right now.
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and i'm the other guy here : >>678452042

just bringing my question to this forum

I'd love to chat off 4chan, but I understand if you dont' wanna
If you have it you wanna share it, if you share it haven't got it.
Same here only to the left
>fap with left arm
>right on mouse for maximum porn switching every 2 seconds
>how'd that happen?
Fucking furries, man.
>You ashamed?
Not really.
>have you practiced
I have not. I can't keep animals in my house.
>Where do you live?
The US, unfortunately.
damn dude, try to watch loli instead, I'm sure you don't want to be raped in prison or anything
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I am literally every. 'Femanon' ever on 4chan.
Nice riddle. The answer is money?
How is it his fault? His are they going to die?
My ultimate fantasy is to be castrated while a pretty girl I know is forced to watch and raped.
Are you actually female? Or just a guy pretending for attention?
Guy pretending
Been hanging out with beautiful gril. Fall in love with gril. Most stunning gril ever seen. Never tell her how I feels. She starts seeing someone. Now I can never tell her how I feels. Horrible secret to keep. Feel like an hero.
What do you like about it? Im always so curious to have people explain their kinks. No judgement.
Real female
>im 16

Noot pls remove this kid
I honestly couldn't tell you. It's just something I'm into.
me to
when i was 7 or 8 I watched a movie on tv it was about teenagers trying to lose their verginity. For some reason it turned me on so much I didn't know that I got wett I never touched myself down there. I just rubbed myself on pillows and stuff and oneday my dog walked in and started licking me down ther it just felt amazing. I tried getting her to do it again sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. By the time I was old enough to know how to touch myself the dog was long gone. But I let my cat lick my ass from time to time ... whenever she want's it. I would never harm an animal.
Cat tongues are amazing. But the sloppy ways of a dog tunge are also very nice. Nowerdays a watch beastiality porn but my boyfriend doesn't like it since he thinks police can arrest me for it.
My best friend is a psychotic, sadistic, evil 12 year old girl. Everyone thinks I fuck her or something. I'm 20 by the way.
This curious guy
Same last thread
Fucking pedo

i have been with 4 men including my father. all of them older than me for obvious reasons. and yes i remember some things occasionally. depending on the setting or a smell or something.


i honestly wouldnt mind a man like that but i probably shouldnt date one. i like to stick to my memories and not go down a dangerous slippery slope. you know its there and i know its there too. also, i think age play is silly. i dont know why. i just think it is. probably cause i can tell when something isnt real from first hand experience. kind of like in the cartoons that get posted here. a lot of it is silly and feels fake. i can tell you that right away. incest in real life is not like porn. especially if you have feelings for the person. i was never degraded or treated like that. anyways, im ranting. hope i answered it correctly.
Post tits?
Double mastectomy
mom has really bad hypothyroidism and my dad is a greedy jew who wont pay for her treatment even though she watches both me and my brother, pays for everything, etc and he has most of the money. shit sucks yo
Would you ever have sex with an animal?
im fuck buddies with my friend's gf's 13yo sister
I'm actually 16
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you should be calling me a dog fucker now. damn son get with it.

male or female? do you find animal anatomy arousing? What do you think of this picture I drew?
Ban this underage faggy mcfagfag
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you answered fine. :) There was a woman here in my local town that I talked to via email (it came out I was a pedo, and she still fucks her dad)

We don't talk anymore (she disappeared or just not answering my emails for over a year). I just miss talking to a female who understands, enjoys (at least your memories) and won't demonize, and might flirt and enable me via chat or something for my sexual fantasies :)

I've never age-played before, but it seemed hot to me. :)

looooong shot here, but if I made a gmail, would you chat? I'm reluctant, of course, for various reasons, but my penis is diamonds right now knowing women like you exist out there :)
A big dog my fave would be a golden retriever.
But I heard it can hurt...
I would not fuck a hors thought because it doesn't look like the horse has much fun.
You seem like a really nice person, I hope you're happy
Male. And yes, I find dog dicks appealing.
I'm not into goblins.
Do you ask questions to understand peoples kinks because of your own sexual repression? Are you too normie? Living thru others and what they get off to? Are you a virtual cuck?
No judgement, Im just curious
you like slimy dog dicks but you don't find goblins appealing? weirdo.
thats because you are the cancer, fuck off shitcunt.
But they only have tiny penises, I think you should try it if you get the chance. You regret the things you don't do more than the things you do.
I never claimed to be normal.
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I have many fetishes and wouldnt consider myself repressed. I'm definitely not a normie...I draw porn for fun. Weird porn. I ask because I'm bored and I like to learn weird things. Peoples sexuality is interesting. I like shortstack small girls with small breasts and big hips.

we can talk here. im generally very busy and only come here when im in the mood to share or cant sleep. as far as your fantasies, i have probably lived through all of them. if something like that helps you out in someway i dont mind.

im just as reluctant and paranoid as anyone else in here to chat to people in non-public forums because you never know who they are or what they're up to. and i think its ok to be careful. you never know.


thank you. other than the stuff i've shared on here im actually pretty normal. so i guess its possible to experience those things and be ok later on. i hope you're happy too.
Oh man I would love to.
But I think my bf would be hurt if I told him I fucked an animal he knows about my fetish but I gues sticking your dick in the same pussy as a dog did is kinda weird and a turn off.

And I have plenty of other fetishes he helps me with so I'm happy as it is.
Also I'm really sorry for my english.
I avoid irl relationships because I was raped as a child.
I am a really good looking guy who does boxing and from a wealthy family.... but my secret is that I am fucking horny fella!!! I fucking want to have sex!! Fuck 15 and still virgin!! Cmon! I love this girl alot and all she does is ignore me!. I gave fer $250 ring as to go out with me, she chucked it in the bin, then I gave her $490 ring a year later... I don't know what did she do with that ring. But Fuck man!!! all the relition ships come to me i denied cuz my friends force me!! I fucking want pussy man!!!! I will pay for pussy!!! but fuck I am scred!!! Fuck me man!!
Can you share some stories? Anything would be nice.
>so i guess its possible to experience those things and be ok later on

lots of people go through it and are fine. lots of kids even enjoy it.

source: was frequently "molested" as a child, and have many positive memories.

I don't think its right that it happened, but as a child, it can be enjoyable. I'm sure it has fucked me up in many ways as an adult - just being sexualized at such a young age made me very different than my peers.
I am, I do have one question though, do many people you know IRL know about your history with your father?
I want pussy man!!! Fuckin hell, can someone advice me how can i get a pussy to fuck!!!?? Please I beg ya!!! I am tired of fuckin wankin
Do you use your better understanding of others kinks? Ever talk to your girl about it? Use it for roleplay? Or keep it to yourself while in bed?
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I molested several girls in the neighborhood when I was 12-13. I stopped after my first year of middle school and I'm terrified when I'm middle aged I'll either be hunted down and killed or have my name dragged through the mud.
yeah but ...
how are you going to live your life?
"Honey I was molested as a 10 yo"
It makes everything weird.
Underage, thinks he's good looking and thinks being nice to a girl will get you laid....

I pity you anon, really
Your English is better than many people I know, don't worry, I can see why that would be a turn off.. Do you love your bf? And what are your other fetishes?
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no problem. and yes i'm sure you've lived through most my fantasies.

some day i'll get to meet a girl like you in real life, and it'll be the best day of my life because I won't have to hide who I am :(
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>tiny penises
Nigga, you must be joking.
holy fuck.. how big is that? :O
Small compared to human. Maybe tiny was an exaggeration, but they're not that big.

ok. let me try something i could probably put in a book or something someday. i know other people have done it so let me try it too.

ok, my father used to drink everyday but he was very functional. so he'd work a lot and come home late in the evening sometimes. something very common that happened a lot went like this.

id be watching tv, or doing home work or something and the phone would ring and id hear my mother talk to him. then my mother would call out my name and say he wanted to talk to me. then i'd get on the phone pretty much knowing what he was gonna ask at some point: if i could stay awake that night till my mother went to bed.

sometimes id say yes, and wait till my mother went to bed and felll asleep, and sometimes id say no because i was too tired and sleepy and he'd beg or offer me something in return but he wouldnt make me do it. usually i'd just ask if i could do it another time or during the weekend and he'd say ok and i'd put my mother back on the phone.

when i waited on my mother i'd usually pretend to be asleep in my room and he'd come in. or during the weekend i'd stay in the living room with him till she went to bed. went like that for years. it sort of became a routine of some sort.
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I do. It helps me understand what makes something attractive to others and I can therefore put that knowledge into my artwork. It's also just interesting. I enjoy learning for learning sake.
Yes my gf knows most of my fetishes and tries her best to help with them. She sees all of the art I draw. We do roleplay.
I got called in right after I left work for the day, so I am on my 2nd shift for the day, and I haven't slept. It is supposed to be my days off..
They should realize I do a crappy quick nowhere near compliance rushed job when they do this.
Was he a considerate lover, at what age did you stop?
Really sorry to hear that. Really sucks.
They can get pretty big. I've seen them as big as 9 inches fully erect.
If I had to guess, I'd say about 7 inches.
I avoid irl relationships because I...well Im just autistic like that tbh

sounds like that chick I mentioned. her mom died, and her dad eventually started molesting her, and they would eventually do anal, and she says they still do it and she's like 25. She says he'll come home, have a couple beers, they'll sit in a hot tub and then he'll start to make his move and she'll present her ass, they fuck, and then go about their evening.

It's strangely arousing to me that they carry on like that still to this day. She says she doesn't date much because she gets her sexual release through her dad, and doesn't really like any other dudes at the moment.
what breed of that is it? it looks so nice.. but arent they usually like.. slimy?
Yes of course I love him.
He's just the right fit for me.
I mean come on he knows about all this and still loves me with all his heart.

And well I like bondage and well is anal a fetish?
I like acting like his little girl wearing pigtails and sucking his cock he loves that.
Well and we fucked a few times in the pool while others were swimming around us but noone ever noticed.
There is a kinda funny story to that.
I lost a boyfriend because when he went down on me I asked him to bite my pussy hard and he got creeped out.

no one else knows. i sort mentioned it to someone i considered was my best friend in high school but the way she reacted made me back off from saying it was me. told her it was something i saw in the news. but i'll never forget her face.

but my brother always said i was spoiled and treated differently. "you get away with everything" he'd say. but i dont know if he ever suspected anything. he never said anything to me.
What type of dog would that be, to have a dick that big?
Probably a dane.
And yes, they're kind of slimy. But you want lubrication when you're being penetrated.
Ah good, I'm really happy for you. Yeah? Green text the story?
ohh so its kind of the biggest breed of the possible then... so in general they are going to be smaller right?
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to be fair, I'd be a little shocked, too. I'd probably start nibbling though, and have you tell me when it's too hard. That's kind of hot.

but still, it is an odd thing to hear a girl say

it was all different at different stages. when i was small it was definitely molestation,( chest rubs, butt rubs, lip kisses i didnt understand but thought were funny) but when i got older and horny i'd seek it out too. i was never forced to do anything so i guess thats considerate i suppose.

also, we stopped when i was 22 and living with my then boyfriend. nothing ever happened after that.


that relationship sounds a bit different than i experienced. i never liked anal and it tapered off as i got older. also i had a boyfriend i loved when everything stopped. but as with everything else in life, it didnt last forever. which i thought it was gonna be. btw, im not criticizing. just saying.
Sometimes. They vary in size from dog to dog. A lot like people. Some great danes are small, and some dachshunds are hung like a horse.
Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you had siblings, guess I never thought about that. Did you only have a brother? Was he younger or older? Did it make doing the things with your father more complicated? That's really sad about your friend. I'm glad you can talk about it here, and though I can only give you the comfort of a stranger, I hope it helps with any problems.
Do you like my questions? Are you compelled to answer? Do question marks make you hard? If you dont answer me should others not answer you? Just curious
but i mean.. smaller dog cant be bigger than a great dane right? it should still follow a sense of logic a bit right?
i got molested by multiple people in my life as a kid, 19 now
actually lost my virginity to my grandmother
i'm not like upset over it you know? moreso like i understand it was bad but i suppose i've come to terms with it? as in i know it happened, i understand it was bad, and so i move on. but that fucked me up in the sense of lack of childhood
i mean i knew what sex was by the age of about 3 or 4
Tell me how to convince my girlfriend to fuck another guy then maybe you can have her pussy
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Strangely I do like your questions. Oh god s-senpai! your questions are making me feel funny inside. What are we going to do on the bed?! Just curious.

Have you ever thought about starting it back up with him?

I have a niece who is really flirty with me, and I'm excited and scared at the same time. Scared that I won't be the adult and say "no" if our play becomes more. She'll try to roughhouse me, and I think she likes when I wrestle with her. I try soooooo very hard to keep things appropriate. But she's getting older. And braver.

I'm not asking your blessing nor your comdemnation, but just some advice, really. I don't want to harm her of course. Nothing forced. I know the day will come when I have to make a decision, and I hope I make the right one for her and I, whatever that may be.
Generally, yes. A dane is going to be bigger than most other dogs. If a smaller dog were that hung, it probably wouldn't be able to walk.
As a general rule of thumb, medium sized dogs like pitbulls and boxers are comparable to an average man.
When my gf is out I fuck inflatables toys (beachballs, sharks, dolphins, crocs, not dolls) and I love it. It scares the shit out of me if she ever finds out
what i am always interested in is, what are your relationships like with the people that molested you? especially your close family members? surely that made going to your grandmother's house as an older child incredibly unpleasant.
I still listen to Escape the Fate
>I fuck inflatables toys (beachballs, sharks, dolphins, crocs
lol, how does that work?

i have two brothers. one older and one younger but the oldest one didnt live with us and we're not close. different mother.

my youngest brother would usually be made to go to bed early by my parents but i was allowed to stay up longer for obvious reasons or pretend to go to sleep and wait. it was sort of a routine.
Great pussy @ pic
he liked boys anyways. don't feel bad.
what about like.. german shepherd?
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I think inflatables would hurt. Simply from trying to get on an air mattress when I'm out at the lake and if it's not sufficiently wet and I slip off, that shit fucking hurts. I assume you use lube, but still I think it wouldn't feel good?

You and tile-kun should live together.
Would that please you? What if it was actually your kink? If you hadn't picked it up and called it your own? Why would you try lying about yourself? No judgement
Different anon here, if she initiates it, or is very leading, I think it's morally acceptable, and find out by doing something like leave a lingering hand on her ass or breasts when roughhousing.
Was there penetration? Anal? vaginal? What age? Did you ever talk about it or was it always discrete?
Anywhere from 4 to 7 inches, I'd guess.

my father passed away few years ago. so its not possible obviously. as far as your niece i dont know what to say. everyone is different and my experiences are very specific to me. cant say what you should do. i know im evading an answer but im trying to remain neutral and accept that anything good or bad is possible.
Well I imagined most of it, made the rest up and they in jail now haha
Did you ever consider doing anything with your brother?
how do you know all of that btw? did you do research or like.. is it hands on experience?
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I guess I'm a question fetishes. You got me man. Not even curious.
to be honest, it isn't unpleasant which i think is fucked up. here you have something that should be traumatic but it didn't make me hate her or get upset or anything. i've been desensitized and i guess that sucks. no one knows.

as for the other individuals that molested me, i don't think they know i remember and since most were family, i'd prefer to keep it that way. my family is tightly knit, it would probably tear us all apart
Research. I don't have any actual experience, but I've talked to people who have.
What the fuck?
just lube up and rub your junk, it feels damn good. Not as good as a pussy but still. Kinda childhood paraphilia shit on me.
Are you into it?
thank you for the insight. So do you still greet her with a hug and a kiss as one would their grandmother?
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Sorry to hear of your loss, femanon :(

and thanks for your answer. For reasons, you can evade the answer.

I have a fantasy that my niece and I will do wonderful things, and then she and her parents get into some horrible fight and then she'll want to move in with Aunt and Uncle anon, and then live with us all through her college, and not date anyone but play with me. Maybe even secretly becoming a stripper but only wanting me.

She'll send me daily photos like this to my Kik, and remind me that I can only eat her for lunch. So i'll starve but lose a lot of weight in the process.

So yeah.... I've given it some thought obviously :)
Finally some truth from the guy asking all the questions. You're not trying to understand. Clearly you get something out of asking detailed and directing questions. Especially the darker end. Its were you really want to be but dont got the real balls for it.
Maybe someday pal
would you like being fucked by a dog? or helping someone get fucked by one?
Not really.
I'm more of a cat person
Fuck yeah, I'm into it. Sadly, as I've said before, I can't have pets in my house.

i never liked anal. it hurt back then and still hurts now. so i dont do it. matter of fact, i used to ask if we could do anything else and one time he asked me to get on top of him and "ride him". so i'd slide along the shaft of his penis and one time i did it long enough and had my very first orgasm that way. that was probably the one thing i enjoyed or learned to enjoy first. so i wanted to keep doing it afterwards. i was 12 when that happened.

then when i was 14 he took me down to mexico on vacation for my borthday and i lost my virginity to him down there. as far as talking about it you never do. its just something you know and know not to tell others because of their reactions and because i didnt want him to get in trouble.


i know this is gonna sound silly considering everything im sharing here but the thought of having sex with my brother really weirds me out and nothing could possibly put me off more than that. i know how contradictory it sounds, but its just how i feel. i been asked this before here too btw.
I'd rather be the one getting fucked. But sure, I'd help out.
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I can dream. these drawings are my secrets I guess.
ever had the chance to do it or something?
yeah actually, and honestly i'm sure if i initiated it we could have sex again
which again is also more fucked up that i'm not disgusted by the thought however that's not to say i want to fuck my grandmother lmao
i am just very indifferent
Kinda pathetic really
Can't say that I have. For some strange reason, people aren't super okay with letting their pets have sex with people.
sry anon cant have to help m mom now.
But basicly what happened was we were alone in a quiet corner of a smaller indoor pool and right after he came an employe walked to the pool and took a sample with a cup.

If you ever get the chance to fuck in a public pool take it kinda risky but amazing.
i mean.. you never bought one or were left alone with a dog? you dont have to ask straight up right?
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you should start being "accidentally" naked around her, and see what happens
Cuck alert. Disgusting.
Do you have a gallery?
You are fucked up, bitch
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other than your grandmother, who else molested you?

i assume you're male by the way, yes?
lmao suck on her big saggy grandma tits, livin a /b/tard's dreams
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I'm busy right now but I usually take requests.
Tell her anyway based on her reaction fuck or an hero. Scary I know but it's better than not know and agonizing. Just sit her down and say I like you a lot I didn't realize it until you got with fucboi I know the timings bad but is there anything here or did I just an hero a friendship for no reason

you are correct
I suppose I thought there was some experience behind the questions. Now you sound like a sado drawing your little pics and getting off to other peoples shit without really knowing what turns you on. I feel sorry for you and its totally taken the shine off
I wish you the best pal
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between you and the other girl, you guys have hit like all my fantasies for this century
No offence but that's kind of funny about your brother. So I guess you really are just normal apart from that. Did your first bf think you were a virgin? Or did you tell him you'd had sex, just not that is was with your father?
I'd like a friend like that.
I love to eat my own cum and by gf doesnt know...
Will do, thanks anon. Have fun with your mom!
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lol, whatever dude.I was just playing with you. I know what turns me on. short girls, small breasts, big hips, anal, bdsm. Thanks for the kind wishes.
a girl fucking her dad
a dude fucking his grandma

i can see why, very fuckin taboo
i know a girl just like that that said she'd let me fuck her ass but then i fucked up and got a girlfriend lmao
I want my girlfriend bent over and fucked in front of me

i told my first real boyfriend i had lost my virginity in high school to a boy i dated back then and he never questioned it.

i dated a couple of guys in high school but never had sex with any of them, so they didn't last long with me. i was ok with them saying i had sex with them though. i didnt care for obvious reasons.
Were your cousins and baby sitters m or f?
You fucking amateur. I'm mad at you for you.
I want my girlfriend to forcibly feminized me, lock me in chastity, peg me, make me act as a girl and have threesomes with her and her male lovers and clean their cum from all of her holes while they fuck my ass.
I was molested by a dog, it humped me and the came on my face.
You know what turns other people on and incorporated that into what you tell yourself. Anyone with half an eye on the thread can see you only ask questions regarding molestation, kiddie fiddling, and dog fuckers.
Why do you think that is? Were you ever touched as a child? Do you own a dog?
Just curious bro no judgement here
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Out of all your partners, who was the most sexually fulfilling? Who satisfied you the most?
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Then you have a secret
Do you know if he was having sex with your mother at the same time? Did it make you jealous seeing him and your mother together our to think about them being together?
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fuck you and your spiderman thread
when i am 12, i tried to fuck a cat.
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I'm still a virgin, but I also knew what sex was this young. I only had one chance to lose it, but I passed it because I thought the girl wasn't the right person.
I beat up my grandmother and my sister, and I even touched my sister when I was really young.
Im sexually attracted to children
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you are the period blood of society.
go fuck a tree
When you say you beat up...? Also, do you regret it?
You're just a hopeless romantic, aren't you?
baby sitter was female, like in her 20s i believe
let me suck on her tits every time before she had to leave
she actually was some sort of roommate or tenant in our house
cousins were male, made me suck their dicks
i don't think they knew the other did that tho, they weren't apart of each other's households

i know, also said she'd give me a footjob even tho i don't have a foot fetish, what a (sexual) keeper, am i right?
Parker, get off 4chan faggot
I'm Ytumith and nobody gives a fuck because everything goes by plan.
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grool orgasm.webm
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So is half of this thread, anon :)
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You are fun. Never molested. definitely owned a dog. never fucked it. I think I've got my kinks figured out and in order. most of my drawings come from my kinks(mostly the impy goblin things). A loli is fine too.
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yes, I am a closet faggot. I'd fuck both of these
Eh I have a huge furry fetish but that secret is pretty mild compared to other secrets you guys have
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You monster
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since spiderman is fucking up the thread, might as well throw some pics in
Yes. I regret it. Imagine a 4-12 year old kicking his own grandmother on her legs because she would impose rules I didn't agree with, and then getting her to faint on the floor. I consider myself inherently violent. I also once made a hole on a wall after kicking it a whole lot of times over a year or so, everyday. I still dislike her ways, but of course I regret having to resort to violence.
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Are you Bi now? And I must admit, crazy jealous of the baby sitter situation, was she hot? Got any pics of her?
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Dat timing
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Not hopeless in the sense that I fall in love with everyone, but yes… I want to find someone who also hasn't had any experience, who I can consider my equal.
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another fetish of mine, besides fantasizing about my niece, is cutters.

I fucking love cutters.
> my cousin and I foold around on and off for about 7-8 years.
>I've had several gay encounters no one knows about.
>pretty sure my gf's younger cousin wants on my D and I haven't decided what I want to do yet.

i was very much in love with my first boyfriend but the sex was very tame and tender. and that was fine. i liked that back then. then we broke up several years later and I dated someone even older than him and it was very animal sex and i liked that too. its hard to say which one was better because they were different experiences i enjoyed, but as far as pure physical attraction and sex definitely the second one cause I wasnt in love with him.


i never specifically asked but i just always assumed they were. the whole sex thing we had was not even a little romantic, so i was never jealous of my own mother they way a woman is jealous of another woman. its hard to explain but you're doing these things in secret and still the rest of your family life is very very normal. he was still my father in every other sense. i dont know how to convey that considering what was happening back then.
Sounds to me like you're the faggot. You get off to lady boys, don't you?
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i tried sucking my friend's dick, got repulsed after he finished
thought "maybe if he sucked me off?"
repulsed after i finished lmao
never doing that again so no, heterosexual but experimented twice

the thing is i was about 5 however i do remember thinking she was extremely cute, orange hair, freckles, nice tits
Tits or get the FUCK out!
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you are on a roll. give me a trips dub singles count down.
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Lmao seen this shit thread for weeks, tired of it. I'd rather have a spiderman thread than a secrets thread faggots.

i know the secret of life. it sucks. we live in a recording and there is no free will. i'm not kidding. this is a "secret" i KNOW. think about it. i'm an ordained minister with the universal life church. i absolve all sins because no one has free will. think about it.
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and dubs confirms I need to find me a cutter in real life. I knew one, and asked her to cut, (since she was still cutting) but went psycho on me saying "why do you want me to cut myself i you claim you care about me".

Sigh. The dick wants what the dick wants. I can't explain it

i posted "tits" in last thread. thats why people keep asking questions.
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Suicidal or just masochistic?
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I did't get a 1. damnit. oh well, just another cutting photo for my troubles
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I can guess my post will be dubs
That's no secret, although your "church" is your own imagination playing tricks on you.
Free will doesn't exist indeed. Whatever you do 30 years in the future is already the past when you move further into the future, in this exact same universe further in time.
Post em again
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she's a female dude, she confirmed last thread.

here's some tits for your trouble
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I just have to say dubs everytime and bam like magic I get em
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I'd accept either kind of cutter. Prefer one that wants to keep living, so that she can keep cutting.
Sure you do>>678459039

Keep keeping on man
It was in the last thread w/ timestamp and everything
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I know a cutter she Is cut to shreds you can have her fb if u want for fap pics
Post. Does she add people?
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Maybe worth a shot man
Thats because youre a fucking newfag like 70% of this fucking site.
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fucking yes, please! I'm persuasive, i'll get her to make new cutting pics by the end of the weekend
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I agree. Post her FB.
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This thread blows, femanons no tits

Wtf /b/
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Seeing is believing
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dolphin sneeze.webm
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cutters make my dolphin sneeze
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Alexandra Elizabeth green on stalk book she loooks like this
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She did this not long ago
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fish ejaculating spermies.webm
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even this horse fish loves cutters
I got my sister pregnant at 15, i was 14 and she told my mother that she was raped, and she had an abortion
still a beautiful recording
and thanks for the music m8!
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holy fucking shit. That chick might have the right amount of crazy to satisfy me. Jesus
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She has the cutest meow meow too
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child predator.webm
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For the child predators in this thread
Never. Ever. Ever. Say. That. Again. You. Flaming. Faggot.
Lemme know how you go im keen to see her reaction. She had bulk life problems so is crazy af
i murdered someone when i was 12
Nice. Did you have lots of sex?
Why do fagtards have to ruin good threads
I'm out
Fuck off you crabapple dusty old cunt.
Question guy take note. The other guy giving you a hard time might be onto something. Why no questions for all the cutters? Doesn't interest you like the dog/kid fetishes

western australia, huh? I haven't logged into FB yet, have to go soon, but i'll see what I can do. She straight, bi or lez? Getting nude pics will be harder if she's lez
Like 7-8 times, i bought condoms but she said she doesn.t need protection, and once i said that i am coming, i wanted to pull off but sha said to hold on and i came inside her
Been working in the same place for four years now because I really want to fuck my boss. I stay extra hours for free when she stays.
Gtfo this shit was bomb.
I pretend my pillow is the girl I like and that I cuddle with "her".
She is all over the shop sometimes hetro other times no interest in anything. Real messed up life. May the force be with you blood.
hey guys, incest woman here. i have to go start my day. thank you for the chatter. it was fun. thank you.
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bumbling bees.webm
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I was just letting the other chick speak. She sounds hot. Cutters will come another day :)
And btw she isn.t fat or ugly, sha has a big round ass, and not so big but perky tits

hope to talk to you again some day!

-Pedo who was hitting on you
Source on this? Jav vids are hard to find.
I'm an unemployed 30 year old guy with a law degree and all i wanna do is someone providing me my basic needs and never feel responsible for anything ever.

ill comeback some other time. thank you. take care of yourself.
actually i left the thread to go to sleep. cant sleep. so im chilling on laptop. I am interested in the cutters.
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I Believe I can Fly.webm
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dunno source, got the webm here on 4chan a while back

next time I'm around I'll allude I'm from Kansas. hopefully no one rides my shirttail. at least you might have vague recollection who you were talking to :)
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seen some shit.webm
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well for that matter, are there any cutters reading the thread right now?
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ship atom bomb.webm
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my orgasm when fapping to cutters. or female pedos
haha epic post man so funny lmao xD
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